TT MD's Flashcards
Multiple Dwelling Mastery
OLT Built before 4-12-1901 1. Height 2. Width 3. Depth ***CL 3 Const, 2-4 apts per floor 4. In what year were most of these bldgs required to fire retard the stairway enclosure? 5. Where is the stairway to the cellar usually located?
- 3-7 Stories
- 20’-25’
- 50’-85’
- 1934 MOST not ALL
- Inside the building, usually beneath the interior stairway.
- Built -
- Height, Width, Depth, Apts per floor ?
- Where is the entrance to the cellar located?
- How was steel used?
* **All interior walls and furred partitions are required to be firestopped at each story.
- After 4-12-1901 and before 1916
- Generally 6 or 7 Stories, 35 to 50’ frontage, 85’ in depth, 5-6 apts per fll
- Entrance to the cellar is by way of an exterior stair
- Steel I beams were introduced to carry floor joists, generally supported by masonry walls.
* ** Second means of egress is either another stairway OR an exterior fire escape. The fire escape is more generally found.
Newer type NLT”s
- Erected between
- Floor area was broken up into units of ?
- How high do the dividing walls go ?
- Entrance to basement ?
* ** Steel beams for floor joists and steel beams supported by vertical steel columns
- 1916 and 1929
- 2500 Sq ft or less, to avoid being req to be built of fireproof const = FLOOR Areas
- Only as High as the ceiling of the Top Flr
- By a side or rear door via an exterior stair, or through a passageway in the front.
Other Class A NFP MD’s built after 4-18-1929
- What is the size of the area to be enclosed by firewalls?
- During what years werefirewalls required to be carried to the inderside of the roofboards?
- When did this change to the Top of the roof boards?
- 3000 Sq feet
- 1930-1940
- After 1940
General info
- 2 Do not block out Truck, side suction is prefered it permits proper placement of AL TL
- What is an exception to stretching the first line up the interior stairs?
- Who chocks the main entrance door if it is self closing and equipped with a locking device?
- What other 3 instances in which the engine would vary from the usual SOP of stretching to the fire via the interior stairs?
- When flame is issuing from windows opening onto the fire escape and endangering people trying to come down.
- The first member entering the bldg
- a- Store fires , b-Cellar fires, c-Dumbwaiter fires
Hose lines should not be operated into ventilation holes from the roof as this decreases ventilation and nullifies the action of lines operating on the top floor.
- What are the three circumstances when a roofline is operated?
- Used only to prevent fire from extending past a trench (protect personnel may be operated in a brief sweeping side to side motion.
- To protect exposures
- To extinguish fire that cannot be reached from below ex. fire in a cornice
Stretching of hoselines
- First line is stretched by way of the int stairs… what is the primary purpose of this line?
- When is this line advanced ?
- Where is the 2nd line usually stretched?
- How is the third line usually stretched ? esp true in OLT why?
- Primary purpose = safeguard the stairway so that it can be used by escaping occupants
- Advanced when = the safety of the stairway is assured
- Usually up the int stairs to the same fl as the first line …if not needed here then to the flr above
- 3rd line usually stretched via the FE .. OLT=Narrow stairs
Stretching of hoselines
***in some cases the second or third lines may be needed in one of the exposures
EX. Fire in an OLT it is often nec. to stretch the 2 or 3 line into exposure__ or__ because fire has extended or is about to extend across the narrow shaft or shafts between buildings
2 or 4
Materiail thrown out of windows (3.3.4)
- A member must always be posted in yard or street below
- Examination made before discarding any material
- **No material thrown onto___ or into ___
roofs of building setbacks, narrow shafts
It doesn’t matter if a member is posted
The 1st Ladderr is responsible for three things :
- What must the First Officer inside the fire bldg make known to the Chief and other members?
- determine the location of the fire
- whether it is extending
- where it is extending
- The manner in which the floors and apts are designated
Whats the signal ?
- Fire in an Olt or Nlt with fire on two floors? If progress is not made on at least one floor in a short period of time (1a)
- Fire in a shaft extending into an exposure ?
- Fire extending into two exposures ?
- Extra Eng & Truck
1a. Second Alarm - Second Alarm
- Third Alarm
Gas Meters
- Usually in ___, may also be found __
- If burning allow to burn off until gas supply shut. Combustible material near burning meter should be wet down
- If gas is leaking without being ignited -
- A leak or break in pipe may be stopped or diminished by stuffing rags, paper etc. int break
- cellar, apt or public halls
3. Shut supply and ventilate as much as possible….Fog lines may be used for venting
OLT Cellar Fire
1. The first line is stretched to …it is not advanced unless (2 things)
**Can intermittently open and close the door at the top of the interior cellar stairs after ALL occupants have been evacuated
- Second line ?
