FFP Brownstones Flashcards
Characteristics of Brownstones
3-5 stories with a cellar, Interior of combustible construction while exterior of non-combustible material, 20-25’ wide, depths up to 60’, & Basement is considered 1st floor
The only floor with two means of egress in Brownstones
First Floor Basement
10’ Hooks may be needed on which floor for Brownstones
2nd floor Parlor
Immediate VEIS of _ floor is mandatory & considered one of the most important ops at Brownstone fires
Where is scuttle ladder located in Brownstones
Top floor
Usually in a closet
Cockloft space in Brownstones
2-3’ in height & roof is pitched toward rear of bldg
Who shall ensure entry doors at street level chocked open
1st Lad Officer. If entrance door is self-closing & equipped w/a locking device- block the door to prevent it from locking & fully closing. Door shall be fully chocked open when HL stretched through the door towards fire area
The 1st LCC positions Rig for complete coverage & raises AL to roof: Does he wait for completion of Roof Size Up before moving AL?
Yes- wait and see if Roof FF needs assistance w/LSR rescue. If not, then place AL to top fl for VEIS as necessary when teamed up w/2nd LCC or another FF
Which window should be used for VEIS in front of the building for Brownstone fires
One of two windows that open into a large room, NOT window over main entrance into the small room
For Top floor fire in brownstone, AL shall be raised & positioned
For top fl fires- once assured laddering is NOT needed or after VEIS has been completed, the LCC shall report to _
To roof of exposure for use by Roof FF & OV
His Officer w/tools deemed necessary keeping in mind 6’ hooks expected for top floor fires
OV tools for top floor fire
Uses of 10’ Scissor Ladder for OV
Halligan & Saw is taken in lieu of 6’ Hook
Venting in closed position, Access to 2nd fl for VEIS, Access to roof of 1 story setback, Access for 3rd fl from Roof of setback for Vent, & Means for climbing fences (Must be teamed up entering IDLH)
Rear rescue needed & portable laddering practical, OV shall “NSA”
If Impractical OV shall go to roof & assist w/LSR or stay & comfort victim based on “ELFS”
Notify IC, Size of ladder needed, Accessible route
If Impractical: Emotional state of victim, Location & severity of fire, Fire/Smoke condition in vicinity of victim
When no rear rescue is needed & OV is able to enter & search, they shall team w/another FF. If unable to team up _
Return to front of building to team up w/LCC for top floor VEIS
If Brownstone has a Rear Fire Escape the OV shall _
Top floor fire for OV
Team up w/Roof FF to VEIS fire floor. If not needed proceed to VEIS floor above
Proceed to roof w/saw & halligan. If possible descend fire escape & perform ventilation of top floor. If unable to descend notify Off & vent fire apt from roof
Roof FF Access to Roof
When using AL for access to Brownstone roof, who assists LCC in set up
AL, 2nd AL, Adjacent building
Roof FF
If LSR rescue req’d, the Roof FF shall contact _ for assistance
2nd Ladder at Top floor fires
Check flrs below to make sure fire did not start on lower fl. Remain on lower flr until needed & do NOT block stairs
2nd LCC at Brownstone fires
Report to Turntable of 1st Ladder to assist & team up w/1st LCC for top fl VEIS. Position rig & place in PTO for Roof FF.
2nd OV at Brownstone fires
Except for assisting IFO fire bldg with AL/PL for rescue, check rear for trapped occupants & ensure ventilation completed (especially if 1st Lad TL)
Top floor fire 2nd OV
After checking rear report to roof to assist in venting/opening up, or go to an exposure as directed by Off. If rear fire escape, team up w/2nd Roof FF & enter apt above fire
How is 2nd Roof getting to roof & what tools is he taking for top floor fire
If 1st AL is involved w/top fl VEIS- raise & use own AL as means to roof (attempt raising to exposure). Top fl fires- take saw w/6’ Halligan hook
1st Due Lad Tower Ladder- LCC position
1st Due OV for TL:
Remain at pedestal for overall safety, control, & coordination
Basket FF- if used for roof access Saw & LSR taken to roof. Wait for complete roof size up before repositioning to fire fl to vent. After venting fire fl reposition basket to top floor to vent
1st Roof FF access to roof if 1st Lad is TL
Basket, 2nd AL, Adjoining bldg (visible life negates initial use of TL basket). After roof ops team up w/OV for top fl VEIS
2nd LCC at Brownstone fire if 1st Lad TL:
Does NOT have to report to pedestal & may be assigned by Off to examine exposure, assist w/Roof ops, & Be available to team up w/another member if needed
Cellar fire Brownstones 1st HL
Via front door on 1st flr & down cellar via interior cellar stairs to extinguish fire.
