Communications Ch 11 + add Flashcards
Difference between “Beacon” & Emergency Alert Tone
Beacon is tone from transmitting radio of FF who depressed EAB; Emergency Alert Tone is heard on “receiving radios”
When are Emergency Alert Tones heard?
Immediately when EAB activated & 2nd tone automatically 10 seconds after initial tone (there are exceptions to 2nd tone being heard 10 sec later)
What would prevent 2nd Emergency Alert Tone to be heard?
FF who activated EAB presses PTT button within 10 seconds, there’s radio activity at the instant the radio attempts to send 2nd tone (radio will postpone until no activity on channel), & FF who initiated resets EAB
What has priority: “Beacon” or received audio?
Beacon: will interrupt any incoming audio on radio transmitting the emergency in order to sound at regular intervals until reset
What if a FF accidentally activates EAB?
Must immediately notify IC, cancel emergency & reset EAB by depressing & holding button approx 2 sec or radio on & off
When HT’s are sent for repair, how should they be sent?
Sent complete- radio, antennae, battery, & external remote microphone w/defect & Co # recorded on tag. Leather goods (cases & straps) should not be sent unless they need repair
Which channels are 2 Watt vs 5 Watt?
Tactical Ch 1 & 3 are 2-Watt; All other channels are 5 Watt
If a Unit is not assigned to operate under a sector/group supervisor/director, that unit will report to _
Directly to Command on Tactical Channel, unless otherwise notified
Are HT radios intrinsically safe?
When PTT is depressed an electronic ID signal is transmitted. The processing time is approx _ for this signal
Yes & Non-incendive w/specific batteries
1/4 of sec
Engraved on the side of HT radio is the company # & assigned position. What is the position numbers for 4 FF Eng, 5 FF Eng, & Lad Cos
4 FF Eng; Off 01, ECC 02, Noz 03, BU 04, Cont 05, Spare 06
5 FF Eng: Same as 4FF Eng, except Door is 06
Lad: Off 01; LCC 02, Roof 03, OV 04; FE 05; Can 06
No member shall operate on other than primary tactical Ch w/o authorization of _ or _
What should you do if you find a bldg w/communication difficulties such as hospitals & dense bldgs?
IC or designated Resource Unit Leader
Enter into CIDS
2 Watt HT last approx ___ hrs. 5 Watt=
Chirp = __ capacity
2W= 4-5 hrs; 5W= 2-3 hrs
5-10% 5 letters in the word “Chirp”
Exchanged batteries from depot must be charged for a min of __ before using
What shall be inspected on each battery change to determine reconditioning?
14 hours
Color coded sticker w/date due back to Radio Shops
Electronic ID will remain on LCD screen of Model III radio for _ or _
Anytime an assigned Co radio is placed OOS the OOD must _
7 seconds or until any member w/in receiving range presses their PTT
Record defect in Co & Office Jrl & immediately notify Division Radio Depot to get a replacement
Upon receipt of a spare HT radio, OOD must
Notify BC, record ID # engraved on side of spare in Co & Office Record Jrl, Update BF-4 w/spare radio’s engraved ID #
7 Digit Internal Code for Eng & Lad HT: What do the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th digits denote?
What about the last 3 digits?
(2, 3, 4): The Company Number;
(5, 6, 7) The radio # & riding positions
What Unit is 7136-101 & 7136-102?
Select Lad have assigned Rapid Response Vehicles (RRV) w/2 HT’s assigned (Blackouts/Major Emergency). The 5th digit ID RRV & 7th digit indicates HT 1 or 2:
7136-102 is Lad 136 RRV HT 2
Which Channel on HT is used for Interoperability w/NYPD & can 10-codes be used on this Ch?
Will all radios on Ch 13 hear the emergency alert tone?
Channel 13; Use plain English & refrain from using 10-codes
EAT is audible only on FDNY HT
If Tac “U” Channel is activated, shall all units switch over to Channel 13?
The EMS/Fire Interoperability (IO) frequency is _
No- all units remain on Primary Tactical Channel, unless specifically instructed to switch to another channel
Channel 10 (some Voluntary hospital portable radios use either Ch 10 or 16)
EMS/Fire IO frequency shall be utilized on Segment _ assignments for contact between CFR Eng & EMS
Which FF is designated FD/EMS contact FF?
All segment 1, 2, 3 assignments
Off shall instruct a FF to contact EMS on the HT- switch upon arrival at CFR-D location.
