220 Traffic Function Flashcards
What guide should officer use when conducting traffic enforcement activities
The Florida Traffic Statutes Guide
In addition to having their officers efficiently handle traffic-related calls for service and proactively enforce traffic laws in their assigned areas, ______________ should analyze traffic-related data provided by the Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) to conduct traffic deployments in areas where traffic-related injuries are high.
watch commanders
To encourage compliance with traffic laws and reduce the risk of traffic-related injuries, these deployments can make use of either _______________________. These deployments should focus on motor vehicle drivers and occupants, as well as bicyclists and pedestrians.
a highly visible law enforcement presence or more covert methods
Officers are reminded that in any of their traffic-related enforcement functions they may encounter individuals who are hard of hearing. If the officer determines an individual may be hearing impaired, the officer shall refer to his issued _____________________________ and use it to initiate communication with the individual
Visor Card for Hearing Impaired Drivers (P-0782)
Officers shall only conduct traffic stops on vehicles for which there is at least __________________ to do so.
reasonable suspicion
Officers in unmarked vehicles with emergency equipment (emergency lights and siren) shall only conduct traffic stops when:
Wearing a JSO uniform or JSO-approved attire that clearly identifies them as police officers; or
Under exigent circumstances, in which case, after making the stop, the officer should request (PECO) to send a uniformed officer in a marked vehicle to assist, if needed
On occasion, some violators may become reluctant to stop for officers conducting traffic stops in the unmarked vehicle. Some motorists may slow down, activate their emergency flashers, and/or contact the Communications Center to verify the legitimacy of the officer conducting the stop. Officers in unmarked vehicles will provide leniency in these circumstances, allowing motorists to proceed to _________________________
a populated or well-lit location.
Officers should make these radio transmissions before initiating their emergency equipment, unless ________________ exist. Officers shall always ensure they update the PECO on their location.
exigent circumstances
Off-road vehicles are subject to the same traffic laws that govern other motor vehicles. When an off-road vehicle is being illegally operated on a roadway, officers_______________________ that he/she is responsible for having the vehicle properly removed. When a juvenile is illegally operating an off-road vehicle, the officer shall ensure an adult responds to remove the vehicle
shall notify the operator
If the violator attempts to flee from an officer conducting a traffic stop, the officer shall strictly adhere to the provisions outlined in
Order 554 (Vehicle Pursuits).
When the violator stops his vehicle in a safe location, the officer shall position his vehicle approximately ________________________to the left of the violator’s vehicle. The officer shall sufficiently illuminate the violator’s vehicle using his vehicle’s spotlight, takedown lights, and/or high beam lights.
20 feet behind and slightly offset
When an officer encounters dangerous or suspicious circumstances during a traffic stop, he should immediately request the assistance of a ____________
backup officer.
When re-engaging the violator, officers will take one of the following actions for each violation, being sure to politely answer any questions the violator has regarding the action being taken
Issue a verbal or written warning;
Issue a Uniform Traffic Citation (UTC); and/or
Complete a Recommendation for Driver’s License Reexamination or Medical Review (located on the DAVID website) when a violator appears to be unfit to drive due to a clearly articulable physical or mental disability.
Releasing the Violator on a Traffic Stop, Officers shall not allow a vehicle to be driven by someone who is not _____________. If the violator’s vehicle is being left at the scene, officers must ensure the vehicles are legally parked and away from the flow of traffic.
properly licensed to drive
When applicable, officers shall explain Municipal Ordinance (MO) 804.633, “Unattended Conveyance,” which mandates the removal of unattended vehicles within _____ hours
24 hours
Warnings will always be given for:
A tag being expired for 30 days or less;
A violator not having his/her vehicle registration paperwork
Exceeding the posted speed limit by five mph or less (this does not apply to school zones or other areas in which speeding fines are doubled)
One warning citation can be used to list ________violations
Officers are prohibited from issuing more than ______UTCs to a violator on a traffic stop unless the violator is being physically arrested
When a violator refuses to accept a UTC, officers shall:
Read all of the options out loud to the violator to successfully address the citation
Record the interaction with the violator using a body worn camera and appropriately tag as instructed
Retain the violator’s copy, placing it in the Property & Evidence Facility
Certify that the citation was issued to the violator by checking the appropriate box under the officer signature line
Violators being issued a UTC for a criminal infraction or an infraction that requires a court appearance are required by Florida State Statutes (F.S.S.) chapter 318.14(2) to ____________________ the UTC, unless they are being physically arrested for a criminal traffic violation.
