FFP Hi-Rise Office Building Flashcards
10-76 Transmitted when?
Any FIRE confirmed requiring the stretching & operating of 1 HL will necessitate use of “All Hands” in Hi Rise Class “E” Office Bldgs
Curtain Wall: Bearing or Non-Bearing
Elevator Machinery Room usually located _
Non-bearing: between piers/column to enclose structure, but NOT supported at each story
Top of shafts, but also found at bottom of elevator shafts
3rd Stage pumper can supply _GPM at _PSI
To ensure adequate water supply to standpipe supply with at least
3rd Stage 500 GPM @ 700 PSI “3-5-7”
At least 2 Eng & supply at least 2 Siamese (if only 1 Siamese- supply 1st fl hose outlet)
2nd Lad at Class “E” Office Bldgs
3rd Lad
Augment search & evacuation of fire floor
Search & Evac floor above fire
Lobby Control Unit duties
HR Office
Recall, Control, & operate all elevators.
Recall & search all elevator cars terminating at lobby. Control all bldg access routes. Help occupants exit. Ensure proper staffing of all elevators. Direct personnel correct elevators or stairs. Any duties deemed necessary by IC or Logistics Section Chief when staffed
_ Unit shall control bldg access points, ops of all elevators, staffing of elevators, & direct personnel & civilians to proper exits. HR Office
Lobby Control Unit
Stack Effect noticeable ___ feet
Positive stack effect increases as outside air _
Greatest possibility of Negative stack effect
over 60’ (positive moves upward)
Decreases in relation to temperature inside of building
Outside air above 90 F
Manual Fire alarms shall be located at _ & sound the alarm _
Which system will NOT recall elevators?
Escape paths of each story no more than 200’;
Sounds alarm on fire fl & fl above
NOTE: Bldg under 2008 Code will also alarm on floor below as well
After reporting in at ICP 3rd Lad assignment? HR Office
Floor above fire via stairs OTHER than Attack stair
1st Eng Remain at _ until 1st Lad verifies fire location
Who is communication link pending Fire Sector Supervisor
HR Office
ICP in lobby
2nd Eng Off takes Post radio & proceeds to vicinity of standpipe after reporting to ICP
Bldg Evac Supervisor: Fire safety NOT present in “E” office bldg occupied by less than ___ people above/below street fl or less than ___ people in entire building, employee trained by safety director will staff fire command
100; 500 people
Bldg type required to have fire towers HR Office
1938-1968. Some prior 1938 have fire towers
Characteristics of Hi-Pressure fittings
Hi-Pr Eng safety zone of at least _
Supply lines are connected on which side of Eng
Note: Hi-Pr pumping- NO FF’s at stairway for staging/rest area
White & noticeably heavier
50’ around working Eng in all directions
Side opposite control panel. 2 ECC’s needed; 1 operates & other listens to HT
Four Steps starting fire pumps via Control Panel
close Knife switch,
close Circuit breaker,
push Button,
Desired position “Knives Can Be Deadly”
PR > ___ PSI- requires high pressure pumping.
