Ladders 3 OLT Flashcards
OLT Characteristics
3-7 stories, 20-25’ wide, 50-85’ deep, Interior stairs to cellar (may have been removed), & limited fire stopping
Who ensures entry doors to tenements chocked open
1st LCC & 1st OV duties are complimentary when _
1st Ladder Officer
Fire Apt & Fire Escape are located in front of bldg
If 1st LCC is aware that 2nd Lad is NOT I/S or will NOT arrive in a reasonable time, he shall _
Team up with another FF to get above fire via AL or PL
Remove Occupants w/AL 1st before positioning to roof if “FELT”
Fire/smoke in immediate vicinity of occupant, Emotional state of victim,
Location & severity of fire,
Time element
OV tools for top floor fire
Saw & Halligan tool (No Hook)
Roof FF Priority Access to Roof at OLT
Can Interior stairs of OLT be used to access roof
Adjoining bldg, AL, Rear Fire Escape (Front fire escapes Don’t give access to roof)
The 1st Due OV is Venting for Search. He received permission to vent from the fire escape from the 1st due Lad Off. Who shall he team up with prior to entering if fire escape is in the front vs rear of bldg
Only a rear fire escape (RR apt) or fire apt is in rear- OV & Roof FF (or other member) shall team up;
Front fire escape AND fire apt is in front, OV & LCC (or other available member) shall team up & enter fire apt from fire escape
Duties of 1st Roof FF
Confirm way off roof as soon as reaching roof. Conduct a size up of roof for available vertical ventilation points including a visual survey of exterior of bldg. Look for any life hazard & reassess vent profile of fire conditions. Communicate finding w/Off
A FF caught in the public hall while moving from rear-front when the door to fire apt is opened below should _
Drop to floor & slide/roll to nearest wall to avoid rising column of heat & flame. He may also have to breach a wall between front & rear apt
1st Lad is a TL w/NO front fire escape in OLT. Variation OV
Variation of Roof FF
OV operates as Basket FF for Ventilation
Roof FF- Off may request roof to vent fire apt from fire escape After completion of roof vent. If VEIS performed, team up with 2nd Roof FF or other available member
2nd FE team at OLT fire position
Door of apt directly over fire apt. Must ensure Officers on fire fl are aware of intentions on going to fl above. Force 1/more doors on each floor to provide area of refuge
Prior to 2nd Lad going to fl above consider “AFLAC”
Availability of water, Fire location/severity, Line placement, Area of refuge, Control of fire apt door
T/F In OLT: Adjoining apt on floor above fire may be more severely exposed than apt directly over fire apt
2nd Can FF tools for top fl fires in OLT
True Due to construction of OLT
Two 6’ Hooks in lieu of Can (CR Rowframes)
2nd LCC at OLT fires
2nd OV at OLT fires
Front of fire bldg. If NOT needed go to above fire if teamed w/2nd OV or another FF
Search for victims & fire ext on all flrs above fire teamed up. Vent from exterior after receiving permission
2nd Roof FF Top Fl fires in OLT tools
Saw & 6’ Halligan hook. Assist 1st Roof FF on venting roof as ordered & commence opening w/saw if req’d. Assist venting top fl windows from roof level as ordered
2nd FE Team at Top fl/Cockloft fires OLT
Assist 1st Lad in entry & search of all top fl apts
2nd LCC Top fl fire OLT position
Front of fire bldg, if NOT needed proceed to roof. Assist 1st Lad company w/laddering if req’d, Assist in vertical & horizontal vent as ordered, And other duties as directed by Off
When a cellar fire exposes a dumbwaiter, what must be done
All floors above must be checked for fire extension
What should members operating in fire bldg or exposed bldg do at Shaft Fires
Reduce hazard by closing windows on the shaft & remove drapes, shades, curtains around these windows. While awaiting HL, FF may apply water w/pots & pans & use fire escapes in line for access to other apts as opposed to forcing doors on several floors
How shall Eng extinguish fires in shafts of OLT
After controlling fire in the room exposing the shaft, direct noz stream into the shaft & control shaft fire before continuing through apt for final extinguishment
2nd LCC at shaft fire OLT
2nd OV
2nd Roof
Position rig to cover exposed bldg. If NOT needed in fire bldg, available for work in exposed bldg.
