5.2 Whenever it is determined that Civil Emergency conditions exist, including riots, civil disorders, hurricane conditions, or similar catastrophes, or when such conditions can reasonably be determined to be imminent….provisions of this agreement may be suspended by whom?
The mayor and/or Sheriff
Special meetings between FOP and Employer shall be held within how many days if requested in writing?
10 Calendar days
How many days for reissuance of conflicting written directives?
on or before 60 days after city council approves agreement
How many days when possible is the time given for in-service?
10 working days
Employees required to work more than 12 hours due to a declared emergency shall be furnished a hot meal when?
on the second and each succeeding day within the 12 hour tour of duty.
If an officer does not wish to ride with a particular individual, what must be done?
notify commanding officer through inter-department correspondence (P-004) with reason and forward to JSO Chief of Patrol.
Employees shall be notified of Transfers under normal circumstances in how many days?
15 calendar days or if there is a situation that requires immediate reassignment. The 15 days can be waived if both parties agree.
When can a reserve officer or other member of other police department wear a rank higher than their assigned police officer?
During the time that the Sheriff’s Office has declared an emergency
An employee may be placed on admin leave without loss of pay when?
For any reason deemed necessary by the Sheriff’s Office
Article 9—What is a Grievance?
defined as a dispute involving the interpretation or application of this agreement
Grievances challenging demotion with loss of pay, suspension with loss of pay or terminations shall be filed at what step?
step IV
In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by this article
the day of the act, event, or default from which the designated period of time begins to run shall not be included
The last day of the period so computed shall be included unless?
it is a weekend or holiday recognized by this agreement, in which event the period shall run until the end of the next day which is neither a weekend or holiday.
Step 1 of Grievance process- how many days of the occurrence or could have reasonably known must they submit in writing and sign it?
Who do they present it to?
within 10 days
Assistant Chief or designee
Step 1 of Grievance process- The A/C has how many days to schedule to meet with the grievant and rep (FOP)?
within 10 days
Step 1 of Grievance process- Following step 1 meeting, how many days does the A/C have to submit a final written response to grievant and the FOP?
no later than 10 days following step 1 meeting
Step 2 of Grievance process-If grievance is not settled at step 1, the grievant may present the grievance to?
Within how many days?
Division Chief or designee
within 5 days of receipt of the step 1 response, or if a timely step 1 response was due.
Step 2 of Grievance process- The Division Chief has how many days to schedule to meet with the grievant and rep (FOP)?
within 10 days of receipt
Step 2 of Grievance process- Following step 2 meeting, how many days does the Division Chief have to submit a final written response to grievant and the FOP?
no later than 10 days following step 2 meeting
Step 3 of Grievance process is same as step 2 but the grievance is sent to who?
Director or designee
Step 4 of Grievance process is same as step 3 but the grievance is sent to who?
Sheriff or designee
If the grievance is not settled in accordance with this article, the grievant or the FOP (on behalf of grievant) may request arbitration by submitting a written request to whom? Within how many days?
JSO Chief of Human Resources and a copy to the City’s Director of Employee Services.
no later than 30 calendar days after receipt of step 4 response or when it was due
If the request to arbitrate is not received by the JSO Chief of Human Resources witnin____days, the step 4 response will be final and binding upon the grievant and the FOP.
30 Calendar days
If the grievant submits the request for arbitration without the financial support of the FOP, what must the grievant do?
must submit written notice of intent to pay all costs of the arbitration. The Grievant shall provide the Employer with written confirmation that funds are reserved in a trust or escrow for payment of arbitration services before it is allowed to proceed.
Upon appeal to arbitration, the FOP or employee may, in the written notice for arbitration, include the names of how many certified Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services (FMCS) or American Arbitration Association (AAA) arbitrators, either of whom is acceptable to the FOP or the employee to arbitrate the grievence?
2 (two)
If the two parties involved in the selection do not mutually agree on either of the names initially submitted, the FMCS or AAA shall be requested by the Employer to provide a panel of how many arbitrators?
5 (five)
The parties shall then alternatively strike names until only__________name remains?
1 (1)
An arbitrator other than outlined above, may be mutually selected by the parties to the arbitration proceedings. True or False?
Is testimony given at an arbitration hearing under oath? Yes or no?
