Food allergy Management Flashcards
When should an immediate ambulance transfer to A&E be arranged for food allergy?
Arrange immediate ambulance transfer to A&E if systemic symptoms or suspected anaphylaxis with or without angioedema.
What is the dietary treatment for food allergies?
Dietary treatment includes exclusion of offending food(s) from the diet, paediatric dietician referral, and considering dietary exclusion in the mother if she is breastfeeding.
What drug treatment is recommended for mild reactions to food allergies?
Mild reactions (no cardiorespiratory symptoms) are treated with non-sedating antihistamines (diphenhydramine).
What drug treatment is recommended for severe reactions to food allergies?
Severe reactions (with cardiovascular, laryngeal or bronchial involvement) require IM adrenaline (may be given by autoinjector (EpiPen)) and salbutamol if bronchospasm occurs.
What should be included in educating the child and family about managing an allergic attack?
Educating the child and family includes providing written self-management plans, training, and Epi-Pens for home use, advising to keep 2 doses with them at all times.
What doses of adrenaline are recommended for different age groups for food allergies?
Doses of 1:1000 adrenaline: >12 years 500mcg, 6-12 years 300mcg, 6 months to 6 years 150 mcg, child < 6 months 100-150mcg.
What is the purpose of a food challenge in managing food allergies?
A food challenge should be considered after 6-12 months of being symptom-free to diagnose food allergy.
What does a food challenge involve?
A food challenge involves administering increasing quantities of the food allergen under medical supervision, starting with direct mucosal exposure and then titrated oral ingestion as tolerated.
When should a food challenge be considered in a hospital setting?
If the previous reaction was severe, consider doing the food challenge in hospital, usually not arranged for at least 2 years after the reaction.
What should be explained about the concept of allergy?
Explain that an allergy is when the body’s immune system reacts to substances that are not harmful to other people (e.g., milk).
What is the mainstay of treatment for food allergies?
The mainstay of treatment is strict avoidance of the allergens.
What should be discussed in an allergy action plan?
Discuss an allergy action plan including the use of non-sedating antihistamines and adrenaline.
Do children outgrow food allergies?
Explain that some children grow out of allergies.
What should be explained about the use of non-sedating antihistamines and adrenaline?
Explain the use of non-sedating antihistamines for mild reactions and adrenaline for severe reactions.
Which food allergies often resolve in early childhood?
Food allergy to cow’s milk and egg often resolves in early childhood, so gradual reintroduction may be possible.
Which food allergies usually persist through to adulthood?
Food allergy to nuts and seafood usually persists through to adulthood.
summarise food allergy management
Laz summary of food allergy