FFP Under River Tubes Flashcards
Tube construction features:
Cylindrical in shape constructed of brick, concrete, or tubular cast iron. 14-19’ wide & usually only large enough to contain 1 track
Drainage trough found _ Under River Tubes
Between running rails: creates a tripping hazard
T/F Most tubes have access to adjacent tubes throughout the underwater area
Under River tubes are (wider/narrower) than under ground tunnels
False: NO access
Where are air flows found in tubes?
Most times the location of last emergency exit & last crossover to adjacent tube is found _ Under River Tubes
At ends of tube only. Disabled train in tube will impede air flow
Tunnel to tube transition
(Concrete/Metal) stairs are often steeper in Emergency Exit stairways Under River Tubes
Metal- have open threads
T/F All Under River standpipes in NYCT system are wet & standpipes are city-main fed. There are NO pumps to augment pressure
Siamese is Under River tubes are usually located _
At Emergency Exits closet to river
What can be used to pinpoint the location of incidents at Under River rails
What can be used to provide an approx location of an incident in Under River tubes
Operational Guide “B” side _ provide a means to estimate distance of incident
Standpipe outlet numbers (every 200’)
Standpipe numbers (sequential)
Column numbers- estimate distance to an exit or station
20 lb dry chem extinguishers are located at _ Under River Tubes
Power removal boxes approx every 600’
EED are located at _ in Under River tubes
vs _ in Stations
Keys for EED located _
Both ends of each under river tube at base of emergency exits.
Stations: 1st Blue light south of station on SB track
Token Booths
Nolan Rail Cart is assembled _
at track level by members
Do Emergency exits have repeater antennas & repeater coverage Under River Tubes?
Most do NOT. HT relay on tactical channel will be used
Can Blue light phones be used to call outside the system
No, but can receive calls from outside system
Initial actions of units at Under River rail emergencies
Focus on assisting self-evacuating passengers
What shall be done if passengers are self-evacuating out of emergency exits Under River Tubes
Notify Dispatcher of emergency exit opened & request power off on affected tracks
Initial Command Post location Under River Tubes
At station closest to the tunnel in borough of 1st assigned DC
If Ventilation fans are being used, evacuate passengers _ Under River Tubes
Away from any fan operated in exhaust mode (may not be possible in Under River Tunnel)
If an IED is suspected, do NOT allow HT or cell phone use within _’ Under River Tubes
150’ of incident
Victim Removal order at Under River Rail Emergencies
Ambulatory Victims, Non-Ambulatory Red tag, Non-Amb Yellow tag (delayed), Victims requiring Disentanglement/Extrication Red tag (immediate), Victims requiring Dis/Ext Yellow tag, & Black tag
Primary method for moving patients & equipment Under River Tubes
Rail carts on tracks
Additional equipment Units shall have inside under river tubes
APR adapters & canisters to protect eyes & respiratory tract. Engines shall include CFR equipment w/SKEDs & backboards
What will NOT be deactivated by routine requests for power removal in Under River rails
1000 Volt lines throughout tubes at ceiling level
How shall passengers evacuate in Under River tubes
Along space outside of running rails, opposite 3rd rail (3rd rail may alternate sides)
2 1/2” Outlets are located very _’ throughout under river tubes vs Section Valves every _’ Under River Tubes
200’; 600’
The most common crossover configuration Under River Tubes
Crossover at track level- makes it easy to board/leave a train
Incorrect communication procedure
A) HT relay remains the basic means of communication in the subway system. Augment as necessary.
B) Breaks between subway repeater zones often occur inside under river tubes. At present, members inside the tube on opposite sides of the break will not be able to communicate with each other.
C) For max repeater coverage, the IC should ensure that a member operating on the repeater ch is at street level in a position at the closest station on both sides of the river.
D) Members operating at street level on opposite sides of tunnel should relay important messages across the river.
E) At present, there are repeater antennas at most emergency exits, and repeater coverage inside most emergency exit stairways.
E At present, there are no repeater antennas at most emergency exits, and no repeater coverage inside most emergency exit stairways. A HT relay on the tactical channel shall be used
The best location for the Command Post at an incident in an under river rail choose the incorrect
A) Communication capability between the Command Post and the under river tube.
