TB SCBA Flashcards
The CBRN approval means SCBA meets NIOSH & NFPA criteria for exposure to _ & _ agents
If a member using SCBA runs out of air he must _
Liquid mustard & Sarin agents
Remove regulator from facepiece, notify Off & leave contaminated area accompanied by another member using SCBA
Code of Federal Regulations defines Confined space as _
Not designed for continuous human occupancy, Large enough for a person to enter & work, & limited means for entry & escape
Can contact lenses be worn under SCBA
Yes, glasses can also be worn as long as they don’t interfere w/seal between face & facepiece. Members shall submit a corrective lens prescription that is less than 1 year old & contains their PD measurement. Medical exams are on Member’s own time. MSU-1 faxed by member to MSU
Add 2 3.1
Can SCBA be used underwater
Date of Manufacture is listed on SCOTT label by month & year. Service life of air cylinder is _. Hydrostatic testing done every _
Never- if submerged OOS
15 Years; 5 years
On the top of an SCBA cylinder is the number 102. What does this indicate
How can you ID cylinders that have been retested for Hydrostatic testing
Hydrostatic testing done January of 2002. Retested in January 2007 (5 years)
Round Hydro Re-certified label glued to it w/month & year of retest (10 year mark)
45 minute cylinder = approximately _ liters
End of Service Time Indicator (EOSTI) alarms (vibralert & HUD) actuate approximately _
1800 liters
25% of full cylinder remainder in cylinder & valve assembly
What happens if an SCBA cylinder is used in a pressurized tunnel at 2 atmospheres
All spare cylinders shall be inspected
Duration 1/2 as long compared to 1 atmosphere
Weekly on Mondays for Full pressure (Depots, Hi-rise units, Reserve rig)
How do you ID Training cylinders
Can spare cylinders be used for Training purposes such as Unconscious FF removal
Blue top &/or polymer protective sleeve (not to be used for FF purposes)
No- use training kit only
Can wrenches be used to tighten couplings to cylinders
How do you tighten Nylon O-Ring
Never- hand tight only
1/8” Allen wrench & 7/16” open end wrench
Can the Universal Air Connector (UAC) be used as a quick charge
What if a UAC is missing a dust cover
UAC is emergency replenishment only- Not to be used for routing recharging
OOS- allows damage to UAC or debris to enter
PRA reduces operating pressure to _
Malfunction of PRA primary system will automatically direct breathing air into a secondary system causing _
100 psi before entering regulator’s low pressure hose
Operating pressure to reduce to 150 psi & cause vibralert alarm to activate. Member must leave IDLH
Failure of Primary & Secondary system in open position will activate Relief Valve in PRA. This will _
Rapidly discharge all pressure in excess of 185 psi into the atmosphere. Partially close cylinder to minimize air release. Leave IDLH
The pressure inside a donned facepiece is (higher/lower) than pressure outside
If after donning the facepiece, the manual shut off fails to release- what is done
Positive pressure is higher than atmosphere pressure to prevent contaminants from entering
Turn red purge valve downward 180 degrees to start flow of air & notify Off & leave to safe area
What is done for failure of regulator in the open position (too much air flow in facepiece)
Do the vibralert & HUD work dependently or independently w/each other
Air flow can be controlled by opening the purge valve fully & partially closing the cylinder valve. Leave IDLH
Independently- may not activate at precisely the same time
The HUD consists of
If the cylinder is turned on & all 5 lights on the HUD illuminate for 20 seconds- what does this indicate
4 rectangular lights for Full, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 & a fifth round red light for low battery
Everything normal- operation of all 5 lights must be verified every time SCBA turned on
When does the HUD begin flashing
Which straps are tightened 1st on facepiece
1/2 cylinder (yellow) 1 flash per second; At 1/4 Red light flashes 10X a second
Bottom 1st & then top (bottom’s up)
A round light indicator on far right of display lights for 20 seconds & then begins to flash slowly once a second. What does this indicate?