sign and accept
After the officer explains the UTC requires a signature and the If violator still refuses to sign the UTC, the officer shall:
Have a supervisor respond to the scene, who shall also attempt to gain the violator’s compliance
If the violator still refuses to sign and accept the UTC after speaking to a supervisor, physically arrest the violator for refusing to sign a summons and transport him to the PDF
Officers must place the violator’s fingerprint on the reverse side of the UTC complaint copy when the violator:
Has no valid ID
Has a suspended revoked or alterd driver’s license
Is the driver but is not in possession of his/her valid driver’s license
Is the driver and is in violation of the “Business Purposes Only” restriction that was imposed due to a DUI conviction
If an officer is notified by the Clerk of Courts that a violator falsely identified himself at the time of the UTC issuance, the officer shall conduct a ____________ investigation
Any driver’s license or license plate that is seized shall be attached and submitted with the ______________.
appropriate UTC
Officers are ________________ to seize a license plate if the violator is able to supply proof of valid insurance and sufficient proof the reinstatement fee has been paid.
not required
When an officer determines a violator’s driver’s license or vehicle registration has been suspended for at least _____________________ due to inadequate insurance, and he/she is the owner of the vehicle, the officer shall seize the license plate and attach it to the appropriate UTC. Officers shall also attach a printout of the violator’s driver’s license status check to the UTC.
30 days
If the vehicle registration identifies a business or corporation as an owner of the vehicle, the license plate _________ be seized
will not
Upon seizing a license plate for inadequate insurance, officers shall instruct the violator to obtain proper proof of insurance, have his driving privilege reinstated at a driver’s license office, and obtain a new license plate from the ________________.
Tax Collector’s Office
When probable cause exists for the issuance of a felony traffic citation, an officer shall either:
Make a warrantless arrest of the violator
Seek an arrest warrant from the SAO, if an arrest is not immediately possible
Upon SAO approval of an arrest warrant regarding a Felony Traffic Citation, officers shall:
Complete a paper UTC for all criminal and noncriminal infractions with the warrant’s issuance date and the SAO case number listed in the court section (e.g., warrant obtained on 10/16/2019, SA# 19-123456)
Leave the violator signature space blank
Retain the pink copy of the UTC for his records
Place the original UTC and remaining copies in the SAO case file
Forward a copy of the UTC to the Citation Accountability Unit
Officers are required to obtain a supervisor’s approval prior to physically arresting a violator for a __________________ __________. Supervisors will analyze the specific circumstances to determine if a physical arrest is justified. The name of the approving supervisor shall be placed in the narrative of the Arrest & Booking Report.
misdemeanor traffic infraction
When issuing a citation from a citation book, an officer shall Forward the paper copy of the citation to a supervisor within ____ hours
Upon receiving a citation from a citation book or SmartCop application, a supervisor shall:
Review the citation to ensure it is accurate, complete, and written in accordance with Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) policies;
Write his ID number and initials in the left margin indicating his approval; and
Ensure the citation is forwarded to the Citation Accountability Unit by the end of his shift via the marked drop box located in the Police Memorial Building (PMB).
When a UTC must be voided, officers shall follow the procedures outlined in________________________________.
Order 436 (Citation Accountability)
Officers who have successfully completed the appropriate Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (CJSTC) speed measurement course may use _________________________ when performing traffic-enforcement duties when performing traffic enforcement duties.
JSO-authorized radar devices
Each radar device shall be serviced and calibrated every six months by a JSO-designated qualified service technician. Officers with radar devices that are malfunctioning or appear to be defective shall, after receiving _____________permission, take the radar device to the certified repair facility (currently the Communications Corporation of Jacksonville, located at 1408 Cesery Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32211
a supervisor’s
Officers shall maintain written records of all radar maintenance and radar calibration actions. These records are submitted to the __________________ and are maintained for____________past the device’s working life.
