A&P Lab 8: Skeletal System Flashcards
Skeletal system
consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and joints
Human skeleton
206 bones
Osseous tissue
bone; tissue composed of living cells that require nutrients and give off waste just as any other cells in the body
bone cells; produce the hard, calcium phosphate matrix that make up the bulk of bone
calcium phosphate; makes up the bulk of bone
Compact bone
1 of 2 arrangements of osteocytes and matrix; organized in a circular fashion in an osteion or Haversian system
Spongy bone
1 of 2 arrangements of osteocytes and matrix; arranged in a 3D latticework which forms many small spaces which typically house red bone marrow
Axial skeleton
skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum
Appendicular skeleton
skull consists of this, which houses the brain
Facial bones
support anterior structures of the head
flat bones of the cranium are joined by these narrow, immoveable articulations
Frontal bone
one large, flat anterior bone
Parietal bone
2 large, flat bones forming the anterior lateral wall
Temporal bones
2 large bones forming the inferior lateral wall
Occipital bones
1 large, flat posterior bone
Sphenoid bone
1 butterfly-shaped, mostly interior bone
Ethmoid bone
1 small, interior bone anterior to the sphenoid bone
Coronal suture
between the frontal and parietal bones
Sagittal suture
between the 2 parietal bones
Lambdoidal suture
between the parietal bones and the occipital bones
Squamosal suture
between the temporal and parietal bones
Maxillary bones
2 bones that form the upper jaw and hard palate
Zygomatic bones
2 that form the cheek bones
Lacrimal bones
2 that form the medial orbit of the eye
Nasal bones
2 that form the proximal bridge of the nose
Inferior nasal conchae
2 forming the lateral wall of nasal cavity
Palatine bones
2 forming the posterior hard palate
1 forming the lower jaw
one that forms the floor of the nasal cavity
Supraorbital foramina
openings located above each eye socket, or orbit, which transmits the supraorbital nerve and artery
Supraorbital ridges
thickenings of the frontal bone superior to each orbit
Mastoid process
a rounded projection at the inferior surface that serves as attachment for muscles of mastication (chewing)
Styloid process
a narrow, pointed projection anterior to the mastoid process that is an attachment for muscles of the neck and tongue
External auditory meatus
the cave-like tube through the temporal bone that supports the ear canal
Mandibular fossa
a depression of the inferior surface that receives the condylar process of the mandible
Zygomatic process
a slender projection forming part of the cheekbone, which articulates with the zygomatic bone
Carotid canal (foramen)
a round opening at the inferior surface that transmits the carotid artery
Jugular foramen
a large opening at the inferior surface that transmits the jugular vein
Foramen lacerum
a narrow opening with jagged edges at the inferior surface; it is filled with cartilage in a living skull
Stylomastoid foramen
a small opening at the inferior surface for cranial nerve VII (facial nerve) and an artery
Internal auditory meatus
a small opening at the inferior surface for cranial nerve VII (vestibulocochlear nerve)
Foramen magnum
the large opening that allows the spinal cord to connect to the lower brain
Occipital condyles
2 rounded processes on opposing sides of the foramen magnum that articulate with the atlas
Hypoglossal foramina
2 openings that transmit cranial nerve XII (hypoglossal nerve)
Crista galli
a narrow ridge on the superior surface that serves as an attachment for brain membranes
Cribiform plates
located on opposing sides of the crista galli, they are sieve-like surfaces that form the roof of the nasal cavity; the perforations (olfactory foramina), permit the olfactory sensory nerves forming cranial I to pass to the brain
Olfactory foramina
perforations of the cribiform plates that permit the olfactory sensory nerves forming cranial I to pass to the brain
Perpendicular plate
a flat interior surface forming the superior part of the nasal septum
Superior nasal conchae
scroll-like projections on each lateral wall of the nasal cavity
Middle nasal conchae
scroll-like projections on each lateral wall of the nasal cavity, inferior to the superior nasal conchae
Optic foramina
round openings for cranial nerve II (optic nerve)
Foramina rotunda
2 openings for the maxillary branch of cranial nerve V (trigeminal nerve)
Foramina ovale
2 oval openings for the mandibular branch of cranial nerve V (trigeminal nerve)
Greater and lesser wings
flat surfaces that form the anterior and lateral floor of the cranium
Sella turcica
a saddle-like bony feature that supports the pituitary gland
Superior orbital fissures
narrow openings at each orbit that transmits blood vessels and nerves
Inferior orbital fissures
narrow openings below each superior orbital fissure for blood vessels and nerves
Alveolar processes (maxillae)
ridges surrounding tooth sockets (alveoli)
Palatine process
flat surfaces forming the anterior part of the hard palate, which fuse in the center
Alveolar processes (mandible)
ridges surrounding tooth sockets (alveoli)
the curved, anterior portion
the posterior arms that angle upward
the corner where the ramus begins its upward angle
Mental foramina
2 openings on the external surface of the body, one on each side
Mandibular foramina
2 openings on the inside surface of the ramus, one on each side
Mandibular condyles
2 rounded projections on the superior part of the ramus on both sides
Coronoid processes
anterior of the 2 superior projections of the ramus, one on each side
Mandibular notches (arches)
a large, u-shaped curve of the superior edge of the ramus on each side
Paranasal sinuses
cavities within certain bones of the skull that are lined with mucous membranes & communicate with the nasal cavities by way of small openings
4 Paranasal sinuses
frontal, sphenoidal, ethmoidal, and maxillary
soft spots on fetal skulls
Anterior (frontal) fontanel
located between the frontal bones and parietal bones
Anterolateral (spheoidal) fontanel
located between the parietal, temporal, and sphenoidal bones
Posterior (occipital) fontanel
found between the parietal and occipital bones
Posterolateral (mastoid) fontanel
located between the parietal, occipital, and temporal bones
series of irregular bones that makes up the vertebral column, protects the spinal cord, and provides attachment sites for muscles of the back
Vertebral column regions
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal
Spinal canal
supports the spinal cord
Intervertebral foramina
transmits spinal nerves
Intervertebral disc
each superior vertebra articulates with an inferior vertebra at a thickened joint called this
4 Spinal Curvatures
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral curvatures
Body (vertebra)
central, rounded part located anteriorly
Pedicle (vertebra)
the footpiece, attaching to both sides of the body
Transverse process (vertebra)
2 lateral projections, one from each pedicle
Spinous process (vertebra)
a single projection in a posterior direction
Lamina (vertebra)
a plate that connects transverse processes to the spinous process
Vertebral arch
an arch formed by the fusion of the pedicles and lamina