Where can you find a list of all OLH emergency phones?
In the flip chart in the red tabs and in the red book under “Emergency Phones” & under “OLH”.
Where can you find a list of all CON emergency phones?
In the flip chart in the red tabs and in the red book under “Emergency Phones” & under ‘CON”.
How do the calls come in?
When the phones are picked up, they automatically dial 2000. They have no dial pad.
Will you be able to talk to the person on the other end?
What is the 1st thing you need to do when a call comes in?
Write down the information it gives you.
Where are the emergency phones located in Olin Hall?
They are located in the hallway near labs using the room # they are closest to.
What will the phone display say from Olin Hall?
It will say “Olin Emg (room # closest to)”.
Where are the emergency phones located in Constance Hall?
These phones are outside of each elevator.
What will the phone display say from Constance Hall?
It will say “Const Emg FL # Hall Elev (ext)”.
How many officers would you dispatch?
How will you dispatch the call?
Officer #’s/Emergency Phone/exact location.