Rheum Flashcards
Define Sensitivity
Define Specificity
What is a good example of one of these types of tests
What is a good examples of these tests
Probability of correctly Dx PT w/ Dz
Probability of correctly r/o Dz in PTs w/out a Dz
Sen: ANA lupus
Spec: Anti-dsDNA lupus
What process causes the formation of acute phase responses?
What result is significant
When are ESR values more useful?
IL-6, cytokines stimulate liver to synthesize proteins
> 100= Ca, infection, renal/autoimmune dz
Normal (sensitivity test)
What are two presentations that may be normal variants with an increased ESR
When do ESRs have minimal use?
Nephrotic syndromes
End stage RDz
What lab result is better than ESR for inflammation/infection indications?
What is an example when a CRP result would be necessary and vital?
CRP is particularly good for tracking ? Dzs
CRP- better when accuracy is vital
Steroid tapers
What are three Dzs that would have a minimal or no CRP elevation?
There is no elevated CRP in Lupus unless ? is present
? Dx can have an elevated CRP w/out any inflammation
Serositis, Synovitis
Renal failure
What are 3 examples of acute phase reactants?
Which one was used to track progression of COVID?
Define Complement System and number of proteins
Ferritin Fibrinogen Platelet
Ferritin, D-dimer
Aids immune system w/ inflammatory/immune response; >30 proteins
What are the functions of the complement system?
What are the 3 pathways of the Complement System
Chemotaxis Opsonization Ab response Leukocyte activation Cell lysis Clearing apoptotic cells
Classic Alternative
Mannose binding Lectin
Complement system tends to be reduced in chronic autoimmune and inflammatory states such as ?
These Complement measurements are usually used to monitor ? via ? results
Which part of the system screens for deficiency of the classical pathway?
Cryoglobinemia Serum sickness SLE Vasculitis Glomerlonephritis Subacute endocarditis
SLE w/ C3, C4
CH50- total deficiency= complete deficit early in cascade
Although rare, a complete deficiency of C3 is seen in ? PTs
ANA can detect autoantibodies against ?
Peds w/ recurrent pyogenic organisms
Histones, DNA, RNP via fluorescence microscopy
What are ANA Titers indicative of
What test is 97% specific for SLE and is rarely present in other conditions or healthy PTs
This result does not appear in drug induced lupus except for ?
High Sen, Low Spec:
>1:160- Pos
<1:80- Neg
Antitumor necrosis factors
When is the indication to order an Anti-dsDNA
Define an Anti-Smith (Sm)
Define an Anti-U1-RNP
DDx of SLE and pos ANA
Abs recognize nuclear proteins that bind to RNA; specific for SLE
Abs recognize complex proteins and nuclear RNA in SLE, MCTDz
When are Anti-Sm and Anti-U1-RNP tests ordered
When are Anti-Ro (SS-A) or Anti-La (SS-B) ordered
When would these be ordered after a negative ANA
Concern of Mixed CT Dz
Primary concern for SLE or Sjogrens
Suspected subacute cutaneous lupus or PTs w/ recurrent photosensitive rashes
Mother of children w/ neonatal cutaneous lupus and congenital heart blocks may be ASx but need to be tested for ?
This also needs to be ordered for ? female PTs
SLE or Sjogrens
PTs w/ SLE and considering pregnancy
Anticentromere Abs occur in ?
What type of test is Anticentromere Abs
Rheumatoid factor is an Ab directed against ?
Scleroderma, CREST
98% specific
Fc region of IgG
Detection of IgM Rheumatoid Factor titers mean ?
Define Sero-Negative RA
> 1:40= latex fixation
20 or more= nephelometry
Ab against IgM
What non-RA conditions can have a positive RF?
Cryoglubulinemia Hep B/C Elderly PTs SLE/Sjogrens Sarcoidosis Primary biliary cirrhosis Malignancy
Define Anti-CCP Ab
What is Anti-CCP Ab as strong predictor for?
What combo of lab results is nearly 100% indicative PT will develop RA?
Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated peptide Ab; rules RA in earlier than RF in true RA
RA progresstion, joint erosion in PTs w/ early onset, undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis
+ RF and Anti-CCP
What is encompassed in Anti-Neutrophilic Cytoplasmic Ab lab tests
These are highly specific but need ? test to confirm a ? Dx
Proteinase-3: GPA
Myloperoxidase- EGP, MPA
Biopsy for GPA Dx
Proteinase 3 is to ?
Myloperoxidase is to ?
Other autoantibodies that are associated w/ ?:
Scl 70 Anti-centromere Anti-Jo-1 Anti-Mi-2 Anti-Histone
Scl: diffuse scleroderma
AC: limited scleroderma/CREST
AJ: dermatomyositis and polymyositis
AM: dermatomyositis
AH: drug induced lupus
Antiphospholipid Abs are AKA ?
What are these Abs associated w/
These contribute to the acceleration of ? and are ordered during ? work up
Lupus anticoagulant
Antiphospholipid syndrome- A/V thrombus
Possible SLE
Synovial fluid analysis is performed to exclude what three Dxs
Do not perform this procedure if ?
These results are not usefule for ?
Crystal induced arthritis
Bleeding risk
Overlying cellulitis/rash
What are the tests included when ordering synovial fluid analysis?
What does it mean if results come back w/ <2K cells, >2K cells or hemorrhagic?
Gram stain Culture Cell count w/ diff Polarized microscopy Glucose/LDH/protein
<2K: OA >2K: +crystal= pseudo/gout - culture= RA AS PsA SLE \+ Gram/Culture= SA Hem: Tumor TB Trauma
What lab tests would be useful for monitoring SLE and are AKA the “Five fingers of Lupus?
What one would not be useful?
Chemistry UA CBC Complement AutoAb (ds DNA) ((ESR C3 C4 Anti-ds DNA))
Pt w/ back stiffness, blurred vision, photophobia and uveititis needs ? lab ordered?
