What gross motor milestone is expected at 3 months?
Little or no head lag on being pulled to sit, lying on abdomen with good head control, held sitting with lumbar curve.
What gross motor milestone is expected at 6 months?
Lying on abdomen with arms extended, lying on back lifting and grasping feet, pulls self to sitting, held sitting with back straight, rolls front to back.
What gross motor milestone is expected at 7-8 months?
Sits without support (Refer at 12 months).
What gross motor milestone is expected at 9 months?
Pulls to standing, crawls.
What gross motor milestone is expected at 12 months?
Cruises, walks with one hand held.
What gross motor milestone is expected at 13-15 months?
Walks unsupported (Refer at 18 months).
What gross motor milestone is expected at 18 months?
Squats to pick up a toy.
What gross motor milestone is expected at 2 years?
Runs, walks upstairs and downstairs holding on to rail.
What gross motor milestone is expected at 3 years?
Rides a tricycle using pedals, walks up stairs without holding on to rail.
What gross motor milestone is expected at 4 years?
Hops on one leg.
What is a normal variant in gross motor development that runs in families?
The majority of children crawl on all fours before walking, but some children ‘bottom-shuffle’. This is a normal variant and runs in families.
At what age would the average child acquire the ability to sit without support?
12 months
4-5 months
10-11 months
6-8 months
3 months
The answer (6-8 months) includes the 6 months as stated in the MRCPCH Development Guide. Most other sources suggest a slightly later age of 7-8 months.