Dyspepsia - Constipation Flashcards
Define Dyspepsia and what it may be associated with?
Predominant epigastric pain
Associated w/ epigastric fullness, N/V, heartburn
When/who is an endoscopy warranted for?
ALL PTs 60 or older
Younger PTs with alarms
If PT complains of dyspepsia but doesn’t have any alarms, what is the next step?
H Pylori testing
What is the next step if PT are H Pylori neg/not improving with eradication should be given?
What if the PT has refractory Sx?
Empiric PPI therapy
Refractory= TCA, Pro-kinetic agent or psychological therapy
Pathophysiology of Gastritis?
What can cause Autoimmune/hypersensitivity gastritis?
Pernicious anemia- +Schilling test, decreased intrinsic factor and parietal cell Abs
What are the infection causes of gastritis?
H Pylori- most common
Tests: Urea breath test, Fecal Ag test
Tx: PPI, Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin
What are the inflammation causes of gastritis?
NSAIDs- reduce prostaglandin production in stomach and duodenum
How does gastritis present in clinic?
Abdominal pain
What is the diagnostic study for gastritis?
Gold Standard diagnosis= endoscopy w/ 4 biopsies along stomach lining
What are the causes of Acute and Chronic Gastritis?
Acute- H Pylori, NSAIDs, ETOH, Portal HTN
Chronic- H Pylori, autoimmune
How does acute/chronic gastritis present in clinic?
Epigastric discomfort
GI Bleeding
How is acute/chronic gastritis diagnosed?
H Pylori testing
What is prescribed for acute/chronic gastritis?
Avoid causative agent
H Pylori eradication
Parenteral B12
What is the sequence of care for PT younger than 60 complaining of dyspepsia?
H Pylori test/treat
No response to eradication / negative Pylori test= PPI to TCA/Prokinetic to Psychotherapy
“Upset Stomach” part of dyspepsia is not clinically relevant unless Sx have been preset for how long?
One month or more
What are the Alarm Signs of dyspepsia?
Concomitant weight loss Persistent vomiting Constant/severe pain Progressive dysphagia Hematemesis Melena
What should the PT Hx for dyspepsia include?
CLR DQ FEW Changes Chronicity, location, quality, duration and relationship to meals Changes to diet/exercise/stress ETOH/Caffeine/Spicy meals Medication Hx F/c, N/V/D, Weight loss
What are the “alarm” alarm signs of dyspepsia?
Constant/severe pain WE RAD Weight loss Evidence of GI bleed Recurrent vomiting Anemia Dysphagia
Dysphagia PE will usually be unremarkable so what other issues are ruled out during exams?
Focal/Severe TTP
What are the lab tests for dyspepsia work up?
Chem 17- CMP
Thyroid panel
H Pylori
What are the “other” tests that can be done during a dyspepsia work up?
Celiac Dz
Stool for ova/parasite
Fecal fat
How would a PT with celiac Dz but complaining of dyspepsia present?
Diarrhea, steatorrhea, flatulence, weight loss, weak and ab distension
How is Celiac Dz diagnosed?
IgA anti-endomysial;
Anti-tissue transglutaminase;
Small bowel biopsy
Celiac Dz is also associated with what other issue?
Dermatitis Herpetiformis
When is an EGD recommended for dyspepsia complaints?
S/Sx suggest etiology other than uncomplicated dyspepsia such as:
Failure to respond to therapy within 6wks
All PTs +60 w/ new onset
PTs younger with alarm signs
Upper endoscopy is the study of choice for diagnosing what issues?
Gastroduodenal ulcers
Erosive esophagitis
Upper GI malignancy
How are gastroduodenal ulcers and erosive esophagitis treated empirically?
H Pylori eradication or,
Or both
Upper endoscopy is mainly indicated to look for ?
Upper gastric/esophageal malignancy in PTs over 60 w/ new onset dyspepsia
Younger PTs with alarms
Initial empiric treatment for dyspepsia is warranted for what PTs?
Younger than 60 with no alarms
What does empiric treatment for dyspepsia include?
1st- H Pylori testing
2nd- PPI trial x 4wks
What are the etiologies of dyspepsia?