Remove everyone __’ on each side of HL using __” hose
> 250 PSI (31st fl);
3” Special Hi Pr hose (Utility ropes, stanchions, & warning tape). Supply line must be secured w/tether straps to both Eng & FD connection
Fire Sector/Branch location HR Office
Fire fl & fl above. Branch activated at 2nd alarm
Staging Area Location
Forward Triage Area
HR Office
Outside of structure for units to report in. Located away from bldg to avoid falling debris and falling glass
Environmentally safe location on a fl below FSA
Initially, what floors should be evacuated? HR Office
Fire Sector (fire floor & fl above)
SAE operate on which HT Channel
Secondary Tactical channel (Do Not communicate w/ICP unless urgent)
Engines shall bring __ to FSA
Lad shall bring __ to FSA
HR Office
Mask, Extra SCBA, Standpipe kit w/noz, & Hose per FF (MESH)
Mask, Extra SCBA, Ropes (utility) Two sets of FE tools & 6’ Hooks, Search rope (MERTHS)
Additional CFR Eng location HR Office
Additional CFR Eng may be assigned to SAE Group Supervisor if necessary
2 way communications between fire command station “WAMEE-P” HR Office
Warden fl stations, Air handling control room, Mechanical control center, Elevators, Elevator machinery room, Pump room- fire pumps
Do the Attack Stairs need a standpipe? HR Office
Yes (different than FPMD)
4th Lad primary searches HR Office
Top 5 floors; afterwards, upper floors of elevator bank serving fire floor and to initiate search of Attack Stairway pg 14
Can 2nd HL go to floor above fire HR Office
NO, (different than FPMD- fire auto-exposing)
4th Lad duties after reporting to ICP HR Office
With extra SCBA cylinder, take elevator to roof if blind shaft, otherwise, stairs other than attack to roof. No venting unless IC orders. Perform a primary search of top 5 floors
Bldg fire pumps shall be capable of delivering rated capacity at a Pr __ psi at highest floor hose outlet. Relief valve req’d at fire pump limiting pressure to ___psi
50 psi; 15 psi above that required to deliver its rated capacity at 50 psi to highest floor outlet
Eng Pump Pressures supplying standpipe HR Office
FL 1-10 150 PSI, 11-20 200 psi, 21-30 250 psi,
31-40 300 psi (High pressure pumping)
SAE Location HR Office
Floor NOT serviced by same bank of elevators as fire floor & at least 5 flrs above
After ops completed on floor above fire, where does 3rd Lad Off report? HR Office
Fire Sector Supervisor physically or via HT
Once fire floor determined, all HVAC NOT included in fire area shall activate _ HR Office
Supply fans- gives fresh outside air & pressures zones
Hi Rise Support Unit shall supply __ to FSA. HR Office
Spare SCBA cylinders to FSA or other areas of bldg where req’d; Special tools & equipment to areas of bldg as required by IC
Greater Alarm Units/Special Called units report HR Office
After 4th Lad, report to ICP or if staffed Lobby Control Unit. If Staging Area established report there (Go from outside 1st then to inside if staffed).
Two stairs built side-side in core of bldg w/doors exiting to opposite sides of core HR Office
Scissor Stairs
Bypass Valve should be in _ position; otherwise loss of _% in 8” risers & _% in 6” risers HR Office
Closed (stem in). Some engineers keep open for testing; 25% &
Natural vertical ventilation should occur _ in high rise office fires
Once fire is extinguished by opening top & bottom of stairway. Increase in stack effect equals assistance in smoke removal
1st Lad “SAFE”; only 1 floor plan- do you take it?
Status of elevators, Access stairs to fire fl, Fire location, Evacuation procedures; Do NOT take only copy
Bldgs w/fixed stairwell pressurization (should/should not) be augmented by PPF
Should NOT; enter into CIDS
Who determines Evacuation Stairs? HR Office
3rd Lad (3 & backwards E)
10-76 2nd Alarm Transmitted when?
Any visible fire/smoke emanating through exterior skin of building or serious fire verified in Class “E” Office Bldg
1968 Building code for Manual Pump vs 1938 (how many feet?)
1968 >300’;
1938 >250’
Engineers should operate, but may not always be there
CFR Eng Equipment & Assignment
FAST Unit assigned to
HR Office
CFR Equipment & FE tools; assigned to Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director
Fire Sector/Branch Director
3rd & 4th Eng Report
HR Office
Report to IC & take 2nd HL to fire floor
Non-circulating mode HVAC HR Office
Open Exhaust dampers,
Close Mixing Dampers,
Open outside air Supply dampers
_ transports equipment via elevator to Forward Staging Area & if no elevator via stairway HR Office
Hi Rise Support Unit
Forward Staging Area location
HR Office
2 floors below the original fire floor if there is adequate space to hold units & equipment in reserve, Units have ready access to Fire Sector/Branch and Attack Stairway, Hard wire communications to ICP, Reliable HT comm between FSA, Fire Sector, SAE, & ICP, & NON-IDLH
How many doors should be open to get greatest stack effect? HR Office
3- top & bottom of stairwell & street floor door
Units without specific orders shall bring _ to lobby area
HR Office
SCBA, rolled up lengths, & SCBA cylinder
Equipment at Fire Sector/Branch HR Office
NOTE: Leaders operate under supervisor; supervisor under Director
SCBA for all personnel, copy of floor plan, Post radio, Fire Sector/Branch Log
Difficulty found clearing attack stairs of occupants…who is notified? HR Office
1st Lad or Fire Sector Supervisor
Does 2nd Lad take their own elevator up? HR Office
Use 1st Lad elevator if possible (different than FPMD)
Activate 3rd Stage Pumping w/how many supply lines?