Same for 2nd OV & 2nd Roof FF
Fire in a Dumbwaiter- what’s important & needs to be checked ASAP
If fire is reported in the dumbwaiter shaft, can the Roof FF vent the dumbwaiter shaft
Top fl, cockloft, & cellar. All Units must be immediately notified of dumbwaiter fire
Yes the Roof FF should vent the dumbwaiter bulkhead if fire is in dumbwaiter shaft
OLT w/4 windows per floor & NO fire escape indicates 2 RR flats w/rear fire escape. Exception:
Corner bldgs (Absence of rear fire escapes is Major Concern & Must be relayed immediately)
Can a Cornice be opened for smoke
Under NO conditions should cornice be opened for smoke. It can be examined by opening ceiling below or opening returns if present
A rapidly rising column smoke with particles or embers ascending to higher levels, visible from roof top of bldg frequently is an indication that fire is _
In an Open Shaft. Due to shaft area & heat created, readily distinguished from that rising from a chimney
What must be included in secondary searches
Entire perimeter of bldg & all shafts, basements/cellars, etc. If primary or secondary searches delayed- IC must be notified
When a fire is burning in a top fl apt, it’s not efficient to wait until fire is “knocked down” before examining cockloft. What shall be done?
Early inspection made by going to a room adjacent to fire (in same or adjoining apt) & opening observation hole in that ceiling
If fire is observed in an inspection hole burning in cockloft, what shall be done?
Hole should NOT be expanded until a charged HL has been positioned. While waiting for HL Vent all windows in apt & make sure roof vent hole being cut directly above fire
Underneath Roof covering is roof sheathing. Roof sheathing is placed at _
Preference tool order of going through common partition as Escape route “HA-HA”
Right angles to beams & generally run front to rear
HAlligan- Hook- Axe.
Start low- slightly below waist level
Fire Partitions in OLT:
Not fire stopped between ceiling of 1 fl & under side of fl above. Permits lateral extension across bldg & heavy smoke condition in apt NOT directly over fire apt.
If fire is found in a bay, what shall be opened
Cutting fl in OLT w/Axe
That bay & both adjoining bays opened for exam
Cut fl at 60 degree angle & on bias (easier than cutting across the grain)
Materials thrown out window “UNOPENS”
no material UNnecessariy thrown Onto roof of bldg, Post FF always, Examine yard before discarding, no material on Narrow shafts or Setbacks
To reduce water damage excess water may be channeled into _
Waistlines, dumbwaiter shafts, etc. Prevent water flowing down through bldg (No waterproof areas in OLT)
Define Backdraft
When a fire takes place within a confined space & consumes most of available O2, the heat within the space may continue to produce flammable gases which are heated above their ignition temp. Once O2 introduced & mixed w/flammable gases, an explosive event (deflagration) causes gases to ignite w/explosive force
Define Ventilation
Controlled & coordinated removal of heat & smoke from a structure. Exchange of air is bi-directional w/heat & smoke exhausting at top & air flowing in towards fire at bottom. Fire will pull add’l air flow into bldg towards fire which can intensify fire conditions.
A priority when entering a structure through an opening such as a door or window is _
Upon entering the area, close the door to that room/area in order to isolate that area being searched from the fire area. Control the flow path
Define Ventilation Induced Flashover
Flashover initiated by intro of O2 into a pre-heated, fuel rich, O2 deficient area. More prevalent in modern content fires.
Define Ventilation Profile
Appearance of fire bldgs vent points showing the flow paths of heat & smoke out of the structure as well as any air movement into the structure.