PT w/ suspected SLE from Sxs/PE needs ? test ordered w/ ANA for confirmation
HLA-B27- Ankl Spondyl
Anti-Smith Ab and,
Anti-ds DNA
Define Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy
This group is referred to as such based on the absence of ?
What are the 4 conditions within this category
Dzs characterized by inflammation of:
Uveitis Sacroiliitis Enthesitis Spondylitis
No RF or Abs associated w/ conditions
Psoriatic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
IBS associated arthritis
Reactive arthritis
What is the epidemiology of Ankylosing Spondylitiis
What PT populations are at increased risk for developing this?
White M, possible Native American/Eskimo, w/ HLA-B27 w/ insidious onset in late teen/early 20s
1st degree relative w/ AS
How does Ankylosing Spondylitis present
What condition is rarely seen in PTs w/ Ankylosing Spondylitis
What are extra-articular manifestations that may be seen in Ankylosing Spondylitis
Worse w/ rest, pain at night
Abnormal FABER/Schober
Transient peripheral arthritis- hip, shoulder, knee
Cauda Equina
Ant uveritis- presenting Sx
AV blocks- MC 1*
What will be seen on lab results in PTs w/ suspected Ankylosing Spondyltitis
What causes the ‘bamboo spine’ appearance?
+ HLA-B27 90%
Syndesmophytes- bony growth from in ligament, leads to vertebral fusion
PT is Dx w/ Ankylosing Spond if one clinical and one radiological parameter including ?
What are the 4 grades for classifying Ankylosing Spondylitis
Low back pain/stiff x 3mon Dec lumbar movement Limited 4th ICS expansion Sacroiliitis- unilateral 3-4 Bilateral grade 2-4
1: Irregular SI/facets
2: Erosion, sclerosis
3: Erosion, sclerosis w/ widening SI joints
4: ankylosis of both SI joints
How is Ankylosing spondylitis Tx
First line- NSAIDs
DMARDs: Early dz w/ peripheral joint involvement- Sulfasalazine
TNF-I: Etanercept I/A/G-umab (PT refractory/two NSAID trials)
? Ankylosing Spondylitis presentation has a worse prognosis
What environmental factor has large prevalence w/ AS back pain?
What is the phrase for Reactive Arthritis due to their post-infectious triad these presentation of ?
Hip dz <2yrs of onset
Tobacco cessation
Conjunctivitis- cant see
Arthritis- cant bend knees
Urethritis- cant pee
What are the essentials of Dx for Reactive Arthiritis
Where in the body/how do these cases present
Inflammatory arthritis triggered by GI/GU infection
Oligoarthritis- MC in LE
Mucocutaneous lesion- variable
? is the MC cause of inflammatory arthritis in young men
How does gender ratio differ for reactive arthritis epidemiology
What would be seen on joint fluid analysis?
Reactive arthritis
STI: M>F, chlamydia
Enteric: M>F,
Campylobacter Salmonella Dysentery Yersinia Ecoli Shigella
Bacterial Ags, not organisms
How long after infection does it take for Sxs to present and where
Reactive arthritis frequently has ? common recurrence and ? if frequent recurrence
? is the prominent feature of reactive arthritis and where/how is it seen on PE
<28d after Dysentery/Chlamydia
LE: knees, ankle, feet
Common: joint arthritis
Frequent= spondyl/sacroiitis
Enthesitis- Plantar fascia Achilles Pelvis w/ warm TTP
What causes Dactylitis in Reactive Arthritis
Dactylitis is a feature of spondyloarthropathies usually seen in ?
What are the three mucocutaneous features of Reactive Arthritis
Sausage digit- toe*/finger synovitis and enthesitis
Reactive/Psoriatic arthritis
Circinate balanitis- characteristic; painful inflammatory lesion of glans/shaft
Keratoderma blennorrhagica- papular waxy rash on palms/soles
Aphthous ulcer- shallow painless on mucosa
What microbes are tested for in STI etiology of Reactive Arthritis
What microbes are tested for GI etiologies
Salmonella Shigella Yersinia
How is Reactive Arthritis Tx
What meds are considered if PT fails initial medical therapy
What part of Reactive Arthritis may relapse years later?
Ibuprofen: first line
Injections- peripheral joints
Systemic steroids- axial Sxs
Sulfasalazine or Methotrexate
Urethritis Uveitis Arthralgia
Define Psoriatic Arthritis
What would be seen on PE
In almost all cases ? precedes that arthritis
Chronic inflammation of skin/nail w/ DIP arthritis
Dactylitis- MC in toes
Nail dystrophy- characteristic
What are the 5 patterns of Psoriatic Arthritis
DIP- distinguishes from RA
Arthritis mutilans
Psoriatic spondylitis
Asymmetric oligo- hand/feet (MC)
Symmetric polya- mimics RA
What will be seen on Psoriatic Arthritis x-rays?
How is Psoriatic Arthritis Tx
The use of ? med in psoriatic arthritis can precipitate severe flare ups
DIP w/ arthritis mutulans
MCP MTP Phalange- periostitis
NSAIDs- first step/mild case
DMARDs- second line: Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine
TNF inhibitors-
Systemic glucocorticoids w/ Rheum/Derm supervision
What is the difference in quality of arthritis between PA and RA
Define Enteropathic Arthritis
What are the two types of Enteropathic Arthritis
Less in PA than RA
Arthritis associated w/ Crohns>UC
Peripheral- acute, early; MC- knee
Flare ups parallel IBD severity
Spondylitis- indistinguishable from AS based on Sx/X-ray
Severity differs from IBD
How is Enteropathic Arthritis Tx
What needs to be avoided in these PTs
What is the prognosis for PTs Dx w/ Enteropathic Arthritis
Persistent- Sulfasalazine
Sulfa failure- Anti-TNF
NSAID- exacerbates IBD
Excellent for arthritis
Poor for IBDz
Define Rheumatoid Arthritis
What part of the body does it cause destruction in?
This form of arthritis is the MC ?