Low battery- still have sufficient life to operate HUD longer than longest duration of SCBA cylinder, however, batteries must be changed immediately upon termination of use of SCBA or before re-entry into Hazardous atmosphere
Motion sensor module does not sense motion of SCBA for _ pre-alarm
If SCBA full alarm is heard for _ seconds- notify IC
20 seconds pre-alarm; 12 more seconds after that full alarm
10 seconds
What does it mean if you are using your SCBA & sensor module chirps every 2 seconds & the green light on control module goes out
Low battery- continue to operate for a period of time greater than longest duration cylinder available, but must be replaced before using again
How do you change batteries on Pak Alert
Phillips screwdriver to loosen cover, install 6 new AA batteries of same brand (Do NOT mix brands & change all at once). Requisition replacement batteries faxing RT-2 to MSU
Is Pak-Alert intrinsically safe
What is done with OOS SCBA
Replace w/Battalion spare. Defects included on SCBA Record Card (SD-30), RT-2, have Division messenger deliver to MSU
SCBA is inspected _ (After-Before-After)
Immediately After 0900 & 1800 roll calls, Immediately Before MUD, & After each use
FF w/problem obtaining proper seal- repositions & tries again to no avail. A different FF achieves a good seal resulting in original FF needing a new facepiece size. What does Off do?
Notify Safety Command & MSU immediately via telephone, Company Commander report to Bureau of Ops, & FF shall not enter IDLH
How can you check Pak-Alert battery in the off position
A full alarm condition- audible tone can exceed 85 decibels at approximately_’
Press & hold reset button on console. Green sufficient & Red- batteries must be replaced before SCBA used again
Is activation of Vibralert alarm an indicator that valve is fully open
What happens if FF becomes entangled or trapped
No- turn counterclockwise until fully opened to stop position
Transmit Mayday & then attempt to free self. Cancel Mayday after freed
Which emergency procedure done if entangled in rear
Quick Release- both shoulder straps extended & belt released. Left hand on strap & turn to left 180 degrees
_ maneuver necessary to pass beneath low clearance
When using Swim move or Reduced profile which hand leads through
Low profile- left hand stays on shoulder strap
Right shoulder & right knee (placing left 1st may cause low pressure hose to get pinched)
Air supply options for members/civilians
Members- FAST Pak/Spare SCBA;
Civilians- FAST Pak other than FAST unit or Spare SCBA
You have a damaged facepiece leaking air. You tried covering with your hand, what else is done
Continue to cover & press manual shut off after each breath. If too large to allow shut off to release- use purge valve for each breath. Leave IDLH
One member forcibly strikes another member w/4 distinct blows on shoulder & pulls member in specific direction - this means
Emergency exists
Disinfect & clean SCBA
Hypochlorite solution consists of _; Immerse facepiece for _ minutes
During Roll Call inspection & after members assigned SCBA for tour, & after use
1/4 cup Chlorine bleach to 1 gallon water (1:100 dilution). Never increase concentration; 5 minutes (Never longer)
How do you disinfect regulator
Spray minimum of 6 full pumps of 70% Isopropyle alcohol & allow 10 minute contact time to disinfect prior to rinsing
An SCBA Report is to be completed annually by each Unit Commander _
November 1st is due date (list last PMP performed by MSU- should be every calendar year)
SCBA with an Orange colored background & Yellow background on PRA indicate
FAST Pak is carried by all
Orange- spare; Yellow- Battalion/Squad
Ladders, Rescue, & Squad Companies
UAC high pressure hose is _’ while low pressure hose is _’
Can Hi Pressure & Low Pressure systems be operated simultaneously
5’; 20’
Does FAST Pak have Vibralert & HUD
High Pressure UAC equalizes air in both cylinders in approximately _ seconds
No- only way to monitor air pressure is cylinder gauge (essential 1 FF monitors)
60 seconds- must remove dust cap 1st
If dust cap on UAC of member’s SCBA is missing what is done
Quickly examine & remove any visible debris before connecting UAC. If impacted/blocked with debris- use low pressure method
4 Methods of using Low Pressure Hose with FAST Pak
Replace FF’s regulator w/FAST Pak regulator (turn purge valve downward & away from FF face if unable to activate), Replace low pressure Hansen fitting, Replace facepiece w/regulator, Schrader (SOC only)
Each FAST Pak shall have a _ card to include all defects
FAST Pak OOS- Off shall _
Mask Record Card (SD-30)
Remove Fast Pak & attach RT-2, Notify BC & request spare FAST Pak. Messenger shall pick-up & deliver to MSU
APR cannot be used if O2 is less than _% or above _%
Can APR be used in confined spaces; what about if air hazard is Carbon Monoxide
19.5; 23%
No; No
Can APR be used for Asbestos incidents
Can APR be used at Radiological incidents
Yes if Non-fire related
Yes- if Non-fire related & isotope does not pose chemical hazard
APR shall be inspected
CBRN Cap 1 Canisters have shelf-life of _
At least every 30 days &/or 1st day of each month & before use
7 years when stored in vacuum sealed container
Higher relative humidity _ life of organic vapor canisters; Increasing temperatures _ service life of organic vapor canisters
Decreases; Decreases
Eng, Lad, Res, & Sqd will receive _ adapters & _ cartridges that will remain in their pouches
6 adapters & 12 cartridges. Expired adapters & 2 canisters kept in quarters for drilling
Scott Pak Tracker can locate any PASS in full alarm. It’s carried by _
Pak Tracker displays _
All Rescue, Squad, Rescue Battalion, & Safety Battalion
Unit and Member Assignment of the SCBA
Pak Tracker has a max range of approximately _
Pak Tracker screen is large enough to display _ lines of info
Pak-Tracker is (suitable/not suitable) for use in potentially flammable or explosive atmosphere
NOT suitable- Always check for presence of flammable/explosive atmosphere before entering unknown environment w/Pak Tracker
If multiple PASS alarms are activated, how will it appear on the Pak Tracker
Each Pak Tracker can lock onto how many SCBA’s at one time
Latest alarm received will be on the top line of the LCD display.