Special Events Unit
90 days
When making a court appearance for any case related to the use of a radar device, the officer shall bring the:
Radar device certification
Patrol vehicle speedometer certification (if the violation was captured in moving mode)
Log maintained by the officer
Officer’s certificate of completion for the appropriate course.
Officers shall submit white copies of parking citations to their supervisors before the end of their shifts and will retain all pink copies in the citation book. Supervisors shall review the citations for accuracy and upon approval, legibly place their ID number and initials in the left-hand margin and forward them to the __________________________
Citation Accountability Unit.
Officers shall only use COJ parking citations to cite a handicapped parking violation, specifically MO 804. UTCs ___________ be issued for handicapped parking violations
will not
The Chief of _________________ serves as the JSO liaison to the COJ Traffic Engineering Division.
Patrol Support
Officers who respond to the scene of serious or complex crashes shall provide emergency services, preserve and collect evidence, and restore the normal flow of traffic. JSO personnel shall respond to the scene of a crash and conduct an investigation when the crash involves any of the following:
a. Death or injury
b. Hit and run;
c. Impairment of the operator due to alcohol or drugs;
d. Damage to public vehicles or property;
e. Hazardous materials;
f. Disturbances between the drivers;
g. Major traffic congestion as a result of the crash; or
h. Damage to the vehicles in excess of $500.
If a supervisor does not respond to the crash scene,________________ the crash investigation is responsible for ensuring that all of the required tasks of the investigation are completed.
the officer assigned
In the event of a life-threatening injury or death, responsibility for the crash scene will be relinquished to the _______________Unit detective conducting the investigation.
Traffic Homicide
Place an orange FDOT sticker on any damaged state property (e.g., guardrails, fences, light poles, barricades, etc.). These stickers are available at all six zone substations. Zone commanders may order new stickers from _____________________
Transfield Services at (904) 460-5410
When victim(s) are unable to care for their property due to injury or unconsciousness, officers shall ensure that the property is protected from pilferage or theft. This will be accomplished by inventorying and listing the property on a:
Notice of Impoundment Report (NOIR) and having the property stored, along with the victim’s vehicle, at the TOL wrecker firm;
Property Storage Card form (P-0009) and placing the property in the JSO Property & Evidence Facility for safekeeping
Vehicles involved in traffic crashes may be left at the scene at the request of the_________________________, if present, provided the vehicles can be safely parked and secured. Owners must make arrangements for the immediate removal of their vehicles
owners or representatives
In order to use the Traffic Crash Report in SmartCop, the location of the crash must be known. In the event that a crash is reported and the location is unknown, the information shall be recorded on a Field Investigation Report (FIR) via ARMS, and forwarded to the _______________ Unit.
Traffic Homicide
Supervisors shall ensure the Summary of Reports Form (P-0759), the Traffic Crash Report, and the matching citations are submitted before ______________ the supervisor’s tour of duty
the end of
Any unverified information should be listed only in _________________ of the report and clearly labeled as unverified. An example of unverified information would be a vehicle description and tag number of a hit and run vehicle given at the scene by witnesses or drivers.
the narrative
If the crash has four or more vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, or motorcycles a ________________with the CCR number must be provided and explained to all drivers, pedal cyclists, and pedestrians.
case information card
The investigating officer must use the ________________________ in every crash with three or less vehicles/pedestrians or motorcycles
Driver Exchange of Information Form
Responding officers shall handle the hit-and-run crash investigations that do not involve serious injury or death as any other Category ________Case
Category A
For hit-and-run crashes with serious injury that require transportation from the scene of the crash, to a hospital by an emergency medical transportation vehicle (e.g., JFRD, Life Flight, Trauma One, etc.), the officer shall complete the initial investigation by the end of the shift and document their actions on the __________________.
Traffic Crash Report
The follow-up of these cases, which are not solved by the initial investigation, shall be conducted by a Traffic Homicide Unit detective. A __________________ form (P-0306) will be completed for open crash cases forwarded to the Traffic Homicide Office. This report should be completed thoroughly with every detail of the incident listed in the narrative.