B) Protection from smoke, hazardous materials and excessive noise (upwind and a safe distance from the ventilation system exhaust fans).
C) Sufficient room for representatives from numerous agencies.
D) In most cases, the initial Command Post will be located at the station closest to the tunnel, in the borough of the first assigned Battalion Chief.
D 1st Division chief
Please choose the correct
A) All under river standpipes in the NYCT system are dry.
B) Standpipes are city-main fed. There are also pumps to augment pressure.
C) Siamese are usually located at the emergency exits closest to the river. In all cases, check the sign attached to the siamese to ensure that the correct system is supplied.
D) 2-1⁄2 inch outlets are located every 600 feet throughout under river tubes.
E) Section valves are located approximately 200 feet apart.
A = All under river standpipes in the NYCT system are wet, B= Standpipes are city-main fed. There are no pumps to augment pressure, D = 2-1⁄2 inch outlets are located every 200 feet throughout under river tubes, E= Section valves are located approximately 600 feet apart.
Choose the incorrect
A) At underground and grade level stations, the EED is located at the first Blue Light location south of the southbound platform (typically within 50 feet of the platform end).
B) At elevated stations, the EED will be located in the area of the full time token booth.
C) An EED is located at the top of the emergency exit, at both ends of each under river tunnel.
D) Keys to remove EEDs from their mounting brackets are available at every token booth.
C Base of emergency exit
Choose the incorrect
A) Operation of the vent system must be coordinated with the movement of personnel.
B) Determine the best side from which to enter & exhaust the smoke in the opposite direction. It may be necessary to withdraw members from the opposite end of the tube.
C) If SCBA will be needed at the incident location, consider operating the ventilation system to create a clear area near the point of operations, where storage and replacement of SCBA cylinders can take place.
D) Consider 1-hour cylinders. Request the response of the SOC Rebreather System.
C = If SCBA will be needed at the incident location, the ventilation system MUST be operated to create a clear area near the point of operations, where storage and replacement of SCBA cylinders can take place.
IC must designate a Safety Coordinator at an incident in an under river rail. If a separate branch exists on each side of the incident, designate a Safety Coordinator for each branch. The IC should also assign which units listed below to each branch? A) EMS B) FAST Unit C) CFR-D Engine D) All of the above.
Answer: D = Note: Safety Coordinator = Safety Officer, they are basically one in the same
Choose incorrect Under River Tube
A) If contact has been made with the train, determine if passengers can be sheltered in place on the train. If so, consult with the TA Train-master about leaving power on and providing a rescue train on the affected track.
B) If there is any indication that civilians are on the track, power removal must be requested in the affected tube.
C) If a FF in the tube operates the power removal box, make immediate notification to the train-master via the emergency phone. Also, notify the IC who shall relay info to the borough dispatcher.
D) If passengers and/or FFs are in the adj tube, request power removal. Before the adj tube is searched & secured, the IC may request a “Rescue Train” be routed through this tube, in which case the power would have to be restored.
D = If passengers and/or firefighters are in the adjacent tube, request power removal. AFTER the adjacent tube is searched and secured, the IC may request a “Rescue Train” be routed through this tube, in which case the power would have to be restored.
Incorrect for initial rescue actions Under River Tubes?
A) Consult the Emergency Exit Guide Book or Operational Guide to verify that ops are being conducted at the correct emergency exit.
B) Open exit door and assess the situation; presence of smoke, haze, odors, meter results, presence of unusual sounds (explosions, persons in tunnel or exit shaft, water flow indicating ruptured standpipe or damage to tube), people heard or observed in exit stairwell.
C) Assist/guide non-ambulatory persons to a safe location.
D) Inform dispatcher which emergency exit you opened. If passengers are self- evacuating, request power-off on the affected track(s).
Answer: C = Assist/guide AMBULATORY persons to a safe location.
Most under river tubes are between 14 and 19 feet wide, which is only large enough to contain one track. According to FDNY’s FFP Under River Rail Operations Manual, where should FDNY personnel and evacuating passengers walk when in the tube?
