eating disorders (329 E2) Flashcards
the loss of menstrual periods in girls and women post puberty
anorexia nervosa (AN)
a life threatening eating disorder characterized by:
-intense fear of weight gain
-a severely distorted body image
-restriction of calories relative to requirements w/ significantly low BMI
binge eating disorder
an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating, w/ accompanying marked distressed and impaired control over such behavior
bulimia nervosa (BN)
an eating disorder in which the individual engages in recurrent episodes of uncontrollable binge eating and compensatory behavior to avoid wt gain through purging methods such as self induced vomiting, use of laxatives, diuretics or excessive exercise
needs to occur 1x/wk for 3 months for dx
eating disorders
-consistently below or above a person’s caloric needs to maintain a healthy weight
-can be accompanied by anxiety and guilt
-occurs w/o hunger or fails to produce satiety
-results in physiologic imbalances or medical complications
downy growth of body hair on the face and back
ingestion of substances that have no nutritional value, such as dirt or paint
-usually early childhood
-males & female affected equally
-monitoring eating behavior is essential
-rewarding appropriate eating can be helping
refeeding syndrome
a sudden shift in the electrolytes that help your body metabolize food
rumination disorder
characterized by undigested food being returned to the mouth. it is then rechewed, reswallowed or spit out
-dx after 1m of sx, at any age
-occurs more frequently among people w/ ID
-childhood neglect is predisposing factor to the development of this disorder
Russell’s sign
calluses and/or scars on back of hands and knuckles from self induced vomiting
comfortable fullness
eating disorder progression
normal eating -> development of risk factors (low self esteem, dieting, body dissat) -> partial syndrome eating disorder (binge eating & serious dieting) -> full syndrome eating disorder -> treatment
etiology of EDs: psychological factors
-low self esteem
-feelings of inadequacy
-lack of control in life
-depression, anxiety, stress, loneliness, trauma
etiology of EDs: interpersonal factors
-troubled relationships
-difficulty expressing emotions
-hx of being teased based on size/wt
-hx of physical or sexual abuse
etiology of EDs: social factors
-cultural pressures that glorify “thinness” or muscularity & place value on obtaining the “perfect body”
-narrow definitions of beauty
-cultural norms that values people on the basis of physical appearance and not inner qualities and strengths
etiology of EDs: biological factors
-irregular hormones functions
etiology of EDs: neurobiological
demonstrates that altered brain serotonin function contribute to the dysregulation of appetite, mood and impulse control
etiology of EDs: environmental
-childhood trauma and sexual abuse
-hx of abuse have a poorer prognosis
-culture influences the development of self concept & satisfaction w/ body size
co morbidities / dual dx & eating disorders
-pts w/ anorexia, have hx of anxiety 25-50% of the time
-up to 33% of pt w/ binge purge behavior have co morbid alcohol or substance abuse problem
-bulimia frequently coexists w/ major depressions, substance abuse and personality disorders
AN: restricting type
describes individuals that do not regularly engage in binge eating or purging behavior -> wt loss is accomplished through dieting, fasting and/or excessive exercise
during last 3 months