F Di HLF BPM Food/Drug intolerance H Pylori infection Luminal GI dysfunction (organic) Functional dyspepsia Biliary tract Dz Pancreatic Dz Miscellaneous comorbidity
Describe Food/Drug Intolerance etiology of dyspepsia?
HOMIEES Indigestion Over eating Eating too quickly Stress eating High fat food ETOH/Caffeine Medications
What medications can cause dyspepsia?
ADAM AND CEFO Aspirin Diabetes drugs ABX- metronidazole, macrolides MOA Inhibitors- Parkinson's ACEI/ARB NSAIDs Digoxin Corticosteroids Estrogens Fe Opioods
What is the most common cause of chronic dyspepsia?
Functional dyspepsia- 75% of PTs don’t have an organic cause
How can dysfunctional dyspepsia develop?
Delayed gastric emptying or impaired to psychological stressors
May develop De Novo following enteric infection
What type of PT population usually has functional dyspepsia?
Younger w/ variety of GI complaints but show signs of anxiety/depression
How is Functional Dyspepsia treated?
Once all organic causes are rule out
Life style change- d/c ETOH/caffeine, eat smaller, food diary
Pharm- anti-secretory, TCAs, metoclopromide to decrease gastric emptying time
What are the organic disorders that can cause dyspepsia?
PUD: 5-15% GERD: 20% Neoplasm: less than 1% Lactose intolerant Malabsorption Gastroparesis
Gastroparesis is an organic disorder than can lead to dyspepsia especially in what PT population?
Parasitic Infection
What are the most common causes of PUD?
H Pylori
How does PUD present in clinic?
Gnawing epigastric pain
Duodenal ulcer= pain alleviated w/ food (DUDe give me food)
Gastric ulcer= exacerbated w/ food intake
What are the diagnostic studies for PUD?
H Pylori- fecal Ag test or
Urea breath test
What is the management plan for PUD?
H Pylori eradication w/ Triple Therapy: Omeprazole, Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin
What is the most common cause of upper GI bleeds?
S/Sx of a duodenal ulcer?
PT wakes at night
Pain relived w/ food
Postprandial pain, 1-2hrs
More common than gastric
S/Sx of a gastric ulcer?
Early satiety
Pain immediately after meals
What are five complications that can arise from PUD?
Bleeding Gastric outlet obstruction Penetration Fistulation Perforation
What most commonly causes GERD?
LES dysfucntion
How does a GERD PT present?
Hx of nocturnal cough or asthma
Retrosternal burning radiating up, usually after eating
What are the diagnostic studies for GERD?
PPI trial or,
H2 blockers
How are GERD cases managed?
Weight Loss
Elevate head when sleeping
Avoid certain foods/drinks
What are the 3 dominant pathophysiological mechanisms causing GERD?
Transient LES relaxation
Anatomic disruption of GE junction
What are the Sx of Lactose Intolerance?
Bloating/cramps Flatulence Diarrhea N/V Borborygmi
What is the definitive diagnostic test for lactose intolerance?
Lactose hydrogen breath test
How is lactose intolerance treated?
Lactose free products
Lactase supplements
What diseases is H Pylori associated with?
Gastric/Duodenal ulcers
Gastric carcinoma
What are the H Pylori tests and Spec/Sens?
Fecal Ag- 98%Spec, 94% Sens
C13- 96%Spec, 98% Sens
Serology- 79%Spec, 85% Sens
What is Triple Therapy for H Pylori consist of?
CAMP Omeprazole PO BID Clarithromycin 500mg PO BID Amoxicillin 1g PO BID Metronidazole 500mg PO BID if PCN allergic` x 14 days
What is Quadruple Therapy for H Pylori consist of and when is it used?
Please Be My Treatment Clarithromycin resistant Bismuth two tabs PO QID Metronidazole 500mg PO TID Tetracycline 500mg PO QID Omeprazole/other PPI PO BID x 14 days
What are the characteristics of H Pylori in the absence of PUD?
Spiral Gram-Neg rod residing adjacent to epithelial cells at mucosal surface and gastric pits
H Pylori testing is indicated for what 3 types of PTs?
Chronic GERD
Suspected/confirmed PUD PTs
When is fecal Ag test more likely be used?
Detect post-treatment eradication
If a young PT needs to be tested for H Pylori what non-invasive tests are used?