Can post hearing briefs be filled at the request of either party or the arbitrator? Yes or No
How may days does the arbitrator have to render a decision?
within 30 days of the receipt of post hearing briefs or the close of the hearing, whichever is later.
The arbitrator shall have jurisdiction and authority to decide the grievance, as defined in this article. True or False?
The arbitrator shall have no authority to change, modify, amend, ignore, add to, subtract from or otherwise alter or supplement the agreement or any part thereof or any amendment thereto. True of False?
In rendering any decision, the arbitrator shall only consider what types of evidence submitted at the hearing?
The arbitrator many not issue declaratory or advisory opinions. True or false?
true. Must be actual and existing
The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties, subject to those challenges permitted by law. True or False
However, the authority and responsibility of the Employer as provided by what chapter of the Florida Statues and the Charter of the city of Jacksonville shall not be usurped in any manner unless specifically amended or modified by this agreement.
chapter 447
Both parties equally pay for the arbitrator. Who pays for the cost of witnesses and representatives and a copy of the transcript?
Each party shall bear this cost
If an employee acts independently or or in disregard of the position of the FOP, who will bear the share of the cost of the arbitrator and expenses?
The employee
Can an employee file an appeal under this agreement concerning any matter that has previously appealed through the Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations?
Any grievance not processed with the time limits provided in this article shall be considered?
Can time limits be extended or waived if agreed to by both parties?
The procedure for dismissals, demotions, and suspensions shall be outlined in the COJ Civil Service and Personnel rules and regulations and the?
Florida Law Enforcement Officer’s Bill of rights, Section 112.532
Police recruits and entry level probationary police officers (as opposed to police sgts on promotional probation) who are dismissed from employment shll have no right or rights to a civil service hearing or to appeal?
No rights
Disciplinary Hearing Board shall be comprised of law enforcement officers currently employed by JSO. How many members and who selects them?
5 members. 2 selected by administration. 2 selected by aggrieved officer. The fifth selected by the other 4.
Can a relative of the aggrieved officer be on the board?
Is a disciplinary hearing board formal or informal?
Informal- no attorneys will be utilized by either party
The aggrieved officer during a DHB shall be provided the opportunity to respond to charges against him, and able to provide a list of______and present evidence against them.
Any member of the DHB may request through the chairperson to call witnesses to give testimony germane to the events leading to the charges being levied. True or False
The DHB will review information presented at the informal hearing and consider which standards?
JSO disciplinary standards
Who does the DHB make a recommendation to about the level of discipline (if any)?
The Sheriff
Is the DHB decision Binding upon the Sheriff?
No- just advisory
If the decision of the Sheriff is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved officer they may appeal to whom or request what?
May appeal to Civil Service Board within 10 days or request Arbitration within 5 working days.
It is agreed that the convening of the Sheriff’s Dept. Hearing Board shall be effectuated in what time frame?
Expeditiously as possible following the charges being levied against the aggrieved officer.
No suspension with loss pay shall be implemented until any requested civil service or arbitration hearing has been held and an opinion rendered, except?
as provided in article 13 (this shall not apply to terminations)
Article 11: Bill of Rights-part 1
Whenever an officer is under investigation and subject to interrogation or interview by members of their agency for any reason which could lead to disciplinary action, demotion, or dismissal, the following conditions must exist:
- Interview/interrogation at a reasonable hour- preferably on duty-unless so serious that it needs to be immediate action is required.
- take place at internal or the police unit where it occurred
- shall be informed of the rank, name and command of the officer in charge of investigation, the interrogating officer and all persons present during interview. All questions asked by 1 person at any one time.
- Informed in writing of the nature of the investigation prior to any interview and the name of the complainant.
Article 11: Bill of Rights-part 2
Whenever an officer is under investigation and subject to interrogation or interview by members of their agency for any reason which could lead to disciplinary action, demotion, or dismissal, the following conditions must exist:
- Interviews should be for reasonable periods and time for personal necessities and rest periods.
- not be subjected to offensive language or threatened with a transfer, dismissal or disciplinary action. No promise or reward given to answer questions.
- All times shall be recorded and there shall be no unrecorded questions or statements. A copy shall of the recorded interview shall be provided upon request within 72 hours.
- If officer is under arrest or likely to be, the officer shall be provided his rights.
