A&P 13: The Peripheral Nervous System & Reflex Activity Flashcards
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
provides links from and to the world outside our bodies; includes all neural structures outside the brain and spinal cord (sensory receptors, peripheral nerves & associated ganglia, and efferent motor ending
Sensory receptors
specialized to respond to changes in their environment
changes in the environment that cause a response in receptors
respond to mechanical force (touch, pressure, including BP, vibration, and stretch)
respond to temperature changes
respond to light (such as those of the retina of the eye)
respond to chemicals in solution (molecules smelled or tasted) or changed in blood or interstitial fluid chemistry
respond to potentially damaging stimuli that result in pain; stimulate subtypes of thermoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and chemoreceptors
sensitive to stimuli arising outside the body; most are near or at the body surface; include touch, pressure, pain, and temperature receptors in the skin and most receptors of the special senses
AKA visceroceptors; respond to stimuli within the body, such as from the internal viscera and blood vessels; monitor a variety of stimuli, including chemical changes, tissue stretch, and temperature; sometimes their activity causes us to feel pain, discomfort, hunger, or thirst (we are usually unaware of their workings)
respond to internal stimuli; location is more restricted than interoceptors; occur in skeletal muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and in connective tissue coverings of bones and muscles; constantly advise the brain of our body movements by monitoring how much the organs containing those receptors are stretched
General senses
overwhelming majority of sensory receptors belong to this class; simply = the modified dendritic endings of sensory neurons; found throughout the body and monitor most types of general sensory info
Special senses
receptors for vision, hearing, equilibrium, smell, and taste
Sense organs
receptors for special senses are housed in these complex organs
Nonencapsulated (free) nerve endings
present nearly everywhere in the body; particularly abundant in epithelia and connective tissues; most are nonmyelinated, small-diameter, group C fibers; their distal endings (sensory terminals) usually have knoblike swellings; respond chiefly to temperature and painful stimuli; some respond to tissue movements caused by pressure as well
Tactile (Merkel) discs
lie in the deepest layer of the epidermis; function as light touch receptors
Hair follicle receptors
free nerve endings that wrap basket-like around hair follicles; light touch receptors that detect bending of hairs
Encapsulated nerve endings
all consist of 1 or more fiber terminals of sensory neurons enclosed in a connective tissue capsule; virtually all are mechanoreceptors, but they vary greatly in shape, size, and distribution in the body; include tactile corpuscles, lamellar corpuscles, bulbous corpuscles, muscle spindles, tendon organs, and joint kinesthetic receptors
Tactile corpuscles (Meissner’s corpuscles)
small receptors in which a few spiraling sensory terminals are surrounded by Schwann cells and then by a thin egg-shaped connective tissue capsule; found just beneath the epidermis in the dermal papillae; especially numerous in sensitive and hairless skin areas; receptors for discriminative touch & play the same role in sensing light touch in hairless skin that hair follicle receptors do in hairy skin
Lamellar corpuscles
Pacinian corpuscles; scattered deep in the dermis & in subcutaneous tissue underlying the skin; mechanoreceptors stimulated by deep pressure; respond only when the pressure is 1st applied and thus are best suited to monitoring vibration (“on/off” pressure stimulus); largest corpuscular receptors; resembles a cut onion; its single dendrite is surrounded by a capsule containing up to 60 layers of collagen fibers and flattened supporting cells
Bulbous corpuscles
Ruffini endings; lie in the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and joint capsules; contain a spray of receptor endings enclosed by a flattened capsule; bear a striking resemblance to tendon organs (which monitor tendon stretch) and probably play a similar role in other dense connective tissues where they respond to deep and continuous pressure
Muscle spindles
fusiform (spindle-shaped) propioceptors found throughout the perimysium of a skeletal muscle; each consists of a bundle of modified skeletal fibers (intrafusal fibers), enclosed in a connective tissue capsule; detect muscle stretch and initiate a reflex that resists the stretch