First: Urea breath test, Fecal Ag
What type of results in a young PT can virtually exclude PUD when testing for H Pylori?
Breath or fecal test is neg AND PT is not taking NSAIDs
How does dyspepsia presnt in a PT w/ pancreatic Dz?
More severe pain
How does dyspepsia present in PTs with biliary tract diseases?
Abrupt onset of epigastric/RUQ pain due to cholelithiasis/choledocholithiasis
What are the miscellaneous comorbidities of dyspepsia?
Thyroid disease
Define Nausea
Define Anorexia
Vague, intense disagreement sensation of sickness
Decreased appetite
What are visceral afferent stimulants that can cause N/V?
HIPPO MT D Hepatobiliary/pancreatic disorder Infection Post-Op Peritoneal irritation Other- HF, HDz, urologic dz Mechanical obstruction Topical GI irritants Dysmotility
What are the types of mechanical obstructions that can cause N/V?
Gastric outlet obstruction- PUD, malignancy, volvulus
Small Intestine obstruction- adhesion, hernia, Crohns, carcinomatosis
What are the causes of dysmotility that can cause N/V?
Hastroparesis- diabetic, post viral/vagotomy
Small intestine scleroderma, amyloidosis, chronic pseudo-obstruction, myoneuropathy
What are the peritoneal irritants that can cause N/V?
VGE- Norwalk, Rotavirus
Food poisoning
Acute systemic infections
What are the hepatobiliary/pancreatic disorders that can cause N/V?
Hep A/B
What are the topical GI irritants that can cause N/V?
What are the other reasons that can lead to N/V development?
Cardiac disease- MI/HF
Urologic Dz: stones, pyelonephritis
What vestibular disorders can cause the development of N/V?
Meniere Syndrome
Motion sickness
What CNS disorders can cause N/V?
What chemoreceptor trigger zone irritants can cause N/V?
Anti-tumor meds
Radiation therapy
Systemic disorders
What causes vomiting?
Afferent vagal fibers from GI viscera
Stimulation of vestibular fibers
CNS- amygdala
Chemoreceptor trigger zone
What types of stimulus affects the visceral fibers possibly leading to vomitting?
Numerous serotoning 5-HT3 receptors may be stimulated by biliary/GI distension, irritants or infections
What N/V Hx questions are asked?
N or N w/ V Hematemesis Onset/relation to meals Pain Location Meds/Diet Sick contacts
What types of stimulants can trigger the higher CNS and cause vomiting?
Sight/smell, emotional experiences
What triggers the chemoreceptor trigger zone to cause vomiting?
Drugs Chemo/radiation Toxins Hypoxia Uremia Acidosis
What are the S/Sx of N/V?
Acute onset w/ pain= peritoneal irritation, acute obstruction, gastroparesis
Acute onset w/out pain= food poisoning, acute gastroenteritis, systemic illness
What is checked for during a N/V PE?
Ab exam- TTP, Distention, Organomegaly
What are the S/Sx of dehydration in a PT with N/V?
Dry mucous membranes
Skin turgor
Orthostatic VS- tilts
Explain the Tilts test
Lie in bed 3-5min BP and pulse while supine Sit x 1min BP/P Stand and take BP/P Repeat in 3min
How are the Tilts Test results interpreted?
Dec >20mm SBP or
Dec >10mm DBP
After 3min of standing
HR inc of 30bpm after 3min of standing= hypovolemia independent OHOTN criteria
What are the further work up images for N/V PTs?
Not indicated unless Hx/PE suggests focal cause
Plain film- abdominal flat and upright
What labs can be drawn for N/V PTs?
BMP/CMP- E+, Serum pH, Liver Enzymes, Amylase/lipase
What complications can emerge from vomiting?
Dehydration Hypokalemia Metabolic alkalosis Aspiration Boerhaave Synd- rupture Mallory-Weiss tear
What is the pathophysiology of Mallry-Weiss Syndrome?
Incomplete longitudinal tear in esophageal mucosa AND proximal stomach in PTs with Hx of forceful vomiting
How will PTs with Mallory-Weiss Syndrome present?
What is the diagnostic study for them?
How are they managed?
Upper endoscopy
Endoscopic therapy- active bleed
Acid suppression- nonactive bleed
What are the risk factors of Mallory Weiss Syndrome?
