Where can you find “FIREWORKS” information?
In the white book “FIREWORKS OPERATIONAL MANUAL” above the weston desk, as well as the red book & Central Communication white book.
What kinds of alarms will come in on Fireworks?
Alarm pull activation, supervisory alarms, trouble alarms, alarm smoke activate, fire alarm, water flow, gate valve, halon, AED, speaker, strobe, ground fault, MPD CO gas level high, power supply failure, heat activation, pump isolation tamper, mapping in progress data card.
What do the red alarms mean?
Red alarms means EMERGENCY - take action immediately. Follow the instructions listed there. Acknowledge the alarm.
What do the yellow alarms mean?
Communications failed - a trouble or supervisory alarm. Acknowledge the alarm. If it does not clear soon, call it out to an OE to check.
What do the green alarms mean?
It has returned to normal operation - you are done, just acknowledge it.
How can you see the exact location of the alarm when it comes in?
On the map, the building that is in alarm for any color will be outlined and flashing. If you click on the building, you can continue to click to see the floorplan and exactly where the alarm is located.
Why would you have a trouble or supervisory alarm on the screen for more than 24 hours?
The OE was not able to clear the alarm but everything still works the way it is supposed to. We are just waiting for an electrician or Thompson’s to fix it.
What will happen if you have a trouble or supervisory alarm up for more than 24 hours?
There will be an audible alarm at the fire panel in that building every 24 hours as a reminder until it is fixed.
What needs to be done when you are told about the audible alarm?
Send the OE to silence the alarm. Put in a work order for them.