What is the primary treatment approach for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)?
The primary treatment approach for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is to treat the underlying cause, which is usually sepsis.
What supportive care measures are used in the management of DIC?
Supportive care measures in the management of DIC include maintaining hemodynamic stability and organ function.
What types of replacement therapy are used in DIC?
Replacement therapy in DIC includes platelet transfusion, fresh frozen plasma (FFP), and cryoprecipitate transfusions to replace coagulation factors.
How is the restoration of physiological coagulation pathways attempted in DIC?
The restoration of physiological coagulation pathways in DIC may involve the use of heparin, although its use is controversial.
Is antithrombin recommended for use in DIC management?
No, antithrombin is not recommended for use in DIC management due to minimal data on its effectiveness and safety.
When might Protein C concentrates be used in the management of DIC?
Protein C concentrates may be used in cases of purpura fulminans due to meningococcal septicaemia or congenital protein deficiency, particularly in neonates.
What treatment might be required for chronic DIC?
Chronic DIC may require treatment with heparin and tranexamic acid.
What are the typical laboratory findings in DIC?
Typical laboratory findings in DIC include decreased platelets, decreased fibrinogen, increased PT and APTT, and increased fibrinogen degradation products.