Macroeconomics - Ch 7 Flashcards
National income accounting
measures the economy’s overall performance; compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Aggregate output
primary measure of the economy’s performance; annual total output of goods/services
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
aggregate output as the dollar value of all final goods and services produced within the borders of a country during a specific period of time, typically a year
Intermediate goods
products purchased for resale or further processing or manufacturing
Final goods
products purchased by their end users
Multiple counting
counting the value of intermediate goods as well as final good; distorts GDP
Value added
market value of a firm’s output less the value of the inputs the firm has bought from others
Nonproduction transactions
excluded from GDP; have nothing to do with the generation of final goods; two types - purely financial transactions & secondhand sales
Purely Financial Transactions
Public transfer payments, private transfer payments, stock market transactions
Public transfer payments
social security payments, welfare payments, veterans’ payments that the government makes directly to households
Private transfer payments
money that parents give children, cash gifts given during holidays; produce no output
Stock market transactions
buying and selling of stocks and bonds; “swapping paper”
Secondhand sales
contribute nothing to production; excluded from GDP; ex. selling a used car to a friend
Output (expenditures) approach
GDP as the sum of all the money spent in buying it
Earnings (allocation) (income) approach
GDP in terms of the income derived or created from producing it