Safety Bulletin 7 Flashcards
There are three injury Classifications what are they?
- Service connected medical leave
- Remainder of the tour
- Minor injury
T/F The Medical Officer must be notified via FDOC for all injuries
True: Only Medical Officer can assign the injury classification
Minor injury is determined by the on duty Medical Officer. A minor injury (does/does not) require the member to be granted the remainder of the tour or be granted medical leave
Does NOT
List Minor injuries “MRS FM ML”
M- Mild conjunctivitis
R- Removed foreign body from eye
S- Small abrasions
F- First degree burns
M- Minor sprains/strains with no swelling or discoloration
M- Minor contusions
L- Lacerations, not requiring sutures
If a FF is granted ML- does he still get CFR & Chauffeur pay if he’s driving that tour
Who fills out CD72 for Officer injuries
NO - differential pay ends when ML is granted
Anyone above the rank of FF will prepare their own injury/exposure report in CIRS
Bio Exposure: bloodborne, airborne, or infectious pathogen (bodily fluid).
Does Medical Office require notification if no symptoms?
Medical Office notification required with or without symptoms for Bio exposures (MUST be entered IMMEDIATELY)
List injuries that are NOT minor “SCABS”
Shortness of breath, Chest pain, Any injury w/fainting, blackout, loss of memory, Burns other than 1st degree, Sprain/Strains w/swelling or discoloration
Non-Bio Exposure: Is Medical Office notification required?
Medical Office notification required only for symptoms w/Non-bio exposure
The FDID # must be included when Supervisors initiate an inj/exp report. If the injury/exp occurred at a non-response enter _
All “9”s in 16 digit space & provide address/cross streets of inj Ex. Address IFO hydrant, address of training academy, firehouse.
(CR: use five “9’s” entering odometer reading when getting gas for tools- max 5 gal per week)
Illnesses not related to an exposure that prevent a FF from continuing duty such as food poisoning/flu (do/do not) need to be recorded into CIRS
Do NOT need to be recorded in CIRS; however, Medical Office must be notfied. (Injury/Bio Exp require supervisor to notify Medical officer via FDOC)
When can an Inj/Exp report be initiated by the Officer
Once the Medical Officer enters the info into CIRS (this is the reason notifications must be made)
All injuries sustained in quarters require the OOD to notify _
Admin BC
Supervisor may submit Group Reporting for _
Identical Non-bio exp of members who do NOT exhibit symptoms (any member NOT assigned to that unit must be entered separately)
All available inj/exp info must be initiated & submitted no later than _ from the date of inj/exp with or without the members signature &/or narrative
Within 7 days: If not within 7 days the inj/exp cannot be entered into CIRS. A CIRS-1 report will have to be forwarded via Ch of Command to Chief of Safety
Log & Summary Occupational Inj & Illness (SH-900 & SH-900.1) record all injuries & illnesses incurred by members. The summary report shall be posted
February 1st to April 30 showing previous years inj/illnesses. (Supervisor no longer req’d to record SH-900 in Office Record Jrl- CIRS records)
All levels of Command shall access CIRS (how often)
Daily to provide any req’d review/recommendation
T/F Electronic notification to Bureau of Ops & Safety Cmd done automatically for burn/smoke/heat exhaustion injury report
Who is responsible for Multiple Member Injuries Report
Off working tour when injuries occurred (if on ML complete upon return to FD, otherwise, if >30 days a regularly assigned Off will complete). Capt reviews & forwards via Ch of Cmd to Ch of Ops (no Capt- Regular Off)
Once an injured FF has reviewed & confirmed accuracy of Inj/exp report- they shall enter _ to signify info is correct
Reference Number & Date of Birth
How many copies of inj/exp report are printed
2 Copies: 1 for personnel folder & other for UFS where members was working that tour
*** detailed or covering members shall have a copy of their Injury/Exposure report forwarded to their assigned unit
Within _ days from inj/exp modifications to reports replace original submission
Within 7 days: after 7 days saved as amendments
Insect infestation would require which report
Non-bio Exp report: no need to call Medical office if no injuries/symptoms showing
If a member exhibits symptoms from a biological or non-biological exposure, what reports must be filled out
Both an Injury Report & Exposure report must be completed
Medical Off must be notified in which situations
A. All injuries- Service connected, remainder of tour, & minor injuries
B. All biological exp- with or without symptoms
C. All non-biological exp- with or without symptoms
D. All illnesses- unrelated to an exposure (food poisoning) that occur on duty
C with symptoms; D prevents member from continuing on duty
Multiple member injury report must be forwarded to:
A. Chief of Ops whenever 2/more members suffer injuries at same incident, whether ML req’d or not
B. Chief of Ops whenever 3/more members suffer injuries at same incident whether ML req’d or not
C. Chief of Ops whenever 3/more members suffer injuries at same incident resulting in ML
D. Chief of Safety whenever 3/more members suffer injuries at same incident resulting in ML
All levels of command shall access the Computerized Injury/Exposure Reporting System (CIRS) _ to provide any required review/recommendations. A) every tour B) daily C) weekly D) monthly
B (Safety Bulletin 7, section 6.1)
CIRS report missing a member’s signature and/or narrative is not a reason to return for clarification.
