What is a useful and safe method for removing live lice in pediculosis?
Wet combing with a fine-tooth comb.
What are the steps for wet combing to remove lice?
Four sessions spaced over 2 weeks (days 1, 5, 9 and 13), i.e. every 4 days.
What physical insecticides can be used for treating head lice?
Dimeticone 4% lotion or aqueous solution of malathion 0.5%.
What chemical insecticide is licensed in the UK for treating head lice?
Malathion 0.5% liquid.
How often should insecticides be applied for treating head lice?
Insecticides are generally recommended to be applied twice at least 7 days apart; some experts recommend 3 applications to ensure complete cure.
What should be done after treatment to ensure it was successful?
Detection combing should be done after treatment to ensure it was successful.
Is school exclusion required for head lice?
No, school exclusion is not required.