FamMed PPP w/ Rosh Flashcards
What are the two etiologies for hyperlipidemia
What two PE findings are suggestive of this Dx
When are screening initiated for wo/men
Xanthomas: accumulation on Achilles
Xanthelasmas: eyelid plaques
High risk (smoking, HTN, FamHx)- M: 20-25, F: 30-35 Low risk- M: 35, F: 45
National Cholesterol Education Program recommends screening all adults at ? age regardless of RFs
What are the 5 populations that need to have hyperlipidemia Tx
? lab order is needed if Pt develops body aches after starting statin therapy
Diabetics between 40-75y/o
Atherosclerotic dz/ASCVD risk ≥7.5%
≥21y/o w/ LDL ≥190
<19y/o w/ familial hypercholesterolemia
Creatinine kinase
Best med for lowering elevated LDL
Best meds for lowering triglycerides
Best meds to increase HDL
DM2 get ? two meds
Statins, Bile acid sequestrants
Fibrates, Niacin
Niacin, Fibrates
Statins, Fibrates
MOA of statins
Two possible adverse outcomes
Pt education for taking these meds
Inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, inc LDL clearance
Rhabdo, Myositis
Take at night (Atorva/Rosuva- anytime of day)
MOA of Niacin
Adverse effect of use
C/i to use
Inc HDL levels by decreasing clearance
Inc prostaglandins= flushing/warm skin; Pre-Tx w/ NSAID/ASA 30min prior
PUD, Liver Dz
MOA of Fibrates
Adverse effects of use
C/i to use
Dec triglyceride synthesis w/ inc lipoprotein catabolism
Increased gallstones
Hepatobiliary Dz, Breastfeeding
What is the only Fibrate approved for co-use w/ a Statin
Genfibrozil can’t be used w/ ? meglitinide
How is the pruritus associated w/ biliary obstruction Tx
Fenofibric acid
MOA of Bile Acid Sequestrants
Adverse effects of use
C/i to use
Binds to bile acids preventing absorption and dec LDL
Inc triglycerides
Impairs medication/fat soluble vitamin absorption
Sev hypertriglycerides, Complete biliary obstruction
MOA of Ezetimibe
What are the indications for use
What are the adverse effects of use
Inhibits intestinal cholesterol absorption
Combo use w/ statin to dec LDLs
Inc LFTs, HA/D
High intensity statins
Mod intensity statins
Low intensity statins
Atrova 40-80mg
Rosuva 20-40mg
Atorva 10 Rosuva 10 Simva 20-40 Prava 40 Lova 40 Fluva 40 Fluva 80 Pita 2-4mg
Simva 10 Prava 10-20 Lova 20 Fluva 20-40 Pita 1mg
Ranges for Normal, Elevated, Stage 1 and Stage 2 HTN
MCC of Essential HTN
MCC of Secondary HTN
N: <120/80 and <80
E: 120-129 and <80
1: 130-39 or 80-89
2: ≥140/≥90
? are the two MCC of end stage renal dz in USA
What are the ACC/AHA HTN targets
What are the JNC-8 HTN targets
DM then HTN
<60y/o/CKDz/DM: <140/90
≥60y/o: <150/90
? is the only ARB that doesn’t cause hyperuricemia
MOA of Thiazide diuretics (including Metolazone)
S/e of use
Dec reabsorption and Ca excretion at distal tubule
HypoNa/K, HyperUr/Ca/Glucose
MOA of Loop Diuretics
Adverse effects of use
C/i in ? population
Inhibit water transport across LoH
Sulfa allergy
MOA of K-sparing diuretics
S/e of use
C/i to use
Inhibit Na/water absorption, most useful combo use w/ Loops
HyperK, metabolic acidosis
Renal failure, HypoNa
Adverse effects of use
C/i to use
Dec pre/after load, inc vasodilation and insulin action
1st dose HOTN, HyperK Cough Angioedema
Adverse effect of use
C/i to use
Binds/blocks angiotensin two receptors w/out increasing bradykinin levels
MOA of Non-Dihydro CCBs
MOA of Dihydro CCBs
S/e of use
C/i to use
Vasodilators w/out cardiac effect
Affect contractility/conduction along w/ vasodilation
HA Edema Consitpaion- Verapamil
CHF, 2/3 blocks
Adverse effects of use
Ci to use
Catecholamine inhibitor, blocks adrenergic renin release
Impotence, HypoGlycemia
HOTN, HR <50, Asthma/COPD
MOA of A-blockers
Beneficial use for ? population
Adverse effects to use
Blockade leads to arterial dilation
1st dose syncope, HA, weakness
When do USPSTF screening begin and when are f/u needed
Criteria for HTN Urgency
MC c/c Sx
18y/o: q12mon,
q6mon if SBP 120-129
SBP >180 or DBP >120 w/out end organ damage
How are HTN Urgency Tx
What is the BP goal for Tx
PO Meds: Clonidine: A2 agonist Captopirl Furosemide Labetalol Nicardipine
Define HTN Emergency
How quickly is BP lowered
What are the three exceptions to lowering BP
SBP >180 or DBP >120 w/ end organ damage
MAP dec 10-20% first hour
5-15% over 23hrs
Acute phase ischemic stroke
Aortic dissection
intracerebral HTN
What meds are used during HTn Emergencies
What causes angina
Sxs begin to occur when ?% occlusion is present
Na Nitroprusside
Dec perfusion: inc demand along w/ dec supply
Time frame for angina pectoris
What are anginal equivalents
Who is more likely to develop an equivalent
<30min, resolves <5min w/ rest or Nitro
Dyspnea, Epigastric/Shoulder pain
Elderly Diabetic Obese Women