Define Known Life Hazard
Victim can be seen by rescuer, heard by rescuer, or member has info from a credible source or person at scene indicating the location of the life hazard
Define Enclosed Shaft
Shaft that is open at top and bound by bldg wall on all sides
2nd Ladder is responsible for what floors in a lower floor fire in a tenement
All floors above the fire floor for search, removal, ventilation, and to check for fire extension
How does the 1st Ladder Inside Team maintain control of fire apt door
Leave 1 member of FE team at the door. Lad Off shall notify IC & Eng Off of location of fire apt & when entering to search for location of fire
Ventilation tactics must be controlled, communicated to, & coordinated by Lad Off inside fire area to be vented. Before ordering any horizontal or initial vertical vent the Off must _
Evaluate the impact the ventilation tactic will have on interior conditions. Ensure door control at fire area entrance and location of hoseline and any delays with the stretch. Be aware of all potential ventilation points within the structure or fire area
1st LCC: Prior to conducting any horizontal ventilation tactics from the exterior, shall _
Request permission from Lad Off. Rig shall be positioned for complete coverage & immediate use. If unable to attain this position notify Lad Off & IC
What does OV do after he proceeds to roof w/his tools
If possible descend fire escape & provide coordinated ventilation w/interior operations. VEIS will be completed if OV teams up w/2nd OV. If unable to descend notify Lad Off & attempt coordinated vent of fire apt from roof, & then assist Roof FF w/roof vent
When shall 1st Roof FF perform vertical ventilation of the bulkhead
Unless addressing a known life hazard, upon hearing radio transmissions that interior team has door control on fire fl, or charged HL is advancing into fire apt, Roof FF shall IMMEDIATELY proceed to bulkhead & perform vertical ventilation. If tenable probe immediate bulkhead area for victims
If the 1st Roof FF does NOT hear the inside team gain control of fire floor door and does not hear a charge HL advancing into the fire floor, what shall Roof FF do?
Do initial size & survey of ext of bldg from roof. Then proceed to bulkhead door. Once prepared to vent, notify Off. If Off does NOT want vent, do NOT vent. However, Roof FF can force open bulkhead door & if tenable probe for victims & immed close & control door until Off orders Vertical vent
What if a Roof FF has forced open a bulkhead door to check for victims, and now he cannot close the bulkhead door to limit flow path
Immediately notify Lad Off inside the fire area to be searched.
Can the Roof FF perform vertical ventilation without direct communication from the Lad Off
Yes: Upon hearing radio transmission that interior team has door control of fire floor OR a charged HL is advancing into fire apt.
Vertical ventilation includes _
Opening the bulkhead door and skylight, or scuttle & roof level skylight (including roof level skylight draft stop) over interior stairs
When the fire is in the front of the bldg & there are 3 or 4 apts on a floor, who shall the Roof FF team up with after roof ventilation
The OV & LCC will be teamed up in the front of the bldg, so the Roof FF can team up w/2nd Roof FF to VEIS flrs above the fire using the rear fire escape. Pay particular attention to top floor, especially hallways.
What is done if Membrane Roofs are encountered
IC must be notified & a line is req’d to protect members on the roof
Metal gates found on fire escape will always be found on _
Room side of window. Attack at side opposite locking device (if severely exposed removal may be on lock side)
Which of the following types of ventilation shall be controlled, communicated, & coordinated with the interior operations: Venting or removing skylights & probing where necessary, Venting windows from above, and Venting from fire escape
All need to be directed by Ladder Company Officer
Large quantity of black smoke (burning tar) observed over roof may indicate fire _
Near top of bldg, namely top fl fire, cockloft fire, stair bulkhead, or fire on roof
If you cannot gain entry to Safe area on fl above fire & attack line is in position & ready to advance- what must be done
Immediately return to fire fl before door to fire area is opened. Must NOT delay start of fire extinguishment
2nd Ladder company Primary searches include _
All floors above the fire. 1st Lad is responsible for primary of fire floor
If after forcing open a door to the fire area, the inside team finds conditions too severe to enter, what is done?
Probe area with a hand or tool, then close door (Do NOT lock it). Once Eng has a charged HL, immediately crawl in behind Eng to search & vent all rooms
Ventilation for Extinguishment: The FF on the exterior waiting to perform horizontal vent for extinguishment of immediate fire area shall listen for _
Eng Off notification to ECC to start water, and Notification from Eng Off to IC that they are applying water on the fire. Before venting the window, this FF MUST receive approval from Lad Off
Vent for Extinguishment: Lad Off gives approval for exterior FF to VEIS window. Which windows does this apply to?
The window or windows in immediate fire area ONLY. Any additional horizontal ventilation tactics must be communicated w/& coordinated by Lad Off in area prior to performing such ventilation
T/F Lad Off shall be notified every time a search team enters from the exterior to conduct a search for a known life hazard or when they are entering to conduct standard search procedures
True Lad Off shall acknowledge the report & take appropriate action to assist & support any rescue operation. Lad Off may have quicker access from interior & disapprove entry to limit any negative impact caused by add’l ventilation.