A. Catwalk
B. Benchwall
C. The space outside of the running rails
D. Between the running rails
C Opposite 3rd rail
Correct point made about tunnel construction
A. Most tubes contain 2 tracks.
B. All under river tunnels are bored into the rock well below the water’s surface.
C. Most tubes have a horizontal exit to the adjacent tube mid-river.
D. Under River Tubes are narrower than under ground tunnels.
A. Most contain 1 track. (FFP Under River 2.2.1)
B. The 63rd St Tunnel is laid on top of the river bed. (.2.1)
C. FALSE FFP Under River 2.2.1
Victim Removal Relay Teams may be used to remove what type of victims? A. Passengers fleeing the scene B. Deceased C. Non-ambulatory D. Ambulatory
Incorrect Under River Tubes
A: All under river standpipes in the NYCT system are wet.
B: There are no pumps to augment pressure in the standpipes.
C: 2 1/2” standpipe outlets are located every 200 feet throughout the under river tubes.
D: Sound powered phone jacks are located at the standpipe section valves (exception: Joralemon Tube).
D. Sound powered phone jacks are located at the standpipe OUTLETS every 200’ (exception: Joralemon Tube).
Under River Rail Operations (2.7.1)
Under River Rail Operations correct for extended operations into a tunnel with a distance up to _ feet from the point of entry, the IC would consider using SOC units with their supplied air cart and hose. A. 300 B. 400 C. 500 D. 1000
A. For extended operations into a tunnel with a distance of up to 300 feet from the point of entry, consider using SOC units with their supplied air cart and hose. Under River Rail Operations 8.3.2
Least correct Under River Tubes?
A: Most tubes have no access to the adjacent tube throughout the underwater areas
B: Under river tubes are narrower than underground tunnels
C: Distances vary from 850 feet to 1 mile
D: The only openings for air flow are at the ends of the tube
C Distances vary from 650 feet to 1 mile
Incorrect Under River Tubes
A: If there is a fire situation, use the FT-2 nozzle.
B: In addition to SCBA and spare cylinders, all units ordered to operate inside under river tubes shall be equipped with APR adapters and canisters.
C: Victim Removal Relay Teams are the primary method for moving ambulatory patients and equipment.
D: Glow Sticks will provide light without extra heat or noise. When activated, glow sticks will provide up to 12 hours of illumination.
C. Rail Carts are the primary method for moving patients and equipment. Under River Rail (7.3.3)
Victim Removal Relay Teams may be used to remove non-ambulatory victims. (7.3.1)
Derailed subway car midway between Brooklyn and Manhattan in an under river rail tube. The IC has ordered you to assist with moving non-ambulatory victims and equipment. You should know that which choice below is considered the primary method for achieving these tasks? A: Rail carts B: Sked stretchers C: Victim Removal Relay Teams D: A Rescue Train
A Under River Rail Operations (7.3.3)
Incorrect construction feature Under River Tubes
A. Tubes are cylindrical in shape & are constructed of brick, concrete, or tubular cast iron
B. Some case iron tubes are lined w/concrete. Tube walls are 1 & 1 1/2’ thick
C. Most tubes were bored into solid bedrock but a few tubes run through composites of clay, sand, & silt
D. Most tubes are between 14 & 19’ wide, which is only wide enough to contain 1 track
B 2 & 2 1/2’ thick walls 2.2.1
T/F Under River Tubes: Have the victims walk outside the rails, on the side opposite the 3rd rail, towards an exit near a fan operating in the supply mode
Post Radio in Under River Tubes- do not use in immediate vicinity of 1. Signals 2. Communications equipment 3. Train Operator cabs 4. Blue light telephones A. 1, 2 B. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3
D 2.9.6
ICP for Under River Tubes
A. At station closest to the tunnel, in the borough of the 1st assigned DC
B. At the station closest to the tunnel, in the borough of 1st assigned BC
C. At the tunnel to tube transition area, in the borough of the 1st assigned DC
D. At the tunnel to tube transition area, in the borough of 1st assigned BC
A (4.4)