Chronic systemic inflammatory dz targeting synovium
Juxta-articular erosion
Inflammatory arthritis in 1% of world population
What age prevalence does RA affect the most?
PTs w/ RA are at risk for ?
Why do these PTs have higher mortality rate?
M: 50-70s
F: 30-40s
Septic arthritis Osteoporosis
Lymphoma, NH/B-cell
CV dz
Genetic factors that cause RA mostly involve ?
Associated risks w/ Abs against ?
What are external triggers that could cause RA?
T-cell activation from cytokine signaling
Citrullinated protein epitopes
Citrullination- modified conversion arginine to citrulline
Smoking Infection Periodontitis
Since RA has a prevalence in twins, what type is more likely to develop it?
What autoimmune factors play a role in it’s development?
Once established in the body, what type of damage does RA cause?
RF/Anti-CCP Abs
Activated T/B cells and complement in synovium
Pannus- hypertrophy/inflamed synovium of RA
Direct synovial infections by ? microbes can cause RA?
How does RA present
What part of the body does it effect first?
Parvovirus B19 Retrovirus Enteric bacterial infection Mycoplasma/bacterial EBV
Symmetric polyarthritis w/ insidious onset and strong FamHx component
(sero negative- in DIPs)
What PE finding is essential for RA Dx
What is the sequence of synovitis involvement of RA
What is the hallmark of RA
Bilateral symmetric hand/wrist arthritis worse in AM
Wrist Knee Elbow Ankle Hip Shoulder
Morning stiffness x hrs
Improve w/ movement
What are late complications of RA usually seen in the hands?
Why is the risk for neck involvement w/ RA so important to ID pre-op?
Ulnar deviation- MCPs
Swan neck deformity
Cord injury w/ intubation
Prevent AAD/C1-2 subluxation
Tendon positioning of Swan Neck deformity
Tendon positioning of Boutonniere deformity
Define Felty’s Syndrome triad
DIP flexion/bent
PIP hyper extension
DIP hyper extension
PIP flexion
RA Splenomegaly
Luekopenia (neutro) <2000
What type of lab results would be seen in PTs w/ RA induced Sjogrens Syndrome?
RA PTs are at increased risk for ? post-op complication
They are also at risk for ? spontaneous infection especially if on ? med
Anti-Ro/La (SSA/SSB) negative
Knee/hip joint infections
Septic arthritis, A-TNFs
What are the old criteria used for Dx RA
What is the new criteria used?
4 of 7, first 4 x 6wks: Serum RF Morning stiffness Arthritis x 3 joint areas Symmetric arthritis Hand arthritis Rheumatoid nodules Radiographic changes
6 out of 9 points across four domains: Joint involvement-5 Acute phase reactant-1 Serology- 3 Synovitis duration-1
What type of RA has a better prognosis
Felty’s Syndrome must be distinguished from ?
Felty’s PTs also have increased ? and ? related to leukopenia
Seronegative RF
Large Granular Lymphocyte Syndrome- indolent leukemia
Bacterial infections
Non-healing ulcers
What would be seen on PE of RA PTs
What labs are ordered
What x-rays should be ordered?
Synovitis Nodules Splenomegaly
ANA- r/o lupus
What do lab results for PTs w/ RA look like
When/how often are images needed for these PTs?
What do PTs need to do prior to starting DMARD medical therapy
Anemia- proportional to Dz
Synovial fluid w/ 5-50K WBCs
Onset, Q12mon
Update vaccines:
Zoster Influenza Yellow fever
How is RA Tx medically
What drug is the standard of care and approved for monotherapy in RA Tx
What med can be taken w/ monotherapy to reduce s/e?
Two total, DMARD and:
GCCS- Prednisone bridge x 2-6mons
PPI if >65 and on NSAID
PO Folate
What monitoring is done how often during RA Tx regimes?
What systemic dz needs to be r/o prior to starting Tx
What adverse effects occur during RA Tx
CBC BMP LFT SrCr q2-4wks initial, q12wks
Marrow suppression
What synthetic DMARDs can be used for Tx for RA
Least toxic/effective as mono
Retinal toxiciity over time
Monitor CBC
Early seropositive Dz effective
Unknown MOA
Use >2yrs= hyper pigmentation
Combo w/ Metho/Hydroxy
Leflunomide: Comparable to Methotrexate Teratogenic, hepatic toxicity TB LFT CBC BP Preg Hepatitis Use Cholestyramine to eliminate if considering pregnancy
Define a DMARD
What are the top four meds and their MOAs
DMARDs must be administered ? routes
Bioengineered by recombinant DNA to target cytokine surface molecules/receptors
Block IL-6: Tocilizumab
Inhibit T-cell- Abatacept
Deplete CD20- Rituximab
Inhibit TNF
SQ/IV infusion
All Pts need to be screened for ? prior to beginning a biologic because ?
? are absolute c/is for DMARDs
Biologics are not recommended for PTs w/ solid malignancy or non-melanoma skin Ca Tx <5yrs, Hx of Tx skin melanoma or lymphoproliferative malignancy except for ?
Latent TB
Inc risk for infections
Active/UnTx Latent TB
NYHA Class 3,4 HF or EF<50%- no anti-TNF
4 categories of biological DMARDs used for RA Tx
TNF- A inhibitors:
IL-1 receptor antagonist-
Rituximab, inhibits CD20
Tocilizumab, inhibits IL-6
Selective Costimulation mod-
Abatacept, alters T-cell activation
Biologic DMARDs inc risk for ? infections
There is a possible increased risk for ?
What lab results is used to correlate Dz activity and Tx efficacy
HF exacerbation
MS flare up
Before starting ImmSupp therapy for RA Tx, what screenings are recommended?
How early do RA PTs need to start DMARDs?
? is ubiquitous in PTs w/ RA
TST/Interferon G release
Hep B/C
At Dx
+RF test in PTs w/ suspected RA means ?
What joint would not be commonly involved w/ RA?
