351 Stakeout and Surveillance Flashcards
The covert or overt observation of a location, person, or conveyance with the intent to make an arrest, intercept a criminal act or take some type of police action.
The covert or overt observation of a location, person, or conveyance in the furtherance of an investigation to obtain information or intelligence concerning activities and identities of individuals without the intent to make an arrest or take any police action.
All stakeouts shall be conducted when authorized by
an assistant chief or higher authority.
Due to the around the clock nature of patrol work and the watch commander’s responsibility to address emerging crime trends, there will be exigent circumstances when stakeout or surveillance operations must be initiated by ________________ when the zone commander is unavailable.
the watch commander
All stakeouts will consist of at least
two police officers or a police officer and an auxiliary officer
Appropriate staffing for a stakeout or surveillance operation will be determined by the authorizing ___________ based on the Tactical Operations Plan (P-1310).
who will have direct oversight and supervision of all stakeout operations
A supervisor
All surveillance operations shall be approved by a
Patrol Division personnel conducting surveillance operations may wear non-uniform clothing with the approval of
an assistant chief or higher authority.
A supervisor in charge of a stakeout or surveillance operation shall:
a. Notify in writing via email (also verbally in short notice incidents) the Communications Watch Supervisor and the on-duty patrol and detective commanders prior to the stakeout or surveillance operation briefing, unless prior notification could jeopardize the security or success of the stakeout or surveillance operation;
b. Ensure that all officers involved are wearing approved body armor, appropriate uniforms and have the required equipment for the operation; and
c. Ensure that the Tactical Operations Plan (P-1310) is completed and that an operational briefing is conducted prior to the stakeout or surveillance operation.
Officers should avoid doing stakeouts from within the building or property of the offense, if at all possible. Stakeouts should be done from
a concealed vantage point outside of a building or property when possible.
Permission from the _____ or person in authority of a building or property must be secured prior to entering a building or property to conduct a stakeout.
Prior to the start of the stakeout operation, the supervisor will conduct an operational briefing in reference to the operation. The following items should be covered in the briefing:
a. Goals of the operation;
b. Assignments during the operation;
c. Radio talk-group to be used;
d. Any special hazards or dangers;
e. Emergency contingency plans; and
f. Ensure that officers are aware of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) policy and procedures for response to resistance, including the use of deadly force.
The supervisor in charge of a stakeout operation will ensure that the appropriate equipment is carried by officers during the operation. At a minimum, equipment for conducting a stakeout operation consists of:
a. A fully charged police radio with an adequate supply of fresh batteries;
b. A fully charged flashlight and extra batteries;
c. Approved weapon(s) and holster(s); and
d. Approved body armor.
Officers on stakeouts who, from a concealed position, observe an apparent criminal offense in progress will:
a. Be as certain as possible that a criminal offense or attempted criminal offense is taking place;
b. Allow the suspects to complete the criminal offense before taking action, unless intervention is necessary to insure the safety of the victim or other innocent persons;
c. Notice elements of the crime taking place (fear, exchange of money, prearranged signals, weapons used, etc.);
d. Try to commit to memory the description of the suspect(s);
e. Look for accomplices and vehicles, if possible, without revealing the concealed position; and
f. Be alert for customers or other innocent bystanders who may be in the line of fire or could become hostages.
When the suspect completes an observed criminal violation and attempts to leave the location/area, the officers will:
a. Have their weapons pointed at the suspect and be ready to fire;
b. If possible, remain behind cover/concealment and give the order loudly: “Police, Don’t Move! Don’t Move!” If it is necessary to fire, officers will follow all existing rules and regulations concerning the discharge of weapons;
c. If an accomplice escapes, pursue the accomplice only after the first suspect is secure. Under no circumstances will a suspect under arrest be left unguarded; and
d. Protect the crime scene until back-up units and a supervisor arrive.
The _____ ______ ______ will ensure that all necessary reports are completed and superiors are notified.
patrol watch commander
The objectives of surveillance operations are to:
a. Protect undercover officers or to corroborate their testimony;
b. Locate persons by watching their hangouts and associates;
c. Check on the reliability of informants;
d. Locate hidden property or contraband;
e. Obtain probable cause for obtaining search warrants;
f. Obtain information for later use in interrogations;
g. Know at all times the whereabouts of an individual;
h. Obtain admissible legal evidence for use in court; and
i. Investigate locations and/or vehicles for persons suspected of criminal activity.
the continuous watching of a place, object, or person from a stationary point;
fixed surveillance
occurs when a subject is followed on foot, or by the use of a vehicle or an aircraft
moving surveillance
utilizes electronic devices to intercept the contents of any oral or wire communication or to track the physical location of an individual or vehicle.
Electronic surveillance
The functions of surveillance operations are as follows:
a. A preliminary surveillance is utilized to gather tactical intelligence that will enable an undercover officer to identify the associates of a suspect and to determine their relationship or association with a suspect;
b. An intelligence seeking surveillance occurs when the investigators attempt to learn everything they can about a crime or an activity and the person(s) or place(s) involved in such activity;
c. A cover surveillance is used primarily for the protection of an undercover officer. It is also used to corroborate the undercover officer’s testimony
A cover surveillance should also provide for the following:
(1) Approaches to the immediate area in case the undercover officer(s) is in need of immediate assistance;
(2) The amount of force that may have to be used to assist the undercover officer; and
(3) The staffing and equipment needed to assist the undercover officer.
For a surveillance utilizing more than three officers, a _______ __ _______ will be in charge of the operation;
sergeant or above
If three officers or less are used, a supervisor will designate a ______ _______
lead officer
The supervisor or lead officer is responsible for
(1) Analyzing patterns of criminal activity;
(2) Outlining the duties and responsibilities of all officers involved;
(3) Arranging for relief if the operation becomes lengthy;
(4) Establishing signals of communications between surveillance officers;
(5) Ensure that all necessary equipment and vehicles are brought to the operation;
(6) Assigning personnel with the responsibilities of monitoring surveillance equipment and maintenance of a chronological log of activities as they occur;
(7) Determining operational procedures for observation, arrests, and “tails;”
(8) Completion of the Tactical Operations Plan (P-1310). A supervisor must sign and approve the plan; and
(9) Ensuring that information is shared with the oncoming supervisor if relieved by another group.
Prior to the start of the surveillance operation, the sergeant or lead officer will conduct an operational briefing in reference to the operation. The following items should be covered in the briefing
a. Goals of the operation;
b. Assignments during the operation;
c. Radio talk-group to be used;
d. Any special hazards or dangers;
e. Emergency contingency plans; and
f. Ensure that officers are aware of the JSO policy and procedures for response to resistance, including the use of deadly force.
The following equipment is available when conducting surveillance operations:
a. Surveillance equipment available in the Technical Support Unit includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Binoculars and monoculars;
(2) Night vision goggles;
(3) Digital cameras;
(4) Body bugs; and
(5) Digital recorders.
At a minimum, equipment for conducting a surveillance operation consists of:
(1) A fully charged police radio with an adequate supply of charged batteries;
(2) A fully charged flashlight and extra batteries;
(3) Approved weapon(s) and holster(s); and
(4) Immediate access to approved body armor.