Article 11: Bill of Rights-part 3
Whenever an officer is under investigation and subject to interrogation or interview by members of their agency for any reason which could lead to disciplinary action, demotion, or dismissal, the following conditions must exist:
- Officer shall have the right to have counsel or rep present of their choice at all times during interview.
- Officer shall have written notification of disposition of the comp/allegation. The investigation shall be sustained, not sustained, exonerated, or unfounded.
- Officer has right to review all complaints, and documents immediately prior to interview
- Whenever practical, officer should be interviewed last.
Article 12- Drug and alcohol abuse
Within limitations, as outlined in this article, employees found to have drug abuse problems will be encouraged to participate in?
An employee assistance program or rehab program
controlled substance is?
Any of the substances named in schedule 1 and V of section FSS 893.03 and any designer drugs subject to controls
JSO employees must inform their supervisors if any drugs or therapeutic treatments effects the performance of their duties. Supervisors must inform whom?
JSO Human Resources
Any JSO employee using legal over the counter non-prescription drugs which in any way impair or affect their job performance is responsible for bringing this fact to the attention of?
Immediate supervisor on a Form P-004
Information relating to use of over the counter drugs can be removed at the request of the employee after it has been in the medical file for?
6 months, unless the usage of such medication is part of on going treatment
The supervisor of any employee, upon being informed of using over the counter or prescription drugs which could interfere with the performance of his duties shall make further inquiries to determine whether the employee is fit to perform those duties. Whom must they consult with to decide whether the employee is fit for duty?
Commanding Officer
If employee is unfit the employee shall be placed on what?
personal leave
Should the employee and commanding officer disagree with their ability to be fit for duty, who make the final determination?
Department staff duty officer
Information regarding the use of legal drugs taken by an employee will be forwarded to?
JSO Human Resources Division, maintained in a confidential medical file
All Sheriff’s Office employees haven an obligation to inform whom if another employee is violating JSO drug Policy?
supervisor or ranking officer
If any employee knowingly ingests any drug in the performance of their duties, who is notified with a form 4?
supervisor on duty
Incidents of ingestion of drugs on duty will be documented with the initiation of Form P-004 to be followed by a detailed report from the employee’s Whom to whom?
Employee’s commander through channels to the Sheriff.
Consumption, ingestion, injection or inhalation of a substance must be avoided unless?
Their lives are endangered
Employees knowingly subjected to the passive inhalation of a drug, such as marijuana, will submit a form P-004 to whom?
Supervisor on duty
The report will indicate the substance the individual was exposed to, the period of time exposed and give a brief statement explaining the necessity for the exposure. The report will be forwarded to whom?
The Sheriff for review
which type of testing of employees can be an effective means by which to identify those in need of counseling, treatment, or disciplinary action?
Urine testing
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
- Reasonable suspicion that employee is using, under the influence of or in possession of illegal drugs or using or under the influence of alcohol while on duty, or it is affecting their job performance or a threat to the safety of employee, coworkers or public.
Reasonable suspicion drug/alcohol testing can be ordered by any supervisor with the approval of a?
commanding officer (Lieutenant or above)
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
- Following a serious accident or incident in which safety precautions were violated or unusually careless acts were performed and reasonable suspicion to believe these actions were the result of using drugs.
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
- Routine fitness for duty-anytime the employee is referred to a physician or psychologist for a fitness for duty exam.
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
- Random drug testing program
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
- Follow-up testing for EAP for drug related problems, may be required for up to 2 years thereafter.
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
- When an employee is found in possession of illicit drugs or when illicit drugs are found in an area controlled or used exclusively by the employee.
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
- During basic recruit training and prior to completion of an employee’s probation.
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
- When an employee is transferred into; during the assignment, and when transferred from the Swat team, Bomb Squad, or any specialized unit where, during the assignment, the employee will be involved with narcotic investigations and/or have access to illicit drugs.
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
As part of a rehabilitation program (Mutually agreed to by the affected employee and the Sheriff’s Office Admin)
Employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program under what conditions?
As a result of prior disciplinary proceedings against the employee related to the use of drugs. ( Such testing shall be conducted by the internal affairs unit with the approval of and in coordination with, the JSO Chief Of Human resources. The employer may require the employee to submit to a drug test for up to 2 years thereafter.
