531 Communicable Disease Prevention and Protection Flashcards
Primary communicable diseases of concern to law enforcement employees:
(1) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV);
(2) Hepatitis;
(3) Tuberculosis (TB);
(4) Meningitis (Meningococcal); and
(5) Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). MRSA is a type of staph bacteria which has become resistant to treatment by the typical antibiotics prescribed for staph infections.
The following job classifications within the JSO have been identified as “at risk” to occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens: [CFA 29.01, 29.02]
a. All sworn officers;
b. All correctional officers;
c. All auxiliary officers;
d. All community service officers; and
e. Civilian employees assigned to the following units:
(1) Latent Print Unit;
(2) Photo lab;
(3) Chaplaincy personnel;
(4) Records Unit personnel assigned to handle duties at the Public Counter involving processing/fingerprinting of juvenile offenders or other persons;
(5) Property & Evidence Unit personnel;
(6) Department of Corrections (DOC) civilian personnel to include:
(a) Property Room;(5) Property & Evidence Unit personnel;
(7) Other civilian employees such as those employed in the Supply Unit as well as sworn and part time bailiffs.
A rinse of household bleach solution (…………………………………………..) is an adequate deactivating agent for most infectious pathogens. This bleach solution should be prepared daily or on an as needed basis to be effective when doing any of the following:
(1) Handling items which may contain contaminated blood or body fluid products (i.e., hypodermic needles, syringes, wet clothing, wet money, etc.);
(2) Searching arrestees/inmates as circumstances warrant;
(3) Packaging and handling items as evidence and searching items coming into the Property & Evidence Facility; or(4) Cleaning blood or other secretions which have contaminated floors, seats, or other equipment.
1½ cups of bleach to 1 gallon of water)
Hepatitis B Vaccinations. [CFA 29.02, 29.04, FCAC 8.02]
a. All JSO employees who have been identified as having exposure risk to blood or other potentially infectious materials will be offered the Hepatitis B vaccine, at no cost to the employee.
b. The vaccine will be offered within ………….. of an employee’s initial assignment as a first aid responder (police, corrections, or other “at risk positions”) unless the employee has previously had the vaccine or who wishes to submit to antibody testing which shows the employee to have sufficient immunity.
The vaccine will be offered as soon as possible, but in no event later than ……………., to all unvaccinated employees who have rendered assistance in a first aid incident involving the presence of blood or other potentially infectious material regardless of whether the employee has incurred an exposure incident.
10 working days
24 hours
Confidentiality of medical test results will be followed as outlined: [FCAC 24.15]
(1) Blood test results obtained from testing of inmates with sexually transmitted diseases are confidential although they may be shared with employees who are responsible for the custody and care of the affected inmate and have a need to know such information;
(2) The responsible physician or ARNP reviewing the test results may divulge the results to the …………..or ……………………..but such information is exempt from public records;
Sheriff or DOC Director
In the event of a death investigation where an employee(s) was possibly exposed to a communicable disease by blood or bodily fluid, the following procedures will be followed:
a. The responding ………………………. will notify the Medical Examiner’s Office of the possible exposure and request the appropriate blood sample be taken for testing at the Duval County Health Department (DCHD); The Medical Examiner’s Office will obtain the sample and notify the DCHD for the transport and the testing of the sample;
Homicide detective
death investigation
The employee’s……………………………………or ………….. must fill out an electronic Exposure Incident Report Form in accordance with Order 521 (Injury and Exposure). A copy of the electronic Exposure Incident Report Form will be given to the Homicide detective at the incident scene. The link to the Electronic Exposure Report System is located on the JSO Human Resources home page on 94Net;
c. Should the employee need treatment, a Notice of Injury (IOD) Report must also be completed by the supervisor (or an on-duty supervisor if the employee is off-duty). The link to the IOD system is located on the 94Net home page under applications “IOD Reporting;” and
d. The Homicide detective at the incident scene will give a copy of the Notice of Injury Report and Exposure Incident Report Form to the Medical Examiner’s Office when the blood sample is requested. The DCHD will notify the exposed employee(s) treating physician of the results of the test. The treating physician will discuss the need for follow-up testing or treatment.
supervisor (or an on-duty supervisor if the employee is off-duty)
The JSO will at least ………… review the exposure control plan with consideration for updating procedures designed to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure. The JSO Safety Officer will document the review and send the documentation to the Accreditation Unit. [CFA 29.01]
Employees who must wear a respirator shall:
(1) Be properly trained in the uses, limitations, and proper procedures involved with respiratory protection;
(2) Be properly fitted in accordance with this order; and
(3) Have his suitability to wear a respiratory protection device determined by a medical evaluation in accordance with guidelines in this order
Ensure that respiratory equipment in each division is inspected quarterly for operational readiness and service; Ensure that JSO has procedures to clean, inspect, disinfect, and maintain all self-contained breathing equipment and see that all cylinders are filled and maintained properly.
