251 Specialized Traffic Enforcement Flashcards
The Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit is comprised of
2 DUI squads and 2 police motorcycle squads.
The primary function of the DUI squad is to
enforce DUI related traffic laws
The primary function of the Police Motorcycle squads are to
- reduce traffic fatalities through education and enforcement
- resolve traffic complaints
- assist with special events as needed
Office hours for DUI
7 days a week/ 1600-0325 hours
Office hours for Police motorcycle squad
Mon-Fri 0600-1900 (excluding holidays)
Officers contacting drivers who are exhibiting indicators of impairment by alcoholic beverages, any chemical substance, or controlled substances shall conduct an investigation to determine the degree of impairment and shall take appropriate action. When handling DUI violators, the officer shall:
Carefully note any erratic driving, traffic violations, and/or unusual driver actions to establish probable cause;
b. Exercise good traffic stop techniques, requesting a backup when needed;
c. Observe the driver’s physical condition noting such things as:
c. Observe the driver’s physical condition noting such things as:
(1) Odor of alcoholic beverages or marijuana;
(2) Disarranged hair or clothes;
(3) Slurred speech;
(4) Bloodshot eyes;
(5) Coordination (or lack of);
(6) Statements; and
(7) Other unusual actions.
If an officer is requested to conduct a DUI investigation based upon another officer’s observation of the offense, the officer called upon to assist the requesting officer _____ make the arrest.
can make the arrest
The ______ officer may take custody of the suspect and complete all processing in the same manner as if the officer had actually witnessed the offense.
In the event an arrest is made under these circumstances, the ____ officer responding shall conduct all applicable field sobriety exercises and complete the required reports.
The officer who observed the offense shall be listed in the ____ section of the Arrest & Booking Report and will be responsible for ensuring that the uniform traffic citation(s) (UTC) for the initial infraction are issued or documented.
Once the _____ officer makes the arrest, it becomes that officer’s responsibility to complete the processing of the suspect. Officers _____ transfer responsibility for the arrest multiple times.
assisting officer
shall not
The _____ will determine if the driver is ill, injured, on medication, or has a disease or physical and/or mental impairment not caused by alcoholic beverages any chemical substance or controlled substances.
Officers are required by __(state statute)_____ to examine ANY person arrested who appears intoxicated or not in control of their physical functions for visible identification of a medical disability, which would account for the actions of the person (e.g., medical alert bracelet, necklace, etc.), and shall take immediate steps to aid the afflicted person in receiving medication or other treatment for his/her disability, if necessary.
F.S.S. 901.215
While maintaining officer safety, the officer shall conduct ____ for which they have been trained. Select a site which is ____ as possible.
Field Sobriety Exercises (FSEs)
safe, level, and as well-lit
If a suitable site is not available at the stop location, the investigating officer should transport the driver to the ___site.
closest, safe, suitable
Officers should conduct the FSEs for which they have been ___ and which are most appropriate for the circumstances, taking into consideration ___, ____, ____ and other factors, whether temporary or permanent in nature.
age, weight, physical limitations
If the driver was involved in a traffic crash, advise the driver that you are ending the traffic crash investigation and beginning a ______ and advise the driver of his/her _____ at this time. This procedure is commonly referred to as ____ and it separates the ____ traffic crash investigation from the ____ DUI investigation.
criminal DUI investigation Miranda Rights “switching hats” civil criminal
A DUI arrest requires a ____ Central Communication Report (CCR) number than the traffic crash CCR number.
After requesting the driver to perform FSE and the driver ____, advise the driver that refusal to submit to FSE may be used against him.
Document in the _____ of the Arrest & Booking Report that the driver was so advised;
A driver’s ____ to perform the FSE due to a physical incapacity or high level of impairment (i.e., unable to keep balance, falling, etc.) _____ constitute a refusal to perform the exercise
does not
If the driver has proven to be a ____, or if the officer reasonably believes the driver poses a flight risk or an officer safety risk, the officer ____ choose not to perform certain FSE.
flight risk
If an officer makes an arrest and FSE were not performed, the reason should be explained within the narrative of their report.
were not
Explain and _____ each FSE to the driver. After determining that the driver understands what is expected, have the driver _____ the exercise. Detailed notes should be made at the time of ___ exercise describing exactly how the driver performed the exercise.
