Where can you find a list of all “blue light phones”?
Flip chart in red tabs & in the red book under “Blue Light Phones”, training book.
What happens if the person pushes the non emergency button on the blue light phone?
The call will come to the Bradley University Police line, 2000.
What would the phone display say?
Example: “78 EMG - SJP 7726”.
What happens if the person pushes the red button on the blue light phone?
It will go to Peoria PSAP and give us a 911 notification on the emergency phone.
What do you need to do after getting the 911 notification on the emergency phone?
Go to the flip chart and find “Blue Light Phones” in the red tabs. Find out exactly where the phone is located.
What information do we need to get from Peoria if they call?
What # did it call from (ex 7726). They will also give you the address. Did they hear anything?
What do you need to do if Peoria does not call within 60-90 seconds after receiving the 911 notification?
Call Peoria PSAP to see if they received the 911 call. If they did, what information do they have?
How many officers would you dispatch?
How would you dispatch a call to a blue light phone?
You would call it out as a “Blue Light Phone”. Give the exact location, whether you have heard from Peoria PSAP, and any information you have.
What do you need to be sure to note in CAD about Peoria PSAP?
Whether they called us or we had to call them and the information we received from them about the call.