Supervisory personnel will:
(1) Ensure subordinates have been informed of the Respiratory Protection Program and the use and limitations of respiratory protection devices;
(2) Ensure that employees who wear respiratory protection for routine or non-routine operations are fitted by designated personnel certified in fit test evaluation;
(3) Evaluate each application where respiratory protection may be needed in terms of:
(a) Emergency, non-routine operations
(b) Nature and type of contaminants; and
(c) Degree and duration of exposure to toxic contaminants
Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaires are confidential, and once completed, will be stored at …………………. with the employee’s wellness medical information
JSO’s Wellness Center
Respiratory protective devices are classified into two main types:
air-purifying and atmosphere-supplying.
Air purifying respirators are designed to remove contaminate in the form of particles, gases, and vapors, or combination of these. The composition of the filtering medium depends on the contaminant to be filtered: various chemicals are used to remove specific gases and vapors while mechanical filters remove particulate matter. These types of respiratory protective devices have the following limitations:
(1) They do not …………. and cannot be worn in an ……………deficient atmosphere;
(2) They are designed for protection against specific gases, vapors, and particulate and can only be used for protection in accordance with the particular filtration element used; and
(3) They can only be used against contaminants that have good warning properties (i.e., smell, taste, irritation).
supply oxygen
……………………………………. (i.e., SCBA) are devices which provide an air source independent of the surrounding atmosphere. This air source may be from an air compressor, compressed air tank, or air cylinders of various sizes and configurations. These respirators will be utilized to assist in removal of inmates during a fire in the facility.
Atmosphere supplying respirators
Air-purifying devices are basically classified into three types of respiratory protective devices:
(1) Mechanical-filter (particulate) respirators are equipped with a filter(s) usually constructed of a fibrous material, which is used to trap the particulate. This type of respirator is most often called a dust mask and may be a single use disposable or cartridge type that which have a replaceable filter. They are used for protection against nuisance dust, mists, toxic dusts, fumes, or any contamination. cartridge type that which have a replaceable filter. They are used for protection against nuisance dust, mists, toxic dusts, fumes, or any contamination.
(2) Vapor and gas removing respirators are equipped with vapor and gas-removing elements which contain a chemical which traps or reacts with a specific vapor and gases and removes them from the air. These filter elements or cartridges are attached to a face-piece either in a half-mask or full-face design. Filter elements may be of a canister or cartridge type rated for protection against specific contaminants.
(3) Powered air-purifying respirators are equipped with a blower that passes contaminated air through a filter medium. The filter medium and blower are usually belt mounted but may be located in the headpiece. Air passes through the filter and is delivered to face-piece or head cover. This type of air purifying device puts positive pressure on the face-piece or headpiece preventing leakage of a contaminant into the breathing zone.
The classification of atmosphere supplying respirators include respirators which provide the user breathing air within a system which admits no outside air. There are three types of atmosphere supplying respirators:
(1) A SCBA provides a transportable quantity of breathable air in an air cylinder. The air cylinder is usually strapped to the wearers back and air is supplied to a face piece through a pressure regulator. There are many different types of SCBA and can be differentiated in two ways, the way in which the air supply is regulated, and the method by which the air is supplied. The SCBA may be used in oxygen deficient atmospheres or in IDLH environments.
(2) A supplied-air respirator provides air through an air line or air hose and is delivered to a half-mask, full face piece, hood, helmet, or as a complete suit in certain applications. The stationary source of compressed air could be supplied from compressed air cylinders, a breathing air compressor or purified compressed air. Caution must be taken to ensure that the breathing air is free of unwanted contaminants and meets the requirements of Compressed Gas Association Specification 67.1 (ANSI Z86.1973) for Type 1, Class D gaseous air. Supplied-air respirators provide a high degree of protection. They can only be used in IDLH environments if approved for IDLH entry.
(3) A Combination self-contained and supplied air are essentially the same as the airline respirator with an added compressed air cylinder which may be carried at one’s side on a belt. Combination units are generally used for emergency entry into and escape from an atmosphere that is IDLH. The self-contained part of the device is used in the event the airline fails and the wearer must escape.
The selection of the proper type of respiratory protective device for any given situation shall require consideration of the following facts:
(1) The nature of the hazard;
(2) The characteristics of the hazardous operation or process;
(3) The location of the hazard area with respect to a safe area having respirable air;
(4) The period of time for which the respiratory protection may be required;
(5) Activities to be performed by the worker;
(6) The physical characteristics, functional capabilities, and limits of the various types of respiratory protective devices; and
(7) Certification of fit, using a specific respirator, and method of testing used.
The JSO Safety Officer through the Wellness Center shall maintain records of respirator fitting test for, at least, the duration of a user’s employment. These records shall include:
(1) The type of respirator (specific model and make);
(2) NIOSH approval number;
(3) The wearer’s department, position/job title, name;
(4) Dates of all tests;
(5) The type(s) of fitting test performed; and
(6) Records of problems and results of tests.
A respirator which is not routinely used but kept ready for emergency use shall be inspected after each use and, at least, ……….. to ensure that it is in satisfactory working condition. Any discrepancies shall be corrected immediately
Supervisors will ensure that respirators are inspected ………………… The inspection shall include a check of the tightness of connections; and the condition of the face piece, headbands, valves, connecting tubes, and canister/cartridges. Rubber and elastomer parts shall be inspected for pliability and signs of deterioration. Stretching and manipulating rubber and elastomer parts with a massaging action will keep them pliable and flexible and will prevent them from improperly setting.