365 Hazardous Devices Flashcards
The Hazardous Devices Unit will respond to any of the following:
- Any threat or suspicious package not readily determined to be safe/inert;
- Improvised Explosive Devices (IED);
- Incendiary Devices;
- Homemade Explosive Labs (HME);
- Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED);
- Person Borne Explosive Devices (PBIED);
- Maritime Improvised Explosive Devices (MIED);
- Found military or improvised military ordnance;
- Chemical, Biological and Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Devices or incidents: a. Chemical dispersal devices, Chemical Suicides
b. “White Powder Calls”
c. Improvised Nuclear Devices (IND), Radiological Dispersal Devices (RDD), Radiological Exposure Device (RED)
d. Found explosives - Post Blast crime scenes involving explosives or CBRNE events.
- X-ray all sealed safes prior to entry into the Property Room
- Collect commercial grade fireworks for destruction or storage for evidence
- Active Shooter incidents that could possibly have explosive devices in suspects’ vehicle or place of residence.
Request for the Hazardous Devices Unit shall be made through the Investigative Police Emergency Communications Officer (PECO) by a _____ ______, _________ __ ______ ________ – 24 hours a day.
watch commander, designee or higher authority
Request for the Hazardous Devices Unit shall contain the following information:
- Location of incident and command post for Hazardous Devices Unit operations;
- Description of scene/suspect device; and
- Evacuation procedures/evacuation distances.
In the event Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department (JFRD), local, state and federal assets are required
(JSO) Hazardous Devices Unit will coordinate with those agencies.
Responsibilities at the Scene
1. The watch commander at the scene will maintain responsibility for the scene, until a ______ _______ ____ _______ arrives
Hazardous Devices Unit Technician
Command responsibility for the Hazardous Devices Unit belongs with the _______ ________ Hazardous Devices Unit Technician.
highest ranking
These are weapons that relatively have a large impact on people, property and infrastructures.
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE)
beyond the outer perimeter, considered to be contamination-free.
Cold Zone
chemical, biological or radiological material in an unwanted place including in or on a body. Exposure does not necessarily mean a person or object is contaminated
A device placed or fabricated in an improvised manner incorporating, destructive, lethal, noxious, explosives, or incendiary chemicals and designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract
Hazardous Device
also known as improvised explosives; can be made from commonly available commercial chemicals with relatively minimal effort
Homemade Explosives (HME)
the area at the scene of a chemical, biological or radiological incident which is or may be contaminated. It is inside the inner perimeter
Hot Zone
a device created from improvised explosive compounds, or a conventional explosive used in a manner other than for which it was originally designed.
Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
a stolen or improvised device designed to produce a nuclear-yield reaction (nuclear blast).
Improvised Nuclear Device (IND)
any improvised explosive device that has been placed, thrown, floating or moored in the water. This includes limpet mines that are attached to the hull of ships along with any located military ordnance.
Maritime Improvised Explosive Device (MIED)
refers to the use of fissile material to create energy (e.g., nuclear power or nuclear bombs)
refers to material that emits radiation.
an explosive, aerosol, or other device intended to spread radiological material, also referred to as a “dirty bomb”.
Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD)
a device designed to expose people to radiation without dispersing material (e.g., a placed source).
Radiological Exposure Device (RED)
a procedure designed to preclude the detonation or functioning of any CBRNE device.
Rendered Safe Procedure (RSP)
Any item found under suspicious or unusual circumstances that necessitates a Hazardous Devices Unit response
Suspect or Suspicious Package
a vehicle or vessel that is used as or to transport a large quantity of explosives.
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)
a person at the scene who has the authority to determine whether a search or evacuation should be conducted at a facility where a threat has been received, generally the person in charge of the facility.
Victim’s representative in authority
the area immediately surrounding the Hot Zone. Ingress and egress are restricted to JFRD HAZMAT and Hazardous Devices Technicians. This is the area in which decontamination activities are conducted. It is the area between the inner and outer perimeter.
Warm Zone
an area designated for the arrival and staging of equipment, vehicles, apparatus, or personnel resources to be utilized in the mitigation of an event or incident.
