What is the first step in medical management of asthma in children < 5 years?
The first step is to offer a SABA (e.g. salbutamol) as reliever therapy.
When should you go to step 2 straightaway in managing asthma in children < 5 years?
Go to step 2 if there are asthma-related symptoms 3 times a week or more, waking at night due to asthma, or asthma not controlled by SABA reliever alone.
What is the next step if asthma symptoms do not resolve after an 8-week trial of paediatric moderate-dose ICS in children < 5 years?
If symptoms do not resolve at 8 weeks, go to step 3 or consider an alternative diagnosis.
What should be done if asthma symptoms reoccur within 4 weeks of stopping ICS in children < 5 years?
Restart ICS at a low-dose if symptoms reoccur within 4 weeks of stopping.
What should be added to low-dose ICS if symptoms persist in children < 5 years?
Add a LTRA (e.g. montelukast) to the low-dose ICS.
What should be done if asthma symptoms do not improve with a low-dose ICS and LTRA in children < 5 years?
Stop LTRA and refer to a healthcare professional with expertise in asthma.
What is the first step in medical management of asthma in children aged 5-16 years?
The first step is to offer a SABA (e.g. salbutamol) as reliever therapy.
What is the next step if asthma-related symptoms occur 3 times a week or more in children aged 5-16 years?
Go to step 2 if there are asthma-related symptoms 3 times a week or more, waking at night due to asthma, or asthma not controlled by SABA reliever alone.
What should be added if asthma symptoms are not controlled by SABA reliever alone in children aged 5-16 years?
Add a paediatric low-dose ICS.
What is the next step if asthma symptoms are not controlled by low-dose ICS and LTRA in children aged 5-16 years?
Stop LTRA and add a LABA.
What is MART regimen in asthma management for children aged 5-16 years?
MART regimen is Maintenance And Reliever Therapy with a paediatric low-dose ICS and LABA.
What should be done if asthma symptoms are not controlled by a MART regimen or fixed-dose ICS and LABA in children aged 5-16 years?
Increase ICS to paediatric moderate-dose ICS or seek advice from a healthcare professional with expertise in asthma.
What should be assessed in non-pharmacological management of asthma?
Assess the patient’s baseline asthma status using tools like the Asthma Control Questionnaire or lung function tests.
What should be provided to patients for self-management of asthma?
Provide self-management education and a personalised asthma action plan.
What should be advised regarding trigger avoidance in asthma management?
Advise about avoiding specific allergens, smoke, beta-blockers, and NSAIDs.
What should be done at review of asthma management?
Confirm adherence to medication, review inhaler technique, assess if treatment needs to be changed, and ask about occupational asthma and triggers.
How should the severity of asthma attacks be determined?
Determine the severity of asthma as moderate, severe, or life-threatening.
What are the PEFR ranges for moderate, severe, and life-threatening asthma?
Moderate: PEFR >50-75% best or predicted; Severe: PEFR 33-50% best or predicted; Life-threatening: PEFR <33% best or predicted.
What is the initial management for life-threatening or severe asthma awaiting hospital admission?
Give high-flow oxygen, nebulised salbutamol, nebulised ipratropium bromide, and nebulised magnesium sulphate.
What is the role of corticosteroids in the management of severe/life-threatening asthma?
Corticosteroids (e.g. prednisolone) should be given to all patients with severe/life-threatening asthma.
What additional treatments should be considered if initial management of severe asthma fails?
Consider IV salbutamol, IV aminophylline, or IV magnesium sulphate and discuss with a senior clinician.
When should follow-up be conducted for asthma management after an attack?
Follow-up within 48 hours of presentation if not admitted to hospital or within 2 working days of discharge if admitted.