What are four correct statements about Methotrexate
More severe case of RA,
Anti-CCP is specific
Monitor CBC/LFT
C/i w/ active hepatitis
Weekly dose, start 7.5mg
Suppressed marrow
SLE has a predilection for ? PT populations
Define SLE
What are the common manifestations of SLE
Female of child bearing age
Autoimmune dz characterized by multi-system involvement and production of autoantibodies
Rash, photosensitive
What issue may occur during SLE flares?
What are the three types of Lupus?
Drug-induced Neonatal SLE
What are the Lupus specific cutaneous involvements?
What are the Lupus non-specific cutaneous involvements?
ACLE- local/general rash
SCLE- torso/limb, no face; MOST photosensitive
CCLE- discoid plaque on scalp-neck
Livedo reticularis
Bullous Chilblain Periungual
Chronic systemic damage from SLE is usually mediated by ?
What causes organ destruction
How are RA and SLE similar
Abs to cells and soluble IgG/phospholipid Ags
Direct Ab binding
Immune complexes
Monozygotic twin prevalence
What genes are associated w/ SLE
The presence of ? will precede PTs clinical illness
What are SLE predisposing RFs for women
HLA Type DR2/3- encode complement pathway
OCP/hormone replacement
Low free androgen
Early menarche
What are the environmental factors that place PTs at risk for Lupus
Consider SLE in PTs w/ multisystem Dz and ?
SLE PTs w/ Lupus induced hair loss need ? education
Drug- hydralazine isoniazid procainamide
UV- exacerbates, not trigger
EBV- mimicry
Tobacco- inc anti-dsDNA
Regrows 6-8wks after Dz activity/or d/c medication
11 criteria for SLE
Neuro Dz
Heme d/o
Malar rash
Immunologic abnormals (anti-Sm/dsDNA)
Renal Dz
Oral ulcer (painless)
Discoid rash- in PO, painful
When compared to other forms of lupus, SCLE is usually induced by ?
What type of Abs are associated w/ SCLE
What hematological d/os are seen in lupus
Meds- hydrochlorothiazide, terbinafine
Thrombocyto <100K
Leuko <4K
Lympho <1500
What can SLE PTs develop w/ or w/out a Hx of steroid therapy
? lupus complication can lead to life threatening hemodynamic complications
Define Libman-Sacks Endocarditis
Mitral/Aortic valve thickening
What is a rare cardiovascular manifestation of SLE
What does SLE cause that can exacerbate the above rare manifestation
What parts of the body are MC involved w/ SLE related lymphadenopathy
Accelerated atherosclerosis
Cervical, Axillary
What is the MC pulm manifestation of SLE
What are three rare but life threatening pulmonary manifestation of SLE
What would be seen on PFTs for PTs w/ SLE
Pleural involvement
Alveolar hemorrhage/Lupus pneumonitis
Interstitial lung dz
Vanishing lung syndrome
Restrictive w/ low diffusion
What SLE manifestations are most difficult to assess
What test and images will be ordered for any suspected SLE PT w/ neuro involvement
Almost all SLE PTs will have ? but only half will it be clinically significant
Neuro, Central>Peripheral
Lupus nephritis- develops first 36mon w/ hematuria/proteinuria
Why does advancing renal dz make it difficult to track SLE progression
How often are SLE PTs screened because of this
How are these cases classified
Falsely inc ESR/CRP
Q3mon w/ 24hr urine
Renal biopsy
SLE can cause ? types of abdominal pain
SLE Lab results would show ?
What lab results will correlate w/ SLE activity but ? is more accurate?
Pseudo obstruction
Rarely: pancreatitis, mesenteric vasculitis
Chem: HyperK
LFT: Hep/Pancreatitis
UA: hematura proteinuria casts
Correlate: ESR but can also be d/t anemia/Renal failure
Better: complement/ds-DNA
What is sensitive but not specific for SLE and which one is spec but not sens?
Anti-dsDNA correlates w/ the development of ?
? Abs are associated w/ development of neonatal lupus and heart blocks?
Sen- ANA
Spec- Anti-smit/ds-DNA
Lupus nephritis
Anti-Ro/La (SSA/SSB)
What is a clinical indicator SLE is seen on lab results during flares and used as an indicator?
Female SLE PTs w/ ? anti-phospholipid Abs are at risk for ?
What images will be ordered for SLE Pts
Dec C3 C4 CH50
Lupus anticoagulant
Anti-Cardiolipin AB
CXR- initial pleuritis
CT- pneumonitis, alverolar hemorrhage, fibrosis
What complication screenings may fall to the primary level in SLE PTs
What low, med and high potency meds are used for cutaneous SLE
Vaccine- Flu/PPV-23
Bone- Vit D/Ca
Annual cervical Ca screen
First- low HCN
High- hypertrophic regions-
Caution: adrenal suppresion
What meds are second line agents for acute, SCLE and DLE?
Only use steroids on face for ? and preferably use ? base
? is used for scalp lesions or discoid lupus on scalp?
<2wks, Ointment
Lesions: Steroid lotions
Discoid: triamcinolone injection
What med is the TxOC for systemic Lupus due to its ability to tx ? aspects
What is the most feared s/e of this Tx and needs ? steps taken
What are two additional benefits of using this TxoC
Hydroxychloroquine- Cutaneous Arthritis Fatigue Serositis
Retinopathy, baseline and annual eye exams
Lipid lowering
What drug is used for Lupus PTs that don’t respond to Hydroxy?
What medication is especially useful for bullous lupus
When/why would systemic CCS be used
What medication or its alternative is the standard of care for proliferative lupus nephritis
What ImmSupp drugs may be used for lupus as steroid-sparing drugs?
What is the first and second line drug used for associated arthralgia/arthritis
IV Cyclophosphamide qMon
Mycophenolate mofetil
Belimumab Cyclosporine Rituximab Azathioprine Methotrexate
Fail= steroid/HydroxyChlor
What meds are used to control HTn and renal complications in Lupus?
Most PTs w/ Lupus end up dying from ? bimodal issues?
