TT Fireproof MD's Flashcards
What shall the IC notify the Borough Dispatcher as well as all members operating at the scene of?
The letter designation of the stairwell being used for attack operations.
(6. 1) When scissor stairs are present it shall be communicated via HT to all units
1. Who do you notify if mislabeled scissor stairs are discovered?
- This information should be relayed to the IC immediately.
1. A priority when performing BISP in a HRFPMD should be to verify :
- That stairways are correctly labeled
(6.1.1b) what are the four areas of lower air pressure?
The additional two ?
- Public hallways
- Vertical shafts
- Stairwells
- Elevators
- Other open apt doors
- Open windows especially on the opposite side of the public hallway from the fire apt
Venting :
- Horizontal Vent of the fire apt should be limited and controlled by the ….
- Vertical vent will only be performed …
- Ladder Officer operating in the fire apt. $$$ all other vent must be strictly limited and controlled by the IC
- At the direction of the IC
What are the four factors that I fluency the stack effect?
- Height of the bldg
- Temperature diff bet inside and outside
- Air leakage to other floors
- Wind
(6.1.2) like Hi-Rise office bldg procedures, ventilation of the fire apt in HRFPMDs should take place after the main body of fire has been ____. The IC shall control all ventilation other than The fire apt
- Controlled (know the exact word)
(6. 1.3) Stairs shall be used when the fire is on the seventh floor or below.
1. Who shall recall the elevators whether or not they will be used
2. Who shall ENSURE that all elevators are recalled and searched ?
- 1st Ladder Co
- 2nd Ladder Co
* * regardless of the fire floor, the IC must ensure that all elevators are recalled, searched and controlled early in the operation, preventing civilians from placing themselves in danger by entering the elevator cars during the incident.
Don’t overload the elevators consider each member and his equipment to be
Greater than 275 pounds
(6. 1.3f)
1. One elevator without firemen service .. Who goes ?
2. Elevator has firemen service
- Ladder officer, Irons, Can, Engine officer with two firefighters (nozzle and control)mwith all rolled up lengths and SP kit
- If no outside ops are indicated, the OV will be operating the elevator. This will reduce the load by one engine ff.
(6.1.3g) what s/b done when encountering elevators opening directly into apts or foyers ?
Preplanning will identify these bldgs, which can take place during BISP
Do not use, use the service elevator to two floors below the fire and take the stairs to the correct floor. standpipes are usually found in this service stairway.
This information and location of the service elevator and stairs should be entered into the CIDS program.
(6. 1.6) - What’s the signal?
1. Medium fire and smoke condition In a HRFPMD… 4 ex
2. Fire visible from the exterior, or wind impacted conditions
1. 10-77 A. Wind impacted fire conditions B. Advanced fire on arrival C. Heavy smoke on numerous floors D. Numerous reports of persons in difficulty due to smoke.
- 10-77
(6. 1.7) Fire is above the sixth floor what is the position of the FAST unit and CFRD Engine
2. At lower floor fires ? (sixth floor or below)
* * the FAST unit should carry a set of elevator keys.
- Assigned to the Fire Sector
2. Determined by the IC
(6.2.1) Off and FF shall use every opportunity during outside activities to identify buildings where a ___ . The identity of these buildings should be made known to all first alarm units and___
- a three length stretch from a standpipe would not be sufficient.
- should be entered into the CIDS program
First Engine Off
1. communicate with the ladder Co Off to select the attack stairway.
Does this stairway have to have a SP ?
2. Who Notifies the IC and the 2nd Engine Off of the designation of the attack stairway?
- The attack stairway need not be the stairway with a SP outlet
- First Engine Off
(6. 2.1c)
1. When does the control ff leave the SP outlet ?
2. When is the bulkhead vented?
- He DOESN’T ….TRemain at the SP outlet throughout the operation to provide orderly and accurate communications and continuity.
- Shall be vented upon the direction of the IC AFTER the main body of fire has been controlled.
(T/F) After the fire has been extinguished the fog tip should be called for to use for venting.
F - IF the positive pressure fans used for stairwell pressurization and smoke removal are ineffective in venting the fire apt, the engine co Off should call for the fog tip to be brought up to the fire floor.
(6. 2.2) 2nd Engine Off
1. What three things must the 2nd engine off ENSURE ?
2. The Off must also inform the IC when and where additional assistance is req on the 1st hoseline.
- ENSURE the siamese is supplied and provide assistance where nec,
ENSURE sufficient lengths of hose available for advance into the fire apt, facilitate smooth advance onto fire floor and into apt and ENSURE proper water pressure.
