103 Interagency Cooperation Flashcards
It shall be the policy of ______ to cooperate with all agencies engaged in the administration of criminal justice, fire department, medical services, civil defense, and other agencies involved in service to the public.
Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum of Agreement
MOU and MOA forms will contain the JSO point of contact for the agreement, and will be forwarded through the appropriate ____________ to the department director for approval by the Sheriff
chain of command
JSO will utilize, give aid, and/or provide timely and accurate information to members of the ________
community in need.
JSO personnel shall maintain a collaborative working relationship with other agencies to ensure information exchange and coordination. These agencies include the following:
Parole and Probation
Juvenile and Adult Correctional Agencies
other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies on a case by case basis in the apprehension and arrest of fugitives
supply reports and aid to law enforcement agencies as requested. The Intelligence Unit shall provide information to other agencies as requested
_________shall periodically meet with representatives of other agencies having concurrent and adjoining jurisdictions to plan and discuss joint enforcement efforts, problems, concerns, and mutual aid agreements.
The Assistant Chief of Narcotics & Vice
__________meets periodically with the heads of other agencies having concurrent and adjoining jurisdictions
The Sheriff
________shall meet, at least, annually with fire service personnel to coordinate, resolve problems, and develop plans
The Assistant Chief of Special Events or a designee
________ shall meet as needed with a representative of Traffic Engineering to coordinate, resolve problems, and develop plans. Traffic Engineering and JSO provide monthly reports to each other to keep abreast of enforcement problems and concerns:
The Chief of Patrol Support or a designee
________ shall periodically meet with representatives of other agencies concerned with traffic safety, to objectively, intelligently, and analytically provide a united approach to traffic safety and efficient highway use.
The Chief of Patrol Support
_________shall maintain liaison with judges in Duval County, Florida by meeting with them monthly.
The Chief of Investigations or a designee
Copies of meeting minutes, agendas, and reports shall be forwarded to the _______ Unit
JSO personnel shall refer persons in need of assistance to the law enforcement agency having __________, or when not related to criminal matters, to the agency best able to provide the requisite aid.
The legally authorized geographical area under the Sheriff of Duval County, Florida, is
Duval County.
A detailed official map, which includes the boundaries of the jurisdiction of Duval County, Florida, is maintained by the___________
Communications Section
The _______ by law, is the chief law enforcement officer in Duval County with the full authority and responsibility to uphold the law and preserve the peace.
Citizens requesting service which normally fall within the concurrent jurisdiction of the JSO shall be referred to the___________
respective jurisdiction
JSO and _____________ will coordinate their investigations with the SAO in the Fourth Judicial Circuit.
all concurrent jurisdictions
The Florida Sheriff’s Statewide Mutual Aid Operational Assistance Agreement establishes an agreement that covers ________________
law enforcement intensive or emergency situations
The Sheriff will request the assistance of the Florida National Guard (FLNG) by contacting the Mutual Aid Director with FDLE who will in turn contact __________
the Governor
Naval Base Procedures
Traffic Enforcement
_______ shall be primarily responsible for traffic control, enforcement of Base traffic regulations and the investigation of motor vehicle accidents
Base Security
Naval Base Procedures
Investigations of misdemeanor offenses shall first be conducted by the _________. If a suspect is not subject to the UCMJ, the case will be referred to the JSO.
Naval Base Procedures
_____or _____shall initially be responsible for the investigation of felony offenses. ______or ______ will notify the JSO of any felony offense whenever it is ascertained that
NCIS or Base Security
Who is responsible for Offenses Committed in Areas Outside of the Base?
The JSO is responsible for the initial investigation of offenses committed outside the Base.
All arrests shall be made pursuant to a ______ or _______
valid arrest warrant or probable cause
Arrest at Base
When the delivery of any military member or civilian for the purpose of executing an arrest warrant is requested by the JSO, the arresting officer will provide the arrest warrant to _________
Base Security.
Fresh Pursuit on base
Any JSO Officer, who observes the commission of a misdemeanor (including traffic infractions and crimes) and pursues the offender without unreasonable delay; or observes the commission of a felony or has reasonable grounds to suspect a felony has been committed, and pursues the offender without unreasonable delay, will be _________ to continue that pursuit across the boundary of the Base
The_____________ retains the ultimate authority to protect the Base from any threat regardless of the type of jurisdiction present.
Commanding Officer
If the demonstrators are physically located on the Base, and if the demonstrators have violated any state or local law, Base Security will, when necessary, detain the demonstrators until they can be turned over to the JSO. When necessary, Base Security will request the JSO come to the Base to assist in controlling such demonstrators. Such control will include the arrest of demonstrators when _____________and appropriate by the JSO.
deemed necessary