(Safety Bulletin 7, section 6.2.1)
A) Agree or D) Disagree
A = Note: Completed CIRS reports may be missing a member’s signature and/or narrative. Reviewer shall forward reports that are missing member’s signature and/or narrative, if satisfied with all other information, by selecting “Save and Approve”.
Incorrect CIRS procedure from the list below?
A) All available injury/exposure information must be initiated and submitted no later than 7 days from the date of the injury/exposure with or without the member’s signature and/or narrative.
B) Any injury/exposure reports that are not initiated & submitted within 7 days from the date of the injury or exp cannot be entered into CIRS. If this occurs, the Supervisor is required to forward a CIRS-1 report, available on the Intranet, through the Ch of Cmd to the Ch of Ops with an explanation of the circumstances.
B Chief of Safety (Safety Bulletin 7, section 4.1)
Any injury/exposure reports that are not initiated and submitted within \_\_ days from the date on the injury/exposure cannot be entered into CIRS. If this occurs, the Supervisor is required to forward a CIRS-1 report, through the chain of command to the \_\_ with an explanation of the circumstances. A. 7, Chief of Operations B. 7, Chief of Safety C. 10, Chief of Operations D. 10, Chief of Safety
Correct CIRS procedures:
A) All injuries sustained in quarters require the officer on duty to notify the administrative BC
B) Within 7 days from the date of the injury/exposure, modifications to the report replace the original submission, and the report will continue to be categorized as original.
C) After 7 days from the date of the injury/exposure, all modifications to the report will be saved as amendments.
D) Multiple amendments are made during a calendar day, only the last submitted amend will be permanently saved.
E) Amendments made on separate days will be saved separately with the appropriate date.
All correct (Safety Bulletin 7, section 4.3 to 4.5)
Incorrect 3/more injuries requiring ML?
A) Bureau of Ops will email the unit’s Borough Cmd a template requesting certain basic & detailed info. Borough will forward the report to unit via the chain of command.
B) Off working during the tour when the injuries occurred will be responsible for the report.
C) If the officer is on leave, he shall prepare the report ASAP upon return to work. If leave extends more than 30 days, a regularly assigned Off shall complete the report.
D) Once report is completed, Co Cmdr shall review & add meaningful comments & suggestions that will help provide for the future safety of his/her members.
E) Company Commanders shall forward the report via chain of command to the Chief of Safety.
F) Chief’s are responsible to ensure that Co Cmdr include meaningful comments and suggestions to the report.
E Ch of Ops (Safety Bulletin 7 add 2, section 2.1)
A. 3 injury classifications: only Service Connected ML is designated as Medical Leave
B. Non-Bio exp without symptoms would require Medical Off notification
C. Medical Off must be notified via FDOC of all injuries
D. Illnesses not related to an exposure that prevent a member from continuing on duty do not need to be recorded in CIRS; however, the Med Off must be notified
Choose correct
A. Supervisors are req’d to access CIRS each tour
B. Bio Exp without symptoms would not require Med Off notification
C. Injury Report and an Exposure Report shall be prepared if symptoms of an injury or illness are related to an exposure
D. Bio exp must be entered in CIRS no later than 7 days from date of exposure
T/F Group Reporting may be submitted for identical non-bio exposures of members who do not exhibit symptoms. To submit this report it’s req’d that all members had the same non-biological exposure & are assigned to same unit
To collect data for events with multiple injuries, Chief of Ops requires a report when _
3 or more members suffer injuries at the same incident from the same unit resulting in medical leave
Incorrect regarding Injury/Exp reports
A. All available injury/exposure info must be initiated & submitted no later than 7 days from date of injury
B. Injury/Exp reports may not be submitted without the member’s signature &/or narrative
C. If an Inj/Exp report is not initiated & submitted within 7 days, the Supervisor must fwd a CIRS-1 report via Ch of Cmd to Chief of Safety
D. Bio exp must be entered into CIRS immediately to ensure appropriate exp investigation & follow up
B Inj/Exp report info must be initiated & submitted no later than 7 days from date of inj/exp with or without member’s signature &/or narrative