The following are approved FSEs:
(1) “HGN;”
(2) “Walk and Turn;”
(3) “One Leg Stand;”
(HGN, Walk and Turn, and One Leg Stand are FSEs and are to be done in ____ each time
this order
It is recommended that prior to beginning a DUI investigation the officer advises the driver of his/her _____.
Miranda Rights
Officers trained in administering any other exercises may also utilize those in ____ with HGN, Walk and Turn, and One Leg Stand.
Officers frequently must demonstrate FSE in ____. If an officer has a physical limitation that prevents the proficient demonstration of a particular exercise, that FSE ___ __ be used.
should not
Other exercises may include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) Romberg Balance;
(2) Romberg Alphabet; and
(3) Finger to Nose.
If _____ exists to support an arrest, the driver should be advised at this time that they are under arrest. If _____ does not exist, the driver should be released.
probable cause
probable cause
If the suspect was involved in a traffic crash and sustained injury which requires _____, then it will be the responsibility of the officer ____ the crash, or the officer on-scene who observed indicators of impairment to complete the ____ procedures out lined in this Order.
medical transport
blood testing
When issuing the Florida DUI UTC or standard UTC for DUI charges, it is imperative that the proper _____ be placed ___ the charge of DUI (F.S.S. 316.193). Enhanced penalties can be assigned according to the ___and/or the degree of injury suffered in traffic crash cases.
F.S.S. 316.193 (1) - This section is used when a suspect is charged with _____ and no ____ or injury is sustained as the result of a traffic crash.
misdemeanor DUI
property damage
F.S.S. 316.193(3)(c)(1) - This section is used when a suspect is involved in a traffic crash with ______ or injuries. The suspect can be charged with a ______ for each vehicle. This section applies to ______ charges only.
property damage
separate count
misdemeanor charges
F.S.S. 316.193(3)(c)(2) - This section is used whenever a suspect is charged with a _____.
In traffic crash cases where multiple vehicles are damaged, other property damaged and/or multiple individuals are injured, ______ charges may be made against a suspect.
multiple DUI
A ______ should be written for each individual injured or each vehicle or other property damaged, even though each was the result of the same crash.
separate citation
The description of the person injured or vehicle or other property damaged should be detailed in the __________ Pertaining to Offense section of each citation (i.e. injury to Victim Smith, damage to Victim 1’s vehicle, damage to city-owned street sign, etc.).
Description of Violation or Comments
In the ____ section of the Florida DUI UTC, enter a brief description of the vehicle(s) damaged or the name of the individual(s) injured.
______ officers shall complete all applicable portions of the DUI Citation (all sections except the _________ sections) and sign the citation in the space provided for the officer’s signature.
“Suspension of Driver’s License” and “Temporary License”
The Florida DUI UTC or standard UTC for DUI charges will be issued in all DUI arrests regardless of the individual’s _____.
Each count charged will be listed ______ on the Arrest & Booking Report or the Juvenile Arrest & Booking Report.
DUI Citation from Breath Test Room
- Normal DUI Arrest
- Suspect is arrested for DUI and is Under 21
- Arrested with a CDL License in a non-commercial vehicle
- Suspect is transported to the Hospital, is immediately arrested and refuses to provide blood. See Note.
Note: Also complete the DUI packet in the breath test room
- Suspect is transported to the Hospital, is immediately arrested and refuses to provide blood. See Note.
UTC Written from Officer’s Ticket Book/Smartcop
- Suspect is transported to the Hospital, is immediately arrested, and consents to providing blood. See *Note and **Note.
* Note: Write on UTC comment section “Pending Blood Kit Results.”
* *Note: DUI packet in breath test room is completed after the blood results are returned and indicate a .080g/210L or above.
Under 21 Citation
- Suspect is Under 21 and is arrested for DUI and provides a breath sample between .020 and .079 g/210L.
Note: Also issue the UTC for the DUI charge along with the Under 21 citation.