Alcohol use
Hiatal hernia
What are the treatments for N/V?
Consider IV
Consider if PO meds can be tolerated
What type of supportive care is recommended for PTs with N/V?
Frequent small sips of clear fluids
BRAT diets
Adv to ginger if tolerated
Profile/work note
What medication is a serotonin 5-Ht3 receptor antagonist
Ondansetron- Zofran
5-HT3 receptor antagonists are effective as single agents for preventing ?
How can these meds be enhanced?
Chemo induced N/V
Combo therapy w/ corticosteroid (Dexameth) and NK1 receptor antagonist
How do corticosteroids enhance the efficacy of serotonin receptor antagonists?
Enhance efficacy of serotonin receptor antagonists for preventing acute and delayed N/V in PTs receiving moderate/high emetogenic chemo regimes
What two dopamine antagonists may be used for N/V?
What triple med combo is highly effective to prevent acute/delayed N/V from high chemo regimes?
Neurokinin receptor antagonists
Serotonin antagonists
What drug class is valuable in preventing vomiting from labryinth stimulation (motion sickness, vertigo, migraines)?
Antihistamines and Anticholinergics
What is the first-line therapy for N/V during pregnancy?
B6 and doxylamine combo
What are the antihistamines that may be used for N/V PTs?
Define Singultus
Hiccups, involuntary contraction of diaphragm
Usually L > R
What can cause constipation in adults?
Most common- inadequte fiber and poor bowel habits Systemic Dz Meds Structural abnormalities Slow colonic transit Pelvic floow dyssynergia IBS
What are the Tx for Singultus?
Tsp dry sugar Nasopharynx stimulation Valsalva Rebreath Scare Relieve gastric distension
What medication is given for intractable hiccups?
What is the cause of benign, self limiting hiccups?
Gastric distention
Sudden temp changes
Alcohol ingestion
Heightened emotion
What is the cause of persistent hiccups?
CNS- neoplasm, infection, trauma Metabolic- uremia, hypocapnia Chronic irritation of vagus/phrenic Post-Op Psychogenic
Chronic/persistent hiccups need what further investigatory steps performed?
Full Hx and PE
Define Eructation and Flatus
Gastric distention resulting in transient LES relaxation
Eructation/flatus is typically due to ? and is only problomatic if ?
Define Eructation
In/voluntary release of gas from stomach or esophagus most frequently after meals
Define Flatus
GI gas is derived from what two sources?
Swallowed air, primarily N
Bacterial fermentation of undigested Carbs
What is the first step in Tx of Flatus/Eructation
Investigate potential malabsorption syndromes
When investigating causes of flatus/eructation, a food diary may elicit specific causes and prompt avoidance of ?
FODMAPs foods
Short chain carbs- fermentable, oligo/di/monosaccharides and polypols
Lactose- dairy
Fructose- fruit, corn syrup, sweetner
Polypols- stone fruit, mushroom, sweetners
Fructans- legumes, cruciferous vegs, pasta, whole grains/wheat
What are the recommended pharmacotherapies for treating flatus/eructation?
What gases are found in farts?
O N H CO2, H2S, NH4, methane
What gases account for the foul smell of farts?
Define Constipation
Fewer than 3 Bm/wk
Excessive straining
Sense of incomplete evacuation
What are common causes of constipation?
Most common in older women Inadequate fiber Poor hydration/habits Systemic Dz Obstruction lesion Meds- opiods, diuretics, Ca/Fe supplements, CCBs IBS-C
What two systemic diseases can cause constipation?
What type of PT is most likely to present with constipation?
Women w/ alternating constipation/diarrhea
How will female PT with IBS present?
Abdominal discomfort relieved by BMs
What is the diagnostic study for IBS?
Rome criteria
What is the management plan for IBS PTs?
Sx care
What is the Rome IV Criteria for IBS?
Recurrent ab pain averaging >1 day per wk for 3mon and associated with two or more of:
Related to defecation
Onset with change in stool freq
Onset with change of stool appearance
Define IBS
GI syndrome of chronic ab pain and altered bowel habits in absence of an organic cause
What are the clinical associations of IBS?
Chronic ab pain that varies in intensity
Altered bowel habit (diarrhea , constipation, both)
What are the subtypes of IBS?
