391 - Technical Support Flashcards
The Technical Support Unit (TSU) is responsible for the _______, _______, and _______ of specialized investigative equipment to include covert and overt surveillance and recording equipment.
purchasing, storage, and maintenance
TSU can be contacted ________ (excluding holidays) at (904) 630-0889 from 0800-1630 hours.
Monday - Friday
For a list of TSU personnel and additional contact methods see the TSU share point site located under the _________ tab on the 94Net page. TSU can be contacted for call out after hours via the Investigative Police Emergency Communications Officer (PECO).
Investigations & Homeland Security
The basis which justifies a person being provided information.
Need to Know
As applied in the order an individual would have to demonstrate a _________ prior to being provided information regarding equipment in the TSU inventory or the capabilities of the equipment.
Need to Know
Precautions and techniques put in place to ensure information regarding operations, surveillance techniques, and equipment are not disclosed to any persons without a need to know about the activity or equipment.
Operational Security
_________ practiced to ensure the safety or the members involved and ensure the equipment, technology, and techniques used to maintain their efficacy.
Operational security
Information regarding surveillance techniques, procedures, and equipment are ______ from public record disclosure per Florida State Statute.
Information regarding TSU equipment will not be disclosed to persons who have not demonstrated a ________ about the equipment.
need to know
TSU personnel shall have the responsibility for the _________, ________, _______, and ________ of special investigation equipment. This includes equipment used by the unit and issued to members of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO) to conduct investigations.
acquisition, custody, control, and maintenance
Equipment issued to an officer ______ or ________ to other JSO members or other persons outside of JSO.
shall not be exchanged or loaned
Equipment shall not be photographed, copied, sketched, described, tampered with, reproduced, or unnecessarily displayed without prior authorization from the ________.
Assistant Chief of the Narcotics & Vice Section
Access to the TSU Office is limited to the _________, _________, and _________. All visitors must be approved by the _________ in advance.
TSU personnel,
Narcotics & Vice Section Commander,
and authorized accompanied visitors.
TSU Sergeant
Any piece of specialized equipment which by its design, size, operation, or manufacture could be used for wire or oral communications intercepts will only be used by _________ and with the knowledge and approval of __________.
qualified personnel
TSU personnel
All applications for court-authorized wire and oral communications ________ will be brought to the attention of the _______________.
Narcotics & Vice Section Commander
Requests for assistance or for use of technical equipment by JSO personnel in other assignments will be made to the ______________.
TSU Supervisor or their designee
All requests for TSU assistance or for use of TSU equipment by outside agencies will be in _______ and require the approval of the ____________. This does not apply to responsibilities assumed by TSU detectives as part of a previously approved/established task force.
Assistant Chief of the Narcotics & Vice Section
Equipment will not be removed from the TSU Office without __________________. The issued equipment is the responsibility of the __________ the checkout form.
following required checkout procedures
person signing
Members checking out TSU equipment will _____ for the equipment __________ of the equipment.
acknowledging receipt
_________ will ensure that all TSU equipment is used within established legal and technical limitations.
TSU personnel
All TSU equipment will be returned to TSU once the ___________ has passed. Upon return of the equipment, the member returning equipment will be __________ for the equipment by the TSU Detective receiving the equipment.
operational need
provided a receipt
Any TSU equipment ______, _______, _______, or _______ shall be reported immediately to the TSU personnel.
failure, loss, damage, or destruction
The member who _________ a piece of TSU equipment that is lost, damaged, or destroyed will be responsible for completing an ___________ documenting the damage or loss.
signed out
Incident Report
In the event, an item cannot be _______ and the member cannot __________ showing they turned the equipment in, the member who signed the equipment out will be responsible for completing a report regarding the loss. The member will also be responsible for the ______ based on the current employment contract.
provide the receipt
loss amount
All repairs or maintenance of _______ will be handled by the ________.
TSU equipment
TSU personnel