Hit and Run Report
If the investigating officer has completed his initial investigation and wishes to conduct a follow-up investigation on a case which meets the Investigations Division follow-up criteria, he must coordinate with the ________________Unit.
Traffic Homicide
Information which has not been verified by the investigating officer must not be documented in the blocks of the Traffic Crash Report. It should be listed in______________of the Traffic Crash Report and identified as unverified information.
the narrative
The Hit and Run Report form (P-0306) will be used for unverified information submitted to the ________________ Division for follow-up. It should also explain what steps the investigating officer has taken in the case
Investigation Division
If there is insufficient suspect information to conduct a follow-up investigation, the investigating officer should suspend the case in the narrative of the Traffic Crash Report. Any further follow-up information should be written in a Crash Update Report. A case disposition (Case Status: Suspended, Case Status: Cleared by Arrest - Patrol, Case Status: Exceptionally Cleared, etc.) is required at the _____________section.
end of the narrative
In all hit-and-run cases, the investigating officer shall record the number of hours and minutes that he spent investigating this case in the ____________.
If a hit-and-run suspect vehicle is located and the investigating officer is unable to determine the driver’s identity, and the owner cannot be located, he shall:
Request for a TOL wrecker and tow the suspect’s vehicle if the vehicle is of evidentiary value and further processing is needed
Upon supervisor approval, place a hold on the vehicle for as long as justified by the investigation
If a hit-and-run suspect vehicle is located and the investigating officer is unable to determine the driver’s identity, and the owner cannot be located, he shall
Place a hold on the vehicle for the Traffic Homicide Unit when the investigation meets the criteria for follow-up by a Traffic Homicide Unit Investigator. No hold for hit-and-run is necessary if the vehicle was reported stolen prior to the time which the hit-and-run occurred
The hit-and-run vehicle may be towed from public or private property if the vehicle is in plain view and is being seized as evidence. The vehicle shall not be towed if it is secured within a structure (such as a garage or fenced area secured by a lock) which would have to be forcibly entered to remove the vehicle.
If the suspect is cited or physically arrested for the hit-and-run, the vehicle need not be towed, unless it is stolen or other circumstances exist which warrant towing the vehicle.
When a hit-and-run vehicle is towed and held for patrol follow-up, it shall be the investigating officer’s responsibility to remove the hold from the vehicle and notify the registered owner of hold removal. All holds for patrol must be ______________ prior to the conclusion of the investigation
When a vehicle has been towed and held for the Traffic Homicide Unit and a Traffic Homicide Unit Supervisor returns this case to patrol for follow-up, the _______________shall ensure the hold is removed from the vehicle when it is no longer useful to the investigation. The hit-and-run vehicle should be held only as long as justified by the investigation.
investigating officer
In those cases where no effort was made to comply with statute requirements (e.g., damage was found on the vehicle at a later time, at the time of the crash both parties agreed not to contact the police, or if the location at which the damage occurred is unknown, etc.), the following procedures shall apply:
The investigating officer____________ tell the driver/owner of a vehicle involved in a hit-and-run crash, that an investigator will follow-up the case.When an Information Report is submitted, it is stored for future reference, but no follow-up is conducted.
should NOT
In those cases where no effort was made to comply with statute requirements (e.g., damage was found on the vehicle at a later time, at the time of the crash both parties agreed not to contact the police, or if the location at which the damage occurred is unknown, etc.), the following procedures shall apply:
The officer shall complete a “Hit and Run” Information Report via Agency Records Management System (ARMS), route it to the Traffic Homicide Unit, and note the following:
The location of the interview;
The reason for the investigation, briefly describing the circumstances of the incident and why no Traffic Crash Report was written
When a person is contacted, the officer shall complete block #1 in its entirety and include
The vehicle information
The person’s driver’s license number (placed on the first line in the narrative section under “Reason for Investigation”
The citizen shall be given a Case Information Card and a Driver Report of Crash Form
If the officer has reasonable suspicion criminal intent is involved, these opinions may be entered on the FIR.
In cases where the citizen made a sincere attempt to comply with the above statutes, officers will complete a _________________.