Staging Area
(1) Any destructive device as defined in Section 921 of Title 18; of the United States Code (see Appendix “A”);
(2) Any weapon that is designed or intended to cause death or serious bodily injury through the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals, or their precursors;
(3) Any weapon involving a disease organism; or
(4) Any weapon that is designed to release radiation or radioactivity at a level dangerous to human life.
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD):
a commonly used phrase to describe an unknown substance of a suspicious nature found at a potential crime scene. It must be assumed to be hazardous or toxic until and unless determined otherwise, and is not necessarily either white or a powder.
“White Powder”
Officers arriving at the scene of a bomb threat, suspicious package, hazardous device, or alleged terrorist activity should maintain a keen awareness of their surroundings, be cognizant of factors that may increase the likelihood of an attack, and implement rapid control measures at the scene where indicated. Some factors to consider are:
a. The location of the area itself and/or occupancy by large numbers of people
(1) Symbolic or historical sites;
(2) Government buildings;
(3) Areas where the public assembles regularly or for special events, such as stadiums, parks, and shopping centers;
(4) Sites that may be controversial, such as abortion clinics; and
(5) Infrastructure systems, such as public transportation, communications, power plants, water plants, etc.
b. Many dates have particular significance to terrorist or extremist groups, and it is not uncommon for events to be planned on those anniversaries.
Observe suspicious vehicles and containers that are present from a distance. Tag numbers and descriptions should be noted from a safe distance. DO NOT approach any suspicious vehicle under any circumstances. If vehicle information cannot be obtained without compromising officer safety, that information should be passed on to the responding Hazardous Devices Unit Technician or the watch commander. Officers should pay special attention to the following:
a. Vehicles which may appear to be sagging at the rear or leaning to one side; or
b. Large vehicles such as moving vans or trucks that would appear out of place at the site.
Officers should be particularly aware of warning signs when responding to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosive (CBRNE) events, such as:
a. Sudden and unexplained patterns of mass illnesses or death (humans, animals, birds, or fish);
b. Unusual odors or tastes (note that many chemical and biological agents will be colorless, odorless and tasteless, and radiation may only be detected using instrumentation);
c. Unexplained signs and symptoms on a person’s skin, or eye and/or airway irritations;
d. Unexplained vapor clouds, mists, plumes, etc.;
e. Presence of chemical containers, sprayer containers, or laboratory equipment in unusual locations;
f. Items or containers that appear to be out of place at a suspicious incident;
g. Fires that exhibit unusual behavior or color; and
h. Anything that appears out of the ordinary.
Officers responding to exploded devices or active scenes should be aware of the possibility of ________ _________. Officers should visually search areas accessible to the officer, but not touch or disturb any article that is of suspicious nature or open and close containers, dumpsters or trash receptacles.
secondary devices
When establishing a command post, evacuation area, or staging area, be cognizant of ________ _______. A thorough search shall be conducted prior to establishing any command post, evacuation area or staging area.
secondary devices
When a bomb threat is received by a JSO employee by telephone, the employee receiving the call will attempt to obtain as much information as possible, by using the ______ ________ ________ found in Appendix B of this order
Bomb Threat Checklist
The individual receiving the call should also
a. Try to keep the caller on the phone as long as possible and remain calm;
b. Ask the caller to repeat the message and attempt to note every word spoken;
c. Inform the caller that the building is occupied and the detonation of a bomb could result in serious injury or death to many people; and
d. Relay all information gathered to the area supervisor.
The Bomb Threat Checklist (Appendix B of this order) shall be completed as thoroughly as possible anytime a threat is received via telephone. Each area supervisor shall ensure a ______ _______ ______ __________ is available within each unit.
laminated Bomb Threat Checklist
If a JSO employee receives a written bomb threat through the U.S. Mail or by any other means, the employee will:
a. Notify their supervisor;
b. Notify dispatch and request a patrol officer to write a General Offense Report; routing it to the “Homeland Security Unit” and the “Intelligence Unit”
c. Avoid unnecessary handling of the document or materials in order to preserve the evidence;
d. Save all materials including the envelope or container and the message itself; and
e. Notify the U.S. Postal Inspector.
