515 Drug Screening Program Flashcards
….. – means alcohol, including a distilled spirit, wine, a malt beverage, or an intoxicating liquor; an amphetamine; a cannabinoid; Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); cocaine; phencyclidine (PCP); a hallucinogen; methaqualone; an opiate; a barbiturate; a benzodiazepine; a synthetic narcotic; a designer drug; or a metabolite of any of the substances listed in this paragraph in accordance with Florida State Statute [F.S.S.] 440.102(c).
………………………..– A confidential program designed to assist employees and their families with a wide variety of problems that may affect the employee’s work performance. Employees may volunteer for the program or be referred by their supervisors.
Employee Assistance Program
…………….. – Any drug or substance, including controlled substances, the possession of which without a prescription is defined as a violation of state or federal statutes; or any prescription drug that was not prescribed to the affected employee by a person licensed to issue such prescription.
Illegal drugs
………………..-Any prescribed or over-the-counter substance that may have some medicinal value/purpose resulting in possession not violating state or federal statutes and is being used by the person for whom it was prescribed. For example, medicinal marijuana is not a “legal drug” as defined herein as its possession remains a violation of federal statutes (i.e., the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. §802, et seq).
legal drugs
……………….. – The excessive or erratic ingestion, consumption, inhalation, or injection of an illegal drug or of a legally obtained drug or medicine not in prescribed amounts or at proper time intervals to the extent that an employee’s work performance is adversely affected.
Substance abuse
…………………….. – Employees are unable to appropriately perform their duties because of the use of any drug, alcohol, or controlled substance. Employees shall be deemed to be under the influence if employees: are physically or mentally impaired, are unable to perform their duties in an acceptable manner, and/or have a breath test result of over .000 from the approved chemical test for intoxication.
Under the influence
………………….– The injection, inhalation, ingestion, or consumption of any drug, whether prescription or non-prescription, or any controlled substance as defined under Florida or Federal Law.
Use of drugs
If the treatment prescribed has such effects, the employee is responsible for bringing this fact to the attention of …………………, as well as the Human Resources Medical Section designee, on an Intradepartmental Correspondence form (P-0004).
their immediate supervisor
The supervisor will then consult with …………….. and, if it is determined that the employees are not fit for full or limited duty shall place them on sick leave. The employee must be placed on Absent without Leave (AWOL) status if they have no available leave.
his commanding officer
All JSO employees have an obligation to inform a ……………………….. if another employee is using drugs in violation of the law or JSO directives
supervisor or ranking officer
If any employees ingest any drug in the performance of their duties, …………………………will be immediately notified and the incident reported on an Intradepartmental Correspondence form (P-0004).
a. …………………will ensure the employees are provided with immediate medical attention, if necessary, and will place the employees on an appropriate duty status.
b. The initial Intradepartmental Correspondence form (P-0004) will be followed by a detailed report from the employees’ commanding officer through chain of command to the……….
the supervisor on duty
The supervisor
Employees subjected to the passive inhalation of a drug (e.g., marijuana), while on or off-duty, will submit an Intradepartmental Correspondence form (P-0004) or email to an ………………within 24 hours of the exposure.
on-duty supervisor
Blood, breath, and/or urine tests for drugs may be conducted under the following circumstances:
a. Routinely as part of an applicant’s pre-employment physical examination;
b. Randomly, as part of the JSO random drug testing program;
c. When there is reasonable suspicion an employee has used a drug in violation of the law or JSO directives, rules, and regulations;
d. When an employee is found in possession of suspected drugs or when suspected drugs are found in an area controlled or used exclusively by the employee(s);
e. Following a serious accident or incident in which safety precautions were violated or unusually careless acts were performed;
f. There is reasonable suspicion to believe these actions were the result of using drugs;
g. There is no other apparent explanation for the conduct of the employee involved;
h. During basic recruit training and prior to completion of an officer’s probation;
i. When employees are transferred into, during assignment, or transferred from a specialized unit where they will be involved with narcotic investigations and/or have access to drugs;
j. As part of a rehabilitation program (mutually agreed to by the affected employee and the administration);
k. As a result of prior disciplinary proceedings against the employee related to the use of drugs (such testing shall be conducted by the Internal Affairs Unit (IA) with the approval of, and in coordination with, the Chief of Human Resources);
l. Admitted use, which reflects impairment; and
m. During any fit-for-duty (medical and/or psychological) examination.
Drug testing responsibility is as follows:
a. ………………………………….. shall be responsible for drug testing of applicants, employees undergoing basic recruit training, probationary police and Correctional officers, employees being transferred to or from units where they have had access to drugs, employees selected through the random drug-testing program, and employees mandated for fit-for-duty examinations;
The Human Resources Division
b. ……shall be responsible for drug testing of any employee whom it reasonably suspects has used, is found to be in possession of, or has been identified as using a drug, or other controlled substance in violation of the law or JSO’s directives, rules, and regulations; and
c. ………….. shall also conduct drug testing of employees as the result of prior disciplinary proceedings related to the use of drugs.