Only one 3” special Hi-Pressure supply line per Siamese
Non-fire Emergencies Emergency Action Plan- can elevators be used? HR Office
Yes recall allowed. Shelter in place, In bldg relocate, Partial & Full evacuation
1st Off establishes ICP: if he leaves then designates a FF (preferably) _ HR Office
LCC of 1st Lad. This member shall then note the Units entering & leaving the lobby and their destination
ICP Location at Hi Rise Office Bldgs
Minimum Units @ FSA; How many SCBA cylinders?
HR Office
At least 3E & 2L. SAE 1 unit for every 5 floors. At least 20 SCBA spare cylinders
3 types of Hi-Rise “E” bldgs
Pre-1945; 1945-1968; Post-1968
Who initiates search of attack stairway HR Office
4th Ladder p 14
Greater alarm Eng report _ HR Office HR Office
ICP or LCU; if SA est report there
Which initial alarm trucks report to the ICP? HR Office
All but the 1st Lad
All units to SAE shall bring _ HR Office
Spare SCBA (includes 4th Lad assigned there)
2 Pumps found side by side will be ___ position. They should be operated near same pressure HR Office
Parallel (each has own control panel- both used)
Smoke Detectors shut down ___ fans HR Office
Supply fans- return air fans may have to be shut manually
Define Mechanical Control Center
Location within a bldg where equipment is located for monitoring of bldg support systems. Limited ability to control some of bldg support systems. May or may not be located on same floor as MER
Search & Evacuation Group/Branch shall be established _
HR Office
Above the Fire Sector/Branch to control & coordinate all search & evacuation operations in that area
Construction type of Class “E” Office Bldgs
Fireproof or Non-combustible
The processing of air in HVACs for Class “E’s” is usually done where?
On the floors of the building where the mechanical equipment rooms (MER) are located
All HVAC systems in the bldg that have not been automatically shut down shall be manually shut down. This includes _ HR Office
Both the supply & return fans. After fire floor adequately determined, all HVAC zones that do NOT include fire area shall have their supply fans activated.
Fusible links should have a temperature rating approximately _F above the maximum temperature that would normally be encountered with the system in operation or shut down HR Office
Approximately 50 degrees F above
Strategic Operating Plan of Class “E” bldgs listed in order of importance
Determine specific fire floor if possible,
Verify fire floor, simultaneously or ASAP begin controlling Evacuation,
Gain control of bldg systems,
Confine & Extinguish fire
Who shall search and evacuate the floor above the fire at Hi Rise Office buildings?
3rd Ladder
If occupants are evacuating down a staircase, can that staircase be used to operate a Hose line? HR Office
A hose line shall NOT be operated from a staircase until it has been cleared of bldg occupants
2nd HL may be used to _ HR Office
Reinforce the position of 1st line,
Protect position of 1st line,
Protect Search & Evacuation of fire floor, &
Contain & Confine fire spread &/or prevent fire from wrapping around core & endangering operation of 1st line
HI Rise Class E bldgs: All horizontal ventilation tactics shall be controlled, communicated, & coordinated by _
Units under the command of the SAE Group Supervisor shall operate on channel _ HR Office
Secondary tactical channel. Shall NOT communicate with ICP unless urgent
The Forward Staging Area provides logistical support to all the resources assigned to _ HR Office
Fire Sector/Branch &/or SAE Group
Hi Rise Support Unit shall be utilized to transport equipment via elevator to _ HR Office
Forward Staging Area. If elevators cannot be used, manage to transport equipment & supplies via stairways
Systems Control Unit duties HR Office
Control Class E communication systems- HVAC functioning
Can Positive Pressure Ventilation Fans be used in Hi Rise Class E bldgs?
