21) Gramatica Ativa 1B: 16-27 Flashcards
(Tu)You were not in home.(at home)
(Tu-Verb+Participle-Not partir)You had already
gone out.
Não estavas em casa.
Já tinhas saído.
Recently (Verb+Participle - Not conhecer) they-themselves have been meeting a lot.
Recently, (Verb+Participle) they have not themselves meeting (been meeting).
Ultimamente eles têm-se encontrado muito.
Ultimamente, eles não se têm encontrado.
The bedroom already (Verb+participle)was airy and tidy.
The maid already (Verb+participle)had opened the window and made the bed.
O quarto já estava arejado e arrumado.
A empregada já tinha aberto a janela e feito a cama.
In that time (2verbs-Not ter)it used to have little (Not transporte) transport; now there is more.
At the/on Sundays they used to make a picnic.
Naquele tempo costumava haver pouco trânsito, agora há mais.
Aos domingos eles costumavam fazer um piquenique.
(2verbs) he used to be fat; now he is
(Not flaco=Spanish)skinny.
(2verbs)I used to practice sports; now I don’t do nothing.
Ele costumava ser gordo; agora é magro.
Eu costumava praticar desportos; agora não faço nada.
They were very young.
While (1verb) he was dressing himself,
(1verb) She was arranging the breakfast.
Eram muito jovens.
Enquanto ele se vestia, ela arranjava o pequeno almoço.
Magic =Enquanto
(Verb+Participle) He has not gone to the school. (Verb+Participle)He has been sick.
I am very fat. (Verb+Participle)I have had much appetite.
Ele não tem ido à escola. Tem estado doente.
Estou muito gordo. Tenho tido muito apetite.
(Verb+Participle) They have gone to the beach every day.
(Verb+Participle +verb)He has not come to work.
Eles têm ido à praia todos os dias.
Ele não tem vindo trabalhar.
The time has been great!
Recently, (Verb+Participle) they have opened many restaurants.
O tempo tem estado ótimo!
Ultimamente, têm aberto muitos restaurantes.
In these recent years, (Verb+Participle) I have not had holidays.
(Verb+Participle) He has written various articles.
Nestes últimos anos eu não tenho tido férias.
Ele tem escrito vários artigos.
(Verb+Participle) I have not seen Ana since she became sick.
Since they bought (Not Vila=town) the villa, (Verb+Participle) they have given many parties.
Eu não tenho visto a Ana desde que ela ficou doente.
Desde que eles compraram a vivenda, têm dado muitas festas.
This year(Verb+Participle) they have studied more than in the year past.
Ana (1verb)is not coming to work.
(Verb+Participle) She has been sick.
Este ano têm estudado mais do que no ano passado.
A Ana não vem trabalhar. Tem estado doente.
I am going to read the newspaper.
I just finished reading the newspaper.
Vou ler jornal.
Acabei de ler o jornal.
Is she ready (Not ainda) yet?
She just finished dressing herself.
Ela já está pronta?
Ela acabou de vestir-se.
Has Rui already (1verb)gone out?
Already. He just went out.
O Rui já saiu?
Já. Acabou de sair.
When we met Rui, (Verb+Participle) He had already spoken with Ana.
He hadn’t hunger. (Verb+Participle) He had already lunched.
Quando nós encontramos o Rui, ele já tinha falado com a Ana.
Ele não tinha fome. Já tinha almoçado.
While the maid (1verb) was cleaning the house, I was dealing/treating (with)children.
While (1verb-Not conduzir, guiar) I me
was driving/heading to the door, the dog barked.
Enquanto a empregada limpava a casa, eu tratava as crianças.
Enquanto eu me dirigia para a porta, o cão ladrou.
(Ladrar=Bark=Let Roar=Lad-Rar)
(Magic =Enquanto)
Since the summer began, (Not há) there has (made) been immense heat.
Since I changed of/the house,
(Verb+Participle)(Not conhecer)I have not met my friends.
Desde que o verão começou, tem feito imenso calor.
Desde que eu mudei de casa, não tenho encontrado os meus amigos.
To speak
To eat
To open
Falava, falavas, falava, falávamos, falavam.
Comia, comias, comia, comíamos, comiam.
Abria, abrias, abria, abríamos, abriam.
To be (permanent)
To have
Era, eras, era, éramos, eram.
Tinha, tinhas, tinha, tínhamos, tinham.
To come
To put
Vinha, vinhas, vinha, vínhamos, vinham.
Punha, punhas, punha, púnhamos, punham.
To see
To read
Via, vias, via, víamos, viam.
Lia, lias, Lia, líamos, liam.
He got himself up at 6 o’clock in the morning.
She made the bed.
Levantava-se às seis horas da manhã.
Ela fazia a cama.
She tidied the clothes.
He took shower.
Ela arrumava as roupas.
Ele tomava duche.
He dressed himself in the bedroom.
She dried the hair.
Vestia-se no quarto.
Ela secava o cabelo.
He drank a cup of water.
He caught the bus.
Bebia um copo de água.
Apanhava o autocarro.
The classes began at 8 o’clock.
He did the homeworkS and studied.
As aulas começavam às oito horas.
Fazia os trabalhos de casa e estudava.
At the 20 hours, he dined with the family.
He consulted to the email and spoke with the friends on the Messenger.
Às vinte horas, jantava com a família.
Consultava ao e-mail e falava com os amigos no Messenger.
(1word) Around 2300 (Not Deitar-2words) he went to sleep.