What is the criteria for PT to have met lupus remission
Early- Infection, SLE
Late- atherosclerosis, Ca
> 5yrs w/ no clinical/lab evidence and no Tx
What is drug-induced Lupus classically associated with
Which one is associated with Subacute Cutaneous Lupus
Anti-TNFs Chlorpromazine Hydralazine Isoniazid Methyldopa/Minocycline Procainamide Interferon Alpha Quinidine
How does drug induced lupus present
There is increased risk for poor maternal/fetal outcomes if ? coexists
What is the PATH acronym for Lupus and pregnancy outcomes
Fever Myalgia Polyarthritis Serositis w/ anti-histone Abs
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Active lupus nephritis
During first trimester: Proteinuria Antiphospolipid syndrome Thrombocytopenia HTN
? contraception is safe for PTs w/ SLE
When can OCPs be used?
? anticoagulants need to be recommended for SLE PTs that are pregnant and have Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Levongestrel IUD
Stable low dz and documented negative antiphospholipid Abs
Heparin, ASA
Antiphospholipid Syndrome is a ? d/o and means PTs have ? Abs to phospholipids
What type of anticoagulation issue can PT w/ APS have?
This is usually associated w/ ? cardiac Dx
Acquired, usually w/ SLE-
Anticardiolipid (IgG/IgM)
B2-glycoprotein 1
Prolonged aPTT
Libman Sacks endocarditis
How is APS Dx
Antiphospholipid Abs or clinical presence of lupus anticoagulant and,
Vascular thrombosis
Pregnancy morbidity
How are APS Tx
What needs to be avoided
All PTs w/ antiphospholipid Abs should have aggressive management of ? three things
Heparin INR goal 2-3
Estrogen contraception
Solo ASA therapy
HTN Cholesterol Smoking
Define Scleroderma
Scleroderma has a strong association w/ ?
When/who is it seen
Heterogenous rheumatic dz w/ thick skin and lung/kidney lesions
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
50y/o Choctaw Native American females in OK
If AfAm have Scleroderma, there is higher prevalence of ? compared to Caucasians that have ?
PTs w/ Scleroderma usually have 1* relatives w/ ?
What is considered the strongest RF for this Dz
AfAm: younger w/ lung dz
Cau: Milder, limited Dz
Thyroiditis Raynauds Interstitial lung dz MS RA
Rheum Classification of scleroderma includes ? criteria
What are the two classification forms and their associated syndromes
Thickened skin proximal to MCP joint or, Two of: Bibasilar fibrosis Digital pitting Sclerodactyly
Systemic- Limited/Crest, Diffuse
Localized- Morphea, Linear
What is the difference in location of Diffuse or Local Scleroderma
What is the unique exception to this rule?
? Abs are associated with each of these types?
Limited- below elbow/face, slow
Diffuse- above elbow, rapid
Limited w/ PA-HTN
Limited- Anti-centromerase
Diffuse- Scl-70, anti-RNA polymerase 3
What viruses are thought to cause scleroderma?
What is the sub-group of limited scleroderma?
CREST: Calcinosis cutis Raynauds Esophageal dysmotility Sclerodactyly Telangectasis
? type of scleroderma has a better prognosis
Where does calcinosis appear
Where does the Telangectasis appear
Extensor surface of forearm
Palmar hand
Scleroderma PTs w/ ? are more likely to develop telangectasis
Skin Morphea is more likely to present in ? type
What is the MC Tx for Raynauds
Cold avoidance
Topical CCBs
Pts >30y/o w/ first Raynauds should have ?
What are the two forms of pulmonary issues seen with different types of scleroderma
Nail capillary exam (primary- normal capillaries, no abs)
Diffuse- inflammatory alveolitis leading to pulmonary fibrosis/interstitial lung dz; in first 4yrs of dz
Limited/CREST- vascular dz leading to PAHTN
Seen w/ long standing dzs; morbidity
What is the MC cause of scleroderma related death
What would be seen on PFTs in PTs w/ diffuse sclerdoerma induced interstitial lung dz
What monitoring do these PTs need?
Diffuse scleroderma PHTN
Restrictive pattern
What type of upper GI issues do scleroderma PTs have
What lower GI issues can they have?
What renal issue can present in a minority of sclerodermis PTs and how is it Tx
GERD w/ dysphagia
Alternating diarrhea/constipation
Sclerodermal Renal crisis- more common in Diffuse as sudden onset HTN/malignant HTN
Tx w/ Captopril, ACEI
What are the 3 high RFs for developing sclerodermal renal crisis
What type of MSK issues is common in diffuse scleroderma
Define Sicca Complex
Early diffuse scleroderma
RNA Polymerase 3 Abs
Tendon friction rub- ankle knee wrist
Dry eyes/mouth seen in Scleroderma PTs
Diffuse Scleroderma will have ? presentations
Rapid onset
Weight loss
Dyspnea w/ exertion
Skin texture change- pain edema pruritis
What lab results help confirm clinical Dx of Scleroderma
What two images are ordered for these PTs
How often do they need PFTs
ANA- 95%
Antipoisomerase 1 Abs (Anti-SCL 70)- specific, diffuse
Anticentromere- limited*
Chest CT- activity/severity
EKG/Echo- PHTN screening
When does a Scleroderma PTs PFT suggest PHTN has developed?
What PT education goes w/ Tx goals
What meds are used for Scleroderma to protect internal organs and which ones are avoided?
Isolated reduction of DLCO
Reduction OOP to decline of FVC
No proven medication
Skin worst by 24mon, improves from there
Cyclophosphamide- only one, protects pulmonary; Avoid CCS
What meds are given for scleroderma induced GI issues w/ PPIs
What motility agents and ABX are used?
What is the best predictor of prognosis
Octerotide- motility
Rotate- Tetracycline Metronidazole
No severe organ invovlement in first 3-5yrs of Dx
What are the most frequent Sxs of Scleroderma from most to least?
What is the best lab test to differentiate between diffuse and limited sclerosis?
