311 Photographic Line-Ups and Field Show-Ups Flashcards
…………………….– An officer or other personnel authorized by a law enforcement agency who displays a photo array to a victim or witness. Also applies to an officer or other personnel authorized by a law enforcement agency, who conducts a field show-up with a victim or witness.
………………….. – A person whose identification by sight of another person may be relevant in a criminal proceeding.
………………………– A field identification procedure in which a witness is presented with a single potential suspect in person, within a reasonable period after the commission or report of a crime, for the purpose of obtaining identification from a witness. Field show-ups generally should be conducted within three hours of the crime being reported, unless extraordinary circumstances exist and are documented in an Incident or Supplemental Report.
Field Show-up
………………. – Photographs of persons other than the suspect, used to complete a photo array and bring the total number of photos in the array to six photos.
Filler Photos
………………….. – A procedure utilized when an independent administrator is not utilized, permitting the officer to conduct a photographic line-up in a manner that precludes him from knowing when the photograph of the potential suspect is viewed by the witness.
Functional Equivalent Procedure
……………………– An officer administering a photo array who has no knowledge who the potential suspect is in the photo array.
Independent Administrator
……………………. – A group of photographs utilized in a photographic line-up.
Photo Array
……………………..– The showing of photographs to an eyewitness for the purpose of identifying or eliminating suspects.
Photographic Line-up
The showing of a single photograph for identification purposes is prohibited, unless the subject is personally known by the victim or witness and the photograph is shown merely to confirm identity. Prior to showing a single photograph, a ………….. must be notified and approve the use of the single photograph for identification purposes. The supervisor approval must be documented in the Incident or Supplemental Report.
Unless there are justifiable circumstances that require the same officer or detective to compile and administer the photographic line-up, an independent administrator shall be used for the display of the photo array to the victim or witness. An example of a justifiable circumstance could be an officer or detective conducting a photographic line-up out of the jurisdiction and an independent administrator from JSO is not available. [CALEA 42.2.9, CFA 15.13]
(1) If an independent administrator cannot be used, the circumstances detailing why shall be…………………………………………………………..
documented in an Incident or Supplemental Report and a Functional Equivalent Procedure shall be used.
The final option is to use FaceLogics. This resource shall only be used for felony offenses when the first two options have failed at producing a photographic lineup. The use of FaceLogics must be approved by a …………..or………………………. prior to submitting a request. FaceLogics is a contracted third party resource for JSO. The request is submitted via the FaceLogics website by clicking on “Agency Request Forms.”
watch commander or unit commanding officer
Officers shall document the factors and circumstances surrounding the time frame between the crime and when the show-up was conducted. Field show-ups generally should be conducted within …………. of the crime being reported, unless extraordinary circumstances exist. These circumstances shall be documented in an Incident or Supplemental Report.
three hours
Show-ups shall be conducted with …………..and…………..
supervisory approval and direction
Show-ups shall be conducted at ……………………………………………….. A suspect shall not be removed from the location of the detention, unless he or she consents, merely for the purpose of the show-up, as this may convert the temporary detention into an arrest.
the location where a suspect was detained
Multiple Suspects
If there are multiple suspects, each subject shall be ………………………………………………
separated and involved in a distinct and independent show-up.
Preparing for the Show-up [CALEA 42.2.10]
a. Prior to allowing a witness to view a detained individual, the officer shall read the Field Show-Up Witness Instruction Form (P-0712) relating to the procedures governing field show-ups to each witness. No ……………………….. by the officer should be made beyond reading the standardized instructions.
b. The witness should sign and date the Field Show-up Witness Instruction Form (P-0712) indicating he or she understands the field show-up instructions.
additional commentary
Mandatory refresher training will be administered through the Northeast Florida Criminal Justice Center and the Training Academy once ……………., or as deemed necessary by the Director of Investigations & Homeland Security.
every two years