Only 1- once locked on a specific PASS it no longer has the capability to receive any additional PASS alarm signals
How shall searching be done with the Pak Tracker
Held waist high out in front of member using a sweeping motion very slowly in a horizontal direction first. Vertically sweep if suspected signal is higher or lower floor. Always pause 3-4 seconds for reading
Inspect Pak Tracker _
“Low Batt” indicator will go off at approximately _
Tourly and before use
20 percent life remaining- will operate for 1 hour when indicator light goes off
FAST Pak needs to be placed OOS due to a defect. Who would you notify to obtain a replacement FAST Pak? A. The Division B. The Battalion C. Mask Service Unit D. Tech Services
B. Notify the Battalion that the Company Fast Pak is OOS and request the Battalion Spare Fast Pak as a replacement
Incorrect item about the Pak-Tracker
A) Pak-Tracker receiver can store up to 36 SCBA identities.
B) Pak-Tracker receiver can be locked onto the PASS signal of an individual SCBA and be used as a tracking device to find the member in distress.
C) Pak-Tracker receiver can lock onto 2 SCBAs at a time
D) Once a Pak-Tracker has locked onto the signal of a specific PASS it no longer has the capability to receive any additional PASS alarm signals.
Answer: C =
Each Pak-Tracker receiver can only lock onto one
SCBA at a time.
The PRA on your SCBA fails in both the primary and secondary position and all air in excess of 185 psi is rapidly discharged. What’s the most correct action to perform next?
A. Partially close your cylinder only
B. Partially close your cylinder and partially open purge valve
C. Partially close your cylinder and fully open purge valve
D. Partially close your cylinder and partially open purge valve and activate your vibralert
A TB SCBA sec. 3.6.3
Failure of both the primary and secondary systems in the open position will activate a Relief Valve in the PRA, which will rapidly discharge all pressure in excess of 185 psi into the atmosphere. When this occurs, the cylinder valve should be partially closed
FF has defective small facepiece & needs replacement. Choose correct:
A. Have FF utilize one of the assigned riding facepieces kept on the rig
B. Notify Mask Service Unit by phone to deliver a small sized facepiece ASAP
C. Contact Division for spare small size facepiece
D. Call Battalion. Battalions have spares in small & XL on hand
C Division
FF cannot achieve a good seal w/any facepiece. Another FF checks the facepiece & finds no problem. Next correct action
A. Immediately notify Safety Cmd & Mask Service Unit by phone
B. Relieve member from duty
C. Have FF borrow a small or XL facepiece from another FF
A. After phone notification, a report giving details & actions taken is to be forwarded by the Co Cmdr to Bureau of Ops. Bureau of Ops will forward a report to Safety Command. Member is not to operate in areas requiring SCBA until problem resolved.
Draeger BG-4 Extended Duration SCBA also known as the Rebreather is designed to provide wearer with up to _ of breathable air
A. 4 hours C. 2 hours
B. 3 hours D. 1 hour
Rebreathers will emit a warning alarm from its mask when approx how many minutes of operational time remain
A. 30 min B. 60 min
C. 90 min D. 120 min
When using a Pak Tracker during a search operation, why is it best to pause a few seconds at distinct directional points (to the left, in front, to the right)
A. Less drain on battery
B. Better hear activated PASS alarm signal
C. Sweeping too fast may avg readings
D. Allows user to maintain a grip on Pak Tracker handle
FAST Unit Off should be aware that approx how much operational time remains when “low battery” indicator light appears on Pak Tracker
A. 20 min B. 30 min
C. 45 min D. 60 min
The Pak-Tracker correct?