How long does the designated FF stay on Ch 10 to communicate w/EMS
Until CFR-D Company leaves the scene
Can the HT be worn over the bunker coat
No: reduce damage to unit & protect it from adverse weather by wearing under coat
Are emergency tones volume sent out proportionally to volume of HT?
No- heard at Max volume regardless of receiving radio’s vol setting
Are the HTs waterproof?
No- water resistant to effects of temporary submersion. Should not be subject to unwarranted/casual submersion outside of firefighting activities
Units assigned to sectors/groups after a command channel has been implemented shall communicate w/assigned sector/group supervisor on _ channel
Tactical Ch- Units must be notified of ID of supervisor they are assigned to
FF in Emergency Alert Mode is told to switch channels- will the Beacon carryover to the new Ch?
Yes, except Ch 9 Digital Channel
Which position is titled different for Rescue when compared to Ladder Companies for Roll Calls?
Rescue Hook (used in lieu of OV); Ex. Rescue 1 Hook= 1001004
Each Internal Code shall be 7 digits w/the 1st digit representing (Roses Sent Early Friday Earn Someones Love Saturday & Sunday)
Rescue, Staff/division/battalion, EMS, Future, Engine, Spare, Ladder, Squad, Special Unit
Battery use disrupted for ____ is considered unsafe
more than 2 weeks
Ch 4-8 designated _
Secondary Command or Tertiary Tactical
How often does Beacon go off?
Every 4 seconds until reset
What is the time for Time-Out-Timer on HT
Cuts off transmitter after 30 sec of continuous transmission w/short audible warning tone approx 26 sec
HT transmissions= Flashing Green, Steady Red, Flashing Red (explain)
Green- too low to transmit but reception possible; Steady Red- Good transmitting radio; Flashing Red- low battery
Door Position Extra HT assigned to 4FF Eng: Units are prohibited from using unless
Awaiting delivery of a spare HT from a depot,
Supply at HT depot is depleted, or
Working in a 5FF Eng.
Most correct?
A. HT’s shall be left on upon return to quarters
B. Radios that chirp have approximately 5-10% of their full charge battery capacity remaining with battery power just above the power threshold for transmitting a 5 watt emergency alert
C. Batteries need to be used & charged on a regular basis. If disrupted more than 2 days (48 hours), charging capacity will be greatly diminished
D. If battery removal is too difficult, use a flat-head screwdriver to gently detach the battery
B. *Such batteries shall be replaced immediately, or as soon as possible. Comm 11 Add 1 1
A. Turn OFF upon return to quarters to extend battery life
C. If disrupted for more than 2 WEEKS, charging capacity will be greatly diminished
D. Refrain from using screwdrivers/tools to detach battery from radio. If battery removal is too difficult, the entire HT with battery shall be placed OOS
Choose the 2 correct
A. 1st incident in a borough where a 10-75 signal has been transmitted will have priority use of Ch 1 (Primary Tactical)
B. 1st Off of an ensuing incident in the same area will determine if and when the secondary tactical channel must be used
C. If Secondary Ch is used, IC must inform Dispatcher via Dept radio
D. Primary & Secondary tactical channels may both be used at the same incident
A= escalates to 7-5
Color coded sticker containing the date that battery is due back to radio shops for reconditioning- Off shall inspect & take a mark in company jrl in regard to inspection A. Daily B. Weekly C. Monthly D. 1st day of the month on 9X6 tour
Note: shall be checked each time battery is changed
HT OOS, Off notifies Div Depot for replacement & records defect in Co & Off Record Jrls. Incorrect upon receipt
A. Notify Admin Div
B. Record ID# on side of radio in Co Jrl
C. Record ID# on side of radio in Office Record Jrl
D. Update BF-4 with spare radio’s engraved ID #
A Notify Admin BC
Incorrect for HT batteries
A. HT batteries should be replaced with one that has a steady green LED light showing on the battery charger
B. HT placed directly on charger should be placed on such chargers in the ON position
C. Fully discharged batteries are “rapid charged” in 1 hr
D. Exchanged batteries received from Radio Depot must be left on charger for a minimum of 14 hrs prior to using
B OFF position
Utilizing Dept Motorola HT correct
A. EAB can be activated by holding it for approx 2 sec
B. If a member has a stuck button problem, a continuous tone will be heard from the remote mic speaker at 26 sec indicating transmitter has been shut off
C. To insure a complete transmission is heard, a member should depress PTT button, taking a 1 sec pause prior to speaking
D. HT Ch 1 & 3 transmit at 2 watts, while all others transmit at 5 watts. Transmission wattage decreases as HT battery drains
D Comm 11 pg 11-12