What lab finding is MC associated w/ scleroderma?
Raynauds GERD Skin Finger swelling Arthralgia
Anticentromere antibodies
Define Sjogren’s Syndrome
What is the difference between Primary and Secondary
What is the key feature of a Sjogrens presentation w/ ? subjective Sx/complaint
Chronic inflammatory d/o of lymphocytic infiltration of exocrine glands
P: no other rhem dz
S: associated, RA, systemic sclerosis, SLE
Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca/xerophthalmia
Often PTs have Primary Sjogrens w/ ?
What is the common MSK complaint?
Sjogren’s PTs are more likely to develop ? form of Cutaneous Vasculitis if they are ? Pos
What is the MC cardiovascular manifestation PTs w/ Sjogrens can develop?
What are the two types of pulmonary complications Sjogrens PTs can develop
Since it rarely presents, PTs that have pleurisy may have ?
What GI issue may be associated w/ Sjogrens?
What is the MC Neuro complaint?
What is the MC complaints for the Dz overall?
Sjogrens PTs have a 44x greater risk for developing ?
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Peripheral neuropathy
Sjogrens have an association w/ ? thyroid dz or ? Psych d/o
What may be seen on seroogical results in these TPs
What are the MC serological findings?
Subclinical hypothyroid
RF Pos
Anti Ro/La*(SSA/SSB)
Cytopenia- normocytic anemia, leuko/thrombocytopenia
Hypergammglobulinemia- monoconal IgG
How is Sjogrens Dx
What meds can be used for Sx Tx of Dry eyes
What can be done for Sx relief of dry mouth
Schirmer test- pos dye stain Abnormal scintigraphy, sialography, sialometry Dry eyes/mouth x 3mon Pos Biopsy Pos SSA/SSB
Topical cyclosporine/glucocorticoids
Pilocarpine Cevimeline Lemon drops
What 3 drugs are used for potentially severe scenario Txs
Prognosis w/ Sjogrens is good except for the development of ?
How are inflammatory muscle dzs characterized
Hydroxychloroquine- fatigue/arthralgia
Prednisone- arthritis
Prednisone and Methotrexate- internal organs
Bilateral proximal muscle weakness over wks/months
Dermatomyositis has a significant increased risk for ? two malignancy
Since the etiology is unknown, what would be seen on muscle biopsies of these Dzs
? is pathognemonic for dermatomyositis
Hematologic lymphoma
Malignant tumors
Lymphocytic infiltrates
Perifascular atrophy
Gottron sign
Perifascicular atrophy
What is the MC presenting Sx of Dermatomyositis
Define Heliotrope Rash
Define Mechanics Hands
Symmetric prox muscle weakness-
Neck Pelvic Thigh Shoulders
Eyelid rash of red/violet color
Covers areas spared by Lupus, over joints
Cracked skin w/ dirty lines, especially PTs w/ Antisynthetase Syndrome
PTs w/ Antisynthetase Syndrome have autoimmune myopathy and ? features
What type of pulmonary involvement do most PTs have
One Ab and Two of: Non-erosive arthritis Fever Interstitial lung dz Raynauds Mechanic hands
Interstitial (inflammation) pneumonia
Aspiration (weakness) pneumonia
What is the classic presentation of Dermatomyositis
How is it Dx
What Neuro test can help confirm Dx
Proximal muscle weakness
Gottron Sign
Muscle biopsy
Rash (Dermatomyositis)
Elevated CK Aldolase LDH AST/ALT
Abnormal EMG
Inflammatory Muscle Dz related Anti-Jo Abs are more likely to be in ? PTs
What other serological result is likely to be seen
How are suspected Inflammatory Muscle Dzs evaluated in order?
Interstitial lung Dz
Hx/Physical Labs EMG MRI Biopsy
During an Inflammatory Muscle work up, why would GGT finding be significant
What are two different MRI findings for Inflammatory Muscle Dz that mean different time frames
Why would this imagine be needed for final Dx
GGT released w/ AST/ALT from liver Dz, not muscle damage
Muscle edema- active inflammation
Fatty infiltration- chronic dz
Site for biopsy- deltoid or biopsy w/ 4/5 strength
What is the mainstay of therapy for PTs w/ Inflammatory Muscle Dz
What is the s/e
When is the prognosis of Inflammatory Muscle Dz poor
1-2mg/kg/day x 28d, taper
Steroid induced myopathy
Underlying malignancy
Define Gout
This is characterized by ?
Gout is more common in men until women reach ? age
Heterogenous metabolic d/o of elevated uric acid
Extra-articular complication
What do WBC ranges from synovial fluid analysis correlate to
Gout is the MC ?
Hyperuricemia starts at ? lab level
Norma: <150
Non-inflamm: <3K
Inflamm: >3K
Septic: >50K
Cause of inflammatory arthritis in men >40
Gout is caused by what two issues
What are the 3 stages of gout
What leads to bone/cartilage erosion in gout and what are they AKA ?
Under secretion/Over production of uric acid from purine metabolism
1: ASx hyperuricemia, no arthritis
2: acute gouty arthritis, intercritical gout
3: Continuous arthritis w/ attacks, tophi
Chronic inflammatory response Macrophages cytokine/enzymes- Rat Bite lesions
What type of kidney issue can develop due to hyperuricemia
This risk doubles at ? level
> 13mg
PTs that are over producers are classified as ? and is due to ? enzyme deficiencies
How are under excretors classified?
What drugs can cause gout?
Metabolic classification:
HGP- Lesch Nyhan
G6PD- von Gierkes Dz
Majority, Renal
Cyclosporine Alcohol Nicotinic acid
Thiazide diuretic Lasix Ethamutol ASA
What is the most susceptible joint to gouty attacks that presents w/ half of first attacks?
What are the next most likely joints to be involved
Almost all gout PTs will have a second attack w/in ?
MTP- podagra
Ankle Knee Wrist Finger Elbow
What types of extra-articular mainfestations can occur from gout?