An exterior FF has been granted permission to VEIS. Upon completion of clearing the window & before entering, what must be done
Reassess the smoke & heat condition to determine if area is still tenable since a new flow path has been created. If access prevented, immediately notify Lad Off. If tenable probe area for victims
After venting a window from the exterior, what is a priority upon entering
Isolating the area by closing the door to the room and stopping the flow path.
If after entering a room from the exterior a victim is found, what is done
Immediately transmit 10-45, include your location and planned exit route. Off & IC shall take necessary action to support rescue effort.
When shall windows directly exposed to fire across shafts or directly over the fire be opened?
Should NOT be opened until exposing fire is controlled either by partial or complete extinguishment, or by having a charged HL at these ext points. It may be necessary to close windows & remove drapes, curtains, etc
Once the Roof FF has performed any ventilation tactics they should communicate _ to their Off
The impact on the ventilation profile of the fire.
When breaking through a common partition wall, you want to start low. Punch a hole slightly below _;
Once lath off on far side of bay, use the _ method to quickly move through opening
Waist level. Best results when opposite side kept intact until near side is completely removed;
Swim move or Reduced Profile Maneuver
Steel columns & beams can be found in NLT or OLT. Boxed out areas around steel column create a natural void. If a boxed out protrusion on a wall contains a steel column & was involved in fire, then examine _
The entire length of this void will have to be examined. Particularly its highest point, the cockloft, will have to be inspected. Also, burning embers can easily drop down this void & start a fire on lower flrs
2nd OV Top fl fire OLT- 1st OV already vented fire apt, 2nd OV will vent adjoining apt after receiving permission. How shall this position be reached?
Via Fire Escape from below
Incorrect 2nd Lad at top flr fire
A. FE team to top fl to assist 1st Lad to search all top fl apts. Permits 6 FF (2 Off & 4 FFs)
B. Roof FF to roof w/saw. Assist 1st Roof on venting & saw ops. Vent top fl windows from roof when ordered
C. OV- vent fire apt from fire escape. Request permission from 2nd Lad Off
D. LCC- front of bldg. If not needed here, proceed to roof
C 2nd OV shall get permission from 1st Lad Off. If fire apt window venting not needed, vent adjoining apt asking for permission first, and teaming up prior to entering if IDLH
Incorrect Dumbwaiter fires OLT
A. 1st & 2nd Lad assgmt the same-all units must be immed notified of dumbwaiter fire
B. Important that top fl, cockloft, & cellar are checked ASAP
C. If heavy smoke is venting out of a dumbwaiter bulkhead, the Roof should inform his Off
D. If fire is reported in dumbwaiter shaft, the Roof FF should vent the dumbwaiter bulkhead after obtaining permission from his Off
E. If after venting, Roof does not see any appreciable vol of smoke venting, notify Off. May have an obstruction in shaft
D No permission needed to vent dumbwaiter bulkhead
T/F When momentarily blinded by smoke or darkness, & there is immediate danger to the FF, it may be best for the member to remain in place until visibility is restored
False- When there is NO Immediate danger
Incorrect 2nd ladder top fl fire
A) Roof FF- to roof with saw. Assist 1st Roof FF on venting roof as ordered & open with saw if required. Assist venting top flr windows from roof level as ordered.
B) OV- vent fire apt from the FE. Prior to conducting any horizontal vent tactics from the ext, 2nd OV shall request permission from 2nd Lad Off to coordinate vent w/interior ops.
C) If 1st OV has already vented the fire apt, then 2nd OV will vent the adj apt as ordered. If entering any apt to search, they shall team up with each other (or an available member).
D) LCC- IFO bldg. If not needed here, proceeds to the roof
C Permission from 1st Lad Off (Ladders 3, section 3.5.1)
Rapidly rising column of smoke, with particles or embers ascending to higher levels, visible over the roof top of the building, frequently is an indication that the fire is _ A) in an open shaft B) in the cockloft C) in the stair bulkhead D) on the roof
A (Ladders 3, section 5.4.3)
Large quantities of black smoke (burning tar) observed over the roof of a building may be an indication of fire located, correctly in which choice(s) A) On the top floor fire B) In the cockloft C) In the stair bulkhead D) On the roof E) In an open shaft
A-D (Ladders 3, section 5.4.3)
A) Emotional state of the occupant - An agitated, frightened occ or one threatening to jump should be removed first.