Yes if the the bldg does NOT have a fixed stairwell pressurization system, or the system is OOS
In Hi Rise Class E bldgs: _ ventilation should be the last consideration as its effects are least likely to be beneficial
Horizontal ventilation
Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director location: HR Office
Proximity to Units operating within the Fire Sector/Branch, usually the floor below the fire
The Fire Command Station will have an info display unit capable of monitoring various systems in order of priority. What is the top priority? HR Office
Manual fire alarm
Who shall ensure that the ICP is staffed by an FD member
HR Office
First Ladder prior to leaving lobby
Due to HVAC & Stack Effect, smoke can permeate the entire zone (up to _ floors) HR Office
Up to 25 floors
Who shall select the attack stairway? HR Office
1st Ladder shall determine location of fire on the floor and select a stairway with a standpipe that will provide best attack on the fire
Who shall determine the number of stairways serving the fire floor and floor above HR Office
3rd Ladder
Unit w/suffix “L” vs “Y”
“L” Lobby Control Unit;
“Y” System Control Unit
3rd Lad at a Class E Hi rise fire: Incorrect
A. All members used an elevator operated by the 1st Ladder Company’s OV FF
B. After arriving 2 flrs below fire flr, they proceeded to the flr above the fire via the evacuation stairway
C. Examined all stairways except the attack stairway for occupants & smoke, as search of the attack stairway is 2nd Ladder’s responsibility
D. They determined which stairway would best be used by occupants for evacuation and advise the ICP
C Examine ALL stairways for occupants and smoke conditions
Building’s fire pumps shall be capable of delivering their rated capacity at a pressure of: HR Office
A) 15 psi at any floor hose outlet
B) 50 psi at any floor hose outlet
C) 15 psi at the highest floor hose outlet
D) 50 psi at the highest floor hose outlet
Incorrect? (6.3.6) HR Office
A) At least 3 Eng & 2 Lad shall be at the Fwd Staging Area for immediate support of the Fire Sector/Branch
B) The SAE Group will require at least one unit for every 5 floors to be covered
C) A supply of at least 10 spare SCBA cylinders shall be maintained at the Fwd Staging Area
D) High-Rise Support Unit shall be used to supply special tools & equipment to areas of the bldg as directed by IC
C 20
All Officers need to know how to place the HVAC systems in the non-circulating mode- Correct
A. Opening all inside air supply dampers.
B. Closing all exhaust dampers.
C. Opening all outside air supply dampers.
D. Opening all mixing dampers.
All HVAC systems shall be placed in non-circulating mode: A. Opening all outside air supply dampers.
B. Closing all mixing dampers.
C. Opening all exhaust dampers.
HVAC detector activated on 28th floor of Bldg Under Construction under 2008 Bldg Code. Correct
A. Fireman Service elevators were automatically recalled
B. Fire alarm signal sounding on only 27 & 28th flrs
C. HVAC air supply into & return air from 28th fl should have stopped
D. Pressurizing fans in stair enclosures will have been deactivated
A HVAC system will NOT recall elevators
B Bldg built under 2008 Bldg code: will sound fire alarm on fire floor, floor above, AND FLOOR BELOW
D ACTIVATE air exhaust fans & dampers in the smoke shaft or the pressurizing fans in the stair enclosure
2nd Alarm Eng arriving on 10-76 second alarm fire where no Staging Area has be est yet shall report to the ICP in the lobby or if staffed _
A. Resource Unit Leader B. Lobby Control Unit
C. Planning Chief D. Comm Unit Leader
B 9.6.1
Incorrect regarding Hi Rise Office systems
A: Most high-rise buildings have two pumps side by side which are connected in the parallel position.
B: Near each fire pump is a standpipe phone providing direct communication with the Incident Command Post.
C: It is never permissible to start the pump as ordered without first checking the bypass valve.
D: When a building is equipped with two manual fire pumps, as is the case in most high-rise buildings, each pump will have its own control panel.
C. Sect 4.1.2.E - It is permissible to start the pump as ordered without checking the bypass valve.
A. Sect 4.1.8.C - Pump capacity is usually 750 gpm. Most high-rise buildings have two pumps side by side which are connected in the parallel position.
B. Near each fire pump is a standpipe phone providing direct communication with the Incident Command Post.
D. Bldg equipped with 2 manual fire pumps, as is the case in most high-rise buildings, each pump will have its own control panel. Both pumps shall be started and used.
Hi Rise Off Bldg fire, the 3rd & 4th Eng shall team to do all of the following except?