Initial podagra attacks have dramatic responses to ? Tx meds
What 3 medications are known for causing gout
Tophi- finger elbow great toe
Skin desquamation w/ pruritus
NSAID, Colchicine
How is a definitive Dx of gout made?
PTs having a gout flare will have ? level serum uric acid?
When are these serum levels most important?
Negative birefringent, needle sodium-urate crystals in neutrophils
Low or Norm
Monitoring urate lowering therapy
Lab results of an acute gout attack will show elevation in ? 3 things?
How long do PTs need to use medical therapy for gout flares?
What is the level PTs want to keep uric acid at to prevent further attacks
2-3 days after flares resolve
6mg or less
<5mg if tophi present
What drug is used for acute gout attacks and prophylaxis
What medication is used for PTs who are refractory to or c/i to taking NSAIDs or prophylaxis drug
What drugs can be used for injections
Colchicine- 1.2mg first Sx, 0.6mg 1hr later
Max 1.8mg in 60min
Wait 12hrs for prophylaxis (max 1.2mg/day)
CCS- prednisone
What are the indications PTs w/ gout need urate lowering therapy
What drugs are used for lowering therapy
2+ attacks/yr
CDK Stage 2 or worse
Allopurinol- DOC, rash means stop med
Febuxostat- safe for PTs w/ renal insufficiency/Allopurinol reactions
Uricosurics, only for <65y/o:
Probenecid, if renal function preserved
Inc Methotrexate/Ketorolac to toxic levels
What drug is reserved for gout PTs w/ severe cases and abundent tophi?
Destructive arthropathy is rarely seen in PTs that have first gout attack after age ?
Leukocyte count >5K and rhomboid shaped crystal in synovial fluid means ?
Pseudogout (Ca Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Deposition Dz)- weakly positive birefringent
What part of the body is pseudogout likely to infect?
This Dx is commonly associated w/ what two Dzs?
Pseudogout is MC associated w/ acute medical illnesses and ? and needs to be considered ?
Knee, Wrist
Elderly hospitalized PT w/ new acute monoarthritis post-op/ortho/MI
How is Pseudogout Tx
What drug is used for resistant cases
Define Vasculitis
GCSS if intolerant to PO meds
Heterogenous d/os of inflammation and destruction of vessels
What are the MC forms of primary vasculitis
Why are these d/os one of the great Dx challenges of medicine
Vasculitis is associated w/ ? Ab and due to ? infection
Granulomatosis w/ polyangitis
Microscopic polyangitis
Non-sepcific Sxs
Slowly developing
What are the large vessel vasculitis’?
What drives the pathophysiology of these conditions?
What are the medium vessel dzs
Takayasus GCA/PMR Behcet dz
T-cell mediated Ag driven
Buergers Dz, Thromboangitis Obliterans
Kawasakis Dz- MLNS
What are the two categories of small vessel vasculitis
Immune mediated:
Cutaneous (hypersensitive)
GPA (Wegeners)
EGP (Churg Strauss Synd)
Behcets Dz is found in ? country
Polyarteritis Nodosa is associated w/ ? infection
In vasculitis what happens when the inflammatory cells invade the vessel?
Hep B/C
Fibrinoid necrosis, panmural destruction
What is the name of the type of damage that occurs from leukocytes in vasculitis
Since so many vasculitis criteria overlap, what is needed for definitive Dx
Biopsy/Radiological evidence (tawasakus)
Define Mononeuritis Multiplex
What are the characteristic derm findings?
Vascular neuropathy: peripheral neuropathy due to damage to sciatic/peroneal nerve
Palpable purpura
Urticaria x 24hrs
Punched out ulcers
Livedo Reticularis (precedes ulcers)
Half of GCA PTs also have ?
What PE finding is found in a quarter of GCA PTs
What is needed for Dx?
When does the biopsy need to be done by?
Polymyalgia rheumatica- ache/stiff shoulder, neck, hip girdle
Aortic involvement, asymmetric pulses
3 of 5:
>50y/o HA Abnormal artery
ESR elevated Abnormal biopsy
Within 2wks of steroids
Why would PMR and GCA Dxs be confused/mixed
What is a differentiator?
Since PMR can mimic GCA and RA stiffness, what med is used for these PTs
15% of PMR have abnormal temporal artery biopsies
No blindness w/ pure PMR
Prednisone 15-20mg/day
When does a Dx of PMR need to be reconsidered?
What are two late complications seen in GCA
No improvement after one week on steroid
Thoracic aortic aneurysms
Aortic dissections
Define Tkayasu Arteritis
How does it present
Most PTs respond to ? med
Granulomatos vasculitis of aorta in young Asian women
Bruit Absent pulse Claudication HTN
Prednisone +/- Methotrex or Mycophenolate
Relapse is common though
Behcet Syndrome is common in ? ethnic backgrounds due to ? gene
What does this type of inflammatory vasculitis involve
What is this conditions hallmark presenting feature
Asian Turkish MidEast 25-35
Both art/vein of all sizes
Painful aphthous ulcers on mouth/genitals
Eye ball pain
Erythema nodosum that ulcerates
What Neuro Dz can Behcet syndrome mimic
What two TNF inhibitors are effective for Tx
MS due to white matter involvement
Define Polyarteritis Nodosa
What part of the body does this Dz spare
What unique constitutional Sx does it present w/
Necrotizing inflammatory vasculitis of medium arteries and muscular arterioles
Venous circulation/capillaries
Post-randial pain (intestinal angina)
How is Polyarteritis Nodosa Dx
What would be seen as lacking on lab results?
This Dz can be associated w/ ? infection
Biopsy (lung sparing)
Absent granulomatous inflammation
Hep B
Appears <6mon from infection
What PE finding is common w/ Polyarteritis Nodosa
True PAN cases are ? negative
What would be seen on biopsy and angiography results
Mononeuritis multiplex- foot drop
Digital gangrene
ANCA negative
B: fibrinoid necrosis
A: microaneurysms
How is Polyarteritis Tx if PT is refractory to GCSS or major organ involvement
Small Vessel vasculitis Dzs include ? structures
How are these broadly classified
Immune complex mediated
What are the pathological hallmarks for Henoch-Schonlein Purpura and it’s MC?