Who is responsible for drug testing of employees under going basic recruit training, probationary police officers and employees selected through the random drug testing program.
JSO Human Resources Division
Who is responsible for drug testing of any employee whom it reasonably suspects has used or is found to be in possession of a drug or other controlled substances. They also test employees as the result of prior disciplinary proceedings related to the use of drugs.
The Internal Affairs Unit- IA is shall also conduct drug testing of employees as the result of prior disciplinary proceedings related to the use of drugs.
The release of information obtained through any of the drug testing programs shall be solely pursuant to a written consent form signed voluntarily by the person tested except?
- Hearing officer
- Court of competent jurisdiction
- Pursuant to an appeal taken under this section
- Arbitration
- Civil Service Board
- Drug testing information shall also be released to the Bureau of Criminal Justice Standards and Training for the purpose of reviewing certification eligibility.
Any employee authorizing the release of drug testing information must submit a signed communication to?
JSO Chief of Human Resources
Any employee authorizing the release of drug testing information must submit a signed communication to JSO Chief of Human Resources advising?
- Name of person who is authorized to obtain the information
- Purpose of the disclosure
- The precise information to be disclosed and
- The duration of the consent
The Employer shall use drug test results when consulting with legal counsel in connection with actions brought under or related to this article or where the information is relevant to the Employer’s?
Defense in a civil or administrative matter
The employer shall pay the cost of all drugs tests which are required of employees. Who shall pay the costs of any additional drug tests not required by the employer?
The employee
Prior to taking a drug test, employees must advise the employer of what?
Any prescription or non-prescription medications they are taking.
Who will provide information to the employee of the most common medications by brand or common names, as applicable, as well as by chemical names?
The Employer
Information regarding the use of prescription or non-prescription drugs taken by the employee will be presented in a written communication that will be maintained in a confidential medical file where?
JSO Human Resources Division
The ingestion of any prescription or non-prescription drug by an employee shall not preclude the administration of the drug test, but ?
shall be taken into account in interpreting any positive confirmed results.
Individuals responsible for conducting drug tests are acting under the direct authority of who?
The Sheriff
When an employee is required to provide specimens for a testing procedure, the employee shall provide one specimen large enough for how many separate samples?
The threshold level or cut-off limit of the analytical testing procedures shall be established in accordance with?
The state of Florida agency for health care administration in conjunction with the standards developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), regarding testing and protocol and procedures
When employees are required to participate in any drug testing procedures, the initial testing specimens will be subject to what?
EMIT-Enzyme Multiple Immunoassay Technique
if results are negative, no further testing will be done.
Random numbers assigned to employees will be maintained in a confidential file under the direct supervision of who?
JSO Chief of Human Resources
Can specimen collection be taken at any of the correctional housing facilities? Yes or No
No- and the container will not reveal the name of the employee
The Employer will use the Evidential Testing Device (EBT) to test for the presence of alcohol in an employee’s system. The test will be performed by a Certified Breath Analyzer Technician (BAT) using a EBT approved by whom?
National Highway Safety Administration
If the initial test registers on an alcohol concentration of what, will a confirmation test be performed?
.02 or greater
The employee will be placed in a separate room under the observation of the BAT for at least, but not more than? after which they will be given a confirmation EBT
at least 15 minutes but not more than 20 minutes
Random Drug testing conducted by employer may occur when?
Before, during, or immediately after the regular work period of the employee and shall be compensated in accordance with this agreement.
The Internal Affairs Unit shall be called whenever one or more of the circumstances described in article 12.6(a)(2) comes to the attention of members of the Sheriff’s Office. Once called IA has complete authority over the investigation. The employee shall be advised in writing for the reason for the order to submit to the test and failure to do so constitutes what?
Failure to obey a direct order
If the results of the initial test are positive, the employer will submit the sample for what type of confirmation test?
GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry) or other method specified by DHHS guidelines
Within how many days after receiving notice of a positive confirmed test result does the employee have to submit information to the employer explaining or contesting the test results and why the results do not constitute a violation of the employer’s policy?
Within 10 working days
All reports of positive test results shall be received by who?
JSO Chief of Human Resources and maintained in a confidential medical file
Any employee who refused to submit to a drug test or whose confirmation test is found to be positive is subject to disciplinary action. Such disciplinary action is subject to the grievance procedures provided for through which article of this agreement?