Notice of Commercial Driver’s License Disqualification
from Breath Test Room
- Arrested with a CDL license, driving a non-commercial vehicle and provides a breath sample of .080g/210L or higher. See Note.
Note: Also issue the DUI citation along with the Notice of Commercial Driver’s License Disqualification - CDL license, driving a commercial vehicle and refuses a breath, urine, or blood test. See *Note.
*Note: If the suspect does not meet the requirements for arrest for DUI (F.S. 316.193) then the suspect is only detained for purposes for breath testing. Refer to section VII. Testing of Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver’s.
Juvenile arrest procedures for DUI are handled in the ____ manner as an adult in relation to completing ______, ________ and ______. For complete detailed juvenile procedures refer to ______ (Juvenile Enforcement Programs).
FSE’s, Arrest & Booking Report, and breath tests
Order 231
The following exceptions apply to juvenile procedures in DUI arrests:
Officers shall write _____ or ________ in the court information section of the citation for DUI and ALL other ______ involved in the DUI case;
traffic violations
The following exceptions apply to juvenile procedures in DUI arrests:
Officers shall obtain the appropriate ___ or _____ test from the juvenile at the Pretrial Detention Facility (PDF) as quickly as possible _____ transporting the juvenile to the Juvenile Processing Office at the PDF for finger printing and photographs;
breath or urine
Officers shall remain with the juvenile at ____ times while in the PDF; and Blood testing shall be done at _______, which has been defined to include hospitals, clinics, an ambulance, or emergency medical vehicle. For further blood testing procedures, refer to III.F. Blood Testing Procedures in this order.
medical facilities
If the suspect is a juvenile or is under 21 years of age, the arresting officer will complete the _________ packet if the juvenile provides a breath test between _________.
Under Age 21 Notice of Suspension
.020 g/210L and .079 g/210L.
The Under 21 packet includes the following:
(1) ______ Affidavit for Under Age 21 Suspensions;
(2) Affidavit of Probable Cause is completed by ____ officer;
(3) Under Age 21 Notice of Suspension (HSMV 72103) is completed by _____ officer;
(4) Driver’s license, if surrendered, will be ____ to the Notice of Suspension; and
(5) If the suspect blows ____ .080g/210L only the DUI Uniform Citation is required, and the officer does not complete the Under 21 packet.
Breath Test Result arresting arresting attached over
If the suspect is___ 21 years of age and refuses to provide breath, urine, or blood then it is treated as a regular refusal and the Under 21 Packet is not completed.
Upon arrival at the PDF, notify the correctional officer working the _____ counter that the suspect is either an adult or a juvenile and is charged with DUI, so the suspect will gain priority admittance into the PDF.
Intake Transfer Release (ITR)
DUI suspects, with the approval of the _____, will be permitted to immediately proceed to the _____ prior to the submission of the Arrest & Booking Report.
ITR Sergeant
Breath Test Room
The arresting officer must request from the _____ conducting the test that a breath test be administered and/or a urine sample be collected. This request should be noted in the ______.
certified breath test operator
Field Sobriety Report.
Complete the ____ portion of all DUI citations issued. The arresting officer shall complete all applicable portions of the Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citation. The arresting officer will sign his name in the appropriate space (The remainder of the citation will be completed by _____.
the breath test operator
The traffic crash report requires the _____ and any ______ or the suspect’s refusal
DUI Citation Number
breath test results
Furnish the following reports to the breath test operator:
(1) The Arrest & Booking Report;
(2) The Field Sobriety Report; and
(3) All copies of the DUI UTC(s).
The arresting officer, _____ signing the original Arrest & Booking Report, will affirm by oath after raising his right hand that the information contained in the affidavit is the truth to the best of his knowledge. This oath will be given in the presence of any______ or ____ administering the breath test. This will also be noted on the _____ by checking the appropriate box.
law enforcement officer
correctional officer
Field Sobriety Report
A breath test will be conducted _____ upon entering the PDF and being searched by a correctional officer.