What tetrad may be seen?
Nearly all cases occur in ? PTs w/ ? rare complication
Vasculitis w/ IgA depositions
MC vasculitis in Peds
Glomerulonephritis Abdominal pain Purpura Arthritis
IgA glomerulonephritis in adults
HSP can follow viral URIs or ?
? is a mandatory PE finding for Dx Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
How is it Tx
EBV Mycoplasma Varicella Parvo Strep/Staph
Palpable purpuric rash
NSAIDs, avoid if Renal Dz
Steroids for arthralgia/GI Sxs
Severe/RF: admit, methylpred or,
Pred w/ Azathioprine/Cyclophos
What is a poor prognosis sign for PTs w/ HSP and the silver lining
? is the MC organ involved in Cryoglobin w/ nearly all PTs being _Pos
What causes this organ involvement to start
Perisistent renal involvement
No ESRDz progression
Skin, RF
IgG/IgM Abs from low temps <37*C
Cryoglobulins binds w/ Ag forms, immune complex leading to IC mediated vasculitis
What 3 PTs are less likely to survive a Cryoglobulinemia Dx
What type is primarily caused by malignancy and manifests w/ hyperviscosity syndromes
How does Essential/Primary Cryoglobulinemia differ from other cases?
Male >60 w/ renal involvement
Type 1- plasma cell d/os
Non-Hep C
Others associated w/ SLE and Sjogrens
What is the classic triad of Cryoglobulinemia?
How is Cryoglobulinemia Tx
What is used for PTs w/ essential cryoglobulinemia
Myalgia Arthralgia Purpura
Harvoni for Hep C w/ Rituximab
Define GPA
What are the hallmarks
When/who does the usually infect
Necrotizing vasculitis w/ respiratory and renal manifestations
Granulomatous inflammation
White, northern Europeans during 4-5th decade
90% of PTs w/ Granulo w/ Poly have ? upper respiratory dz
How is this condition Dx
What type of image can help since most PTs will have ? finding
Nasal involvement
+cANCA highly specific
Chest CT, pulm lesions
How is Granulo w/ Poly Tx
All PTs should receive ? for prophylaxis
What meds are used for remission agents?
Severe: Rituximab w/ GCSS or Cyclophosphomide w/ GCSS Limited: Methotrexate and GCSS
Azathioprine or Methotrex if Cyclophos was used for remission induction
What are the 3 hallmarks for Eosinophil Granulo w/ Poly
Half will have EGPA w/ ? Abs
Why is this useful for lab Dx
Systemic vasculitis
Asthma, adult onset
ANCA w/ specificity for myeloperoxidase
P-ANCA pattern on fluorescence testing
PT Dx w/ EGP should have ? HEENT exam done
What are the 3 clinical phases of this Dz
What is less common in this Dz compared to GPA
Nasal- almost all have allergic rhinitis w/ polyps
Prodromal- allergic dz
Eosinophilic- blood eosinophilia and infiltration
Vasculitic- necrotizing
Less renal involvement
What is the MC cardiac manifestation of EGP
What neuro manifestations are seen in more than half of cases?
How is it Dx
Peripheral neuropathy
Mono multiplex
Biopsy- vascular and extravascular for pANCA
How is EGPA Tx
What drug is used for remission induction strategy
GCSS alone
Azathioprine, Methotrexate or Mycophenolate added
Cyclophos for vasculitic neuoropathy, glomerulonephritis or cardiac involvement
Define Microscopic Poly
This it the MC cause of ? syndrome
What PE finding is more prominent and unique w/ this form
Renal and Pulm involved systemic vasculitis
Pulm-renal syndrome of alveolar hemorrhage and glomerulonephritis
How is Microscopic Poly Dx
How is it Tx
What is the drug of choice if PTs cant take/don’t respond to the previous Tx regime
Biopsy of lung kidney or skin w/ pANCA pos
Cyclophosph and GCSS
How is Microscopic Poly maintained in remission
Define Hyperalgia
Define Allodynia
Cyclophos induced, switch to Azathiprine of Methotrexate
Excessive severe pain from noxious stimulus
Pain from innoculous stimulus, inc tenderness to light pressure
Fibromyalgia frequently co-exists w/ ? conditions
This Dx needs to be reconsidered if PTs are older than ?
What is believed to be the reason for increased pain in these PTs
Depression IBS Chronic fatigue syndrome
Interstitial cystitis
> 55
Substance P
Fibromylagia PTs nearly all have ? Sx that’s more bothersome than the pain
How many pressure points are needed on exam for Dx
11 out of 18 w/ enough pressure to blanch nails
What labs are ordered for fibromylagia work up
What is the most effective Tx
If needed, what meds are used
Non-pharm therapy
NSAIDs Acetaminophen Amitriptyline at bed Nortriptyline Tramadol
What two med classes need to be avoided when Tx fibromyalgia
What med may be used for Tx that is also beneficial w/ Psych issues
What is the alternate to the above that is cheaper
FDA Approved drugs for fibromylagia Tx
How is Rosacea malar rash different from ACLE malar rash?
How is Seborrheic Dermatitis rash different from ACLE rash
Duloxetine- SNRI
Milnacipran- SNRI
Pregabalin- anti-convulsant, GABA analogue
Rosacea- stinging telangiectasis and pustules, worse w/ heat/ETOH
Scaly plaques on nasolabial folds
Why are Lupus PTs at increased risk for coagulation issues?
? is the MC manifestation of SLE
Tobacco can cause ? result to be high
Anti=phospholipid Abs-
IgG/IgM anti-cardiolipin
Lupus anticoagulant
What can cause false-pos of syphilis
Takayasu PTs w/ cardiac involvement tend to have ?
Angina from stenosis at coronary artery ostia
HSP needs to have what two DDx r/o