Article 9 and the civil service and personnel rules and regulations.
The employee may be what pending the results of the confirmation test for use of illegal drugs?
either immediately suspended or reassigned
Positive confirmation tests for illegal drugs shall result in what?
Immediate suspension which may be followed by termination proceedings.
In appropriate cases, every effort will be made to help the employee deal with a Legal Drug Problem by proper referral to?
Sheriff’s Employee Assistance Program. However, if this effort fails or is Obviously inappropriate given the nature of the problem, appropriate disciplinary action shall be initiated.
The Employer may do what to an employee on the sole basis of the employee’s first positive confirmed drug test when the employee has either refused to participate in an EAP or a drug rehab, as evidence by withdrawal from the program before its completion, or unsat attendance, or a positive test result on a confirmation test participating in or after completion of the program
Discipline or Discharge
The Employer shall do what if they fail or refuse to sign a written consent form allowing the employer to obtain information regarding the progress and successful completion of an EAP or drug rehab program
Discipline an employee, subject to termination proceedings
Employees participating in an EAP or drug rehab program are considered to be in what type of duty status?
Temporary Limited Duty
The Employer shall not discharge or discipline an employee solely upon voluntarily seeking treatment, while under the employ of the Employer, for a drug related problem for the following reasons?
- Previously tested positive for drug use
- Entered into EAP for drug related problems
- Drug rehab
What shall the Employer do if the presence of illicit drugs is confirmed?
Can an employee who has been tested use this aspect of the agreement as a means of protection from disciplinary action? Yes or No
All Lab reports of a drug test shall include?
- Name and address of lab
- Name of the positive person tested, but not the social security number
- Random number if applicable.
- Positive results of confirmation tests
- List of drugs for which the drug analyses were conducted
- The type of tests conducted and the minimum cut off levels of the tests
- Any correlation between medications reported by the employee and the confirmation test results
Who may impose an immediate suspension without pay in advance of the conclusion of any of the procedures set forth in the grievance and arbitration article or in the Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations?
The Sheriff or designee
The Sheriff or designee may impose an immediate suspension without pay in advance of the conclusion of any of the procedures set forth in the grievance and arbitration article or in the Civil Service and Personnel Rules and Regulations in the following cases:
- When an employee has been arrested on a Felony Charge (other than arrests for incidents occurring in the “good faith” performance of their duties, such as accidental shootings)
- Employee fails a substance abuse test with Confirmation
- When an employee fails to obey a lawful direct order from a Superior Officer
- When an employee is a danger to himself or others
An Immediate Emergency Suspension without Pay must be issued by whom?
Division Chief or Above
Upon request of the employee, when can they meet with the assigned Division Chief for the purpose of coordinating a meeting between the Sheriff or designee and the employee to determine any further action that may be taken?
Within the next Business Day after an Immediate Emergency Suspension
Can an employee who is placed on emergency suspension be allowed to use their own personal leave from their respective leave account (AL, CL, or HOL)? Yes or No
Article 14- Files
Files that contain information on internal investigations (includes investigations conducted outside of the Internal Affairs unit) will be purged on the following schedule unless superseded by what?
Florida General Records Schedule GS2 for Law Enforcement.
GS2 only applies to the purging and retention of records.
For evidence in disciplinary or grievance procedures only Formal, Sustained Formal with and without suspension and Formal Counselings
Formal investigations-Cases which are unfounded, exonerated or not sustained will be purged when?
One (1) year from the date of case disposition
Sustained Formal Investigations cases involving Written Reprimand Without suspension will be purged when?
Three (3) years from the date of case disposition
Sustained Formal Investigations cases involving Written Reprimand With Suspension or Loss of Pay will be purged when?
Five (5) years from the date of case disposition
Formal Counselings will be purged when?
One (1) year from date of issue.
Where will Formal Counselings be maintained?
In employee’s Division File- not in internal affairs unit.
Division file will follow employee as that employee is reassigned throughout the agency
Can files and other materials purged pursuant to this section be used as evidence by either party in any disciplinary or grievance proceedings or hearings? Yes or No
Upon completion of any internal investigation, who will be notified?
The officer on whom the complaint was made shall be notified
If an internal file is requested by any public party, every reasonable effort will be made to notify the involved officer as to?