(6. 2.3) 3rd Engine
1. Responsible to start the stretch of a 2nd hosline when req. Where is this line stretched from ?
2. Who determines when this hoseline is charged?
3. Who is notified when this second line is to be charged ?
- Usually stretched from two floors below the fire
- Second Engine Officer- This hoseline should be charged at the stairway door to the fire floor depending on hallway conditions and size of the fire area.
- Control FF and Officer of the First line should be notified.
What are the uses of the Second Line? (4)
- Back up the first line
- Advance with the first line
- Operate into a breach in the adjoining apt wall while the first line is protecting the publc hallway
- On the floor above due to auto exposure via windows or air conditioner sleeves, extension via utility voids or steam pipe risers
(6. 2.4) 4th Engine Co
* *Responsible for placing the HRN into operation IF this alternate strategy is needed
1. Responsible to bring the HRN one length of 2 1/2 hose per member and the standpipe kit and report to ??
2. 4th Eng must ascertain the designation of the attack and evacuation stairways and ensure the hoseline is tretched via attack stairway.
- Report in to the IC at ICP ** Upon the IC’s orders bring all their equipment to the floor below the fire
4th Engine will either use the hose already in place for the second hoseline or stretch their own line.
1. Notify the IC if assistance is needed with(2 things)
- For assistance if needed with the hose stretch or forcible entry
What is done if the 4th assigned engine Company is not equipped with a HRN ?
The Officer shall contact the dispatcher for the identity of the unit carrying the HRN that has already been assigned to the 10-77
(6.3) 1st Ladder Company
Responsible for four general duties
- Elevator recall to gain control of the elevators and to prevent occupant use.
- Control of the fire floor stairway doors
- Control of the fire apt door
- Search and ventilation of the fire apt
Whose duty is it to initiate and or control (prevent) horizontal vent of the fire apt.
- First Ladder Officer, no other Company Officer or firefighter should attempt any ventilation of this apt without the approval of the first ladder officer.
There are three notifications that the first Ladder Off must make to the IC or Engine Officer (if the IC is not on the scene)
**Consult with the engine officer BEFORE selecting the attack stairway.
- The stairwell closest to the fire apt
- The type of stairs (open/enclosed, scissor/return, etc.)
- If scissor stairs, whether they are or are not correctly labeled.
What must be done prior to entering the public hallway?
Ladder Officer shall get a report on exterior conditions from members operating outside the building AND the Roof ff operating on the florr above.
If unable to determine if this is a wind impacted fire, who enters the hallway ?
Where does the remaining member stay?
The ladder officer and one member of the forcible enntry teamenter to locate the fire apt and control the fire apt door.
This member stays in the stairwell to ensure the door remains closed.
First OV report :
The OV should include the letter markings as a guide.
First Roof FF tool assignment:
Hydara Ram
KO Curtain
First Roof Duties:
- procede to the apt directly over the fire via ___
- The Roof FF shall notify the ___ of the conditions in the public hallway (smoke, civilians evacuating etc.) on the floor above the fire.
- The attack stairway if possible and gain entry
2. IC
First Roof notifies his Officer of conditions found, such as (3 things)
- Apt layout
- The fire location on the fire floor - if it can be determined from the floor above.
- Determine what windows serve the fire room and report on wind conditions
Wind condition present :
report findings to ladder officer
- coordinate deployment with your officer on the fire floor
- Do not break the window glass
- Auto exposure is possible (what are your two options for protection on the floor above?)
Call for an extinguisher or hoseline if needed.
Tight could be either or …
(6. 3.1D)
1. who will deliver the LSR to the floor above if the Roof FF has called for it? what are the additional conditons
- First LCC will deliver unless you can reach the victim from the exterior by aerial, TL or portable ladder. If you are delivering the LSR to the floor above, notify your Officer if you are assisting or continuing to the roof
- If no Outside Ops, WCD or LSR what is the duty of the first LCC?
- Inform ___ of conditions found on the roof and only vent the bulkhead upon the direction of the__
- Team up with 2nd LCC and proceed to roof. ENSURE that stairway bulkhead is not vented prior to control of the main body of fire.
- IC, IC
1st LCC Cont..