Traffic Crash Report
JSO Traffic Homicide Unit will not be requested to respond to traffic crashes with fatalities and life-threatening injuries on roads where _______ is the primary investigative agency
“Crashes Involving Death or Injury” is a felony. Officers investigating these cases should contact a supervisor, coordinate with a ______________ detective via the Investigative PECO, and record the information so that the officer may either make an arrest at the scene or present it to the SAO for a filing decision.
Traffic Homicide Unit
Traffic Crashes with Life-Threatening Injuries or Death, The ___________ on the scene shall be responsible for the protection of the crash scene, and maintaining a perimeter around the scene. He shall also ensure that a list is made of all people that are allowed into the perimeter. A separate list of all Police and JFRD personnel, who respond to the scene, shall also be made. These lists shall be given to the Traffic Homicide detective who responds
The supervisor
At the request of the Traffic Homicide Unit detectives, the supervisor shall ensure that each officer and supervisor who responded to the scene, document their actions taken and duties performed at the scene of the crash
(a) The summary shall include information regarding any statements that were made to this officer by witnesses, drivers, pedestrians, passengers, etc. The number of hours and minutes spent on the call shall be included.
(b) The supervisor on the scene shall be responsible for making sure that each of the summaries are completed and given to the Traffic Homicide Unit detectives.
(c) The Traffic Homicide Unit detectives shall be responsible for maintaining the patrol summaries once they are turned in. Each officer’s summary must be turned in prior to the end of the officer’s tour of duty.
When a crash occurs on a state road or interstate highway involving a life-threatening injury or fatality, the PECO shall refer to Appendix A of this order and make the determination as to which agency (FHP or JSO) will investigate the crash; anytime a JSO vehicle is involved in a traffic crash which results in death or a life threatening injury, the on-scene ____________ shall request the JSO Traffic Homicide Unit to assume all responsibility of the investigation. The FHP shall not be used for the investigation of these crashes
When a JSO vehicle is involved in a traffic crash which results in death or a life-threatening injury, promptly summon to the scene the following:
(1) A supervisor;
(2) A Crime Scene Unit detective; and
(3) A Traffic Homicide Unit detective.
(4) If the scene of the crash has been cleaned up, witnesses released, and drivers cited and released before the investigating officer learns that the injuries to one or more individuals are life-threatening, there is no need to call out a Traffic Homicide Unit detective. Note all the circumstances in the report and write “Attention: Traffic Homicide” in the first line of the narrative of the Traffic Crash Report
In cases of fatalities, the Medical Examiner (ME) and wreckers shall only be requested at the direction of the __________________detective
Traffic Homicide Unit
Assist the Traffic Homicide Unit detective as needed:
(a) The issuance of traffic citations at the scene of a life threatening injury or fatality is the responsibility of the Traffic Homicide Unit detective; and
(b) Officers may issue those citations at the scene as directed by the Traffic Homicide Unit detective.
Coordinate with the Traffic Homicide Unit detective concerning the disposition of the vehicles. Vehicles involved in fatal traffic crashes or crashes in which a death appears imminent can be released to owners or their representatives if the _________________ detective called to the scene authorizes the release
Traffic Homicide detective
In the event the injuries are not fatal, but is life-threatening, conduct the preliminary traffic crash investigation. The Traffic Homicide Unit detective will provide assistance to the __________________ with the investigation if needed
investigating officer
If an officer is called to a hospital regarding the death of an individual which resulted from injuries sustained in a traffic crash which occurred previously (i.e., several hours earlier or on another date and time), the responding officer shall complete a traffic crash update report:
A Traffic Homicide Unit detective will not respond to this type of incident. This report shall document the following:
(a) The full name (first, middle, and last,) of the deceased victim;
(b) The date and time the victim was pronounced dead;
(c) The name of the physician pronouncing the individual as deceased; and
(d) The attending physician’s statement that the individual died as a result of injuries sustained in the traffic crash.
The traffic crash update report shall be forwarded to the Traffic Homicide Unit. If this incident takes place during normal hours of operation (Monday – Friday, 0600 – 2400 hours) the reporting officer should also contact the Traffic Homicide Unit and notify them of the situation.
