public health wk 2 (E1) Flashcards
what are the 5 factors of the SDOH
-neighborhood & built environment
-health & health care
-social & community context
-economic stability
physical activity guidelines
-at least 30 mins of moderate intensity aerobic activity at least 5 days per week for a total of 150 mins (2hr 30min)
-at least 25 mins of vigorous aerobic activity at least 3 days per week for a total of 75 mins ; or combo of moderate&vigorous
-moderate to high intensity muscle strengthening activity at least 2 days per week
-adolescents need at least 60 mins of PA/d w/ muscle strenght training 3 days/wk
if a person has arthritis, what type of PA should they be engaging in
low impact aerobic activity for ~2hr 30 min weekly
population approach to obesity
-inc safe places for PA
-policies influencing work schedules & work commutes
-initiatives to reduce oversized food portions & calorie content education
-increase access to healthy foods
-policies addressing food advertising towards children
models and theories are
organized systems that help us think of how concepts are related, they help us think of how concepts influence one another and how they impact an outcome of interest
why do we use theories
-help to organize information
-provides direction to guide where we go with the information
-public health interventions
types of theory
~top of pyramid~
microscopic: focus is on changing the individual (or individual family) behavior or belief system
mesoscopic: smaller community like an institution/school/workplace
macroscopic: larger community/subpopulation or entire population
~bottom fo pyramid~
what theory should be used to guide PH approaches for microscopic groups
-health belief model
-transtheoretical model
what theory should be used to guide PH approaches for macroscopic groups
-empowerment theories
-theory of change
what theory should be used to guide PH approaches for mirco & macros copic groups
-the ecological model (socio-ecological)
-diffusion of innovation
health behavior theories: individual focused
-Helps us to examine individuals’ health behaviors and what influences those behaviors
-Variables provide cues to explain health behaviors
-Guide strategies to support individuals to achieve optimal health behaviors.
-Based on value expectancy
-Address individual perceptions, modifying factors, and likelihood of action
-Do NOT address social, political, community structural, or environmental factors that impact health behaviors
expectancy is
the ability and belief that an individual can change
“i can”
value is
does the individual find it important, worth the effort and interesting
“i want”
review models
review models in ppt
empowerment theories
-Focus on achieving goals by leveraging community strengths and resources
- Process includes examining social structures and factors:
Gender disparities
Racism, ethnocentrism
Health literacy
Class disparities
focuses on the positives and what they do have
looks at all levels from individuals to large communities