474 - Supply and Mail Flashcards
Who is the owner of Supply and Mail?
Commanding Officer of Supply and Mail
Each unit, section, or division requesting special order supply type items, not typically stocked in the Supply Unit, will submit a requisition packet including an ___________ or other authorized requisition form, which will include the desired brand, model, options, colors, sizes, quantity, budgetary cost and other characteristics for the requested purchase and any suggested suppliers.
Order Request Form (P-1532)
The requisition packet must be routed through the
chain-of-command and signed by the appropriate assistant chief or higher authority as follows:
$1 - $2,500 – assistant chief or higher
$2,501 - $5,000 – chief or higher
$5,001 & up – director or higher
All firearms are ordered and entered into the Weapons Database, or its successor, by the Training Academy ________ or designee.
Range Master
Conducted Electrical Weapons (CEW) are ordered and entered into the Weapons Database, or its successor, by the ___________.
Supply Unit
Employees retiring after completion of 20 or more years of service with the City, or upon medical retirement due to a job-related injury shall be entitled to keep and retain:
1) The employee’s __________ having been assigned to the employee
2) The _________ then assigned to the police or correctional officer if:
a) The sidearm was issued to and used by the police or correctional officer for at least the _______ period immediately preceding the officer’s retirement
b) The sidearm was purchased by the City more than ________ before the officer’s date of retirement or
c) The sidearm was issued to the officer during the _________ period immediately preceding the officer’s retirement and the issuance of the sidearm was initiated by and for the benefit of JSO.
1) JSO badge or badges
2) service sidearm
a) two (2) year
b) two (2) years
c) two (2) year
Upon the death of any employee of JSO, the following shall be entitled to keep and retain the employee’s JSO badge or badges and, with the consent of the ________, the services sidearm then assigned to the police or correctional officer:
a) ________
b) ________
a) The surviving spouse; or
b) If there is no surviving spouse, the oldest surviving lineal descendant of the officer
Units requesting pre-stamped envelopes must submit a _______ signed by the unit commanding officer to the supply/mailroom supervisor.
Form 4
The Tangible Personal Property inventory functions, for inventoried property and equipment transactions conducted by JSO, are under the supervision of the _____________.
Chief of Support Services
______ personnel are responsible for all property inventory functions within JSO.
Supply Unit
Reimbursement by an employee for lost, stolen, or damaged items will be remitted to the COJ through the __________.
Budget Division
The loss or theft of firearms or other JSO equipment which occur while traveling outside Duval County (not in an official capacity) shall be subject to ______________ by the affected employee in accordance with this Order.
The Supply Unit operates under the supervision of the ___________.
Supply Chain Manager
The purpose of the __________ is to establish policy and procedure for the inventory and control of JSO property/equipment.
Supply Unit
The Supply Unit shall maintain a computerized inventory list of all items issued to an employee by the Supply Unit and shall provide the list _________-.
upon request
The issuing of firearms are the responsibility of __________ .
Training Academy personnel
Before allowing officers or members of their families to retain any sidearm, official written permission will be issued from the ____________ bearing proper consent and signature.
Officers retiring early (i.e., vesting, disability, etc.) _______ be entitled to retain their sidearms.
Director of Police Services
shall not
The ___________ will notify the Supply Unit and Training Academy Range Master of all retirements and deaths of officers. Active files of these officers will be purged and placed in a “retired” or “inactive” file.
Human Resources Division
After obtaining written approval from the ______ to retain one issued firearm for retirement, the officer will turn in all other issued weapons to the Supply Unit or Firing Range on or before the last scheduled working day.
If the officer plans to use extensive leave time prior to retirement, issued weapons (except the intended retirement firearm) shall be submitted to the ________________ or designee prior to going on leave.
Training Academy Range Master
The Mailroom is located on the first floor next to the loading dock in Room 111 and is under the supervision of the ____________________.
Distribution and Inventory Control Supervisor
Employees without access who require admittance to the Mailroom during non-operating hours will contact ___________ and sign out a Mailroom access card to open the Mailroom and allow employees to retrieve and deliver mail, correspondence, reports, and arrest dockets to or from the Mailroom.
security officers
For small packages to be shipped via FedEx, members will obtain authorization and labeling from the _____________. Packages may then be brought to the Mailroom for pickup by FedEx.
