Cardio Block Two "Not" From JJ's Doc Flashcards
What is the Canadian CV classification criteria
1- only strenuous/prolonged activity causes angina
2- angina from +2 blocks of walking/emotional stress
3- angina from 2 or less blocks
4- inability to do activity, possible angina at rest
What is the NYHA classification of CV Dz
1- normal PT doesn’t cause Sxs
2- comfortable at rest, activity causes Sxs
3- limited activity, less than ordinary PT causes Sxs
4- inability to do activities w/out Sxs, possibly at rest
What are the 4 Sxs the NYHA criteria looks for in Class 1?
Define Osler’s Sign
Dyspnea, Fatigue, Angina, Palpitations
Calcification of radial artery causing fictitiously elevated BP in elderly PTs
What are the criteria for OHOTN?
What part of this criteria is most sensitive?
> 20mm SBP
10mm DBP
HR inc 30 BPM
HR most specific, implies low volume
Pulse Pressure Equation
What does a wide/narrow PP mean?
Wide- inc CO, dec peripheral resistance
Narrow- dec CO, inc peripheral resistance
Define Pulsus Paradoxus
What can cause it?
Inspiration causes SBP to drop 10mmHg or more
Tamponade, Constrictive pericarditis, obstructed airway, SVC obstruction, COPD
Define Pulsus Alternans
Beat to beat alteration in PP amplitude w/ dip in SBP due to alternating LV contraction force/severe dysfunction
Define Pulsus Parvus et Tardus
Slow uprising of carotid upstroke from severe AS
Define Pulsus Bisferiens
Double wave form from AS and AR combining
Define Spike and Dome Pulse
Double carotid impulse from HOCM
Characteristics of Osler Nodes
Characteristics of Jane Way lesions?
Osler- painful nodes
Jane- painless
What type of skin finding on PE indicated PT may have hemachromatosis
What are Roth Spots associated with?
Browning of the skin
Infective endocarditis
What are copper wires lesions(A/V nicking) associated with?
What else may be seen in the eyes?
Chronic HTN
Soft and hard exudates
What are the causes of a wide pulse pressure?
What are the causes of a narrow pulse pressure?
Inc CO from AR, HTN, Fever, Anxiety, Thyrotoxicosis (High output HF)
Dec CO from CHF, Shock, Hypovolemia, MI, Cardiomyopathy, Hypothryoid (Isolated Diastolic Hypetension)
What causes a pulse beating predominantly in LE but absent in UE is caused by ?
What is the normal location and size of PMI?
Aortic dissection
5ICS at mid-clavicular line 10cm or less from midline, 2-3cm in diameter
What causes a quiet S2?
What causes a loud S2?
A/P stenosis
PHTN (P2) or Systemic HTN
What causes a loud S1?
What causes a quiet S1?
High LA pressure from early MS
1* Block Calcified MV/Late MS, CHF Severe AR, Occasional MR
Wide fixed spit S2 is associated w/ ?
What are 4 causes of soft heart sounds?
Low CO
Pericadial effusion (muffled= tamponade)
What are the only two things that cause opening snaps?
What causes ejection clicks?
MS or TS
AS or PS
What causes mid-systolic click?
What two things cause friction rubs?
Pericarditis or Ventricular Systole
How would an atrial myxoma present on PE?
Inspiration augments all R sided murmurs except ?
Expiration augments ?
Opening snap ONLY when PT bends over
Pulmonary ejection click
AR- best heard on full exhalation while leaning Fwd
What are the 3 pansystolic murmurs?
What are the continuous murmurs?
VSD, MR, and TR
Venous Hum and PDA
What are the four systolic ejection murmurs?
What are the different waves of JVP mean?
A: atrial contraction, precedes carotid pulse
X: atrial relaxation
C: bulging TV during RV systole; can be felt on carotid in neck
X prime: descent of base of heart during ventricular systole
V: passive atrial filling against closed AV valve
Y: rapid atrial emptying following opening of AV valve after carotid pulse is felt
Loss of the “a wave” is due to ?
What causes absent venous pulses?
A-Fib, Atrial stand still
RHF/CHF, SVC obstruction, Tamponade
What causes Giant A Waves?
What causes Cannon A Waves?
Contraction of atrium against inc resistance (RVH, PS, TS, PHTN)
Contraction of atria against closed TV due to AV dissociation (3* Block)
What causes Systolic Venous Pulsations (C-V Waves)?
What causes a Sharp Y Descent
Regurgitation of blood into venous system w/ ventricular contraction in TR, causes rapid Y
Increased venous pressure, Constrictive Pericarditis
Define Y > X Phenomenon
How is rate measured on an EKG?
Sharp Y descent from increased venous pressure in constrictive pericarditis
Each small box= 0.04 sec
Each large box= 0.2 sec