The first officer to arrive at the location at which the threat was directed will identify and make contact with
the victim’s representative in authority.
Unless a suspected item or hazardous device has been located, the victim’s representative in authority has the right to make the decisions of whether or not to ________ the scene and whether or not to _______. Officers will comply with such decisions made by the victim’s representative in authority. This includes areas such as public and private buildings and schools.
Where possible, initial searches should be conducted by persons who _______ occupy and are familiar with the contents of those spaces. The on scene supervisor should coordinate this activity with the victim’s representative in authority.
If the building or structure is a city facility, the _______ ________ has the authority to determine if the facility will be searched
Sheriff’s Office
If a threat, suspected device or hazardous device has been located, JSO will
immediately order an evacuation.
If the scene is to be searched, the on scene supervisor shall establish a temporary command post upwind, uphill and at least ______ feet from the scene when the terrain and situation allows, and organize search teams.
Prior to establishing ____ ______ _____ or staging area, the on scene supervisor will ensure that the area is searched for possible secondary devices
any command post
All communications should take place at the command post. No communications will take place over any electronic device, which would emit an electrical or radio frequency impulse (i.e., radios, cellular telephones, or Mobile Data Computer [MDC]) within _____ feet of the area where a suspected device or area of search is located.
Officers assigned to ________ _______ should keep their portable radios on in order to receive instructions, but will refrain from transmitting.
perimeter positions
If the scene is to be evacuated during the search:
(1) The persons being evacuated will proceed to a location of at least 1,000 feet from the scene, regardless of
protective barricade.
Notify the dispatcher of the exact location of the evacuees.
Use of JSO Explosive Canine Units for searches will be at the on scene supervisors discretion and will be coordinated with the Explosive Canine handlers.
Explosive Canines _____ ____ ____ used to check or verify located devices or suspicious packages.
will not be
At the conclusion of all searches, the on scene supervisor will notify
the victim’s representative in authority and the PECO Supervisor of the results of the search.
If no device is found DO NOT STATE “______ __ ___ ________;” only state “the search did not reveal one.”
An officer will document the circumstances and measures taken on a General Offense Report entitled ____________ and route the report to the ____________ and the _____________
“Bomb Threat”
“Homeland Security Unit”
“Intelligence Unit.”
If the threat is to a Duval County Public School and an officer from the School Board Police Department is present, WHO will assume responsibility for generating the report.
the School Board Police Department
If the threat is to a Duval County Public School during school hours, the responding officers will have the Detective Dispatcher notify the School Board Police Department and _______ ___ ________
them to respond
If the threat is to a Duval County Public School after school hours, officers will ensure the following:
a. Request the Investigative Dispatcher call the School Board Police Department, who will make further notifications;
b. Request a School Board Police Officer to respond to the scene so the building(s) may be searched; or
c. The School Board Police Department will be instructed to route their report to the JSO’s “Homeland Security Unit” and “Intelligence Unit.”
Law enforcement agencies working within the confines of Duval County, such as the Duval County School Board Police, that have a need for an explosive detection canine to sweep a facility under their charge, may make the request directly to the ___ ___________ ________ and a JSO Canine Unit will be dispatched.
JSO Communications Center
An officer will not disturb or attempt to move any explosive, incendiary, military, or any other threat, suspected item, or any hazardous device under any circumstances. Obtain as much of a physical description of the item or device as possible and relay this information to the responding _________ ______ ________ _________
Hazardous Devices Unit Supervisor
Information to relay to the Haz Device supervisor
a. Characteristics of package (Material, Size, Shape);
b. Noticeable Wires;
c. Chemical stains;
d. Sounds; and
e. Any additional hazards surrounding the package (Gas, Phone, Electrical Lines).
