Seizure Disorder - 405 Flashcards
seizures disorders (epilepsy)
transient, uncontrolled electrical discharge of neurons in brain that interrupts normal function
if the seizures stop when the underlying problem is correct, it is not referred to as a seizure “disorder”
generalized seizures happen where
on both sides of brain
stiffen for 10-20 secs
jerking 30-40 secs
tonic clonic seizures
-loses consciousness, falls to ground
-salivation, diaphoresis, tongue biting and incontinence
-post ictal may sleep for hours (let them sleep)
-no memory of experience
absence seizure
-rarely beyond adolescence
-brief staring spell that resembles daydreaming; last less than 10 secs, unresponsive when spoken to during seizure
focal onset seizures happen where
one hemisphere of brain
focal onset seizure: w/ retained awareness
-no loss of consciousness
-lasts less than 1 min
-have unusual sensations that can take on many forms: joy, anger, sadness, nausea
-may hear, smell, taste, or see things that are not real
focal onset seizure: w/o retained awareness
-eyes open, but have loss of consciousness or change in awareness (feel like dreaming)
-make movements that seem purposeful but cannot interact w/ observer
-walk into traffic; take off clothes; ect
-1 to 2 mins, tired & confused afterward
4 phases of a seizure: prodromal
sensations or behavior changes that precede a seizure by hours to days
4 phases of a seizure: aural
sensory warning that a seizure is about to happen
4 phases of a seizure: ictal
first symptom through the end of seizure activity
4 phases of a seizure: post ictal
recovery period after the seizure
dx for seizure
-accurate/comprehensive description of seizure activity
-pt health hx
-EEG w/n 24 hrss of seizures
-labs to rule out other metabolic disorders
first aid during a seizure
1) assure patent airway / suction & supplement O2 prn
-padded bed rails
-no forcing objects into mouth
-do not restrain movements
-stay w/ person until seizure ends
-turn head if possible and not forced