- Check the condition of the hallway on the top floor, and all stairways leading to the roof for the presence of __&__
- Access to the Roof
- Smoke and Victims
- If elevators can not be used, then take the elevator to 2 floors below the fire floor and proceed to the roof via the evacuation stairway.
1st LCC must remain at the roof level because he must
2. Who is notified if conditions such as broken bulkhead windows, doors missing or incapable of being closed are encountered?
- ENSURE that bulkhead doors remain closed until the IC orders them vented.
- The IC and Units operating in the fire sector (important bc this will diminish the effectiveness of any stairwell pressurization)
(6. 3.2) - Whose responsibility is it to recall and search all elevators?
2. Duties of second ladder Co
3. What is done when people are found in the hallway?
Responsibility of the second to arrive ladder company.
- After taking elevator to two floors below, proceed to the fire floor via attack stairway.
- Notify the IC and remove them to the Evacuation stairway
- After searching the hallway on the fire floor where does the 2nd ladder operate?
- Initiate search of the attack stairway for five floors above the fire to search for any building occupants that may have tried to evac using these stairs.
If a WCD deployment is initiated who coordinates this evolution?
- Second Ladder Company Officer
Points to consider :
-Is assistance needed on floor above.
-Is an extinguisher/Hoseline needed fl above
-Are there members below to secure ropes
-Spotter in place
- Notify IC of any needed assistance, progress or lack of progress.
(6. 3.2C)
1. Tool assignment of second due roof
Life Belt
(6.3.3) 3rd Ladder Co
report in to lobby with all personnel
1. What is the duty of the 3rd due roof ff ?
- Proceed to the apt directly above the fire with a KO curtain, in addition to his normal compliment of tools, to assist members operating on that floor
3rd Ladder can be given different assignments depending on the situation encountered on arrival
- If roof ops not covered by 1st and 2nd ..3rd will cover
- If WCD is being deployed where may they operate?
- If LSR in progress?
- But their GENERAL duty is ..
- they may be assigned to the apt below the fire apt to secure the WCD lower ropes
- They may be assigned to the floor below to receive the rescued victim and member being lowered on the rope.
- used to conduct searches of stairways and hallways when reports indicate severe smoke above the fire sector.
4th Ladder Co duties
- Depending on the progress of the fire operation, this unit will …
- What should be included in their tool assignment ?
- usually assist or initiate searches on the upper floors and stairs as determined by the IC
- CO meter and TIC
(6. 3.6)- Ventiliation Support Group
1. Who is designated on a 10-77
2. They will arrive with their second piece and..
3. What is their assignment
- 6th Ladder Company assigned
- Report to the IC with 2 PPV fans
- To Presurize the attack and evacuation stairs in HRFPMD’s *** Not initiated until authorized by the IC
The attack Stairwell is the first consideration fir pressurization and will be pressurized upon the orders of the IC
1. What is the priority order for the use of PPV ?
- Pressurizing the attack stairwell to support the fire attack, by controlling the smoke condition at the attack stair doorway and throughout the attack stairway.
- Pressurizing the evacuation stairwell for smoke and CO control
- Ventilitaing the public halllways for smoke and CO control
The Ventilation support Group will inform the IC of the recommended placement of PPV fans based on:(4 things)
- The # of PPV fans and personnel avail
- The Location of the fire floor
- The # of Floors in the building
- The Stage of firefighting operations
CIDS in MD’s
- 6.1.3G
- 6.2.1 Note
- Buildings with elevators opening directly into apts or foyers, where you would need to use the service elevator or service stairs to access. The location of the service elevator and stairs should be entered into the CIDS progr
- Buildings where a three length stretch would not be sufficient. Identity of these buildings should be made known to all first alarm units and should be entered into the CIDS program.
CIDS in MD’s cont.
- 6.4 note 1
- 6.6f
- 6.7.1 a
- HRFPMD’s with communications systems should be entered into the CIDS program
- Buildings with sprinkler systems should be entered on CIDS
- Duplex or triplex apts. This information must be entered in the CIDS program.
(6. 6) Sprinklers and Standpipe
1. The 1st ECC shall connect a 3 1/2” line to the standpipe siamese and charge the system if____
2. A second line shall be stretched if :
- Any evidence of fire is present
- A. More than one line will be used from SP
B. Indications that the system is not receiving enough water volume or pressure
C. No Flow or High Flow reading
no flow indicates a valve is closed in the system riser valve
high flow indicates a pipe may have fractured or other outlet valves are open on the riser.