A: Reinforce and protect the position of the second line.
B: Protect the search and evacuation of the fire floor.
C: Contain and confine fire spread and/or prevent fire wrapping around the core.
D: Report to the IC.
A Sect 9.5.1 The third and fourth arriving engine companies shall Reinforce and protect the position of the FIRST line.
B. Protect the search & evacuation of the fire flr.
C. Contain & confine fire spread &/or prevent fire wrapping around the core & endangering operation of 1st HL
D. Report to the IC.
HVAC system is divided into 3 subsystems. Incorrect
A. Processing equipment
B. Supply of process air to floors of the bldg
C. Return of air from the floors to be reprocessed
D. Fire control equipment, including fire dampers and smoke detectors
D 3.2.2
Note: Processing of air is usually done on the floors of the bldg where the MER are located
Strategic Operating Plan for fires in Hi Rise Office Bldg
1. Verify fire floor
2. Simultaneously, or ASAP begin process of evacuation
3. Confine & Extinguish fire
4. Determine the fire floor
5. Gain control of bldg systems (HVAC, elevators, comm)
Correct order of importance
A. 4, 1, 2, 5, 3
B. 4, 1, 2, 3, 5
A (5.1.1)
Fill in HT Channel Hi Rise Office A. 1st-3rd Lad _ B. 4th Lad _ C. IC Chief & Aide _ D. Fire Sector Chief & Aide _ E. SAE Group Chief & Aide _ F. Staging Area Chief & Aide _
A. 1st-3rd Lad= Primary Tactical
B. 4th Lad= Initially Primary Tactical, then switch to Secondary Tactical AFTER est of SAE Group
C. IC= Chief Command ch; Aide Primary Tactical
D. Fire Sector= Chief Primary Tactical; Aide Command
E. SAE= Chief Secondary Tactical; Aide Command
F. SA= Chief Command; Aide Primary Tactical
The member charged with est the ICP at a fire in a Hi
Rise Off bldg is
A. 1st BC on initial alarm
B. 1st LCC
C. Off of either Eng or Lad company assigned 1st due on the alarm assignment
D. 1st arriving Off
D (6.3.4). If he/she leaves the ICP before the arrival of a Chief Off, he/she shall designate a member staff the ICP, preferably the Chauffeur of 1st arriving Ladder
Lad 20 has just operated as the 3rd Lad at a 10-76. Once relieved from fire ops they should report to which Chief Off A. ICP B. FSA C. Fire Sector/Branch D. Resource Unit Leader
C (figure 14). When ops are completed on fl above the fire, Off shall report to Fire Sector Supervisor/Branch Director either physically or via HT
If 3rd Lad has difficulty clearing the Attack stairway of occupants, who should they notify to withhold attack until the occupants have been safely removed (2 correct)
HR Office
A. 1st Arriving Engine
B. 1st Arriving Ladder
D. Fire Sector Supervisor/Fire Branch Director
B & D
8.5 B7
The EAP provides for a Fire Safety/EAP Brigade which consists of all of the following except? A: EAP Director B: Director of Security C: Chief Engineer D: Building Manager
A High-Rise Office
Add 1 Sect 2.2
The EAP provides for a Fire Safety/EAP Brigade which consists of the Building Manager, Chief Engineer and Director of Security.
Correct in regards to HVAC at Hi Rise Office
A. Determine status of all HVAC systems in bldg. Any system that has not been automatically shut down shall be manually shut down
B. In some systems, the smoke detectors only shut down the return fans & allow the supply air fans to remain operating. the supply fans will have to shut down manually
C. Only HVAC systems affecting the fire area shall be placed in a non-circulating mode by: opening all outside air supply dampers, closing all mixing damper, opening all exhaust dampers
D. After the fire floor has been adequately determined, all HVAC zones that do not include the fire area shall have their supply & returns fans activated
B. Some systems S/D only shut down supply fans & allow return air fans to remain operating. Return fans will have to be shut manually
C. All HVAC shall be placed in non-circulating mode. After fire fl determined, HVAC zones that do NOT include the fire area shall have their supply fans activated
D. SUPPLY fans only will be activated to supply fresh outside air to these zones, pressurizing these zones & limiting spread of smoke.