A. PAK-Tracker received and displayed ID of a SCBA when it emitted an audible alarm.
B. A member, immediately upon hearing an alarm is full cycle, should immediately investigate the cause and then notify the IC of his findings.
C. Max range of the personal transmitter to the Pak-Tracker receiver is approx 95ft line of sight
D. It can be used in a potentially flammable or explosive atmosphere.
A Pak-Tracker will emit an audible alarm when the transmitted signal is received & display the ID (unit and member assignment) of the SCBA.
B. When a PASS alarm is activated in the full cycle for TEN SECONDS, the member hearing the alarm should immediately notify the IC. An immediate investigation of the alarm must be made to determine the cause. sect 7.5
C. Add 8 sect 3.1 900ft
D. The Pak-Tracker receiver is not suitable for use in potentially flammable or explosive atmospheres.
Which one of the following would give off a pungent odor? A. Acetaldehyde B. Hydrogen Cyanide C. Hydrogen Chloride D. Phosgene
A. Fruit odor. Training Bulletin SCBA Addendum 3 (8)
B. Almond odor. Training Bulletin SCBA Addendum 3 (2)
D. Musty hay odor at 6ppm. Training Bulletin SCBA Addendum 3 (5)
Lt. Davis was conducting a drill on SCBA emergency procedures. Correct
A. For a severely damaged facepiece the cylinder valve should be partially closed.
B. When the PRA’s primary and secondary system fail the cylinder valve should be partially closed.
C. When the regulator fails in the closed position partially close the cylinder valve.
D. When the regulator fails in the open position the condition is handled by using the manual shut off and the purge valve.
A. If the leak is more than can be controlled with one hand:
1. Continue to cover as much of the damaged area as possible.
2. Press the manual shut-off switch after each breath to further limit the loss of breathing air.
3. If damaged area is too large to allow the regulator shut-off to release, then use the purge valve in an ON & OFF motion for each breath. This helps conserve the limited amount of breathing air necessary for escape.
C. Failure of the regulator in the closed position, (no air to facepiece) turn purge valve counter-clockwise.
D. controlled by opening the purge valve fully and partially closing the cylinder valve. TB SCBA sec 3.8.4 B6
Search with Pak-Tracker: operating member holds the device horizontally at _ height out in front. Row of LED’s & numerical display on the Pak-Tracker indicate the relative strength & approx direction of the signal from the SCBA. Pointing the Pak-Tracker in the direction of the strongest relative signal and moving in that direction should lead to the activated SCBA. When the signal strength rises above _% level, the row of LED’s will begin to light starting with Red at the bottom, Yellow in the middle, and Green at top A. waist; 50% B. chest; 25% C. waist; 25% D. chest; 75%
T/F The member operating the Pak Tracker must be at the front of the search team to prevent signal interference caused by other members being in the way
Inspect the Pak Tracker _
Before each use and at the start of each tour. If OOS RT-2 & contact MSU for replacement. Each Division has a spare.
Pak Tracker batteries shall be recharged _
Weekly. After each use, the battery should be recharged until the light turns solid Green.
Each Pak Tracker has the maximum capacity of _ characters (ex- letters, numbers, dashes)
8 ex Ladder 175 Roof = L175-ROO; Ladder 105 Irons= L105-IRO)
Correct for Pak Tracker
A. To begin search, Pak Tracker should be waist high out in front of operating member with top of hand held receiver pointed toward the target
B. Use Pak Tracker in a sweeping motion, very slowly in a vertical direction first
C. Always pause 2-3 seconds for a reading, it’s best to pause at distinct directional points (to left, in front, to right)
D. Always move towards highest relative signal strength displayed
A & D
During inspection if either the nose cup assembly or voicemitter is damaged/missing, facepiece shall be placed OOS & fwd to MSU for repair. OOD shall fwd a letterhead report to Chief of: A. Personnel B. Safety C. Operations D. Department
C via chain of command stating full particulars
Incorrect for not achieving a good seal with any facepieces
A. Safety Command & MSU immediately notified via telephone
B. SCF-2 sent to Chief of Safety
C. Reports with details & actions taken fwd by Co Cmdr to Bureau of Ops
D. Member will not operate in areas requiring SCBA until problem resolved
If Fast Pak is placed OOS who shall Ladder request a spare Fast Pak from A. MSU B. Division C. Battalion D. Ladder company spare is used
Scott 4.5 NIOSH Rated Service Time Cylinders with their SCBAs- service duration times for 30, 45 and 60 minute cylinders are determined by a NIOSH Breathing Machine. Tests simulating an avg adult moderate work rate of 40 liters per minute is used to differentiate approximate liters per cylinder size. Which choice below is incorrect?
