Where can you find all of the instructions for Transact?
In the red emergency book under Transact and in your training book.
What is the password to log into this program?
Everyone has their own password for this program. It is set up by Mike McCauley.
How often can you reuse a password for this program?
You can only reuse a password after 4 others have been used in the cycle.
If you get locked out with your password, what is an alternative password all operators can use?
They can use the login and password on the keyboard.
Who do you talk to if you have a problem with doors on this program?
Taylor is in charge of everything doors.
Who do you talk to if there is a problem with ID or Temporary cards on this program?
Who do you need to contact if you need to reset any of your passwords for the Transact computer?
Who do you contact if you need more temporary cards?
Bryan Gibson in the IT office.
What is the only program inside of this that we use?
What do you need from the student to issue a temporary ID?
We have to have a picture ID for each student.
What do we do if they do not have one or had their wallet stolen with everything in it?
You need to verify personal information, do not just go by the picture. EX: home address, home phone #, birthday, parents names. You need to put that information on the paper so they know you did verify it.
Do you have to freeze their ID if you give them a temporary ID?
Yes, if you do not, the temporary will not work.
Where is the paper you fill out?
It is in the front of the “Temp ID Info” book above the weston computer.
What do you need to have the student do and what do you tell them when you give them their temporary ID?
They need to sign the paper. Make a copy of the paper and give it to the student. They need to take it with them the next business day and to talk to the Service Desk in the Library about getting a new one. They will need to turn in the temp card to the IT Service Desk at that time. The temp will work exactly the same until then.
What needs to be done next?
You will need to go into the Google Drive to “Temporary ID Card Log”. Fill in with the students’ information.
What do you do with the original paper next?
Scan the paper to the Service Desk on the computer in the hall. Use the button 0007. Then place the paper in the “Temp ID Info” book.
If a student says they are not able to use their card to purchase food at one of the cafeterias, who would they need to talk to? Where else can they look at themselves?
They need to talk to the controller’s office or they can go online into their account to see what the problem is.
Who would you talk to if a new student comes in and needs a temporary card until they can get their regular ID and their name is not in the system?
Taylor will have to add it in before you can do anything.