213 Mentally Ill and Intoxicated Subjects Flashcards
_______________is defined as a relative, non relative, next of kin, or fictive kin who is awarded physical custody of a child in a proceeding brought pursuant to F.S.S. Chapter 39.01.
The criteria for involuntary admissions for intoxicated adults is contained in Florida State Statute (F.S.S.) 397.675 which states persons may be taken into custody for involuntary admission if there is good faith reason to believe the person is substance abuse impaired or has a co-occurring mental health disorder and, because of such impairment or disorder
Has lost the power of self-control with respect to substance abuse
Is in need of substance abuse services and, by reason of substance abuse impairment, his or her judgment has been so impaired that he or she is incapable of appreciating his or her need for such services and of making a rational decision in that regard, although his/her refusal to receive such services does not constitute evidence of the lack of judgment with respect to his or her need for such services
Without care or treatment, is likely to suffer from neglect or refuse to care for himself or herself; that such neglect or refusal poses a real and present threat of substantial harm to his or her well-being; and that it is not apparent that such harm may be avoided through the help of willing family members or friends or the provision of other services, or there is substantial likelihood that the person has inflicted, or threatened to or attempted to inflict, or, unless admitted, is likely to inflict, physical harm on himself, herself, or another
__________________________provides for the placement and treatment of persons who are in need of substance abuse services
The Marchman Act
Any time an individual meeting the Marchman Act criteria is transported to Gateway, the officer must enter the facility and complete a __________________________ which will be maintained by Gateway
Report of Law Enforcement Officer Substance Abuse form
“Every law enforcement officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, or other arresting officer shall, when arresting an intoxicated person who appears to be inebriated, intoxicated, or not in control of his physical functions, examine each person to ascertain whether or not the person is wearing a _________________________,
medic-alert bracelet or necklace,
If an individual is refused admission to Gateway because he/she is disorderly, officers shall charge the individual with __________________ . The attendant’s name refusing to accept the intoxicated individual, along with the address and telephone number of Gateway, shall be listed in the witness section of the Arrest & Booking Report.
disorderly intoxication
Occasionally, an officer may transport an individual to Gateway who becomes uncooperative or combative after the officer has checked back in service. In this event, the original transporting officer shall not be required to return to the facility to affect an arrest or otherwise remove the individual from the facility. _______________________ shall be assigned to handle the call
The sub-sector officer or closest available unit
Upon encountering in a public place or having brought to their attention an intoxicated juvenile who does not appear incapacitated or a danger to himself/herself or others, officers shall:
Attempt to contact a parent or guardian for release
Prior to placing the individual in the police vehicle, follow proper search techniques
Transport the juvenile to either the UF Health Pediatric Emergency Room or the Wolfson Children’s Hospital Emergency Room
Complete an admission information report at the center. After a cursory nursing exam to rule out the need for emergency medical care, the officer will be back in service
Contact a parent, guardian, legal custodian or responsible adult who is personally known to the juvenile or family unit, after placement. If the child has signed a release form, the facility will notify the appropriate party
Upon encountering in a public place or having brought to their attention an intoxicated juvenile who appears to be incapacitated or is a danger to himself or others, meets the criteria listed in this order, officers shall:
Prior to placing the individual in the police vehicle, follow proper search techniques
Notify a parent, guardian, legal custodian, or responsible adult who is personally known to the juvenile or family unit, If an officer is unable to locate a suitable person, the juvenile shall be transported to either the UF Health Pediatric Emergency Room or the Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital Emergency Room.
Officers shall note in the _________________their efforts to contact a responsible person for the child
Juvenile Arrest & Booking Report
Injured Intoxicated Persons officer shall:
Officers shall immediately call (JFRD)
Seeking medical treatment shall take precedence over completion of any required reports
The centers for detoxification require a medical clearance prior to admittance for those individuals who have serious injuries
The criteria for an involuntary examination is contained in F.S.S. 394.463(1) which states that persons may be taken to a receiving facility for involuntary examination if there is reason to believe that the person has a mental illness and because of his/her mental illness:
The person has refused a voluntary examination after conscientious explanation and disclosure of the purpose of the examination and one condition below exists
The person is unable to determine for themselves whether examination is necessary and one condition exists
Without care or treatment, they are likely to suffer from neglect or refuse to care for themselves There is a substantial likelihood that without care or treatment the person will cause serious bodily harm to himself/herself or others in the near future
Officers transporting persons who meet the criteria for an involuntary examination initiated by law enforcement are required to complete
An (ARMS) Report entitled “Mental Illness;”
A State of Florida Form CF-MH-3052A “Report of Law Enforcement Officer Initiating Involuntary Examination;”
A State of Florida Form CF-MH-3100, “Transportation to Receiving Facility” Part 1, Part II is required only if the person is transported by ambulance. These forms are available at the receiving facility and, once completed, shall be left with the facility
Receiving Facilities
Mental Health Resource Center UF Health Jacksonville River Point Behavioral Baptist Hospital Wekiva Springs Center Pavilion at Memorial Hospital
All involuntary examination juveniles shall be transported to ___________________________.
