HLTH 2501: STDs Flashcards
encompass a broad range of infectious diseases that are spread by sexual contact; some are declining but some are rising
concerns of STDs
recurrent infections, more than one may be present at a single time, spread is easy due to some being asymptomatic, some have no cures, there are risks associated with infections, fetuses can become infected, and partners can be hard to trace
most common STD
leading cause of PID
causative agent in chlamydia
C trachomatis which is a gram-negative obligate intracellular parasite that requires s host cell to reproduce
how does chlamydia develop?
the infectious agent invades the epithelial tissues of the urogenital tract, causing inflammation
lymphogranuloma venereum
occurs when C trachomatis can enter the lymph nodes and cause infection here
females and chlamydia
they are asymptomatic until PID develops; some may experience urethritis, bartholinitis, servictis, or salpingitis
men and chlamydia
urethritis (dysuria, itching, and white discharge from the penis) and epididymitis (painful, swollen scrotum, fever, and swollen lymph nodes); rectal inflammation (proctitis) may occur in those practicing anal intercourse
newborns and chlamydia
can be infected during passage through the cervix and vagina, resulting in conjunctivitis or pneumonia
treatment for chlamydia
tetracycline or azithromycin
STDs seen in conjunction
chlamydia and gonorrhea
treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhea
doxycycline and azithromycin
gonorrhea causative organism
N gonorrhoeae which is a gram-negative aerobic diplococcus that uses the pili to attach to epithelial cells and then damage th mucosa
most common site of gonorrhea in males
the urethra, resulting in dysuria and a purulent urethral discharge
most common site of gonorrhea in females
the endocervical canal (asymptomatic) or the skene and bartholin glands, causing thick greenish, yellow, or creamy white discharge
gonorrhea complications
in men in can persist to epididymitis and for women PID or gonococcal arthritis
newborns and gonorrhea
may become infected during birth resulting in an eye infection called ophthalmia neonatorum
orogenital contact of gonorrhea
can lead to pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or lymphadenopathy
treatment for gonorrhea
is often resistant to common antibiotics like tetracycline or penicillin
syphilis causative organism
is treponema pallidum, an anaerobic spirochete
syphilis primary stage
is identifiable by the presence of a chancre where organisms reproduce (this is asymptomatic in females); this heals on its own
a painless, firm, ulcerated nodule that develops at the point of contact on the skin or mucosa about 3 weeks after exposure
syphilis secondary stage
the chancre has healed and the organisms have entered the general circulation, causing a widespread rash, resulting in infection symptoms of malaise, fever, sore throat, stomatitis, and anorexia
where does the syphilis rash appear?
the rash appears maculopapular and red, particularly on the plate, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet
latent stage of syphilis
this can persist for years and can be recurrent skin lesions
tertiary syphilis
final stage of syphilis and not met by all; occurs when a gumma lesion appears (an area of necrosis and fibrosis) that leads to destruction in the bone, liver, cardiovascular system, and CNS
4 stages of syphilis
primary stage, second stage, latent stage, and tertiary syphilis
how is the CNS affected by syphilis?
dementia, blindness, and motor disabilities (tabes dorsalis)
newborns and syphillis
can develop congenital syphilis, causing abnormalities in the bones like saddle nose, in the teeth like hutchinson incisors and mulberry molars, and inflammation and fibrosis in the liver and lungs
transmission of syphillis
by exudate from the skin, mucosal lesions, or body fluids during sexual contact
treatment for syphillis
long acting benzathine penicillin G or doxycycline and tetracycline
treatment for neurosyphilis infections
mycoplasma genitalium
the bacterium colonizes the urethra and genital tract but does no cause symptoms, but can inflame the urethra
shigella flexneri
is a bacterium that typically cause an GI tract infection through the consumption of water, improper hand washing, or anal sex
complications of shigella flexneri
bacteremia, toxic megacolon, reactive arthritis, or other complications
why are viral infections dangerous?
they reduce the severity of the acute stage of infection by inhibiting the viral reproduction and shedding
what is herpes genitalis caused by?
HSV-2 and sometimes HSV-1
gential herpes
created lesions that tingle and burn, and appears as a vesicle surrounded by an erythematous area that eventuality ruptures
genital herpes in women
usually appears on the cervix, vulva, or urethra
genital herpes in men
appears on the penis, scrotum, or urethra
signs of genital herpes
vesicles that may be painful, systemic signs like fever and headache
what triggers reactivation of herpes?
stress or respiratory infections
signs a herpes infection is being reactivated
burning or tingling before the lesion appears
herpes and newborns
is a vaginal delivery is done, death and sereve CNS damage may occur in the infant so a C section is advocated
treatment for genital herpes
antiviral agents like acyclovir
name for genital warts
condylomata acuminata
genital warts causative organism
are caused by HPV which is a circular, double-stranded DNA virus
genital warts
causes warts (condylomata) to develop that can be soft, flat, or large and hard
women and genital warts
can grow with pregnancy and are often found in the cervix or vagina; they can also cause cervical cancer
removal of genital warts
surgery, laser, cryotherapy, and topical caustics
trichomoniasis causative organism
is T vaginalis which is an anaerobic flagellated protozoan, which is an extracellular parasite
trichomoniasis in men
is usually symptomatic but can reside in the urethra
trichomoniasis in women
can be subclinical and then flare up when the microbial balance of the vagina shifts; the organism the attaches to the squamous epithelium of the vagina, the urethral mucosa or to the bartholin glands
trichomoniasis and discharge
can cause a copious, yellow foul smelling discahrge
treatment for trichomoniasis
metronidazole or tinidazole in both partners