2nd HL Cellar fire
3rd HL for Cellar fires
Stretched through front door on 1st fl to BU 1st HL. If 1st HL secured 1st fl, 2nd HL will be stretched to cellar via interior stairs to ext fire
Stretched as ordered by IC
Building fully involved: 1st Engine should _
Drop 2 HL’s in front of fire bldg & position rig for possible multiversal noz or to supply TL
3rd HL for Fully involved Brownstone fire
Advanced into fire bldg, Fire in exp- stretch to that exp, or if No fire in Exp stretch via an exp to the rear yard of fire bldg
Brownstone: Fire on 2 floors _
Heavy fire in basement and cellar
Special call extra Eng & Truck
2nd Alarm
How would you get a PL to the rear of a Brownstone
Take it via 2nd fl (Parlor) of an adjoining brownstone & pass it out rear window to another FF in yard below (faster than using fire bldg)
In Brownstones it’s important to take PL through w/_ facing rear of bldg.
_ ladders are preferred at Brownstones
It may be a very punishing operation for Engines to advance down the one interior stairway to extinguish a cellar fire. What can the Ladder do to help adequately vent the cellar?
Cut holes in the first floor basement flooring near windows opening to the outside of the bldg. Have a charged HL in position
If a Duplex apartment is found within a Brownstone, what can be a problem in terms of roof ventilation?
In some cases, ventilation of the roof may only provide ventilation on the upper floors
The 1st Lad shall make a visual examination of the rear for brownstone fires. What is a fast way to check for victims in the rear?
The basement has a rear door which opens into the yard. If used to check for victims, this must be communicated & coordinated with 1st Lad Officer
4 Modes of Extension to Adjacent Exposure “CCCY”
Cellars due to beams of adjoining bldgs butting up against one another, Cockloft, Cornice, & Yankee gutter
What are the General Responsibilities of 2nd Lad at Brownstones
All floors above fire flr for VEIS & check for fire ext, Confirm Roof Vent (assist 1st Lad), Check rear & sides of bldg, Reinforce laddering & removal ops, & Examine exp as req’d (Do NOT crowd stairs & landings)
Where does Primary Search begin in Brownstone fire
Proceed to seat of fire & try to contain it w/can or closing door. Start search at this point
Immediate Supervision of an Officer is when:
Operating within visual or voice contact of Off or Working with search line or hoseline which is under supervision of an Off
What shall 1st Roof FF do once on the roof of a brownstone
Survey the rear, courts, and shafts of bldg for trapped occupants, Check for presence of fire escapes, and Notify Off of any life hazard, location of fire escapes, & ventilation profile of rear & sides of bldg
Communication and Coordination of horizontal ventilation and initial vertical ventilation is done through the 1st Lad Off. Initial vertical ventilation at brownstones includes _
Venting of bulkheads, skylights, & scuttles over stairways & hallways
4 reasons Roof FF must call for a saw: Inability to vent roof due to…
No roof level skylight, Tarred over Roof level skylight, Dumbwaiters, & Penthouse structures
When a bldg has a rear fire escape, after completing roof ventilation duties, 1st Roof FF will team up with _
OV or another member to VEIS fire floor & if NOT needed for search on that fl, proceed to VEIS floors above.