When they were (Not filhos, meninos) children, they lived outside the city.
Cerca vinte e três horas ia dormir.
Quando eles eram crianças, viviam fora da cidade.
They got themselves up very early.
They left/went out of the house at 7 o’clock, and they went by bus up to the city.
Levantavam-se muito cedo.
Saiam de casa às sete horas e iam de autocarro até à cidade.
In the school, they had classes
of/from 8 hours until 13 hours.
(Not regressar) They returned to home,
(1verb) they lunched and they went to do
the exercises.
Na escola, tinham aulas das oito horas às treze horas.
Voltavam para casa, almoçavam e iam fazer os exercícios.
(1word) Later/After/Then (Not jogar) they played with the friends in the garden.
At the night, (1verb) they dined early and (2words) next (1verb) went to bed themselves.
Depois, brincavam com os amigos no jardim.
À noite, jantavam cedo e em seguida deitavam-se.
When she was small, (Not jogar) she played always with (Not brinquedos=Toys) dolls.
(1word) In the old days, (Not morar) they lived in the countryside.
Quando era pequena, brincava sempre com bonecas.
Antigamente, viviam no campo.
(2verbs) He used to go on foot to the work; now he goes by car.
(2verbs) I used to use glasses, now I use contact lenses.
Ele costumava ir a pé para o trabalho;
agora vai de carro.
Eu costumava usar óculos; agora uso lenses de contato.
They used to get themselves up early; now they get themselves up late.
(2verbs) We used to have holidays in July; ow we have in August.
Costumavam levantar-se cedo; agora levantam-se tarde.
Costumávamos ter férias em Julho; agora temos em augusto.
(2verbs-Not morar) Rui used to live with the parents; now he lives alone.
In the old days, there was not planes, the people used to travel by train.
O Rui costumava viver com os pais; agora vive sozinho.
Antigamente não havia aviões; as pessoas costumavam viajar de comboio.
In the old days, there wasn’t TV; the people (2verbs) used to converse more.
The mother(2verbs) used to do shopping in the local grocery store.
Antigamente, não havia televisão; as pessoas costumavam conversar mais.
A mãe costumava fazer compras na mercearia local.
(Grocery Store=Mercearia=Mercy-Area)
I was 4 years old when (PPS) I went to the cinema for the first time.
It was midnight when the party
(PPS-Not terminar) finished.
Tinha quatro anos quando fui ao cinema pela primeira.
Era meia-noite quando a festa acabou.
Yesterday morning while Ana (1verb) was taking shower, the sister (1verb) was making the beds.
How old were (tu) you when (tu-PPS) you went to the school?
Ontem de manhã enquanto a Ana tomava duche, a irmã fazia as camas.
Quantos anos tinhas quando foste para a escola?
It was 7:00 o’clock when I got myself up.
They arrived very late yesterday night. It was already midnight.
Eram sete horas quando me levantei.
Chegaram muito tarde ontem à noite. Já era meia-noite.
While (Not crianças, meninos) the children (1verb) were taking shower, the mother was tidying the bedrooms.
While (1verb) I was watching TV, (1verb) He was reading the newspaper.
Enquanto os filhos tomavam duche, a mãe arrumava os quartos.
Enquanto eu via televisão, ele lia o jornal.
While (1verb) they were preparing the drinks, we were setting/putting the table.
While the children (1verb) were playing, we were conversing.
Enquanto eles preparavam as bebidas, nós púnhamos a mesa.
Enquanto as crianças brincavam,
nós conversámos.
( verb+a+verb) I was reading a book, when the phone rang.
I had (Not longe) long hair and used braids, then I cut the hair.
Estava a ler um livro, quando o telefone tocou.
Tinha cabelo comprido e usava tranças, depois cortei o cabelo.
She answered the telephone.
Rui(Verb+a+verb) was painting the room when he fell from the ladder and broke the arm.
Ela atendeu o telefone.
Rui estava a pintar a sala, quando caiu do escadote e partiu o braço.
(Verb+a+verb)(Not brincar) They were playing in the garden, when it began raining and they went to house.
When the boss arrived, I turned off the radio.
Eles estavam a jogar no jardim quando começou a chover e eles foram para casa.
Quando o chefe chegou, eu desliguei o rádio.
The maid (verb+a+verb) was tidying the house when they arrived.
(Verb+a+verb) It was raining when (Not partir) we left of/the house.
A empregada estava a arrumar a casa quando eles chegaram.
Estava a chover enquanto nós saímos de casa.
(Verb+a+verb) We were working when the computer itself broke down.
The postman arrived while we (1verb) were having breakfast.
Nós estávamos a trabalhar quando o computador se avariou.
O carteiro chegou enquanto nós tomávamos o pequeno-almoço.
My friends (Verb+a+verb)were waiting when I arrived.
He didn’t go to the party. He was sick.
Os meus amigos estavam a esperar quando cheguei.
Ele não foi a festa. Ele estava doente.
What is it that (Vocês) you did on the last weekend?
We went to the cinema.
O que é que vocês fizeram no fim-de-semana passada?
Nós fomos ao cinema.
When we met Ana, (1verb-Not usar) she was wearing a black dress.
While I was taking coffee, I heard a big noise. (Not ver) I looked around, but I didn’t see anything.
Quando encontrámos a Ana, ela trazia um. Estudo preto.
Enquanto tomava café, eu ouvi um grande barulho. Olhei à volta, mas não vi nada.