If an officer is called to a hospital regarding the death of an individual which resulted from injuries sustained in a traffic crash which occurred in another jurisdiction (i.e., another county or state), or the crash was investigated by another agency within this jurisdiction (e.g., FHP, Beaches, etc.), the responding officer shall contact NCIC on talk group A-7 to notify ___________________________ It will be the responsibility of the agency conducting the original investigation to complete the traffic crash update report
the appropriate investigating agency within that jurisdiction.
Supervisors called to the scene of a traffic crash involving a life-threatening injury and/or death are required to ensure that:
a. All activities at the scene are coordinated. This includes evidence gathering by the CSU detective, assistance for the Traffic Homicide Unit detective (if needed), the safe rerouting of traffic, contacting needed support units, and coordinating with the news media;
b. Witnesses are asked to remain at the scene for the primary interview by the Traffic Homicide Unit detective;
c. Requirements of the officer’s investigation are in order and being completed
d. Supervisors shall ensure the officers check all drivers for the possibility of impairment:
(1) If an impaired driver involved in a fatal or life-threatening traffic crash is transported to the hospital, an officer should proceed to the hospital and maintain contact with the driver; and
(2) When probable cause exists to believe the driver may be impaired, the officer shall obtain a blood sample by using a blood alcohol kit.
e. If there are any questions regarding obtaining the blood sample, the supervisors shall consult with the Traffic Homicide Unit detective as soon as he is called.
Officers investigating a traffic crash involving a non-JSO COJ vehicle shall complete a Traffic Crash Report (or ARMS Report if the location of the crash is unknown) regardless of the ____________ caused by the crash.
value of the damage
COJ-Vehicle (Non-JSO) Traffic Crashes, Officers shall request a _____________________via NCIC if the crash resulted in any injury that necessitated transportation to a hospital
COJ Risk Management Public Liability Adjustor
JSO-Related Vehicle Crashes and Incidents, If a traffic crash or damaged-vehicle incident occurs in Duval County involving any vehicle being operated by a JSO member in his official capacity, the member involved shall immediately notify an on-duty supervisor, who shall respond to the scene. The responding supervisor shall:
a. Notify the Traffic Homicide Unit if the crash meets the callout criteria outlined in Order 337 (Traffic Homicide);
b. Notify the Integrity & Special Investigations Unit if there is any evidence of criminal conduct by a JSO employee;
c. Request a COJ Risk Management Public Liability Adjustor via NCIC if the crash resulted in any injury that necessitated transportation to a hospital;
d. Ensure a standard traffic crash investigation and a DHSMV Traffic Crash Report are completed, if the crash involved any injuries or any damage to non-JSO property;
e. Ensure a criminal investigation and an Incident Report are completed if the JSO damage resulted from a non-driving criminal act such as criminal mischief; and
f. Ensure an administrative investigation and a BlueTeam Vehicle Accident/Incident Report is completed, in accordance with Order 572 (Professional Oversight).
If a traffic crash or damaged-vehicle incident occurs outside Duval County involving any vehicle being operated by a JSO member in his official capacity, the involved member shall immediately request the local agency respond to the scene, complete the applicable report, and take photographs of all damage to JSO property
a. If the incident occurred in any of the four surrounding counties (Baker, Clay, Nassau, or St. Johns), the involved member shall immediately notify an on-duty supervisor, who shall respond to the scene and conduct an administrative investigation.
b. If the incident did not occur in any of the four surrounding counties (Baker, Clay, Nassau, or St. Johns), the involved member shall notify his supervisor upon returning to work. That supervisor shall conduct an administrative investigation
An online driver ________________________ has been created by the DHSMV. JSO’s Duval County’s Driver _______________________ (P-0621) is available to guide citizens in the use of the online self-report of traffic crash.
Self Report of Traffic Crash form
Officers shall remind drivers that the online self-report MUST be submitted within ____ days or the form can be mailed to the DHSMV address on the form within _____ days.
10 days
Officers are required to report any crash involving an all-terrain vehicle which results in the ___________ or ____________ to any person which
death of any person or injury
Other vehicular crashes on private property not open to the public do not require a _________________
Traffic Crash Report.