What is the initial therapy dietary modifications for IBS?
Exclusion of gas producing foods Avoid lactose/gluten Low FODMAP Fiber Food allergy testing
What are the initial therapies for IBS management?
Dietary mod
Physical activity
What are the adjunctive pharmacologic therapies for IBS?
Constipation- osmotic laxative, lubiprostone, linaclotide
Diarrhea- antidiarrheal, bile acid sequestrates, serotonin 3 receptor agonists
Pain-bloating- antispasmodic, antidepressant, ABX
What are the common characteristics of IBS-C Primary?
More common
Not attributed to any structural abnormality or systematic dz.
CCO- infrequency, bloating, straining w/ Hx of psychosocial disorder
What are the common characteristics of IBS-C Secondary?
Systemic Dz
More sudden onset w/out prior Hx of constipation
What is extremely important when determining cause/type of IBS-C?
Hx- differentiates between primary and secondary
Ask about systemic sx, meds and prior Hx
What will be found upon exam of a PT with IBS-C?
Dullness to percussion on L quads
DRE to r/o structural abnormalities; hard stool in rectal vault may be noticed
Why is a DRE performed on a PT with suspected IBS-C?
R/o obstruction abnormalities
What does a workup for IBS-C consist of?
Colonoscopy for PTs that are:
Severe constipation
Signs of organic disorder
What are the alarm Sx of IBS-C?
Hematochezia Weight loss Pos FOBT FamHx of colon cancer IBDz
What labs are ordered for IBS-C PTs?
CMP- Ca, glucose
Thyroid panel
What will a radiograph of a IBS-C PT show?
Abnormal film shows non-specific bowel gas pattern
What is the next imaging modality for IBS-C after x-ray?
Endoscopy- colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy
How is IBS-C treated?
Diet/life changes Optimize toilet habits- timing, position Inc dietary fiber/fluids Fiber supplement trial Exercise
If IBS response to fiber therapy is not immediate, how should changes be made?
Gradual increase over 7-10 days
Fiber therapy is most likely to benefit what type of IBS PT but not benefit ? type?
Benefit- Normal colonic transit
Not- Colonic inertia, defecatory disorders, opioid induced, IBS; could EXACERBATE these PTs
What osmotic laxatives are recommended for IBS?
Magnesium hydroxide
Polyethelyne glycol 3550
Polyethelyne glycol
Magnesium citrate
Magnesium containing saline laxatives should not be given to PTs with ?
Chronic renal insufficiency
What is the time for osmotic laxatives on set in?
What is used if a more rapid result is needed?
Purgative laxative- magnesium citrate (may cause hypermagnesium)
If osmotic laxatives do not work, what is the next option?
Stimulant laxative
Oral agents taken PO at bed
What are the common preparations of stimulant laxatives?
What is the stool surfactant name?
What are the two parts of an enema?
Docusate sodium
Tap water
Saline- fleet
What are the pharmacotherpies for constipation treatment?
Stool surfactant
What type of PT is likely to have fecal impactions?
Elderly bed bound
How does a fecal impaction present?
Belly cramp and bloat
Small stool leakage
Rectal discomfort
What are the etiological factors of fecal impactions?
Low fiber Opiods IBS Diabetes Hypothyroidism
What are two complications that can arise from a fecal impaction?
Rectal necrosis
How are fecal impactions managed?
Manual disimpaction
Stool softening
Osmotic laxative
Fecal impactions may have paradoxical ? and may require ?
Manual disimpaction- manual fragmentation followed by oil-retention enema (mineral oil)
What are two common complications of constipation?
Fecal impaction
Define external hemorrhoids
Lower 1/3 of anus, below dentate line
Presents with pain and pruitus requiring excision
Define Internal hemorrhoid
Upper 1/3, above dentate line
No pain, bright red blood, pruritus and rectal discomfort treated with fiber, sitz baths and possible reduction
How are hemorrhoids classified?
1- no protrusion
2- prolapse but reduce spontaneously
3- prolapse but require manual reduction
4- cannot be reduce and may strangulate
Wis a PT with constipation referred?
Refractory Sx to treatment Abnormal structure Evidence of obstruction Over 50y/o Alarm Sx
Stopped at
End of Constipation