361 Intelligence Flashcards
The purpose of the Intelligence Unit is to:
- Gather and analyze information; disseminate criminal intelligence within the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO), as well as other local, state, and federal partners in an effort to identify and track homeland security and terrorism related activities and crimes.
- Provide situational awareness in civic activities to include labor and community causes that may compromise the public safety of the citizens of Duval County.
- Monitor the suspicious activity at critical infrastructure locations and investigate any potential homeland security matters at these locations.
An Intelligence Unit Detective shall be notified 24 hours a day when police are summoned to any incident involving
- Any incident involving suspected or actual terrorist activity;
- Incidents involving radical, militant, or subversive groups (e.g., anti-abortion groups, Ku Klux Klan, anti-nuclear groups, satanic groups, etc.);
- Any Hate Crime (Race, Religious or Ethnic Bias incident);
- Any racial and/or civil disorder;
- Incidents that involve diplomatic privileges or immunity;
- An unknown substance and/or “White Powder” threat associated with a substance, package, or letter;
- Escapes;
- Declared arson incidents (investigative liaison with the Florida State Fire Marshal’s Office); or
- Any other incident in which the presence of an Intelligence detective may be needed and authorization is obtained from a sergeant or higher authority.
The SAR is an Agency Records Management System (ARMS) Field Investigation Report (FIR), General Offense Report, or Arrest & Booking Report in which the term “SAR” is entered into the narrative
They are used to document any reported or observed activity, or any criminal act or attempted criminal act, which an officer believes may reveal a nexus to foreign or domestic terrorism.
SAR’s will be routed to the ________ ______.
Intelligence Unit
The JSO has incorporated the Nationwide SAR Initiative’s (NSI) __ suspicious behavior indicators
who shall have the responsibility to ensure the coordination of security measures involving the visit of a protectee to the City/County when requested.
The Commanding Officer of the Intelligence Unit or his designee
In an effort to maintain consistency with other federal, state and local agencies and governments, the Intelligence and Homeland Security Units have adopted
the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS), as developed by the U.S. Government
This system will be utilized to alert Sheriff’s Office personnel to _______ ________ and the actions to be taken in given situations.
potential hazards
Under normal conditions where no alert has been issued, ______ _______ are responsible for the security of their respective sub-stations.
zone commanders
who shall be responsible for the security of the Police Memorial Building (PMB).
The Chief of Support Services
The responsibility for the security of all other Sheriff’s Office facilities rests with the _______ ______ ______ or his designee assigned to the building.
highest-ranking officer
At a minimum each commander shall
(1) Ensure that each facility is occupied by security staff during operational hours or adequately alarmed to ensure rapid response; and
(2) Direct regular supervisory inspections of all areas to ensure there are no lapses in security.
Should an Evaluated Threat Alert be issued, the Director of Investigations and Homeland Security will inform the ___________/ __________ and other department directors and immediately institute the appropriate security precautions commensurate with the current Alert Status.
Undersheriff and/or the Sheriff
Each zone commander, or Officer in Charge (OIC) of their respective facility, and the Chief of Support Services, shall assess the nature of the threat to determine if the following security measures are warranted:
(1) The assignment of officers to patrol the outer perimeter of each sub-station, other designated Sheriff’s Office facilities and the PMB;
(2) Coordinate security efforts with other sections and units within the Sheriff’s Office;
(3) Restrict access to each facility to only those authorized or with a verifiable need to be there; and
(4) When the MARSEC (Maritime Security) Level is upgraded to MARSEC Level 2 or 3, the Intelligence Unit Commander will ensure the Communications Center, affected zone commanders, and the Homeland Security chain of command are notified.
As the level of threat(s) de-escalates or as National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) alerts expire, each __________ _______ responsible for Sheriff’s Office facility security shall review the situation as it relates to their area.
commanding officer
Upon approval of that officer’s _____ __ ____ _____, he shall initiate the steps necessary to adjust security to coincide with the current threat level.
chief or his designee
who shall be notified of the removal of security measures, and he will brief
The Intelligence Unit Commander
the Assistant Chief of the Special Operations
are those persons, adult or juvenile, missing from detention facilities or from residential commitment facilities while under court order including Florida Department of Corrections Facilities (or contract facilities) such as the Dinsmore Correctional Institute.
Once the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office has been notified to respond to any such facility where a sentenced inmate has escaped or has not returned from work release
the crime of escape has occurred
Officers are required to complete a General Offense Report, request a BOLO via the ID Unit (if still missing) or an Arrest and Booking Report (if captured), and ______ _____ _______.
File case with SAO
if the inmate returns while the officer is on scene, has the crime of Escape has been committed;
yes, arrest on local escape charge.
the escapee remains at large,
the reporting officer is required to seek an arrest warrant at the State Attorney’s Office (SAO).
The Department of Corrections will issue a _______ _________ _______ ______ for all escapees who remain missing. The D.O.C. statewide pick-up order will be entered into FCIC/NCIC separately from our local Escape warrant. Pick-up orders will be added as a detainer to the local (JSO) escape charges when the escapee is captured. Pick-up orders will not be used in lieu of local charges.
separate statewide pick-up orde
If the crime of Escape occurred in another county and the suspect is located in Duval County, a Department of Corrections _______ _______ entered into FCIC/NCIC will be used to book the suspect in the same manner as other out-of-county arrest warrants.
pick-up order
If the suspect will be arrested on local charges and has a pick-up order for Escape from another county, the local charges are used on the Arrest and Booking Report with the pick-up order added as a _______
In all cases, the escapee should be __________ by the ________ _______ and the details of the interview will be included in the Arrest and Booking Report.
arresting officer
Upon arresting a juvenile on a custody order for absconding from a residential commitment program, an officer shall follow these procedures:
a. List in the offense section of the Juvenile Arrest and Booking Report the charge as “Escape,” list the statute as 985.21, and check the “Custody Order Box;”
b. If the juvenile escaped from a juvenile commitment program when he was under 18, but is 18 at the time of the arrest, the juvenile shall be taken to the PDF; and
c. If the juvenile escaped from a juvenile commitment program when he was 18 years old, the juvenile shall be booked into the PDF.
When an officer makes a probable cause arrest for a juvenile who has escaped from a residential commitment program and an original escape report has not yet been generated, it shall then be the responsibility of the officer who _________ the juvenile to the PDF to write the original report.
When a residential commitment program reports to JSO that a juvenile has left that program, and it is determined that the juvenile was committed from a jurisdiction other than Duval County, the officer shall _________________________________________
seek warrant from SAO for offense of Escape