Macroeconomics - Ch 1 Flashcards
Opportunity costs
To obtain more of one thing, society forgoes/sacrifices the opportunity of getting the next best thing
Economic perspective
Economic way of thinking; stresses resource scarcity & necessity of making choices, assumption of purposeful/rational behavior, & comparisons of marginal benefit & marginal cost
Pleasure, happiness, or satisfaction obtained from consuming a good or service
Marginal analysis
Comparisons of marginal benefits & marginal costs, usually for decision making
Scientific method
Procedure consisting of observing real world behavior and outcomes, formulating a hypothesis, testing the info, accepting/rejecting/modifying the hypothesis, continuing to test the hypothesis against the facts
Economic principle
A statement about economic behavior or the economy that enables prediction of the probable effects of certain actions; combos of these principles = models (simple representation of how something works)
Price quantity principle
Consumers buy more of a product when the price falls
Other-things-equal assumption (ceteris paribus)
Assumption that factors other than those being considered do not change; all variables except those under immediate consideration are held constant for a particular analysis)
Part of economics concerned with decision making by individual customers, workers, households, & business firms
Examines either the economy as a whole or its basic subdivisions or aggregates (gov’t, household, & biz sectors)
Positive economics
Focuses on facts and cause/effect relationships; includes description, theory development, & theory testing; avoids value judgments; tries to establish specific scientific statements about Econ behavior
Normative economics
Value judgments about what the economy should be like or what particular policy actions should be recommended to achieve a desirable goal (what ought to be)
Examines how individuals, institutions, & society make choices under conditions of scarcity
Economizing problem
Need to make choices b/c economic wants exceed economic means
Budget line/budget constraint
Schedule/curve that shows various combos of 2 products a consumer can purchase with a specific income