B) Fire/Smoke in immed vicinity of the occupant- Consider providing attn if occupant would be endangered or seriously disturbed by any delay in his/her removal.
C) Location & severity of fire- Rear 1st flr fire will not normally require immed removal of occupants from 3rd, 4th, or higher floors IFO the bldg. Conversely, fire on upper flrs rarely requires removal ops on lower flrs.
D) Time Element- AL needed both for removal & roof access, roof access can be given priority if the person to be removed is in no immed danger. If any doubt exists remove the occupant 1st
B = Fire/Smoke in the immediate vicinity of the occupant - The occupant MUST receive instant attention if he/she would be endangered or seriously disturbed by any delay in his/her removal.
Top fl fire OLT incorrect
A. 1st Roof FF took LSR, 6’ Halligan hook & Halligan to roof. He began cutting roof after initial roof duties
B. 1st OV took saw & Halligan to roof. He attempted to descend fire escape to provide vent of fire apt
C. 2nd Roof proceeded to roof with saw & 6’ Halligan hook & assisted 1st Roof with vent of top flr windows & roof
D. 2nd OV took rear fire escape from below to top floor. Because 1st OV already vented fire apt, he ventured adj apt
E. 2nd LCC because he was not needed in front of bldg, proceeded to top floor with 6’ hook to assist his Off in opening up ceilings in adj apt
E if not needed IFO bldg proceed to roof. Assist 1st Lad with laddering if req’d, assist in vertical & horizontal vent as ordered, & other duties as directed by Co Off
Opening windows from a fire escape using the halligan tool Correct
A: use the fork end of the halligan at the center of the window sill and push down
B: use the fork end of the halligan at the center of the window sill and push up
C: use the adz end of the halligan at the center of the window sill and push up
D: use the adz end of the halligan at the center of the window sill and push down
1st fl fire in an OLT incorrect
A: Entry doors at street level shall not be chocked open until a charged hoseline is entering the building due to the possibility of a wind impacted event
B: Notify the IC and Eng Off of the location of fire apt and when you enter to search for the location of the fire
C: Vent tactics must be controlled, communicated to and coordinated by the Lad Off inside the fire area to be vented
D: Communicate the location of the fire, fire conditions or difficulty finding the fire to the Engine Officer or IC
A. Ensure that entry doors at street level are chocked open, to enable the stretching of hand lines or access by other members. Tenements 3.2.1, 2
B. 3.2.1, 4
C. 3.2.1, 6
D. 3.2.1, 6, 5th bullet
Correct regarding searches at an OLT?
A: Primary searches are an immediate search for life. Although not thorough, the primary search is rapid and systematic
B: A thorough search is required on only the two floors above the fire floor in an Old Law Tenement
C: The Secondary search is a thorough and painstakingly complete search which must include the entire perimeter of the building, basements/cellars, and only enclosed shafts
D: If for any reason a thorough search of an area has not been completed, the FF’s Off must be informed and a carefully executed follow-up search shall be initiated
A. The primary search is rapid but thorough and systematic.
Tenements 5.5.1
B. ALL floors above 5.5.2
C. ALL shafts 5.5.2
Units operating at a heavy fire on the 2nd floor of an OLT should be aware that which member(s) are responsible for the control of the door to the fire apartment?
A: 1st due Engine Officer
B: 1st due Ladder Officer
C: A member of the inside team designated by the Ladder Officer
D: The Engine and Ladder Company Officers operating on the fire floor
D. Tenements 5.5.9 Note
Note: The Engine and Ladder Company Officers operating on the fire floor must make the units above aware of any conditions affecting their safety. These Officers are responsible for the control of the door to the fire apartment.
Which of the following assignments would not be correct when operating at a shaft fire in an old law tenement?
A: The engine company, after controlling fire in a room exposing the shaft, must direct the nozzle stream into the shaft and control the shaft fire before continuing through the apartment for final extinguishment.
B: 2nd LCC will position the rig to cover the exposed building.
C: The exposed building must be handled without detracting from our initial concentration of all the floors in the fire building.
D: 1st Roof FF will operate on the roof of the fire building.
C. 4.2 - The exposed building must be handled without detracting from our initial concentration on the two critical floors (fire floor and floor above) in the fire building.