last pathopharm test ever!!!!! Flashcards
DKA sx
-fruity breath
-polyuria / polydipsia
-dec skin turgor
-dry mucus membranes
-metabolic acidosis
-decreased K+
-weight loss
BG for DKA
HHS sx
-decreased K+
-polyuira & polydipsia
-weight loss
-lethargy / obtunded
-volume depletion
-electrolyte imbalance
thyroid storm
myxedema (10)
-hard non pitting swelling
-slowing of functions of other organs
addisonian crisis
-salt craving
DKA & HHS treatment
-fluid replacement
-electrolyte corrections
-IV insulin
-sodium bicard (if pH <7.2)
-dextrose (<200 and anion is still open)
thyroid storm drugs
-beta blocker (sx control)
-thionamide (propylthiouracil/PTU): suppresses conversion of T4 & T3
-iodine solution: to block the release of thyroid hormone
-glucocorticoids: reduce T4 to T3, promote vasomotor stability & treat adrenal insufficiency
-bile acid sequestrates: recycling of thyroid hormones
myxedema drugs
-levothyroxine & liothyronine
-IV fluid
addisonian crisis drugs
-IV hydrocortisone
primary HTN
direct dysfunction of the thyroid gland itself
-low levels of T3 & T4
-high levels TSH
-causes: thyroiditis, cogenital hypothyroidism, surgical removal of thyroid or radiation to thyroid
secondary hypothyroidism
dysfunction of the pituitary gland
-low T3, T4, & TSH
-causes: pituitary tumors, radiation, therapy or pituitary surgery
tertiary hypothyroidism
dysfunction of the hypothalamus
complications of uncontrolled DM
-wound healing
-micro & macro vascular
microvascular comps of uncontrolled DM
-damage to capillaires
macrovascular comps of uncontrolled DM
-damage to large vessels
-coronary artery
-peripheral vascular
-cerebral vascular
patho of T1DM
activation of cellular immunity (macrophages & T cells) & humoral immunity towards beta cells-> beta cells in the pancreas are destroyed
alpha cells secrete
beta cells secrete
patho of T2DM
insulin resistance d/t receptor fatigue and decrease insulin secretion
main cause of left sided heart failure
main cause of right sided heart failure