Cerebral_Palsy_Flashcards COPY
What are the antenatal risk factors for Cerebral Palsy?
Antenatal risk factors include chorioamnionitis and maternal respiratory or genito-urinary infection.
What are the perinatal risk factors for Cerebral Palsy?
Perinatal risk factors include preterm birth, low birth weight, neonatal encephalopathy, neonatal sepsis, and maternal infection.
What are the postnatal risk factors for Cerebral Palsy?
Postnatal risk factors include meningitis and head trauma prior to 3 years.
Can MRI establish the timing of injury in Cerebral Palsy?
No, MRI cannot establish the timing of injury in Cerebral Palsy.
What are the possible early motor features of Cerebral Palsy?
Possible early motor features include unusual fidgety movements, abnormalities of tone, abnormal motor development, and feeding difficulties.
What are the delayed motor milestones indicating Cerebral Palsy?
Delayed motor milestones include not sitting by 8 months, not walking by 18 months, and hand preference before 1 year.
What should be done if a child has persistent toe walking?
Refer all children with persistent toe walking.
What are the red flags for other neurological disorders in children suspected of having Cerebral Palsy?
Red flags include absence of risk factors, family history of progressive neurological disorder, loss of already attained cognitive or developmental abilities, development of unexpected focal neurological signs, MRI findings suggestive of progressive neurological disorder, and MRI findings not in keeping with CP.
What is the role of an MDT in the management of Cerebral Palsy?
An MDT, including paediatrician, nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, dietetics, psychology, orthopaedics, orthotics, visual and hearing specialists, is crucial for managing Cerebral Palsy.
What interventions are recommended for speech language and communication difficulties in Cerebral Palsy?
Interventions include improving posture, breath control, voice production, and rate of speech. Consider augmentative and alternative communication systems if needed.
How should eating, drinking, and swallowing difficulties be managed in children with Cerebral Palsy?
Assessment by a speech and language therapist, creating an individualised plan for managing eating, drinking, and swallowing, and considering video fluoroscopy are recommended.
What are the considerations for managing saliva control in children with Cerebral Palsy?
Consider anticholinergics (e.g., glycopyrronium bromide, transdermal hyoscine hydrobromide), botulinum toxin A injection into salivary glands, and referral to specialist services if necessary.
What measures should be taken for low bone mineral density in non-ambulant children with Cerebral Palsy?
Assess dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D, consider an active movement/weight bearing programme or dietetic interventions.
What is the stepped approach for managing pain, discomfort, and distress in children with Cerebral Palsy?
Consider a ‘stepped approach’ trial of simple analgesia if no identifiable cause, and referral to specialist pain MDT if unsuccessful.
What is recommended for managing sleep disturbance in children with Cerebral Palsy?
Optimise sleep hygiene and consider a trial of melatonin.
What are the other common problems associated with Cerebral Palsy that require management?
Other problems include visual impairment, hearing impairment, learning disability and behavioural difficulties, gastro-oesophageal reflux, chronic constipation, epilepsy.
What are the options for managing spasticity in children with Cerebral Palsy?
Options for managing spasticity include dorsal rhizotomy, intrathecal baclofen, and deep brain stimulation.