The minimum evacuation distance will be ______ feet with or without a protective barricade
The _______ ________ at the scene shall consult with the responding Hazardous Devices Unit Supervisor on the establishment of a preliminary Hazardous Devices Unit operational area within the perimeter.
watch commander
No one will be allowed inside the evacuation perimeter until the device is ______ by the Hazardous Devices Unit. The Hazardous Devices Unit Supervisor will notify the watch commander when it is safe to enter the evacuation perimeter.
RSP’d (rendered safe procedure)
If the suspected item or hazardous device is a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) it may be necessary to ________ ________ the perimeter. The Hazardous Devices Unit Supervisor will advise the watch commander on the recommended distance after evaluation of the scene.
significantly expand
If the suspect item, or hazardous device is a Maritime Improvised Explosive Device (MIED), all persons in the water and boats must be evacuated at a minimum of ________. The hazard associated with a MIED is the underwater blast wave and overpressure. It is ________ _______ underwater than above the water.
significantly greater
The investigating officer will document the circumstances and measures taken on a General Offense Report entitled either ________ or under the appropriate offense, utilizing guidance from the Hazardous Devices Unit Supervisor where needed.
Evidence & Follow-Up Procedures
If the threat or suspect item is RSP’d, no explosive material is found or it is not a “Hoax” device, the suspect item will be turned over to
patrol for follow up
If the suspect item or hazardous device is RSP’d and explosive material is found
the device and contents will be processed by the Hazardous Devices Unit and a Crime Scene Detective.
which unit will be responsible for the follow-up investigation where explosive material is found or where suspect information may exist.
Intelligence Unit
If the blast is the result of a detonation from an IED, the following should be considered:
The first officer(s) to arrive should focus on containing the scene, and reporting observations, casualties and conditions to the PECO and other responding resources.
After life safety measures have been implemented, officers should note the location of debris and potential fragments from the blast and establish an inner perimeter at least ___ percent wider than the debris located farthest from the seat of the blast
ex. debris located 200 feet from epicenter requires a 300 foot inner perimeter.
Evacuees and non-essential personnel shall be moved outside of this perimeter and _______ of the affected area.
who has complete authority over the inner perimeter until it is determined that no other threats are present and will coordinate all evidence collection and follow-up investigations with local, state and federal partners.
Haz device unit
After the scene can be released by investigating authorities, the _______ _______ will ensure the owner or agent is notified to secure the location
watch commander
If the blast is the result of detonation of an IND or RDD, the following should also be considered:
a. In addition to blast effects common to a conventional explosion, detonation of an IND will generate extreme heat and fire, a potentially lethal radiation pulse, and an electro-magnetic pulse that may disrupt local communications and electronic equipment.
b. Soil and dust at and near the scene of the explosion may contain significant radioactive contaminants.
c. A second or subsequent Hot Zones of contamination may develop as fallout settles.
d. Such an explosion is likely to be a mass casualty event, including citizens who believe they may have been exposed or contaminated, taxing first responder resources.
e. Radiation exposure to first responders can be kept to a minimum by avoiding external and internal contamination
Radiation exposure to first responders can be kept to a minimum by avoiding external and internal contamination as much as possible by:
(1) Minimizing the time in a field of radiation;
(2) Maximizing the distance from the source of radiation;
(3) Maximizing the amount of shielding between the responder and the source of radiation; and
(4) Utilizing available Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to escape the contaminated atmosphere and attempting to avoid inhalation of airborne contaminants.
Responding officers should
(1) Monitor communications, or attempt to establish communications with PECO through other means if equipment has been disabled by an electro-magnetic pulse due to an IND;
(2) Establish perimeters around the initial site and other fallout sites as reported and officers that have been issued a PRD may be able to assist in establishing a perimeter;
(3) Leave and/or stay out of areas of contamination to the extent possible; and
(4) Follow applicable procedures outlined in Article IX. of this Order.
Threat or suspected items which appear to have CBRNE components require specialized handling and careful consideration. If the incident is a potential act of terrorism, it also becomes a crime scene. By Federal Law, the _____ is the lead investigating agency for all terrorist incidents.
In the event of a suspected CBRNE release, responding officers should remain ______ and never approach the immediate proximity of the suspected release site. This includes refraining from rescue attempts of injured or ill persons.