AUC 332, 343, 344 Flashcards
FD members are prohibited from making statements that are disruptive to operations of Dept & include…Don’t “SMILE”
Security precautions, Medical info of others, Investigations, Legal proceedings, Evolving non-final FD policies AUC 332
If No supervisor present on-scene & if a press inquiry does NOT interfere with Dept operations, members may respond to press inquiries only for following non-confidential info “TNT”
Type of incident, Number of patients/victims, The hospital patient Transported to AUC 332
Any member who responds to a press inquiry must notify his immediate supervisor ASAP. Supervisor shall notify _
Office of Public Info of press inquiry AUC 332
First Responders Bridge Manual Field Guide is colored _ & carried _
Green & carried on rig with Haz Mat Incident Guidebook (orange book)
Hazards or Threats to 1st Responders for Chemical Suicide incidents
Inhalation (Primary), Skin absorption, Flammability, & Blood borne pathogens (moved to Hazmat)
Person in car for chemical suicide may appear:
Red in color similar to CO poisoning; or Cyanotic
moved to Hazmat
Odors associated w/Chemical suicide
Strong chemical odors such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell)
(moved to Hazmat)
Code for Chemical Suicide incident
Transmit 10-80 Code 1. Ensure PD response (moved to Hazmat)
Fire Operations for Chemical suicides:
Full PPE & Use SCBA, Charged HL w/fog noz primarily for decon, also used for vapor dispersal, Vent vehicle, Avoid disturbing container found in a bucket, remove patient from hazardous environment. If pt presumed dead- treat as crime scene. Flush pt w/copious water before transport & remove clothing
(moved to Hazmat)
Chemical suicide: Use meters to monitor
O2 levels, Flammable vapor concentration, presence of hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide, or other chemicals (moved to Hazmat)
No supervisor is present & press inquiry doesn’t interfere w/ops, which info cannot be divulged
A. Type of injuries
B. Number of patient or victims, if known
C. The hospital(s) to which the patient(s) or victim(s) are being transported
D. Type of incident or event
A AUC 332
Chemical suicide incident:Indicate the correct-
A. Your chauffeur immediately transmitted a 10-80 code 1 and called for NYPD response
B. Your nozzle FF stretched and charged a hoseline with a fog nozzle, stating it was to be used primarily for vapor dispersal
C. Your backup FF removed the patient from the hazardous environment and after determining the pt deceased, removed the patient’s clothing and flushed him with copious amounts of water
D. Your Control FF immediately ventilated the apartment after units had entered and assessed patient status
B) Primarily for decontamination
C) If presumed dead, handle body as part of the crime scene investigation. If alive, provide patient care as per CFR protocols, remove clothing and flush with copious amounts of water as part of emergency decon before transport
D) Ventilate the occupancy PRIOR to entering
(moved to Hazmat)
A 10-80 code 1 has just been transmitted for a chemical suicide incident. The preliminary report to the dispatcher states units have an unusual fish or garlic-like odor. Which one of the following? A. Hydrogen Sulfide Gas B. Carbon Monoxide Gas C. Hydrogen Cyanide Gas D. Phosphine Gas
D (moved to Hazmat)
A. Rotten Eggs
B. Odorless
C. Bitter Almond like
What odor do poly sulfides emit? A. rotten eggs B. bitter almond C. fish/garlic like odor D. odorless
A (moved to Hazmat)
A Capt spoke to the press since he was the IC and only gave info such as what happened, how many patients, & what hospital pts were transported to. Since he spoke to the press who must he notify as soon as practical
A. Battalion Chief on duty in his Battalion
B. DC in his Division
C. Command Chief via Chain of Command
D. Chief of Ops via Chain of Command
A AUC 332
Incorrect regarding the First Responder’s Bridge Manual?
A: The Field Guide is for use by First Responders to increase awareness of potential hazards, ID structural components and accurately report details at the scene. Guides are provided for all NYC bridges.
B: The Field Guide (Green book) is carried on every apparatus with the Emergency Response Guidebook for Hazardous Materials Incidents (Orange Book).
C: Transmit an incident assessment report to the Dispatcher using the “Size-up” section of the Field Guide.
D: DOT engineers are to be notified immediately through FDOC of information gathered from the Incident Assessment Report.
AUC 344
A. Sect 1.2 The Field Guide is for use by First Responders to increase awareness of potential hazards,identify structural components and accurately report details at the scene. Guides are provided for the Brooklyn, Manhattan, Williamsburg and Queensboro bridges.