A: All 4.5 cylinders are pressurized to 4500psi
B: 30 minute cylinder = approximately 1200 liters
C: 45 minute cylinder = approximately 2000 liters
D: 60 minute cylinder = approximately 2400 liters
C) 45 minute cylinder = approximately 1800 liters
A good way to determine the number of liters in each cylinder is to multiply cylinder size by “40”
Example: 30x40=1200; 45x40=1800; 60x40=2400
TB SCBA 3.2.6, 3.2.7
Scott 40mm adaptors & Scott CBRN CAP 1 canisters correct
A. Distributed one to each member to be carried on their bunker gear
B. Stored in their sealed containers. one to each riding position, in the cab of the rig for easy reach & use
C. Kept in units CFR locker in qtrs until they are needed for use, & as authorized by IC
D. Kept in their sealed pouches in the infection control compartment on the rig
Cleaning & disinfecting Unit’s SCBA regulators: incorrect
A. Regulator is to be cleaned & disinfected utilizing 70% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle, & drinking water (running or in a spray bottle)
B. Spray a minimum of 6 full pumps of Isopropyl Alcohol into the regulator opening. Allow for 10 min of contact time prior to rinsing with water
C. Shake excess water out of regulator, then air dry regulator prior to use. To expedite removal of water the regulator should be banged or tapped gently against a hard surface
D. Perform a regulator check by opening the purge valve & observing air flow from the regulator spray bar. Water droplets indicate the regulator is not dry
C Do NOT bang/tap regulator
Pak-Tracker batteries shall be recharged _ to maintain a full charge. (9.7) A) Monthly B) Weekly C) Daily D) Tourly
When the battery in the Pak-Tracker has approximately _% of its life remaining, the “low batt” indicator light will glow yellow. (8.1 #7) A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) 25
C Will operate for approximately 1 hour
Incorrect for regulator
A. For a regulator failure in the closed position, turn the purge valve counter clockwise
B. When the regulator fails in the open position, air flow can be controlled by closing both the purge valve & cylinder valve
C. Manual Shutoff valve must be pressed prior to removing the facepiece. If not a full 45 min cylinder can be depleted in approx 4 minutes
D. When pressed, the switch on the manual shutoff holds the regulator in the closed position, stopping the air flow. The switch automatically releases when the member inhales through the facepiece, starting the airflow
B Regulator in Open position: open purge valve fully and partially close the cylinder valve
Incorrect for Damaged facepiece
A. Leave the facepiece on & cover damaged area with one hand
B. If leak is large, press the manual shutoff switch on the regulator after each breath to limit the loss of breathable air
C. If damaged area is too large to allow regulator shut off, leave the purge valve in the open position to continually supply air to the member
D. Immediately leave contaminated area accompanied by another member
C Use Purge valve On and Off motion for each breath. This action helps to conserve the limited amount of breathing air necessary for escape
Which 2 incidents would members not use APR
A. Air contains 24% Oxygen
B. Carbon Monoxide of 10 PPM are obtained
C. Members are performing decon at an asbestos incident which did not include fire
D. At a radiological incident where Haz Mat 1 determined that the isotope does not pose a chemical hazard and fire was not involved
A & B Oxygen enriched above 23%; Air hazard CO
Add 2 3, 4
T/F A Captain of the 1st arriving company, after consultation with Haz Mat Group Supervisor, if there is no Chief Off on scene, may give approval for use of APR
True: He is the IC
Add 1
Choose correct for disinfecting SCBA Regulator
A. After removing the facepiece from the regulator, the FF removed obvious dirt from the external surface of the regulator using 7-% Isopropyl Alcohol with a sponge
B. Upon noticing excessive dirt inside the regulator assembly, the FF removed the dirt using 70% Isopropyl Alcohol with a sponge
C. After depressing the manual shut off & closing the purge valve by turning fully clockwise, the FF sprayed a max of 4 full pumps of 70% Isopropyl Alcohol into the regulator opening
D. FF waited 5 min after spraying the 70% Isopropyl Alcohol before regulator with drinking water
Add 5 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
B Must remove facepiece from regulator 1st
C Spray minimum of 6 full pumps
D Allow 10 minutes contact time to disinfect prior to rinsing
T/F Under no circumstances should the face of the regulator be banged against a hard surface to remove water. Shaking & opening the purge valve is the only acceptable way to remove water
Add 5 1.7