- Who the requesting party is
- Date and time file will be made available.
If, however, said officer(s) cannot be notified within how many hours, the requested information will be provided within the limits of governing statues, court orders, etc.
24 hours- the officer(s) will be notified that information from their file was released
When the Employer provides access to the internal investigation “Final Action Report” pursuant to a public records request, the Employer will also provide what?
The party requesting access to the records a written definition of the terms used to describe the disposition of the internal investigation
Administrative points and records/files related to speeding, crashes, or other traffic control devices or other traffic related sanctions assigned administratively by the Employer will be purged in the following matter:
- Informal- 1 year
- Formal- 1 year
- Written reprimand Level one- 3 years
- Written reprimand Level two for an incident or subsequent violation- 3 years
- Suspension and loss of pay for an incident or a subsequent violation- 5 years
The employer will comply with applicable court orders and section 119.07(3)(I), Florida Statutes, and until otherwise directed by court order, will not reveal what from active or former law enforcement personnel?
- Home address
- telephone number
- Social security number
- Photograph
- places of employment of spouse and children
- names and locations of schools and day care of children
Upon completion of how many years of service will member be paid for any unused leave for retirement or termination?
10 years
Such employees shall have the option of using accrued personal leave immediately after or prior to their desired eligible retirement date and then be paid for the remainder of such leave at the employee’s option
Upon termination of employment with less then 10 years of service for other than retirement, the employee shall be paid what percentage of unused personal leave?
75 percent
The Sheriff, upon recommendation of the Meritorious and Awards Committee, shall provide an employee with commendation with paid leave for Officer of the Month and Officer of the Year
Officer of the Month- One day
Officer of the Year- Four days
Except in cases of illness or emergency, requests for personal leave of up to 2 consecutive working/shift must be submitted for approval at least how many hours in advance?
48 hours
The term “Immediate family” shall mean:
An Individual’s spouse, children, mother, father, brothers, sisters, half-brothers, half-sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren, mother in law, father in law, bothers in law, sisters in law, son in laws daughters in law, step parent, step children, and other relatives who permanently reside with the individual. Special consideration maybe given to another person who has acted in a similar to and/or stood in the place of a mother, father, brother, sister, or grandparent of the employee.
Extended Illness- Plan E
If an extended illness causes an employee to use all of their leave account, such employee may use what account?
Retirement account
Extended Illness- Plan E
less than 80 hours in leave account?
Employee may use retirement account for Bona Fide illness of the employee at the employee’s Option.
This option may be used for an immediate family member for a bona fide illness, if substantiated with a physician’s statement that the employee’s presence is necessary.
Extended Illness- Plan E
An employee who requires 80 or more hours of leave due to extended and continuous illness, may elect to use leave from?
Retirement account
The above options should be submitted upon commencement of such leave or immediately upon returning to duty
For unscheduled absences not requested and approved in advance, how many minutes must they notify the Sheriff’s Office?
as early as possible but no later that 45 minutes before starting time. The employee will notify the reason for absence and when expected back to work
An employee will be counseled whenever a pattern clearly develops where an employee is abusing unscheduled leave such as?
unscheduled leave is combined with regular days off more than 3 times annually
Bereavement Leave for immediate family members may be authorize the employee paid time off for up to how many days?
up to 5 days
An employee may be granted paid time off to attend the funeral of a JSO employee as authorized by the appropriate?
Assistant Chief or higher
Definition of Immediate Family of Bereavement and Funeral Leave for relatives of the employee and the employee’s spouse?
Spouse, Children (including step children and children’s spouses), Parents (including step parents and parents in law), brothers and sisters (including half-siblings, and brothers/sisters in law), aunts and uncles, grandparents, grandchildren, other relatives who permanently reside with the employee.
Special consideration may also be given to any other person who has had a close, long-standing, personal relationship with the employee, where such a person acted similar to and/or stood in the place of a, mother, father, brother, sister or grandparent of the employee.
Does not count for a fiancée
Leave of absence, re-employment and other related rights of employees entering into the military service shall be as described under what Act, Chapter FSS and Code?
Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994 and Chapter 115, Florida statues and Florida Administrative code
Leaves of absence granted as a matter of right under the provisions shall not exceed how many hours in a fiscal year?