- the cellar entrance door remain here
1st line not advanced unless :
a. no other outside entrances
b. minor fire - Second line advanced into cellar by way of front or rear entrance to cellar
OLT store fires
- Do we always stretch a 2 1/2 ?
- A charged hose line must be ready before windows are taken
- Store ceilings usually constructed of metal
- Stores in OLT may have a door which opens into the public hallway on the first floor. This area must be examined immediately if needed position a hose line there.
- No, 2 1/2 stretched for large volume fires
2nd line stretched to the entrance hallway if not needed here go above.
Shaft fires
- The hose line is stretched to the —- from which water can be directed onto fire in the shaft
- For fires in rooms in vicinity of the shaft. After the room fire is —, line operated up the shaft to extinguish fire and cool shaft
- Nearest point, *** not where fire originated and must stretch enough hose to reach upper floors.
- Controlled
Stairway fires:
- First hose line stretched up the stairway, operated to extinguish fire, shut down and advanced further up the stairway.
- When possible, the line should be operated up the well hole to cool off the hall and stairs above
- This procedure s/b repeated until line is advanced to 1.
2. The second line is used to
- Top floor
- Finish up extinguishing operations and serve as protection for members advancing the first line.
* * Apts must be checked for possible extension of fire in them
OLT & Collapse
- Why is collapse usually not a problem ?
- What are the three indications of possible collapse in OLT’s
- Where is the danger of fire spread the greatest?
- What about the buildings in the rear ?
- Because of the short span of the floor beams and floors not heavily loaded
- Plaster ceilings falling, floors or ceilings sagging, unusual creaking noises
- Exposures 2&4 are in greatest danger bc they are closer and the layout of the shafts
- Usually not as serious bc they are anywhere from 10’ to 25’ or more away
- How are the rooms supposed to be laid out
- Require an interior alarm system to warn of fire, exit lights and signs must be provided
- Sprinklers in each room and stairway required. How is this system supplied ?
- Layout is such that each occupant has access to both means of egress without going through another persons room
- Has no roof tank, supplied by main in the street
CAN NOT be supplied by FDNY
OLT party wall balconies:
1. Who must the roof FF I form of the presence of party wall balconies in the rear of the building?
- His Officer and IC of the fire
Rear tenements
- frequently not visible from the street
- small in area 1. What are the two types of const listed ?
2. Stories ?
3. Distance between front and rear bldg will vary but is somewhere between …
4. PL may be raised up and over via utility rope for rescue work
5. Emergency measures may require bridging from front tenement to rear roof for-
6. Can you operate an outside stream from front tenement windows into rear tenements?
- May be frame CL 4 or NFP const CL 3
- Can be 2 to 5 stories
- 10ft and 25ft
- Ventilation purposes OR Rescue
- .. Into VACANT rear tenement should be explored
What are the three concerns of structural steel .
- When heated it expands
- When heated to higher temps during a fire may fail
- Generally in I beam shape (columns or girders) transmit fire and heat.
Who’s on first
- If the entrance door to the bldg is self closing and equipped with a locking device who checks it ?
- Who must make known to the IC and other members the manner in which the floors and apts are designated, ie whether numerically or alphabetically
- Who transmits “LO DANCE” to the IC ?
- The first member entering the bldg
- The first OFFICER inside the fire bldg
- The officer who arrives first on the fire floor
L- location of fire apt (wing, fl, apt #)
O- occupants if located and accounted for
D- difficulties or delays in gaining entrance to fire apt or in advancing lines
A- access - location of stairway in fire wing closest to fire apt. Report if possible to go from one wing to another above the fire floor
N- number of apts on the fl of the fire wing
C- conditions (fire)
E- extension - whether it is extending and how it is extending. Need and location for additional lines
- can cut one or more
1. Trench may be cut but should not be opened until —
2. Ideally trench should be precut but not pulled
3. How many inspection holes on the fire side of the trench ?
4. When is the trench pulled
5. Keep all personnel off the roof on the fire side of trench
6. Charged line on roof - can we operate ? How ?
- There is an adequate vent opening directly over the fire
- Two or More
- When fire reaches inspection holes
- May be operated into (sweeping side to side motion)
Trenching Cont.
- At least 3’ wide, 20’ from …
- Cut at narrowest avail roof section taking advantage of bulkhead structures (stair, elevator) outside walls, skylights etc …can we count on firewalls
- Good practice to have two ladders at different ends of the bldg (on larger bldgs)
- Be aware fire may have extended past the trench additional examination holes may have to be made past the trench.
- Initial vent hole
2. Do not depend on firewalls constructed within the bldg