the Mental Health Center of Jacksonville, 3333 West 20th Street or River Point Behavioral Health, 6300 Beach Boulevard
Officers shall not remove any mental patient from a mental health receiving facility without the approval of a _________________
commanding officer
Receiving facility security regulations require that:
No firearms or weapons be brought into any receiving facility
Prior to going inside the facility, officers shall secure all weapons and firearms either in the trunk of their vehicles, or in a weapons locker
Transportation of Mentally Ill Persons
Officers shall use handcuffs and any other restraining devices necessary when transporting suspected mentally ill persons in order to protect the person
Search prior to placing in backseat
If a mentally ill person requiring medical treatment is taken to UF Health Jacksonville by JSO or JFRD personnel, the investigating officer shall complete and submit a State of Florida Form CF-MH-3052A “Report of Law Enforcement Officer” and a State of Florida Form CF-MH-3100, “Transportation to Receiving Facility,” Part I to hospital personnel. After the medical treatment is rendered, hospital personnel will arrange for transportation of the mentally ill person to the nearest mental health receiving facility. Police personnel shall not provide transportation
If an officer is dispatched to an assisted living facility, substance abuse treatment facility, hospital, nursing home, doctor’s office, psychiatrist’s office, psychologist’s office, etc., and a physician, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, psychiatric nurse, mental health counselor, or clinical social worker executes a professional certificate stating they have examined a person within the preceding 48 hours and find the person appears to meet the criteria for involuntary examination, and they state the observations upon which that conclusion is based or they are in possession of an ex parte (court) order for involuntary examination, officers shall take the persons named in the certificate into custody and deliver them to the nearest______________for involuntary examination
receiving facility
If an officer is dispatched to an assisted living facility, substance abuse treatment facility, hospital, doctor’s office, psychiatrist’s office, psychologist’s office, etc., in response to a request to transport a mentally ill person and there is not a physician, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker present and the person appears to meet the criteria for an involuntary examination, an officer may __________ the individual.
Baker Act
Officers are not authorized to transport patients to private treatment facilities. Requests by public or private treatment facilities, hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices, assisted living facility, substance abuse treatment facility, etc., for the transportation of mentally ill persons shall be denied unless such requests are accompanied by a _____________________. It is the responsibility of the family or patient to arrange for such transportation. Officers requested to transport patients under these circumstances shall have the family, a friend, or the patient make their own transportation arrangements through a private service.
professional certificate, or an ex parte court order
Voluntary admissions shall not be allowed if the subjects involved are violent or danger to themselves or to others. Officers shall____________ the subjects even if they wish to self-admit themselves into a treatment facility.
Baker Act
Intoxicated Mentally Ill Persons, Those persons who meet the criteria for an involuntary examination for a mentally ill person (as outlined above) who are intoxicated shall be transported to the nearest ____________________.
receiving facility
Suspects who appear to meet the provisions of an involuntary examination and who are charged with any felony shall be booked into the __________________
Pretrial Detention Facility (PDF).
Officers shall note in the Arrest & Booking Report’s narrative that the arrestee appears to meet the criteria for involuntary mental examination. The arresting officer shall advise the Intake/Transfer/Releasing Officer to notify the contracted health services provider (CHSP) staff.
Intake/Transfer/Releasing Officer
Individuals arrested for misdemeanors who appear to meet the criteria for involuntary examination or who are to be examined pursuant to a court order shall be transported to UF Health Jacksonville for an involuntary examination
When completing the State of Florida Form CF-MH-3052A “Report of Law Enforcement Officer,” if the officer intends to charge the person with a crime or arrest the person on an outstanding misdemeanor warrant, the words “Criminal Charges Pending” shall be included under “Additional Information” and the person shall be absentee booked.
Contract security guards shall be placed on all arrestees who are not eligible to receive a Notice to Appear (NTA) Citation, including arrest on Baker Act with criminal charges. Refer to Order 201 (Arrest) for further information regarding placing an arrestee under the supervision of a contract security guard.
Officers called to assist the mental health facilities during a crisis situation shall provide assistance until the crisis has subsided. Only those patients who meet the criteria above shall be taken from the facility, with the approval of a __________________, and booked into the PDF.
commanding officer
The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) is comprised of volunteer officers from each zone. CIT officers receive training specific to persons with ___________________
mental illness and crisis intervention.
The CIT officer on the scene of a mental crisis has the duty and responsibility for that event.
The CIT officer shall maintain responsibility unless otherwise directed by a supervisor.
The primary CIT officer shall be responsible for completing the ARMS report.
If a CIT officer is not available to handle a call with a mentally ill person, then the PECO shall assign the appropriate ______________
patrol units
The primary officer shall maintain responsibility for all aspects of the call until relieved by the___________ or _____________. The decision to assume responsibility for the call rests with the___________or ______________.
CIT officer or a supervisor.
Mental health training shall include, but is not limited to the following
Awareness; Prevention; Mitigation; Treatment; and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
When a subject is being taken into custody under the provisions of the Baker Act, the officer shall immediately________ all firearm(s) and/or ammunition in the subject’s possession. Firearms and/or ammunition __________ pursuant to the Baker Act procedure must be taken to the Property & Evidence Facility and shall not be considered for third-party transfers or be passed to any other person claiming title.
For any remaining firearm(s) and/or ammunition to which a Baker Act subject would still have access (e.g., a firearm stored in the subject’s house, etc.) after he/she is released from the mental health facility, the officer shall:
Seek consent from the subject, provided the subject is able to give legal consent, or any person authorized to give legal consent, to surrender all remaining firearm(s), ammunition, and concealed weapon licenses to which the subject has access
Not seize any firearm(s), ammunition, or concealed weapon license that has not been voluntarily surrendered or is located in a place the officer is not legally permitted to enter
Leave the items and route any applicable reports to the RPU. If the RPO statutory criteria appear to have been met, the RPU shall conduct further investigation in an effort to obtain an RPO
The officer shall list all seized/surrendered firearm(s) (including make, model, serial number, and attached accessories), ammunition, and concealed weapon licenses on a ___________________________ and provide that form to the surrendering party
Risk Protection Order Receipt of Items Surrendered or Seized form (P-0678)