Can the Scuttle ladder be used to descend to lower floors in Brownstones
Never: unless fire is under control
When there is NO fire escape, after completing Roof responsibilities, Roof FF will _
Descend AL if still in position, & team up w/LCC for VEIS of top floor. If AL NOT in position contact Off & be guided by their direction
2nd Ladder responsibilities at Brownstones
Conducting VEIS on all flrs above fire, Examining floors above for fire extension, Examining rear of bldg for possible victims, & Examining exposures for extension as ordered by IC
When the 1st arriving Ladder is a TL, the OV position in the rear will be covered by _
2nd to arrive OV
2nd Ladder Two General areas of responsibility
Saving life on floors above fire & in attached exposures, And Controlling extension of fire to floors above & below via heat registers and dumbwaiters and controlling spread to attached exposures
2nd Due Roof shall check for rear fire escape after completing roof responsibilities, when present _
Team up with 2nd OV or another member to VEIS all floors above fire. Pay particular attention to top floor apt including public hallway
If fire is on 3rd floor of a 4 story Brownstone, entry to top fl via AL may be negated until _
Fire darkened down & possibility of lapping fire has been eliminated
Interior Wooden Stairs vs Open Interior Stairs
Interior Wooden stairs: connect cellar & 1st fl (basement) & 1st fl & 2nd fl (parlor)
Open Interior: connect 2nd fl (parlor) & upper floors
Fire Escapes added or sprinklers installed in interior halls in lieu of secondary egress indicate _ vs sprinklers extended into individual rooms _
Converted to MD vs Bldgs converted to Rooming Houses
2nd Lad fire on the 3rd flr of a 4 story Brownstone No fire escape. OV checked rear for occupants & assured ventilation completed. OV returned to front of the bldg where he was not needed for laddering. Unless instructed otherwise by his officer, where should the OVM now report?
A. To his officer above the fire
B. To the roof to assist with ventilation
C. Into an exposure to check for extension
D. Team up w/2nd Roof to enter apt above the fire
A. Brownstones 2.7 OVM Duties
B. Option if it’s a top floor fire (2.7 OVM Duties)
C. Option if it’s a top floor fire
D. If the building has a fire escape
A) There is normally a rear entrance from the yard to the first floor (basement)
B) In many buildings, when they were converted to MDs, fire escapes were added or sprinklers were installed in the interior halls in lieu of secondary means of egress
C) Immediate VEIS of the top floor must be considered
D) Limited means of venting the cellar- very small windows at ground level in the rear, an opening under a grating near the 1st flr (basement) vestibule, & possibly a coal chute. Cutting of the basement flooring may also be necessary
C= Is mandatory
Not correct? (2.4, 2.5.3)
A) Basement has a rear door which opens into the yard. This is a fast way to check the rear for trapped occupants. This action must be communicated to & coordinated by the Lad Off
B) All horizontal & initial vertical ventilation tactics must be controlled, communicated &
coordinated by the Lad Off inside the fire area to be vented
C) Variations of the operational procedures of brownstone bldgs, based on structural changes of the building, will be the responsibility of the 1st arriving BC
D) 1st member through a door that is self-closing & equipped with a locking device shall block the door, preventing it from fully closing or locking
C Company Officer
1st HL for a 1st floor fire in a brownstone
1st HL stretched through the front door on 1st fl to ext fire
NOTE: if Interior stair doors are present at the top &/or bottom of interior wooden stairs connecting 1st fl & 2nd fl, they shall be closed to control flow path
2nd HL for a 1st fl fire in a brownstone
If NOT needed to BU 1st HL, shall be stretched through front door on 2nd (parlor) fl to maintain the integrity of the interior stairs
Where won’t the 3rd line operate at a five story fully involved Brownstone fire?
A. Advanced into the fire building
B. If fire is reported in an exposure, stretched to that exposure.
C. Initially remain in front to protect exposures.
D. Stretch through an exposure to the rear yard of the fire building
C **This is brand new material. The 3rd line will be stretched as ordered by the Incident Commander and may be used for choices A, B & D
AL arrives 1st fire on 3rd fl of 4 story B-stone with heavy smoke on 3rd & 4th fl with no victims showing. 1st roof access to roof
A. Adj bldg w/easiest access to its interior & 1st OV should assist LCC w/setting up AL
B. Adj bldg w/easiest access to its interior, provided it’s not the immediate adj bldg, & 1st OV should assist LCC w/setting up AL
C. AL, & 1st OV should assist LCC with setting up AL
D. AL, & 1st Roof should assist LCC w/setting up AL
D Roof FF assists- specific for Brownstone tactics p 14-15
Conflicts slightly w/AL- which states OV assists
AL starts vowel OV starts a vowel
BRownstone- Roof FF (R-R)