When you get to the directory, name 5 ways you can search for someone?
By first name, last name, BUnetID, & partial spelling of first or last name. You can also click on “View PFD” under Office Listings on the right side
What is another way you can search for someone at Bradley?
Bring up the Bradley home page. Click on Directory.
If you are not sure how to spell the name, can you search with a partial spelling of a name and have a result?
You can use a partial spelling of a name, but may require more than two letters based on how common or too large of a search result
Find 2 locations that list the school year calendar?
In the flip chart and online - go to A-Z, click “Academic Calendar (On Campus or Online)”.
How can you find out who is in charge or works in certain departments? EX: Psychology? Human Resources?
You can head to the A-Z index online, search for the specific department by first letter, click on the department name, and then use the link to the Staff or faculty in the department name. From there, you should see who is in charge of the department or a department head.