240 working hours.
any longer it will be unpaid leave without loss of time or efficiency rating
Employees who request time off for military leave are responsible for advising their supervisor in what time frame if they are scheduled for any training assemblies that conflict with their normal work schedule?
earliest time possible
Employees may request adjustment of their schedules for a military weekend drill by written request to their supervisors and submitted at least how many days prior to drill date?
14 days
A determination under this section is NOT subject to the Grievance or Arbitration process, but the employee may request a review by who?
Their Division Chief
An employee granted an extended military leave may elect to be paid from?
accumulated annual leave
Article 22-Hours of work and overtime payment
Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a guarantee or limitation of the number of hours to be worked per day, per week or for any period of time construed as prohibiting he rescheduling of manpower to suit the needs and requirements of JSO? True or False
as long contract requirements regarding notification and overtime will be met
A work period for police officers covered by this agreement shall be a period of?
28 consecutive days which begins on a Saturday and the regular work schedule during that period shall consist of 160 hours
Overtime based on time worked in work period-
Officers covered by this agreement shall be compensated at time and a half for all hours worked in excess of in a work period?
171 hours
Double time will be paid for all consecutive hours worked in excess of how many hours in a 24 hour period?
16 hours
Weekly Overtime-
Employees covered by this agreement will be paid at rate of time and one half (1/2) for all hours worked in excess of those normally scheduled in what time period?
in 40 or 80 hour work period
Whenever an employee is required to work double the time normally scheduled, then an overtime rate of how what the employees’ regular rate will be paid for hours in excess of twice the normal schedule?
2 times
Premium Payments for hours worked shall not be duplicated. The following are Premium Payments?
- Holidays
- Call-back
- Stand-By Pay
4 Depositions or Court Time - Hearing Board or Internal Investigations
- Pager Stand-By
Compensatory Time-
Compensation for overtime shall be in the form of cash payments Unless comp time is Mutually agreeable between whom?
The employee and the Sheriff
How many hours of comp time can be accumulated before additional overtime hours must be in the form of cash payments?
480 hours
The Employer may require employees who have how many days or less than how many hours to utilize compensatory time?
5 days or more or 2 hours or less
Call Back-
An employee who has left their normal place of work for their residence and is called back for unscheduled overtime work shall be paid a minimum payment of?
two and a half hours (2-1/2) at time and one-half (1/2)
The minimum time provided herein does not apply if any early call-in period extended into the start of?
the employee’s regular work period
When an officer assigned a vehicle on a permanent basis is off-duty and is required to handle a call by a designated supervisor (exception: when otherwise provided by general order) said employee shall be paid at what rate?
Regular Rate- unless exceeding 171 hours in the 28 day work period
The employer agrees that it will comply with all provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Provided, however, that any arbitration decision alleged to be contrary to law my be appealed to?
The Judicial System
What payments are used to calculate overtime rate?
- Shift Differential pay (weekly basis)
- City and state Education (Monthly)
- Payments for reaching Levels of Certification (Monthly)
- Longevity Pay (Monthly)
- Working Out of Classification Pay (Daily or weekly basis)
- Regular base salary (monthly)
- Training Officer Differential pay
- City Service Incentive Raise
Article 25- Fitness for duty exam
The employer has the right to require any employee to undergo a medical or psychological exam by an assigned doctor when?
at any time.
to ascertain whether or not the employee is physically and mentally capable of performing the duties required of the employee’s classification
Fitness for duty exam shall be conducted on employer time and at employer expense? true or false
Time spent obtaining the exam shall be considered?
work time and shall be paid as such at the applicable rate of pay
Article 27- Physical Ability Testing
Changes to Test- The employer is allowed to make admin changes such as:
- Improving the surface of the test course
- removing handles from test dummy
- and making similar improvements to test equipment
An employee who fails the physical ability test has how many days of grace during which they can retake?
Thirty Calendar days-
During this 30 day grace period, employee will be required to initiate and participate ON DUTY in the rehab provided for in the policy.
Forfeiture of Annual Step Raise- will be delayed until employee passes the PAT and then the annual step raise will be?
granted as follows:
Retroactive to date if PAT was in part delayed by employee
Prospective if employee had requested a postponement or when employee does not pass the test
What else will happen if you don’t pass PAT?
Forfeiture of take home car and police related secondary employment