A suspect under arrest for DUI ______ be required to see the nurse prior to a breath test (unless any of the following circumstances exist, in which case the driver will not be admitted into the Breath Test Room without prior examination from a DOC Medical Personnel staff member):
a. The driver was placed in_______;
b. _____ was used on the driver;
c. A ____was used on the driver; and/or
d. The driver is in any ____ distress.
will not
hobble restraint
OC Spray
After the breath test results are known, the _____ will complete the remainder of the DUI citation and issue the citation to the suspect.
breath test operator
Regardless of the suspect’s BAC, a Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citation ____. If the suspect is eligible, a ____ temporary driving permit will be issued.
will be issued
The breath-testing operator conducting the test will issue DUI citations:
(1) If the breath test results are greater than ____ a ten-day temporary permit is issued; and
(2) If the breath test results are less than .080 g/210L the suspect may retain his/her ____ and the bottom portion of the DUI citation will be _____.
.080 g/210L
driver’s license
crossed out
If the suspect is not eligible for a ten-day temporary driving permit, the _____ or _____ will mark the “No” box on the suspect’s copy of the Florida DUI UTC and write in the reason the temporary permit was not issued (e.g., license suspended, no driver’s license on record, etc.).
arresting officer or breath test operator
The arresting officer will leave all copies of the DUI citation in the _____. It will be the responsibility of the _____ to review the citations for completeness, accuracy, and legibility. Once the citations are approved, they will be forwarded to the_____.
breath test room
Implied Consent Sergeant
Citation Office
After all the documents relating to the arrest are complete, the suspect has a BAC of ._____ or higher, or the suspect ____ to submit to testing, the following reports will be placed in the ______ which is kept at the ______ of the PDF:
a. All remaining copies of the _______;
b. The copy of the Arrest & Booking Report;
c. A copy of the ______.
d. Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) ____;
e. The suspect’s driver’s license, if seized; and
f. If the suspect has more than one driver’s license in his/her possession ____ of the licenses will be seized, including out of state licenses.
080 g/210L
DUI Document Checklist Envelope (P-1674)
Breath Testing Room
Florida DUI UTC Field Sobriety Report; Form 14, Breath Test Result Affidavit driver's license all
If an arresting officer is contacted by the Implied Consent Sergeant because a packet is incorrect or incomplete, the _____ will correct the discrepancy.
arresting officer
When the level of impairment does not appear to correspond with the BAC results, consideration should be given to the possibility that it is the result of _______.The alcoholic beverage might have been used as a masking agent to cover the use of and impairment by any chemical and/or controlled substances.
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID).
If the driver’s BAC is below .080 g/210L and a higher level of impairment is indicated, the arresting officer will request that a _____ sample be obtained from the suspect for testing;
If the suspect ______, the breath testing operator(s) will obtain a urine sample for later processing;
If the suspect _____ to providing urine, it will be processed as a refusal to submit, even though he has already consented to and performed a breath test.
fails to consent
The arresting officer can request that a _____perform a DRE evaluation on the suspect if:
(a) The suspect ____ to the evaluation. If the suspect _____ there are no penalties; and
(b) The arresting officer has to _____ until the DRE arrives and then the arresting officer may be requested to remain with the DRE during the evaluation. The ____after consultation with the arresting officer will determine if a drug recognition evaluation is appropriate.
Drug Recognition Expert (DRE)
remain at PDF
A list of qualified DRE’s will be maintained by the _____ of Specialized Traffic Enforcement Unit.
Commanding Officer
F.S.S. 322.2615, “Suspension of License; Right to Review,” provides that a law enforcement officer or correctional officer shall, on behalf of the ______ suspend the driving privilege of a person who has been arrested by a law enforcement officer for a violation of F.S.S. 316.193, relating to blood or breath alcohol level, or of a person who has refused to submit to a breath, or urine, test.
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV),
Upon arrival at the PDF, the arresting officer shall complete the Florida DUI Uniform Traffic Citation which is kept in the _____ at the PDF; arresting officers shall complete all applicable portions of the DUI citation (all sections except the “Suspension of Driver’s License” and “Temporary License” sections) and sign the citation in the space provided for the officer’s signature. _____ will complete the remainder of the DUI citation and issue the ten-day temporary permit, if applicable;
breath testing room
The breath-testing operator