Private property not open to the public includes communities with controlled, limited access. Officers will respond to such crashes only after being invited onto the property. The term “_______________” does not mean that the property has to have a physical barrier to keep people from entering. (i.e., the driveway to a private residence is not open to the public).
“not open to the public”
A Traffic Crash Report is ____________ when a vehicle catches on fire unless the vehicle is involved in a collision. The mere fact that a vehicle catches on fire while it is in motion does not meet the statutory definition of a traffic crash.
not required
If a train collides with a motor vehicle and the motor vehicle is being operated on a roadway at the time of the collision, a __________________ shall be completed
Traffic Crash Report
If a train collides with a bicyclist or pedestrian resulting in injury or death, an __________ shall be completed.
Incident Report
Any time a crash occurs and the total damage includes damage to State or COJ property (median landscaping [including; trees, plants, shrubbery, etc.], sidewalks, signs, or any other COJ property), a _______________ shall be completed listing the damage to the State or COJ property.
Traffic Crash Report
Prior to closing a roadway by erecting barricades or any other means, officers shall get the approval of a _____________ The __________ shall oversee the placement and removal of the temporary devices.
street supervisor.
A designated Specialized______________________ in conjunction with the Traffic Engineering Department shall conduct an annual survey to determine locations that require the manual direction of traffic to expedite the safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians
Traffic Enforcement Sergeant
When a patrol officer is called to the scene of a fire and traffic control is needed, a _____________ shall be notified.
Authority to Erect Barricades, The first officer on the scene shall notify the PECO and request notification of the officer’s ____________ and the commanding officer of the incident.
The _____________ or ____________ shall make a decision concerning the duration or necessity to continue the barricade. Barricades shall continue only as long as practical to protect the public interest or carry out the police mission.
supervisor or commanding officer
The first supervisor on the scene shall establish a ______________ notify the PECO of the location and, if needed, request the use of the tactical radio channel. Responding unit shall report to the command post or designated staging area.
command post
All police vehicles used by ____________ and ___________ shall carry “Police Barricade” signs provided by the department to use in emergency situations.
patrol sergeants and evidence technicians
Appeal Procedure for Those Denied Access, A person denied entry into a restricted area by an officer on the scene, shall have the right to request to see the ____________________or ________________ to explain his situation and reasons for entering the restricted area.
watch commander at the scene or his designee
The __________________or ____________ shall have final authority as to whether a person can enter a restricted area.
watch commander or his designee
When an officer determines there is a need to erect a barricade the officer shall:
(1) Contact a supervisor;
(2) Inform the supervisor of the situation or condition which require the roadway to be barricaded;
(3) Wait for approval;
(4) Request any needed equipment and/or additional manpower.
Some emergency situations require an officer to immediately block off a roadway. In such a case officers shall:
(1) Request a supervisor
(2) Notify the watch lieutenant;
(3) Notify the appropriate PECO;
(4) Request any needed equipment and/or additional manpower
The ___________________ shall determine the number of CSOs that will be assigned to each zone. Each zone commander shall determine the most appropriate shift and working hours for each CSO assigned to him.
Chief of Patrol
When handling a call involving any JSO member, a CSO will immediately notify his _____________.
CSOs may only be used to assist on the perimeter of a crime scene if there is __________________ and a ________has given them approval to do so.
no potential for violence and a supervisor
CSOs shall utilize the eWarrants system to run a wanted check on all persons involved in any traffic-related incident that the CSOs are working. If an eWarrant hit is identified (i.e., warrant, person of interest, detective notification, etc.), the CSO shall immediately request a _____________ to respond to address the eWarrant hit confirmation. The CSO will not take any action to address the eWarrant hit on their own and they will not discuss the information with the subject.
sworn officer
CSOs shall carry JSO-issued OC spray if they have received the required training. Prior to the deployment of OC spray, the CSO must:
Reasonably perceive he is in imminent bodily harm and has no way to avoid the threat; or
Be given an order by a police officer or higher authority to use the spray.
Immediately following the use of OC spray, a CSO will notify the zone PECO and request a ______________ to respond to the scene. The CSO will adhere to the Response to Resistance Report (RTR) reporting requirements
police officer