Budget Division
For packages authorized to be shipped via United Parcel Service (UPS) or U.S. Postal Service from other agencies to JSO, at the expense of JSO, members will bring a completed and signed ____________ to Mailroom personnel for processing.
Shipping Authorization Form (P-1859)
The ____________ under F.S.S. chapter 274.03 is the elected officer of government responsible and ultimately accountable for all the property and equipment utilized by JSO and COJ.
Accountable Officer (Sheriff) and Custodian
The Custodian’s delegate is an individual designated by the _________ to be answerable for tangible personal property and other inventory of equipment and supplies located within his or her subdivisions of JSO.
The Custodian’s delegate is generally a ranking appointed officer such as a _________ but may be another member of JSO.
A subordinate employee may be designated by the Custodian’s delegate as Inventory Delegate to assist in the maintenance of property and equipment records of their division or section.
However, responsibility for the property and equipment remains with the __________ designated by the Sheriff.
Custodian’s delegate
The ____________, designated by the Sheriff in accordance with COJ Code of Ordinances Sec. 122.807, is the Supply Chain Manager who supervises members in the Supply Unit.
Property Officer
Tangible personal property items are items with an original purchase cost equal to or greater than __________, or other threshold amount as may be established, from time to time, by the State of Florida CFO.
If an item is damaged, lost, or stolen, the employee responsible for the item will submit an Intradepartmental Correspondence Form (P-0004) to their __________ (or civilian manager)
commanding officer
The commanding officer will attach a_________________, creating a packet.
Lost, Stolen, and Damaged Property Routing Sheet (P-0740)
If the item lost, stolen, or damaged is traceable (e.g., serial number, badge number, COJ property tag, etc.), the commanding officer will ensure that an ___________ is completed and a copy added to the packet.
The Information Report must be complete and include the _______ of the item. This value can be obtained by contacting the unit which originally issued the item (“issuing unit”). If a value is not available at the time the report is completed, a Supplemental Report will be required. [FCAC 10.17]
Information Report
actual value
If the item lost, stolen, or damaged requires immediate replacement (such as a firearm, computer, etc.), the commanding officer will indicate such on the routing sheet and send the employee (with the packet) to the ___________ for immediate replacement. The issuing unit will forward the packet to the employee’s division chief.
issuing unit
If the item lost, stolen, or damaged does not require immediate replacement, the commanding officer will forward the packet (through the assistant chief) to the employee’s __________.
The employee’s division chief will investigate the incident and determine whether or not corrective action is warranted. The division chief will then forward the packet to the _____________.
division chief
Director of Police Services
The Director of Police Services will decide whether the employee is responsible for reimbursement of the lost, stolen, or damaged item. If reimbursement is required, the packet will be forwarded to the _________.
Chief of Budget
The Director of Police Services or the Chief of Budget will forward the lost, stolen, or damaged packet to the issuing unit who will ensure that the appropriate database/inventory is updated. A copy will be forwarded electronically to the ___________.
Internal Audit Unit
An __________ is a substantial decrease in the property item’s usefulness due to wear, age, technological advancement, or applicability for its purpose.
An __________ or ___________ is an addition of a feature, option, or update to an existing property item which increases its functionality or; a complete rebuild of a long term property item yielding a near new product life span
improvement or
increase in utility
COJ’s Finance and Administration Department – The Capital Assets Group oversees an ___________ inventory of all COJ property, including the property assigned to JSO. Supply Unit members organize, plan, and report this annual inventory in accordance with the requirements of the COJ Capital Assets Group.
The annual physical inventory of all JSO property is commenced at the direction of the ____________ and _________.
The inventory is concluded upon review and final approval of the Accountable Officer and Custodian’s delegates.
Accountable Officer and
Custodian’s delegates
An inventory shall also be taken whenever there is a change in ________________.
The property under the control and in the custody of the incumbent Sheriff will be inventoried and must be accepted by the Sheriff-elect in accordance with the COJ Code of Ordinances Sec. 122.808.1.
Accountable officers (sheriffs)
The property inventoried shall be transferred via a __________ of accountability, which shall be presented to the incumbent Sheriff and the Sheriff-elect for their approval and acceptance.
memorandum of transfer
The executed memorandum of transfer will be filed and a copy sent to _____________.
Capital Assets Group