Tendon organs
proprioceptors located in tendons, close to the skeletal muscle insertion; consist of small bundles of tendon (collagen) fibers enclosed in a layered capsule, with sensory terminals coiling between and around the fibers
Joint kinesthetic receptors
proprioceptors that monitor stretch in the articular capsules that enclose synovial joints; contains at least 4 receptor types - lamellar corpuscles, bulbous corpuscles, free nerve endings, and receptors resembling tendon organs; together these receptors provide info on joint position and motion (a sensation of which we are highly conscious)
awareness of changes in the internal and external environments
conscious interpretation of stimuli
Somatosensory system
part of the sensory system serving the body wall and limbs; receives inputs from exteroceptors, propioceptors, and interoceptors; transmits info about several different sensory modalities (types of sensation)
process in which the stimulus energy must be converted into the energy of a graded potential
Generator potential
when the receptor region is part of a sensory neuron (as with free dendrites or the encapsulated receptors of most general sense receptors), the graded potential is called this because it generates action potentials in a sensory neuron
Receptor potential
when the receptor is a separate cell (as in most special senses), the graded potential is called this because it occurs in a separate receptor cell
many, but not all, sensory receptors exhibit this change in sensitivity (& nerve impulse generation) in the presence of a constant stimulus
Phasic receptors
fast adapting receptors, often giving bursts of impulses at the beginning and the end of the stimulus; report changes in the internal or external environment; examples = lamellar and tactile corpuscles
Tonic receptors
receptors providing a sustained response with little or no adaptation; nociceptors & most propioceptors are this type because of the protective importance of their info
phenomenon in which the exact point in the cortex that is activated always refers to the same “where,” regardless of how it is activated
Perceptual detection
ability to detect a stimulus has occurred; simplest level of perception
Magnitude estimation
ability to detect how intense the stimulus is; perceived intensity increases as stimulus intensity increases because of frequency coding
Spatial discrimination
allows us to identify the site or pattern of stimulation
Two-point discrimination test
a common tool for studying spatial discrimination in the lab; determines how close together 2 points on the skin can be and still be perceived as 2 points rather than as 1; provides a crude map of the density of tactile receptors in the various regions of the skin
Feature abstraction
mechanism by which a neuron or circuit is tuned to one feature, or property, of a stimulus in preference to others
Quality discrimination
ability to differentiate the submodalities of a particular sensation
each sensory modality has several of these submodalities; ex taste is a sensory modality with submodalities including sweet and bitter
Pattern recognition
ability to take in the scene around us and recognize a familiar pattern, an unfamiliar one, or one that has special significance for us
pain amplification
Phantom limb pain
pain perceived in tissue that is no longer present (such as after an amputation); an example of hyperalgesia
Referred pain
phenomenon in which stimuli arising in 1 part of the body are perceived as coming from another part
cordlike organ that is part of the PNS; vary in size, but every one consists of parallel bundles of peripheral axons (some myelinated, some not) enclosed by successive wrappings of connective tissue
each axon is surrounded by this delicate layer of loose connective tissue that also encloses the fiber’s associated Schwann cells
a coarser connective tissue wrapping that binds groups of fibers into bundles (fascicles)
bundles of fibers
a tough, fibrous sheath which encloses all the fascicles to form the nerve
Mixed nerves
contain both sensory and motor fibers and transmit impulses both to and from the central nervous system; most nerves fall into this category
Sensory (afferent) nerves
carry impulses only toward the CNS
Motor (efferent) nerves
carry impulses only away from the CNS
collections of neuron cell bodies associated with nerves in the PNS
Wallerian degeneration
a process of disintegration of an axon that occurs when it is crushed or severed and cannot receive nutrients from the cell body
Cranial nerves
12 pairs of these are associated with the brain; 1st 2 attach to the forebrain; the rest are associated with the brain stem