Who needs to be notified immediately if the alarm is on campus? Who else would you notify ASAP?
Fire & 2 officers. The OE.
Who needs to be notified immediately if the alarm is called in by the alarm company?
Send 2 officers to the location.
Name 5 things you need to get when an alarm company calls saying there is a fire alarm?
Phone #, company name, location of situation, specific area, is fire enroute.
Where can you find the Fire Alarm Response for residence halls, academic, & service buildings?
Red book under “Fire Alarm Response” and in google drive.
Where can you find the Fire Alarm Response for events at the APA?
Red book under “Fire Alarm Response” & under “APA”, and in the google drive.
Where can you find the Fire Alarm Response for PNC?
Red book under “Fire Alarm Response” & under “PNC”, and in the google drive.
Where can you find the Fire Alarm Response for Sororities and Fraternities?
Red book under “Fire Alarm Response” & under “Sororities & Fraternities”, and in google drive.
Where can you find the Fire Alarm Response for Shea?
Red book under “Fire Alarm Response” & under “Shea”, and in google drive.
Where can you find the Fire Alarm Response for Bradley facilities in Campustown?
Red book under “Fire Alarm Response” & under “CPT”, and in google drive.
What are you going to do if a RA calls and says the fire alarm is beeping in UNI Rm 101?
Ask if there’s fire or smoke. If there’s nothing, & it’s during regular working hours, during the week, we send the electrician to change the battery. If it’s after hours or on the weekends we can send the OE to change the battery. If there is fire or smoke then we call PFD, send two officer’s and the OE’s.
Who is responsible for resetting all fire alarms on campus? Off campus?
The fire department.
What is a fire watch?
If the alarm is malfunctioning or not working for some reason and has to be shut off, the fire department will issue a fire watch. Someone will have to go through the building each hour to check for fire or smoke. It has to be recorded.
Who determines if a fire watch needs to be done?
The fire department on all fire alarms.
Who is responsible for the watch on campus? Off campus?
On campus, the Safety department is responsible for going through the building each hour. For BU properties managed by Off Campus Properties, Off Campus Properties is the responsible entity. Fraternity or sororities not residing in BU owned buildings are responsible for their own fire watch patrols.
Who else needs to be notified to be sure it gets fixed?
If it is on campus, safety should be notified with a WO. If it is off campus, the fire marshal will follow up the next day.
Who needs to be notified when the system is fixed and back online?
New procedure for a Fire Watch is to call Central House after the problem is resolved and to leave a message if no one answers the phone. He said that the number to call is 309-494-8700.
If we get a fire alarm, and then someone on campus said it was an accident (they accidentally swiped the fire alarm, burned food, ect), what do we tell PPD? Will they still come?
Notify them as to what set it off. The fire department will still come to check.
Why do the exterior doors at BECC automatically open when there is a fire alarm?
That is part of the smoke evacuation system.