OB exam 1 - Antepartum Flashcards
first trimester
second trimester
third trimesetr
1) 1-12 6/7 wks
2) 13-26 6/7 wks
3) 27+ wks
physical changes during pregnancy: uterus
-enlargement d/t hypertrophy
-fibrous tissue increases
-increase in blood flow
-Braxton hicks contractions
physical changes during pregnancy: cervical
-development of mucus plug
-goodell’s sign (softening of cervix)
-chadwick’s sign (bluish purple discoloration)
-hegar’s sign (softening of uterus)
order of cervical changes
1st) softening of cervix
2nd) softening of uterus
3rd) discoloration
physical changes during pregnancy: ovaries
-stop producing ova during pregnancy
-secretes progesterone until 7th wk to maintain the endometrium
physical changes during pregnancy: vaginal
-mucosa thickens
-increase in secretions, loosening of connective tissue
physical changes during pregnancy: breast
-glandular hyperplasia (adding cells) & hypertrophy
-areolae darken, superficial veins prominent
-striae may develop
-colostrum is secreted (can leak)
physical changes during pregnancy: respiratory
-oxygen consumption increases
-subcostal angle and AP diameter increase
-breathing changes from abdominal to thoracic
-nasal stuffiness & epistaxis
physical changes during pregnancy: cardiac
-blood volume increase 40-50%
-physiological anemia
-decrease in systemic & pulmonary vascular resistance
-increase in cardiac output
-somewhat hypercoagulable
physical changes during pregnancy: GI
-softening & bleeding of gums
-increase in salvia
-heartburn (pyrosis)
physical changes during pregnancy: urinary
-pressure on bladder causes frequency
-dilatation of kidneys and ureters
-increased GFR and renal plasma flow
physical changes during pregnancy: skin
- striae
-facial chloasma
-vascular spider nevi
-decreased hair growth
-hyperactive sweat & sebaceous glands
linea nigra: dark line down belly
physical changes during pregnancy: MS
-pelvic joints relax
-center of gravity changes
-separation of rectus abdominus
supine hypotensive syndrome
the uterus compresses the vena cava causing dizziness, lightheadedness and nausea (starts late in 2nd trimester)
1st nursing action is to turn pt off back and then check BP & fetal HR
recommended wt gain in pregnancy based on bmi
underwt: 28-40
normal: 25-35
overwt: 15-25
obese: 11-20
weight gain pattern
1.1-4.4 lbs during the 1st trimester then 1lb per week during the last 2
physical changes during pregnancy: eye, cognitive & metabolic changes
-decreased intraocular pressure
-thickening of cornea
-reports of decreased attention, concentration & memory
-extra water, fat & protein stored
-fats are more completely absorbed
physical changes during pregnancy: endocrine
-thyroid gland enlarges
-concentration of parathyroid hormone increases
-prolactin is responsible for lactation
-secretion of oxytocin & vasopressin
-increased aldosterone
presumptive (subjective) signs of pregnancy
-excessive fatigue
-urinary frequency
-breast changes
probable (objective) signs of pregnancy
-changes in the pelvic organs (cervical)
-enlargement of abdomin
-Braxton hicks
-uterine soufflé
-changes in pigmentation of the skin
-palpation of fetal outline
positive (diagnostic) signs of pregnancy
-auscultation of fetal heartbeat
-fetal movement
-visualization of the fetus
what is couvade
a mothers partner experiences a sympathetic pregnancy
prenatal hx
-current & past pregnancies
-gynecologic history
-current & past medical hx, including substance abuse
-family medical hx
-religious, spiritual, cultural & occupational hx
-partner hx
-social history & preferences
G: number of pregnancies including current
T: number of deliveries at 37 wks +
P: number of deliveries between 20 & 36 6/7 wks
A: number of pregnancies ending in abortion
L: number of current living children
factors related to father’s health
-family hx of genetic conditions
-significant health problems
-blood type & Rh factor
-best learning method
-attitude toward the pregnancy
naegele’s rule
subtract 3 months from the last menstrual period and then add 7 days
uterine size
measure from pubic synthesis to the fundus in cm
start at 20 wks & measure should be +/- 2 from the # of weeks
what is the most accurate way to determine EDB